Crossing the Line (The Baltimore Banners Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Crossing the Line (The Baltimore Banners Book 1)
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     What she wanted to have on was a solid, lead-lined sturdy one-piece. Or a wet suit. She thought she might even actually prefer wearing a suit of armor and drowning over getting into a hot tub with Alec wearing nothing but a bikini.

     "Coward." The word was a mocking accusation, a teasing dare issued in a voice just above a whisper. AJ gritted her teeth, then sat her beer down and pulled off the t-shirt and shorts.

     "You're an ass," she grumbled as she leaned over for her beer then hoisted herself onto the edge of the hot tub and swung her legs to the side. She heard Alec chuckle and knew he was laughing at her, then the chuckle turned to a slight choking sound, as if he had swallowed his beer the wrong way.

     She refused to look at him, just lowered her legs into the steaming water, her body following. A sigh of contentment escaped her and she sunk lower onto the built-in bench, the water lapping around her shoulders as she leaned back. Keeping her eyes closed, she raised the bottle to her lips and took a sip of the cold beer, then rested her head against the side.

     The sensation was delicious, relaxing, serene. Her muscles relaxed instantly; the tension flowed outward from her limbs and slowly disappeared, leaving behind a deceptive calm. AJ breathed in deeply and melted into the water, losing herself.

     "Feel better?" Alec's voice came to her from far-away, sounding almost hollow, swallowed amid the steam and frothing bubbles surrounding them.  She nodded, having only enough energy to take another sip of beer.

     Minutes drifted by as AJ's body relaxed even more, as all thought, stress, and worry were washed away by the steaming water. She felt herself sink lower, the water now lapping around her neck. There was a tug on her beer bottle and her hand instinctively tightened around it, pulling it back. Her eyes fluttered opened and she sucked in a deep breath as her eyes met Alec's, less than a foot away. His hand was clasped over hers, anchoring the bottle in her hand. She straightened and pulled away, just a few inches, just until he released his hold on her.

     "Just making sure you weren't falling asleep." His eyes locked on hers, his expression steady, unreadable. She couldn't look away, even as she took several deep swallows from the bottle.

     "I'm not." She drained the bottle, her eyes still held by his, her heart pounding at the expression in his gaze. She still couldn't read it and didn't understand it, and her nervousness suddenly increased.

     AJ shifted and placed her empty bottle over the side, having to lean slightly out of the tub to sit it down. She could have sworn she heard Alec choke again, but when she turned to look at him, his eyes were closed, his head tilted back, his jaw clenched.

     AJ decided to ignore him, to pretend he wasn't there, and allowed herself to fully stretch out in the tub, secure in the knowledge that the hot tub was big enough that she wouldn't be in danger of touching him. The water flowed over her again and she sighed deeply, giving into the seductive call of the pulsating heated water.

     There was a small splash and gentle waves, and she heard Alec climb out of the tub. He asked if she wanted another beer and she murmured yes, almost completely relaxed now, the aches in her body fading away, her mind gradually emptying of all thought.

     She inhaled deeply and sunk even lower, then sucked in her breath as a stream of ice cold liquid hit the top of her head and streamed over her face. She sat up, sputtering, her eyes wide as Alec's laughter echoed behind her.

     "Oh my God. Oh..." AJ turned and stood, stumbling along the edge of the hot tub as beer streamed down her face, dripping out of her hair and off her chin onto her chest. "Why did you do that?"

     Still laughing, Alec pulled two beers from the refrigerator and walked back to the hot tub, neatly jumping over the side and sliding in with a splash. "Sorry, you looked too relaxed. I couldn't resist."

     Still sputtering, she glared at him, ignoring the bottle in his outstretched hand. "I thought the whole point of this was to relax!"

     "You're right. I'm sorry. Here." He motioned for her to take the beer again, but she shook her head.

     "Forget it. I'm going to take a shower and go to bed." She pushed her beer-soaked hair out of her face and sloshed through the water to the edge, stopping as Alec reached for her arm, his face serious now.

     "AJ...Amber, don't. I'm sorry. Really. C'mon, it's just beer, you can rinse it off right here." She stared up at him, at his dark eyes and full lips, at the look of contrition on his face. Then she stepped toward him and pushed against his chest with both hands, thinking she could catch him off-guard and send him falling into the water.

