Crouching Tigress Horny Dragon (Fire Mates #3) (16 page)

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Authors: Lexxie Couper

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Crouching Tigress Horny Dragon (Fire Mates #3)
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Award-winning romance author Lexxie Couper started writing when she was six, and hasn't stopped since. She's not a deviant, but she does have a deviant's imagination, and a desire to entertain readers with her words. Add the two together and you get erotic romances that can make you laugh, cry, shake with fear, or tremble with desire…sometimes all at once.

Connect with Lexxie online:

Email Lexxie at:
[email protected]


Visit Lexxie's website at
, where she occasionally makes a fool of herself on her blog.

eBooks by Lexxie Couper

Stimulated, a Contemporary Romance series

1. Blowing It Off

2. Revving It Up

3. Switching It On

Savage Australis, a Paranormal Romance series

1. Savage Retribution

Fire Mates, a Paranormal Romantic Suspense series

1. Sera’s Dragon

Heart of Fame, a Contemporary Romance series

4.5. Compliance

5.5. A Single Knight

8.5. Combustible

9. Balls Up

The Boundaries, a Science Fiction Romance series

1. Assassin

Stand Alone Titles:

The Bad Boy Next Door

Shadow Whispers

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“Hi Awesome Readers, if you enjoyed reading this book, you’ll absolutely love Renee George’s sinfully sensual erotic romances as well. I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

Midnight Before Christmas

Midnight Shifters, Book 5

Chapter 1

is black hair, cut short on the sides and messy long on top, highlighted his unusually bright eyes. Over six feet tall and built like a linebacker, he’d have stood out in any room. When he shed his winter coat and placed it over his stool, Rachel Campbell’s stomach performed a double axel followed by a camel spin into a death spiral, moves she was all too familiar with. After all, she was the featured figure skater for the Super Celebrities of Ice tour. The tour had ended mid-December, which meant she’d had zero excuses for not going home for Christmas. But it didn’t mean she couldn’t get drunk with her best friend first.

“Here you go, Rachel,” said Dawson Lars, the owner of Lars’ Bar. He handed her two Silver Lake Ice Teas, a local version of the classic cocktail.

“Thanks, Daws.”

“It’s good to have you back.” He smiled, his hazel eyes crinkling at the edges.

He was a pleasant man in his early forties. Tall, thin, with blond hair like many of the men in Silver Lake, Minnesota, a town predominantly settled by Norwegians.

Rachel smiled at him politely. “Thanks.”

She took a long, deep sip of the lemony drink, maneuvered her way through the local crowd, and back to her table.

“Oh my God, Ray-ray. Do you see that hunka-hunka at the bar with the dark hair, the chiseled jaw, and gorgeous eyes? He is divine.” Her best friend Callie smoothed her voluminous blonde hair then nudged Rachel’s shoulder. “I’d totally hit that.”

Instead of screaming, “Mine!” Rachel forced her expression to stay neutral and passed Callie the second drink. Friends since middle school, Callie had always been a bit of a horn-dog. It had nothing to do with desperation. She was one of the most beautiful women Rachel had ever seen, models and actresses included. Callie just liked men… of all shapes, ages, and variety.

In the past, Rachel focused on training and winning championships, so she’d never fought with Callie for the attention of any guy. Callie, who looked like a tall, warrior princess with big boobs had tried figure skating, but she’d never had the same passion for it as Rachel did.

At times, Rachel envied Callie’s Amazonian beauty. Unlike her friend, Rachel had been saddled with thick thighs, wide hips, short legs, and a small chest. But her build made her powerful and gave her a low center of gravity. Perfect for explosive jumps on the ice, not so perfect for attracting men.

“He’s cute,” Rachel said with a shrug. No way was she going to let her friend know how he made her heart race. Callie might not have been competitive about figure skating, but she was certainly competitive when it came to men.

“Do you know who he is?”

Rachel shrugged. “I just got back, girl. How am I supposed to know? Have you seen him around before?”

“First time.”

The man turned toward the center of the barroom and swept his gaze over the tables and booths. His eyes connected with Rachel’s for an instant and her insides went slushy. Oh, man. He could thaw an iceberg. She smiled, trying for cool confidence. He quirked a brow, then swiveled back around in his seat and sipped his beer.

“Are you okay?” Callie asked.

“Uh…yes,” Rachel said. “Why do you ask?”

“You were smiling like a constipated baby.” Callie tilted her head sideways at Rachel. “You sure you’re okay?”

“Yes. Jeezus.” Great. She’d tried to look confident, but had only managed to appear gassy. No wonder he’d looked away. “I need another drink.”

Callie laughed. “Especially if you’re going to explain to your parents why you’ve been back in town for two days and you haven’t been home.”

Rachel sighed. “I can’t take Mom criticizing my failures at the World Championships last year. I’m too old for competition.”

“So old. Twenty-six. You’re practically a dinosaur.”

“In the skating world, you betcha.” She smiled as her Minnesota accent crept in. You could take the girl out of the north, but you couldn’t take the north out of the girl.

“If you hadn’t tried to land that quadruple toe, triple lutz, and double salchow.”

“I landed that with one foot.”

“That’s not what the judges said.”

“The judges were assholes.”

Callie smiled. “You really should have won.”

“Hellz yes.” They clinked glasses and drank up.

“Look, Ray,” her friend said, exchanging one painful subject to another. “I can understand freezing your mom out, but what about your dad?”

“He lets Mom walk all over me. I think that bugs me even more than her behavior.”

