Crescent Bound (28 page)

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Authors: Karli Rush

Tags: #Fantasy, #Romance

BOOK: Crescent Bound
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I’m thinking
Then I remember I saw him at the food court not too long ago,
Great, what next? 
She misses me as I shift and I roll low to the ground.  I guess
that since she insistently aims
for my
face with her flames, I should
stay low.  When she misses me again she turns and starts hitting my car with fire. Ok
, now I’m pissed.  Standing up, I face her head on and yell, “Do it again and let’s just see what happens, bitch.” She turns both of her blazing hands and shoots out an inferno at my
That stupid witch,
I raise my hands out, calling my ice element to me.  I feel the ice creeping rapidly up through my spine and through my entire body.  Pulsating in my veins, my ice flashes out of my palms and I form an ice wall around my car.

That stops her, but she immediately looks over at me with more anger than she had before.  She shifts to my left and I move to my right while shooting ice daggers into her fireballs.  When my ice daggers hit her fireballs they explode into a hissing mist between us. 

In the middle of this, Lisa shifts next to me, with concern and mouths the words, “What the hell?”

Without a second thought I shoot out a wall of thick ice in front of her. The flaming witch continues throwing fireballs at me.  I swirl both hands in front of me collecting my ice and blast my ice daggers back.

I’m finally able to shift away and form another ice wall between us.  She moves closer, directing her fire right into the wall trying to melt it.  We can see each other through the clear sheet of ice.  The image is a little distorted, but I can see her bright green eyes and radiating red hair.

She forces everything she possibly has into a line of fire, utterly determined to penetrate her way through the ice.  I notice Lisa shifting behind me and I glance back at her, shaking my head in warning.  I don’t want Lisa to get hurt and then Dawson, Marc
and Megan shift beside Lisa.

I swiftly shift to my right and hope the walking inferno doesn’t notice just yet.  It only leaves me a split second of time to work.
Kneeling down, I touch
directly on the ground, pulling energy from the earth and connecting everything I can into the ice.  Ice
flows effortlessly from my fingertips as my veins
rise up from the ice co
ursing within my body.  It pulsates
from my
and fingers
down to the ground.  I’m watching the ice race
across the parking lot diametrically
to her feet with absolute lightning speed.  I look up in time to see it travel up her legs, freezing her where she stands.

She turns to aim at me, and I see the flaming blow
torch heading my way. A huge ten foot tall icy wall form
s right in front of me.  Marc stands
beside me now, but he quickly shifts behind her and shoots his hands out, the ice flowing from him is much faster and thicker.  He imprisons her within his icy w
alls, surrounding her
.  He
shifts back to me, holding out his hand
, and helping me to

“You okay?” He asks
looking in my eyes more than listening to my words.

“Yeah, I’m fine,
” I
reply shaking
my hands
from the
shards of ice
the remnants
across the ground.

shifts out of the fray a split second after he gets Lisa to shift.  His first concern is always Lisa, making sure his lifemate is safe.  I am glad for it too. 

ng around, my eyes stop on Megan, as she struts
up to me, propping her arm on my shoulder
and inquires
, “So, who’s your new friend, Aly
ssa?” She then hands me a towel,
“You have something on your face.”

Just then David shifts next to me and I can feel Marc’s energy rise as his ice begins to flow again.  David looks at me, then at the redheaded girl enclosed in the impenetrable ice prison.

“Naomi?”  David looks undeniably dumbfounded as he walks over to where she stands.  He places his hands on the stone cold ice wall.  Naomi does the same and together their hands flame intensely trying to melt the ice.

rc paces over to David and dissuades him,
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, it won’t work anyway.  You know she just
tried to fry Alyssa.  I mean it David,
don’t try to let her out.”

“Let me t
alk to her,” is all David mumbles
as he turns back to Naomi and begins speaking through the ice wall.  “Hey, she won’t be a problem anymore, okay?
You have my word.

Marc walks to the other side and hits the wall with one simple blow from his fist.  At first all you can see is a small crack, then the entire wall gives way and ice plummets to the ground. 

I head to the office because I need to regroup.  I’m extremely vexed about the damages done to my car.  I have no clue who this girl is, and then to find out she’s with David.

Lisa appears next to me again and asks, “Are you
sure you’re

“I’m okay, but tell
to get that bluey bitch off t
he premises immediately.”  She
nods and instantly goes to
to relay my message.  I am in front of the door to the office when David appears in front of me, blocking the door. Marc protectively moves closer, wrapping his arm around me. 

I give David a hard look and point my finger in his face.  “Don’t David, you need to leave now.” David actually reaches out and touches my face gently trying to wipe away some of t
he blood I didn’t get
off. Within my next astonished breath, Marc slams David into the door and has his hand around David’s neck.

Marc’s voice changes into a deep threatening tone as he speaks to David, “If you ever touch her again, I’ll freeze you solid and shatter you into a million pieces.”