     And it worked. At least partly. Because he did stumble backwards and begin falling, only he reached out for her as he went, wrapping his arms around her and taking her down with him. Her chest collided with his, their legs tangling together as they both went under the water.

     Alec's arms tightened even more as he rolled with her under the water then pulled, finally resurfacing so he was sitting along the bench seat. AJ had instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck when they went under, and now found herself clinging to him, drawn across his lap, straddling him.

     And she was pretty sure that wasn't a beer bottle wedged between them.

     Alec's eyes darkened as he looked at her, neither of them moving, AJ barely daring to breathe. She knew she should move away, needed to move away, but she couldn't—she was pinned in place by not only his piercing look but by his hands at her waist, by his thumbs gently rubbing circles along her hips.

     Other than that small movement of his thumbs against her skin, neither of them moved, neither of them said a word. Heat rose through her, from the water, from his touch, from the look in his eyes. And still she didn't move, caught in some hypnotic state of suspension, of anticipation. From somewhere in the back of her mind, a small voice of reason shouted to be heard, tried to tell her that she needed to say something, to move away, to run away before it was too late.

     But it was already too late. Alec's hold on her tightened and he pulled her closer, his eyes still locked on hers as he lowered his head and gently, hesitantly touched his lips to hers for a sweetly electrifying and all too brief kiss.



     Alec pulled back slightly, looking as dazed as she felt, as if waiting for her to say or do something. Again a small voice in the back of her mind screamed at her to run away, warned that this was a disaster waiting to happen, that there was still time to come to her senses before she crossed the line.

     AJ ignored the voice and leaned forward, and the world around her erupted. Alec's mouth claimed hers with a hunger that fed her own, and she eagerly met him with a fierceness that took her breath away. His hands roamed over her, touching, caressing, a sensual mix of hot flesh and hot water against her skin. She pressed herself tighter against him, feeling the hard length of his erection between her legs, heat building inside her at the contact. She rubbed against him, needing to feel more of him, all of him...

     Alec broke the kiss, his breathing harsh, his eyes locked on hers, his hand pushing back the wet strands of her hair. There was no sound except for the water around them, drowning out all other sound, including the heavy beating of AJ's heart. It had been just a kiss. How could she be as effected as she was by just a kiss? Alec looked as bewildered as she felt, as if he, too, was trying to figure out what had happened. They stared at each other in silence, their eyes locked, AJ's breathing becoming harsher as the heat grew between them.

     Alec cupped her face in his hands, his dark eyes searching, his thumb caressing her lower lip and sending sparks shooting through her. Slowly, achingly, he leaned forward again, his mouth closing over hers with a tenderness that made her melt into him even more. She tightened her arms around his neck, her fingers playing in his hair as he deepened the kiss. One of his hands reached around and cradled the back of her head, the other skimmed her back, tracing a path down along her spine, stopping just below her waist, steadying her as he thrust upward with his hips, slowly, pressing his hard length against her.

     She moaned, just the tiniest sound, but it seemed to be all he needed. His touch became bolder, his hands hot against her slick skin, igniting trails of fire everywhere he touched. He pulled his lips from hers and traced a path along her neck, along her collarbone.

     AJ's breath rushed from her in a hiss, her head tilted back, her fingers digging into Alec's shoulders as his hands closed around her hips and pulled her closer, pressing her against him as his lips found hers again, as his mouth closed over hers, insistent, demanding. She ran her hands down his arms, feeling the hard muscle and warm flesh beneath her touch; ran her hands back up and over his shoulders, then down once more, her palms flat against the skin of his chest. His heart beat fast and steady against her palm, his muscles quivering beneath her touch as her hands drifted lower, following the thin line of hair down to his taut abs.

     Alec pulled his lips from hers, his breath coming in harsh gasps, echoes of her own unsteady breathing. His gaze held hers as he dragged his hands up along her back, as he reached up and undid the ties of her bikini top. She pulled on her lower lip with her teeth as he hesitated, as if waiting for her to say no, waiting for her to stop him.

     Or waiting for her to give him permission. She reached behind her and clasped her hand around his then gently tugged, pulling the ties loose as he laced his fingers with hers. The top fell away and she leaned against him, flesh to flesh, kissing him, their tongues mating in a wild frenzy.

     Sensation washed over AJ, as hot and slick as the water of the hot tub. Alec's hands roamed over her, down her back, around to her front, cupping her breasts, kneading them, his thumbs gently teasing her hardened nipples into tighter peaks. She pressed herself further into his lap, his hips thrusting upward as she rocked against his erection. He reached behind her with one hand, sliding it downward and cupping her bottom as he slid forward off the bench, lifting her with him as he stood.

