Crime & Passion (6 page)

Read Crime & Passion Online

Authors: Chantel Rhondeau

Tags: #romance, #romantic suspense, #love, #mystery, #mystery suspense, #framed for murder

BOOK: Crime & Passion
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Stop that, Madeline!

She turned to face Brandon at her doorway,
plastering a smile to her face. Donovan’s poor behavior wasn’t her
date’s fault, and she’d struggled through the meal, trying to stay
pleasant. The truth was, she felt no sparks with Brandon, and
nothing could change that situation.

“Thanks for dinner. You were right. I needed
to get out and have a good time.” She leaned down slightly to give
Brandon a peck on the cheek. “I appreciate everything. Have a good

Brandon’s sandy-brown hair fell over one eye
and he caressed her cheek. “Do you have time to invite me in for a

Madeline sighed. She didn’t want to hurt his
feelings, but she didn’t want him inside her home. “I have to be at
Woofy Cuts tomorrow by seven.” She shrugged, trying to seem sorry.
“I think we’d better call it a night.”

Behind her the elevator door pinged,
signaling someone else had entered the hallway. Madeline tried to
turn to see which of her neighbors it was. They’d think she was a
slut, considering they saw Donovan at her apartment just last

Brandon grabbed her around the waist before
she could turn. “At least give me a proper kiss goodnight.”

Madeline shoved him away from her, irritated
by his aggression. She had known it was a bad idea to go out with
him, but she’d been upset to learn the truth about Donovan and made
a rash decision. “I’m sorry if you expected more, but that’s not
happening tonight.”

Footsteps sounded in the hallway behind her.
At least the little gossips would be able to spread around the fact
that she wasn’t loose. She obviously didn’t let every stray man
into her apartment. Though apparently having Donovan there did
enough damage to her reputation.

“Come on,” Brandon begged in a low voice.
“Just one little kiss?”

“I think you should leave,” she said.
“Goodnight, Brandon.”

Suddenly, Madeline felt a presence behind her
as someone loomed over her shoulder. She knew who it was without
looking. A delightful shiver passed through her as the heat from
his body pressing against her back elevated her pulse.

“I think the lady wants you to leave,”
Donovan said, his breath puffing against her neck. “Looks like the
date’s over.”

No matter what her betraying body wanted her
to do, Madeline refused to melt against Donovan. She stiffened her
spine and turned the key in the lock, opening the door and stepping
inside. She looked at the two men facing off against one another on
her doorstep.

“Why are you here, Donovan?” she asked. “Did
you have to leave the restaurant because they didn’t have a sippy
cup for your date?”

Brandon laughed. “I think you’re the one
who’s not wanted here.”

Donovan glared at Brandon. “I’m here on
official business, and I do believe Maddie asked you to leave.”

“My name is Madeline!”

Memories of her father came crashing in. He’d
lovingly called her Maddie McFatty her whole life, never knowing
how much her weight bothered her, or how it crushed her when he
said that. She worked hard to lose the extra weight once she
reached adulthood, but the breakup with Cameron had not been

Her mom’s life theory was ‘chocolate cake
solves all problems.’ Madeline had solved her problems to the tune
of twenty extra pounds and only managed to work ten of those off so
far. Did Donovan see a fat girl when he looked at her?

Donovan was staring at her, and Madeline
realized he had spoken to her. “What did you say?”

“I need to talk to you about some things. Can
I come in?”

Uncertainty gripped her. If he only wanted to
scold her again about her dating habits, she didn’t want to deal
with that.

“It’s about the case,” he said when she

“It’ll have to be quick.” Madeline stepped
back and swept her arm toward the living room, indicating he should
go there.

“Wait,” Brandon protested. “He gets to come

Donovan stepped past Madeline, a smirk on his
face as he headed for the living room.

Once Donovan was out of earshot, she sighed
and turned to Brandon. “Can I ask you a question?”

Brandon shrugged. “Sure.”

“Why do you keep asking me out?” Madeline
shook her head. “Don’t you see how much Lindsey likes you?”

“Lindsey?” Brandon’s eyes widened. “She’s one
of my best friends, but she is not into me romantically.”

