Read Crescent Bound Online

Authors: Karli Rush

Tags: #Fantasy, #Romance

Crescent Bound (44 page)

BOOK: Crescent Bound
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His unyielding arms still embracing my waist, now, he

s grinning at me,

What are you doing Alyssa?

  I look around him at the spot we were a second ago, then glancing back at him.

How are you shifting with me?


Because we

re crescent bound.

  Looking into his smoldering eyes, I render in his arms, no longer wanting to resist him, I know Marc is my
and I know I have to be completely open with him. 

Pressing my head against the wall, I let out

My dream had taken me to a surreal winter type realm where I almost drowned in a pool of black water.

  Trying to choose the ri
ght words to explain I continue,

David never left my side, at one point, I was so weak and sick I stayed in bed for days.  That

s where David would lay down in the same bed and watch over me while I slept.  I think he would fall asleep too and apparently, when I

m in my dreaming state,

close to me will slip through as well.


I close my eyes remembering the darkness and the coldness that enveloped me which makes me shutter.  I can sense my own body suddenly shifting, I wasn

t thinking about shifting in that moment and then Marc

s ethereal mist swirls around me and a second later I

m on Marc

s bed.  He

s on top enclosing me in his arms tenderly.  Damn, he just shifted both of
again I

m mesmerized by him.  Being able to shift someone else is almost never heard of, even for very powerful and ancient witches. 

He casts a
once-over look down at me and says with regard,

He saved you?

With sincerity in my eyes,
I answer,


  He leans closer as his sweet breath warm my lips, and his kiss steals my stigma away.  I feel like this kiss is his way of saying,
I understand and


He glides his seduction down my neck, but stops for a second and whispers with a husky tone,

Did he touch you?

  I open my eyes and try to raise his head, but he won

t move away.  He isn

t caressing me with his kisses either.  I feel the tension rise
and his
body tense, as he waits for my answer. 

No, David and I were not intimate.

  I grasp Marc

s face, turning so he will look at me this

Our eyes meet, no words are
spoken.  Deep within our eyes lie
our souls
, exposed,
for the other to see.  I feel his pain, and he, mine.  Our connection, our love for each other becomes more resolute.

I love you so much.

e rushes
the words out before he starts beckoning me with his soft
lips. I slowly welcome the luring endeavor.  Just barely a
rush o
f our lips touch and the magick
of this
entices me to explore him more.  My hands venture up and down his back, gently pressing him into me. 

His kiss becomes hungry as he gently bites my bottom lip, tracing my mouth with his tongue.  Releasing my supple flesh from his carnivorous hold he moves back smiling.

My heart accelerates as his hand gr
ips my belt and begins leisurely
unbuckling it. The zi
pping motion of the belt slips
through the
captures my immediate attention as Marc tosses the belt to t
he side with a secretive grin
he dissuades


t move.

I lay on my side being as still as possible and watch him pull out a silk black tie from his bureau. 
, now you have my mind racing wildly with wicked thoughts.

As he walks back towards me I smile innocently

hy sir
, do
tell what you have in mind with that?

sing my best Mae West accent. 

Giving me a sideways grin,

ell my darling,
I have captured you and it will be a slow and torturous

  He winks as h
gives me his best Cary Grant i
mpression.  I laugh as he leans over blindfolding me. 

A blindfold, ok

m thinking.
I better not find any pictures of this
ext he uses my belt.  Wrapping it around my hands above my head, skillfully though
he makes sure

not too tight. 

I can

t see a thing, and now
I can

t even touch him.
, this will be real torture
I suck
in a breath and then his depraving, sul
try lips just barely touch mine, t
easingly at first, then provokingly beckoning my lips once again.  His hands move down my neck sensually, caressing.  I feel the slightest graze of his fingertips roam over my body. 

Indulging himself even more his smooth lips devour my nipples one by one.  I ache for him to stay exactly where he is and never move.  I almost breathe out a whimpering sigh of disappointment as his lips abandoned me, but in my next lingering breath I feel him continuing down my stomach.

