Crouching Tigress Horny Dragon (Fire Mates #3) (6 page)

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Authors: Lexxie Couper

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Crouching Tigress Horny Dragon (Fire Mates #3)
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“I’m not a dragon,” she repeated, shaking her head.

He narrowed his eyes. “Why are you denying this? What are you playing at? Need me to make you ignite again?” He took a step toward her.

She snapped her spine straight and thrust out her hand, palm toward him. “Don’t you come any closer! I’m not going to let you…let you…make the fuck flames with me again.”

Ryan stilled. An icy finger slid up his back.

Fuck flames. An
Extraho Venator
term. Why would she use…

“I have to go,” she said, hugging herself as she shook her head. Her eyes darted around the dark park. Her shoulders hunched. “I have to…Julian…”

The name stabbed at Ryan. Before he could stop himself, he took another step closer to her. It was dangerous situation. They were out in the open, unprotected, naked, with an
Extraho Venator
hunting them. But until they got this cleared up, whatever future they had was a mess.

“Who’s Julian? He was in your thoughts earlier. A boyfriend?” He ground his teeth again. “I can’t share you, Deanne. I’ve heard there are progressive dragons out there who share their Fire Mate with human lovers or other dragons, but I’m not one of them. I’m not a Neanderthal, or a chauvinist, misogynistic bastard, but I can’t share you. Just our one moment together was enough to tell me that.”

Her answering laugh scraped at what little calm he had left.

“Julian is my
,” she said, eyes flinty. “Unlike you,
, I’m not ruled by the need to fuck like a rutting animal.”

Ryan growled. Rage shot through him. “That’s where you’re wrong, babe,” he snarled, slowly striding toward her. “That’s
what you’re ruled by. We are in the first twelve hours of the mating fire. There’s nothing
rutting. Nothing
fucking. As humans. And as dragons.”

She stumbled back a step as he reached her. Wild anger blazed in her eyes. Her stare locked on his. “Touch me and I will break every fucking bone in your—”

Ryan snaked his arm around her bare waist, yanked her to his body, and crushed her lips with his.

The instant their flesh touched, the second his tongue found hers, a groan of pleasure vibrated deep in her throat and she tangled her hands in his hair.

Searing desire flooded Ryan’s veins. The constant hunger, the craving
for Deanne that had been simmering below the surface since she’d sat down beside him in the bar, reignited into an inferno. He grabbed her arse and hauled her harder to his body, her skin an intoxicating heat he had no armor or protection against.

He knew they were exposed. He knew they were hunted. And yet, even with that knowledge, he also knew he had no hope of releasing her. Not when she was responding to him with such fierce desire. Not when she felt so perfect against him.

Squeezing her arse cheeks harder, he tore his lips from hers and rained a slew of greedy nips over her throat.

She moaned, rolling her head as she ground the curve of her sex to his engorged dick. “I…I…this…can’t fight…so good…”

Her panted words caressed him, feeding the fire building inside him.

A prickling rush of concentrated pleasure swept over him. He dragged his lips up to her ear, nipping her earlobe with gentle pressure before capturing the side of her throat and branding her with suction.

She cried out, arching into him, her nails scoring lines over his shoulder. “Oh God. Oh God, Ryan…I need…I need you…inside—”

“Hey?” a shout—full of shocked disbelief—shattered the silence around them. “What the hell are you two doing?”

With a gasp, Deanne jerked away him.

For a terrifying moment, the dragon Ryan was deafened him, fighting for release, furious at the interruption, hell-bent on destroying it.

He staggered under the force of its power, struggling to contain the shift before it could begin. Stumbled sideways, eyes squeezed shut, hands clawing at his head.

Shit. Shit.

“Deanne,” he rasped, her frantic confusion and panic lashing at him in wild waves. “Deanne, you need…you need to—”

Something hard smashed up into his jaw. Something beyond human in its strength. Something that detonated pain in his head unlike any other he’d experienced and lifted him off his feet, sending him arcing through the air.

“I’m not a fucking dragon,” he heard Deanne growl, a heartbeat before an invisible wall of incinerating heat propelled him faster through emptiness and he crashed into the hard, cold ground.

Excruciating agony blasted through him as the bones in his shoulder snapped. The world turned to red pain, to icy agony.

Oh God
, Deanne’s thoughts whirled through his head.
I can’t be a dragon. It’s not possible. It’s not…

And then there was nothing.

Chapter 4

he ran. Faster than she’d ever run before. Naked but far from cold, she ran from the park, from the shouting man who’d interrupted them, from Ryan.

Ryan, whom she’d somehow driven upward and backward with a single punch. Ryan, whom she’d somehow propelled through the air with nothing but…but…

But what?

She didn’t know. All she knew was she’d never been more uncertain about anything in her life.

Something had surged from her as Ryan rose through the air, an invisible ball of heat fed by her confusion and fear and rage.

Whatever that something had been, it had struck him and impelled him away from her as if he were nothing more than a plastic bag.

How had she done that? She’d never been able to do anything like that before. Sure, she was stronger than she looked, but that…

Increasing her speed, not wanting to acknowledge what her brain was telling her—that she was running faster than humanly possible—she weaved her way through the dense grove of trees on the far side of the clearing.