Madeline didn’t know why she didn’t see this
before. It was obvious Brandon had a thing for Lindsey. The way he
always hung around the shop. Some of the things he said. Madeline
couldn’t figure out what ever made him ask her out. She wasn’t the
girl he wanted.

“You like her,” Madeline said. “That’s why
you hate Donovan so much for breaking her heart before.”

“Donovan’s an asshole for more reasons than
that and someone needs to do something about him.” Beneath his tan,
Brandon’s cheeks reddened. “But yeah, she’s a remarkable

“So you like her, she likes you.” Madeline
patted his shoulder. “And I’m in the way. You’ve been chasing the
wrong woman. Call Lindsey.”

His eyes met hers. “What about us? We’re just
getting to know each other. What if we’re a good fit?”

Madeline didn’t have the heart to tell him
they would never be a match. “You should take a chance on the right
woman,” Madeline urged. “Call Lindsey. No matter what she told you
in the past, I’m sure she likes you.” She closed the door before he
could respond.

Madeline locked the deadbolt and leaned
against the hallway wall, blowing out a breath. Now she had to deal
with Donovan. It stung a bit that he was right about Brandon, at
least partially. Brandon never had wanted to date her, but at least
he wasn’t just trying to get a story either.

Madeline straightened her shoulders and
walked into the living room. Donovan sat on the couch, a brown bag
on the coffee table in front of him.

He glanced up. “I need your keys,

Madeline ground her teeth together, trying to
keep a hold of her temper. No matter how many times she told him
otherwise, he continued to call her Maddie. He was either cocky or

She palmed her keys and glared at him. “What

Donovan stood, grabbing a canister out of the
sack before he walked toward her. He handed it to her, plucking the
keys from her other hand. “I bought some tea. It’s Silver Needles
or something like that. It was expensive, but the kid at the shop
said you’d like it.”

Madeline looked at the container, wondering
what Donovan was about. He really was the most infuriating man.
“Why are you here? I thought we cleared everything up tonight at
the restaurant.”

“Oh, come on,” he said, bumping his hip
against hers gently. “The least you can do is offer me tea before
throwing me out.”

Her betraying body ignited with fire at the
nearness of him, but Madeline stepped away.
Don’t forget girl,
he slept with every woman in town. Who needs a man-whore like

Madeline walked to the kitchen and filled the
teakettle with water. She read the instructions on the label and
opened the canister. A rich, fruity smell wafted from the can.
Madeline sighed as she leaned against the counter, waiting for the
water to heat.

She had to admit, it was a thoughtful gift.
Considering Donovan obviously knew nothing about tea, it was nice
he made an effort to impress her.

In her pocket, Madeline’s cell phone played
her favorite 80’s song. She pulled it out, not recognizing the
number. “Hello?”

“Madeline Scott?”


“This is Officer Eric Sanders from the
Pleasant View Police Department. How are you tonight?”

Funny. Donovan said he was here on official
business, so why was his partner calling her? “I’m fine, Officer
Sanders. Can I help you?”

“Chief asked me to call and see if you would
mind coming to the station tomorrow.”

Madeline’s heart clenched. Donovan said she
wasn’t truly a suspect. Did they change their minds? “Can I ask

“Nothing to worry about, Miss Scott. Chief
wants you to go over some pictures, see if anyone looks familiar.
Sorry I’m calling you so late to set this up, but Chief has a
friend who is a sketch artist, and she’ll be in town tomorrow. He
hoped you’d be willing to work with her a bit.”

Madeline added several teaspoons of the
leaves into the bottom of a ceramic teapot before pouring in hot
water from the kettle. “I’m not sure how much help I’ll be, but I’m
willing to try.”

“Great. Could you come in tomorrow around

Madeline opened the cupboard door and pulled
out two china cups and saucers to set on the service tray. Since it
was an expensive tea and a gift, she felt it more appropriate to
use teacups instead of the mugs she normally used. “I have to work
tomorrow morning at Woofy Cuts between seven and nine,” she
answered. “Would it be okay if we meet at nine-thirty instead?”

“Sure. I’ll let the Chief know and call the
sketch artist.”

“Sounds good. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Good night, Miss Scott.”