     Her legs wrapped instinctively around him and she rocked against him once more, his arms holding her more fully against him as he turned and moved to the edge. Alec shifted forward ever so slightly, sitting her on the edge of the tub before he pulled away. She raised her arms to cover herself, suddenly self conscious, but he shook his head as he pushed her arms away.

     "No. Let me look." His gaze roamed over her, heated and hungry, then slowly lifted upward and locked with hers. "You're beautiful."

     His heated gaze drifted over her again, slow and lingering, igniting a feverish blush to her skin wherever he looked. Alec slowly leaned forward, his hands skimming over her body as his lips claimed hers, once more hungry, demanding, insistent.

     AJ was breathless and on fire when he pulled away, his mouth trailing along her jawline and her neck, nipping her shoulder blade, lower until his mouth clamped over one nipple and sucked, twirling the hard peak with his tongue. She felt the pull deep inside her, felt an answering liquid heat form between her legs and she shifted, moaning, tangling her hands in his wet hair, holding him to her as her head fell backwards.

     Alec moved to her other breast, treating her to more exquisite torture, gently easing her back until she was laying on the edge of the hot tub, her legs still submerged in the water, Alec kneeling on the bench between her knees.

     His hands skimmed along her sides, his mouth following, lightly teasing her stomach, her hip bone as he undid the ties of the bathing suit bottom. He trailed kisses along the top edge of the material, his large hands caressing her thighs, behind her knees and her calves as he slid the material off her with his teeth.

     AJ's breath caught in her throat and she gasped as the material fell away, exposing her, as his tongue traced a path down her wet center. Her hips arched into his mouth and he eased her legs apart, his hands touching, searching, teasing.

     She reached out for him, her hands searching for purchase as her eyes fluttered, the lights from the stars and surrounding buildings flickering in her vision. Realization crept to the edge of consciousness and she tried to pull away, to sit up.

     "Alec." Her voice was hoarse, breathless, and she had to clear her throat and try again. "Alec, stop. We're outside. Somebody could see us..."

     He looked up at her, his gaze intense, holding hers, as he slid one finger slowly into her then back out, slid it in again. "I don't care."

     A shiver spiraled through her at the look in his eyes, at the intensity of his gaze as he lowered his mouth to her, as his tongue stroked her clit, as he slid a second finger into her, deeper still, his eyes never leaving hers.

     And the knowledge that somebody could be watching, coupled with his heated gaze, his tongue hard against her flesh, his fingers deep inside her, probing...sensations combined all at once and she exploded instantly, her back arching as a small scream escaped her, spasms rocking her body from deep inside her until she lost track of sight, sound, all sensation except for the feel of Alec between her legs.

     A rush of water covered her, hot and pulsing, as arms wrapped around her, strong and supportive, and she realized that Alec had pulled her into the tub, was holding her close, his mouth covering hers in a demanding kiss as her body continued to spasm in his hold.

     Seconds went by, minutes, as her senses slowly returned, as her body calmed. Alec gentled the kisses, his hands skimming across her flesh, cupping her bare bottom and pressing her gently against him, the material of his swimsuit rough against her skin, the hard shaft of his erection pressing against her belly.

     "Alec..." His name was a soft moan against his mouth. She lowered her hand, trailing it down his chest and stomach, easing her fingers into the waist band of his trunks. His hand closed around her wrist, stopping her.

     "AJ, oh God, don't. I don't think I can...holy shit..." She pushed his hand away and pushed at his shorts, freeing his erection, grabbing him in one hand and stroking him, slow and hard, from the base of his shaft all the way to the tip, silky hardness against her palm.

     Alec's hands tightened at her waist, holding her still when all she wanted was to feel him against her. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, his jaw clenched as she continued stroking him, squeezing even as she pushed forward until his back was against the side of the hot tub.

     She knew what she wanted but didn't know how to ask, so she lowered her mouth to his and kissed him, then trailed her lips down his neck and chest until she disappeared under the water, keeping her mouth pressed against his body as she moved lower.

     His hands closed over her shoulders as she ran her lips along his shaft, and he pulled her to the surface, crushing her against him even as a harsh laugh escaped him. "Oh God, you're going to drown trying that."