Suddenly, I sense him slide my jeans down my legs. Now I lay almost completely au naturel before him, as his fingers trace enticingly along the lace on my black panties.  A heated rush soars within me, and I sense his eyes taking in
every minuscule
detail. His teeth begin to teasingly nip and pull on the thin lace, then with his devouring
he starts very low and agonizingly
back up my body.


ll be right back, don

t move a muscle.

Now he

s gone? Teasing is one thing, but this is absolute torment,
I think to myself.  I try to feel his essence anywhere within the room, to my grave disappointment he is nowhere to be found. 

Suddenly, a vigorous tingling sensa
tion washes over me and I know

s back.
I feel a cool breeze, a swoosh
-like feeling storms through the room, like a vibrant blast from an open door in the dead of winter. 


s something that I have always wanted to do to you
since the first time I saw you,

he groans into my ear, nodding once with anticipation and biting my lip with a growing fervor.  The perception of Marc standing over
brings an entirely shameful elation for me being at his mercy.

The waiting is driving me mad so I try to
twist my
hands a bit. Quickly finding the more I squirm the tighter the hold becomes.  This low rumble of a laugh from Marc fills the room.  I

m sure its pleasing for him to see me struggle back and forth. 

A slow warm drizzle pours down my breasts.  The decadent melting liquid brings my nipples to their full peaks.  The luscious flow continues down my stomach as the unexpected path moves lower to the very tip of my panties.  Marc

s tongue begins feasting on my body.  Following his trail of temptation to his final destination, then abruptly he stops.


barely a whisper escapes my lips.  Wanting, no needing to grab him and I can

t, I

m literally going to explode.

Suddenly, I hear the sounds of clothes rustling, and then he

s over me once again touching my lips with his own.  I lick his savory lips and taste the rich caramel.  That

s what he

s pouring all over my very aroused body. 

Marc veraciously conquers his delicacy completely.  My hands begin to freeze as my
element becomes
harder to harness and control.  The more excited he
makes me the more my ice flows and
I moan out so much that I don

t think I can utter a single word, other than his name. 

Marc straddles on top of me and takes off my blindfold and the belt and I immediately wrap my arms around him and pull him closer. 

Now for round two
Marc grins wickedly.   We end up on the floor with only a sheet around us both.  I peek breathlessly over the bed to see what time it is. Rubbing my eyes to make sure I

m seeing the clock correctly, it shows that

.  I crawl back in bed and Marc follows me.  Finally, I fall asleep in his arms embracing me lovingly.


* * *

I wake up to the sound of Marc

s cell playing a song called
Beautiful L
.  I

ve never heard it before, so
I just lay
here on his pillow and listen till it finishes playing, I never once thought to answer
it because
I like the song.  Marc isn

t in the bed with me and I smell food cooking and I realize he

s in the kitchen whipping something up.  I decide I better get up and
a strange feeling coat
over me like I

m being watched. On instinct
I look up at the huge flow of floor to ceiling windows and follow my instinctive gaze all the way down to the double glass doors.  That

s when I see a
I think…
is standing there

I can barely make out her image standing just at the top of the stairs
and she sees me, glaring back.
, it

s Kelly
.  She and I stare each other down for a moment.  I get up wrap one of Marc

s beige sheets around me and start walking towards the door.  Kelly abruptly turns and ra
ces back down the stairs.  I do

t chase her down, I just don

t see myself standing in a sheet yelling and screaming at Kelly in the middle of Marc

s driveway in this upper class neighborhood for all to observe.  Oh
, that

s exactly how you keep
the radar

Laughing at the picture in my head of that, I shrug.  Kelly is not even a concern anymore,
besides Marc
and I wil
l soon be at the Arcane and he’
s my
, which is something Kelly will never comprehend,

s just simply a human girl and has no real concept of my world,
and that

the way it is suppose
to be.

BOOK: Crescent Bound
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