“Well, tomorrow you deal with them. Tonight, we drink!” She raised her hand and gestured to the waitress lifted her glass and showed two fingers.

The first drinks they’d had earlier had been strong, and the second one was already making Rachel feel fuzzy and warm. A third would probably put her under the table. She didn’t protest, though. If she were going to face the parents in the morning, she’d need some liquid courage tonight.

* * * *

Max Gray sipped his beer, unconcerned by most of the crowd. He’d been sent by his father to Silver Lake, Minnesota to investigate an anonymous tip that the Children of Caledon, a fanatical terrorist group had formed a faction in the small town. His cousin Benie and her husbands, the Triune of Caledon, were the rightful rulers. Yet, supporters of King Garrick continued to cause trouble. The man was dead, and still he made life hell for everyone.

Max knew well the cruelty of Garrick. When Max was barely seventeen, he’d been captured and tortured. Frustrated by Max’s silent refusal to give up his family, the barbaric king removed Max’s tongue so that he would never talk again. Luckily, one of Benie’s husbands, Ian Arent, a mad scientist of sorts, had figured out a way to give Max back his tongue.

Yet, he still had to beg Father for this solo assignment. Max needed to prove once and for all that he was just as tough, just as capable, and just as good a shadow warrior as his brothers. He needed his father to see that he was equal to Destan and Eustan.

When his gaze landed on the beautiful and familiar-looking brunette with dark brown eyes, he didn’t linger. He felt a strong pull of desire toward her, and that confused him. No matter. He was here to discover who or what in this town was working against the crown. His father had instructed him explicitly not to engage with the targets. Observe and report. No matter how much Max wanted to be in the thick of the action, he wouldn’t disobey or disappoint Father. Not again.

He’d heard rumors of strange activity at the bar and in the nearby area, but in the two nights he’d been here, he’d neither witnessed nor sensed any abnormalities. He wondered if the tip had been real or if someone had called it in just to throw the Shadow Warriors off the scent. His gaze wandered to the curvy, petite brunette with hips that could explode a volcano and eyes that pierced his soul.

His cock grew hard just thinking about her.

Fuck, he was in trouble.

* * * *

A man stumbled over to their table. Oh, God. Not him. Thomas “Tommy” Ritter was broadly built across the shoulders with narrow hips and long legs. She’d known him since elementary school, and he’d been a jerk since day one.

“Hey, Cals.” He leaned over and gave Callie a kiss on the cheek then spared a glance for Rachel. “What are you doing back in town? I thought you doing some big time show.”

“I’m back for Christmas with the folks.”

He leered at her. “While you’re here, I’d love to show you some real moves on the ice.”

Tommy was the star of the town’s amateur hockey league. There were some who thought he’d go pro after high school, but he hadn’t had the guts to escape small town life.

Sometimes Rachel felt sorry for him, but not tonight. He peeked down Callie’s blouse and then raked his gaze over Rachel’s hips. He was so damned skeevy.

“Go away,” she said.

The smile slid from his face. “You’re still a bitch, Rachel.”

“Come on, Tommy.” Callie’s voice was strained. “Leave her alone. She’s not in the mood.”

A salacious grin returned to his face. “I can help your mood, baby.”

“You sure can,” she said sweetly. “By disappearing.”

“Rachel,” Callie warned.

She ignored Callie and made a shooing motion. “Buh-bye.”

Tommy grabbed her by the shoulders and yanked her to her feet.

“Hey!” She tried to kick him, but he held her so tight she could barely move. Cold fear zipped up her spine. For a split second his eyes seemed to change color from green to red then back to green. “Get your paws off me, creep!”

“Watch your mouth ice princess.”

“Tommy!” Callie smacked his shoulder. “Put her down!”

“Shut up, Cals. This ain’t about you.”

“Is there a problem?” growled a low male voice.

Rachel, wide-eyed and trembling, turned her head. Tall, dark, and brooding from the bar stood close enough that she could feel the heat from his skin against her shoulder. Up close, his eyes were the lightest shade of gray she’d ever seen. The man’s intimidating gaze pinned Tommy’s.

“Release her.”

Tommy let go of her and the momentum sent her careening into Callie. Her friend grabbed her and steadied them both.

He winked at Rachel. “I’ll catch you later.”

The ominous way he said “catch” made Rachel shiver. Tommy had always been cocky, but now he was downright scary. She rubbed her arms to alleviate goose bumps.

“Are you all right?” the dark-haired man asked.

“Yes, fine.” She watched Tommy stop to talk to a man she didn’t recognize, and then leave. That douchebag was just one more reason on a long list of reasons she hated visiting home.

Callie thrust her hand out to the new guy. “I’m Callista Waithe.” She leaned forward to give him a nice view down her low cut blouse. “My friends call me Callie. You want to be my friend?”

The man took Callie’s hand and gave it a brief shake. “I’m Max. Nice to meet you.” He hit her best friend with a beaming smile that created deep dimples in his cheeks. After, he turned the full force and charm of that handsome face on Rachel. She damn near swooned. “And you are?”

“Rachel Campbell.”

“Ooo!” Callie said. “Drinkies!”

Her bestie took drinks from the barmaid’s tray. She handed one of the tall glasses to Rachel.

“Here you go, Ray-ray.” She clinked their glasses. “To being home.”

Rachel turned toward Max, but the gorgeous man had simply vanished. She swept her gaze around the room. Gone. Damn it.

She slumped back into her chair and mumbled, “To being home,” before taking a long sip of the tartly sweet drink. Without enthusiasm, she added, “Yay me.”


Buy Midnight Before Christmas at Amazon

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