     His words gave her the opening she needed, and she pushed against him, a shy smile on her face. "Then move so I don't have to drown."

     His eyes darkened instantly, searching hers for a long second before he slowly raised himself on the edge of the tub and leaned back on his elbows, his erection hard and stiff in front of her. She kept her eyes glued to his as she rested her hands on his sides and pressed her lips to his chest, sliding down, following with her hands, down further still until she closed her mouth over him, twirling her tongue around the tip of his shaft then leaning forward to take in his length. A guttural growl escaped Alec's lips and his hands fisted in her hair as she sucked him, teasing, licking the entire length of him, pulling him into her mouth again. She reached out and cupped his sack in her hand, gently squeezing, teasing the base of his cock with her thumb as her mouth devoured him, in and out, hot and slick under her touch.

     Alec's hands tightened in her hair, holding her head tightly, his hips thrusting, forcing his shaft deeper into her mouth as groans escaped him. AJ ran her hands along his hips and down his thighs, digging her fingers into the thick muscles of his strong legs, back up to his hips as she raised herself further from the hot tub, leaning over him, reveling in the taste of him, reveling in the pleasure she was giving him.

     His hips thrust once more then his entire body stilled. His hands tightened around her, pulling her up, dragging her across his body until she was lying against him, his arms tight around her. His chest raised and lowered with each harsh breath, his eyes tightly shut, his jaw clenched. AJ leaned forward and dropped a kiss to his chest, dragging her fingertips across his flat stomach, reaching lower to hold him, stroke him, when his hand shot out and grabbed her wrist.

     "AJ..." His voice was a harsh whisper, barely more than a hissing breath. He lay still, not moving for a full minute, then heaved a heavy sigh and opened his eyes, capturing her gaze with his. A dark look crossed his face and he pulled her roughly to him, his mouth crushing hers as he shifted, moving to a sitting position, cradling her in his arms. He swung his legs to the side and swiftly stood, lifting her with him, and she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck to keep from falling.

     He strode across the balcony and into his room, their bodies dripping water as he walked toward the bed and eased her onto it. She lifted herself on one elbow, watching him, her heart stammering at the sight of his sudden intensity. He pulled open a nightstand drawer and rummaged through it, cursing under his breath until he pulled out a foil packet and ripped it open. Still standing, he sheathed himself with the condom then lowered himself next to her, turning so they were face-to-face. His hand reached out and stroked her cheek, tucking a strand of wet hair behind her ear, then cradling the back of her head in his palm and leaning forward to kiss her, deeply, intensely. AJ's stomach flipped and rolled in anticipation, her hands reaching up and gripping his broad shoulders as he rolled over her, resting the hard length of his erection between her legs, pressing gently against her opening.

     He broke the kiss and looked down at her, fire in the darkness of his eyes as he searched her face. "You have no idea what you do to me, no idea how much I want you right now." His voice was harsh, and she imagined that he sounded not only determined, but confused as well. As confused as she felt, stunned by what had already happened, by what was about to happen.

     She shook her head, not knowing what to say, and lifted her hips to meet his, to encourage him, welcome him. He groaned and dropped his head, his mouth closing over hers in a fierce kiss as his hands closed around her hips. He shifted her slightly under him, then drove his entire length into her in one fluid move. Her body arched under him, driving upward to meet him as a sigh of pleasure escaped her lips.

     Heat built quickly inside her, a spontaneous rekindling of the earlier fire. Each thrust forced her closer to the edge, each stroke inside her, each touch of Alec's hands along her skin. He grabbed her hands and held them over her head, his dark eyes boring into hers before he leaned down and claimed her mouth, hungry and possessive. He thrust deeper into her, once, twice, and she exploded, shattering around him, her back arching, her hips grinding as his name was ripped from her lips.

     Alec groaned and sat back on his heels, grabbed her hips and pulled her more tightly against him, his head tilted back as he thrust again. Again, harder, burying himself, a harsh groan signaling his own release.

     Time stopped, silent except for long minutes of unsteady breathing. AJ's body slowly came back to itself, the pieces collecting and reassembling in the quiet semi-darkness. She reached out with one hand and smoothed it over Alec's damp chest, feeling his heart beating rapidly under her touch. He breathed, a heavy sigh, and gently lowered himself on top of her, moving slightly to the side, still buried inside her. His arms tightened around her and he lowered his head to her chest, his breathing deep and steady.

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