I place my hand on Marc’s icy arm.  Marc hesitates and I wonder if he will stop this or not.  He slowly moves his ice covered death grip a
way from David’s neck and I slide my hand
down to his. 

David shifts behind us, “I’m sorry Alyssa, I had no idea, and I’ll pay for the damages.”

“That’s not what I want from you,” I say in a cold tone that even surprises me.

“What do you want?” David asks.

“I want you and that girl to leave the track and never come back.  My father will not be pleased about any of this and knowing my dad, he will do something to make sure nothing like this happens again, do you understand?”

David looks down as if realizing for the first time what really happened here tonight and then he shifts away.  I walk into the office and everyone in there just stares at me.

Megan a
ppears with one hand on her hip, and broadcasts, “
What is everyone waiting for, round two?”

Taking the hint, without saying a word, everyone goes back to doing whatever they were doing before the fire and ice show.

“Megan, I’m going to the bathroom to clean up.”  She hands me a small piece of denim material.  I look at her in confusion and ask, “What is this?”

She sadly says, “Your jacket, sorry babe, that’s all that’s left of it.” I almost smile; she seems more upset over destroyed designer clothing than anything else.  She shrugs her s
houlders and wipes a fake
and walks on out.

I run some water over my face and start to examine the small cut right on the hairline of my forehead.  It’s funny how cuts like this can bleed out so bad.  I get the alcohol wipes down when Marc comes in, “How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine, just a little pissed about how things came out tonight,” I an
swer as I wipe the last trace
of blood off my face.  He turns me toward him, lifts me up on the counter and takes the alcohol wipes as he gently cleans the cut on my forehead.

“We make a pretty prodigious team, don’t you think?”  He asks as he looks me over.  Throwing the wipe away he says
“My ice girl.

me gently on

“My ice man,” I reply before he gently starts pulling my shirt up over my head.

“Let me see your back
” I scoot
over more in front of the mirror so he can see it. My skin looks fine, no burns whatsoever.  I reach for my shirt as I feel his hands move along my back down to my crescent.  His fingers outlining the shape, then his hands move up to the front and I begin to tremble at his touch.  He unhooks my lacey bra from the front and lays it with my shirt. 

Leaning down he kisses my nipples.  My entire body comes alive, I crave desperately for his touch and lustful kisses.  I arch my back more to him and let out a moan. His other hand caresses over my other nipple teasingly.  My heart is beating faster and fa
ster, to the point I think
it might
burst. I run my fingers through his hair pulling him closer to me.

And, Megan bangs on the door
and yells loud enough to wake the dead,
“Hey, are we going to close this joint down or what?
”  I lean my forehead to his and smile at him. He takes his fingers and delicately caresses my face.

“I love you,” He says as I reach over and put my bra and shirt back on.

Sliding off the counter I wrap my arms aroun
d his neck by tiptoeing and say,
“I love you too.”

We walk back out of the bathroom and begin closing everything up.  I check the office once more, turn the lights out and lock the door. 
makes sure the track is closed down and locks up the garages.  No cars are left except ours.  Mine stands out like a ridiculous sore thumb.  The entire passenger side is charred; the paint is cracked and bubbled up.   The window is shattered out completely. Megan and Lisa “Air out” the broken glass from inside the car.  I look at everyone and shrug, “Maybe its time I get a new paint job?”

Lisa replies, “All you need is a new window and just have the door repainted, that’s all.”

Megan holds her hand out to me and I look at her questioningly, as she grins, “Give me your iPod and your
, I think I found your new theme
” Hesitating for a second
, I
then hand
them both over.  After exactly sixty seconds, she hands them back.

I look down and glare back at her, “
Break the Ice
Come on you’ve have to be
kidding, right?  You’re actually serious?”

She laughs, shrugging her shoulders, “Hey, it

s all I have to work with on such short notice tonight.”

We drive the
back to my house.  I walk Marc to his car and kiss him goodnight.  My father and mother are on their way home when I called them and explained what happened after

“Alyssa, we are on our way.  I want all the details once I get there.”  I know he will pursue this.  He’ll start with registrations from last night.  I am sure he wants to know which coven she is from or she may be a lone witch.
A rebel without a clue,
and if that’s the case it will be my father’s top priority to handle this.

Witches usually stay in covens, it

s better protection, we are stronger when we are together, and covens are like a family.  So
if there is a lone witch without coven ties, it can be a real problem.  Our oath is to harm none, but if one of us is having issues controlling themselves then the coven intervenes.  A lone witch that has no coven will more than likely lose control.



Chapter 20



My father already contacted David to find out more about Naomi by the time they arrive home.

David told my father that he met her in
right after we ended our relationship.  He also said she was from the Willowshire coven from
.  Things didn’t quite work out for them and he broke it off months ago. Once he moved here, he hadn’t had any contact with her. He met with her again at a recent event at the Arcane.  She told him she wasn’t with her coven anymore.  He really didn’t think much about it, but she did say she planned to attend the Arcane. 

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