Madeline set the phone on the counter and
checked the clock. The tea had steeped four minutes and should be
done. She poured a small amount into her cup and sipped it. The
sweet taste of peaches and apricots exploded on her tongue and
Madeline sighed with pleasure. She fished the leaves out of the pot
with a strainer and placed a cozy over the teapot, setting it on
the tray.

“I hope you’re ready for this,” she called
into the other room as she walked slowly from the kitchen. “The kid
at the shop knew what he was talking about. This is delicious.”

She rounded the corner to see Donovan
fiddling with her window. “What are you doing?” she asked, setting
the tray on the coffee table.

“All your windows are unlocked.” Donovan
joined her, sitting on the couch. “Even the ones in your

Madeline’s hand shook slightly as she poured
the tea and liquid spilled down the outside of the cup. Who did he
think he was? “You were in my room?”

He nodded. “I locked those windows.” A grin
flashed across his face as he picked up his teacup. “I knew you
were really a lavender girl when I first met you. So much purple in
that room.”

Madeline tipped her head to the side. “It’s
not surprising you’re good at reading women. Why else would they
sleep with you? Every con artist has to convince his mark he has
what she needs.”

Donovan snorted his drink and lapsed into a
coughing fit. “Come on, Maddie. That just ain’t fair,” he said once
he was able to speak. “I know you heard bad things about me from
Lindsey today, but be logical. Wouldn’t it have been worse if I
married her and then broke things off?”

Probably, but she wasn’t about to agree with
him. She inhaled the lovely bouquet of the tea and leaned back in
her chair, taking a sip. “Why are you here? I know it’s not
‘official business.’ I talked to your partner on real official
business a few minutes ago.”

He shrugged. “I lied to get rid of Brandon,
and so you’d let me in the house.” He picked her keys up off the
table. A black cylinder now hung from the ring. “Also, I wanted to
make sure you had this.”

He handed the keys over, and Madeline saw the
red spray nozzle on the end of the small canister.

“Be careful with that,” he cautioned. “It’s
pepper spray. One shot to someone’s face, and you’ll have plenty of
time to get away and find some help.”

A chill swept through Madeline. Perhaps her
mom was right about the foolishness of moving to California. “You
think I need this?”

Donovan leaned forward to take her free hand
in his. “You live alone, and you walk dogs in the morning and
evening all by yourself.” He paused, his blue eyes seeming to
assess every feature on her face. “That bastard you dated tonight
made sure everyone in town knows you’re a dog walker and that you
found the body moments after Frank’s death, likely seeing the

Madeline’s heart beat erratically in her
chest. She’d been trying to forget that, ever since Lindsey brought
it up earlier in the day. Even though she believed Brandon didn’t
mean to put her in danger, he probably had.

“What about my windows?” she asked, trying to
control her shaking. Donovan’s warm hand felt comforting over the
top of hers, steadying her somewhat. “I live on the seventh floor.
You don’t actually think I’m in danger that way, do you?”

He shook his head, the silver streaks
glinting at his temples. “Probably not. But you have to admit, it
was a good excuse to check out your bedroom.” He squeezed her
fingers in his. “I told you I’m interested. I meant it.”

Madeline snatched her hand from his.
does he think, if he scares me half to death and then protects me,
I’ll magically fall into bed with him?

“How long will your interest hold?” she
asked, rising from her chair. “My guess is only as long as it takes
to be satisfied under my lavender comforter.”

“You’re listening to gossip and rumors.”
Donovan tipped back his teacup, finishing the drink in one gulp.
“Don’t you want to know the truth, Maddie?”

It was one Maddie too many.

She walked to the front door and flung it
open. “It’s time for you to leave.”

He sighed and stood up, pacing toward her
with a predatory grace. He crowded out all the available space as
he neared her, but Madeline stood her ground. Her skin prickled
with the nearness of him as he stopped next to her in the short

“Are you sure you want me to leave?” He
pressed his body against hers, backing her against the wall. “I
have experience with women, Maddie, and they’re always very

“Then go harass one of them. I’ve had
enough,” she said, infusing as much ice as she could into her
voice. “That is, if you can find one dumb enough to fall for your

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