Would the man who’d shouted at them chase after her? Would he go to Ryan? Or would he run away as well?

Ryan. You need to go back to Ryan. You need to—

She killed the feverish thought.

thought of the Australian was off-limits. Not until she located Julian. She needed answers, and there were none to be found when she was near Ryan.

All there was when she was near Ryan was an intoxicating need to hold him, touch him, kiss him…exist with him…

Fly with him…

Deanne stumbled, a choked sob bursting from her. She stopped, resting her palms on her knees as she sucked in breath after deep breath.

Fly with him? What the hell was wrong with her?

The invisible tug on her belly, her soul, told her exactly what was wrong with her. Whatever the Australian had done to her, she was going to stop it. Her father would know what was going on. Julian was somewhere in Chicago, tracking a target he’d yet to share with Deanne.

She’d find him, tell him what was going on, tell him that the Australian dragon had somehow drugged her or entranced her and then they would hunt Ryan down and kill him together.

Just like her father had wanted to do when they’d first heard an Australian dragon shifter was in the U.S.

The first thing
had to do, however, was find some clothes.

Another reason to kill the dragon. If it weren’t for Ryan and his…his
seduction, she wouldn’t be naked in Marquette Park in the wee hours of the morning.


How the hell did she go about getting clothes?

Straightening once again, she scanned the shadows around her. What she needed was a couple of teenagers making out on a park bench, or even some dubious individual intent on attacking anyone foolish enough to be in the park at this time of night. Not that she intended on hurting anyone, but when the need arose, she could be very intimidating.

Intimidating enough to get herself something to wear.

Closing her eyes, she stood motionless and drew a slow breath, tasting the air.

It was a knack she’d had since she was a little girl, one her father had utilized often in the hunt. It was like she could taste the individual scents of those nearby. People smelled one way, dragons another. She could track a dragon by its scent on the air alone even if said dragon was miles and miles away. She’d asked her father how it was possible when she was young, and Julian had replied with the word “prodigy”. She never questioned it after that, just used it to hunt. It was how she’d tracked Ryan to the bar, although she’d never experienced such a potent tug on her senses as she had when she’d first detected him.

She should have known then there was something—

Cheap body spray. Sweat. Dirty clothes.

The scents tangled through her breath like a thick rope, killing her irritation at the Australian.

Opening her eyes, she stared hard at the copse of birch trees to her left. There were two people there. One older, one young.

Bursting into a sprint, she ran for the trees.

The farther she headed away from where she’d left Ryan, the more the invisible grip on her chest and stomach clenched. The need to turn around and go back to him burned through her, almost impossible to deny.

She fixed her focus on the duel scents ahead of her, rage warring with fear. She didn’t like any of this.

Barely a few seconds later, she found her target.

And stumbled to a halt, her heart crazy, her throat thick.

A woman hugged a small child to her chest as they both slept on a tattered cardboard sheet under the lowest branches of a tree. Both shivered in their sleep. Both were clearly homeless. The child—who looked like a boy but smelled like a little girl—was gripping her mother with frighteningly thin arms. The woman loosely held a thick stick in her hand.

Deanne studied them, a heavy weight pressing on her heart.

Oh God, what must have happened in their lives for them to be here?

You can’t take anything from them, Roe. It would be cruel.

Deanne pulled a slow breath. It would also be cruel to leave them here in the freezing night.

She wasn’t cruel.

Closing the distance between them on silent feet, she lowered herself to a crouch and gently touched the woman’s shoulder.

The woman came awake with a jerk and a shout. The little girl snugged firmly to her body did the same.

“Hey, hey, hey,” Deanne soothed, holding out her hands to show they were empty. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

The woman hugged the child—her daughter? This close, their scents shared similar characteristics—closer to her, shielding her from Deanne as much as her thin arms would allow. “Leave us alone, please,” she beseeched, plaintive terror in her eyes.

And then realization dawned on her face and she frowned. “You’re naked? Oh my God, aren’t you cold? Are you okay?”

Deanne’s heart clenched some more. A life spent living like no normal person had meant a life detached
normal people. She hunted dragons with Julian. She interacted occasionally with other
Extraho Venator
. She less frequently interacted with non-hunters. Hers was a solitary upbringing of learning to fight, to hunt, to lure her target, and to kill, with only her father as a companion. It had been that way for as long as she could remember.

There were no ghostly memories of her mother in her head, no wistful recollections of times spent playing with other children. And definitely no memories of Julian holding her, hugging her, the way this woman hugged the child. Nor
memories of her father being overwhelmed with concern for her.

The woman’s eyes no longer shone with fear—now she gaped at Deanne with open worry. “Do you need a blanket?”

For a moment, Deanne wanted to say she didn’t feel the cold. She never did. She was aware it was cold, but it didn’t bite her skin like it seemed to do with other people. And then she held her tongue. The poor woman was already freaked out enough.

“Thank you, but no,” Deanne said, shaking her head with a gentle smile. “But I’d like to trade my anklet for maybe a jacket?” She pointed to the gold chain linked around her right ankle, a present from her father after her first successful solo hunt and kill of a dragon.

She’d been fifteen. The dragon had been the most prized target in Germany; a five-hundred-and-twenty-two-year-old alpha male Lindworm dragon long believed impossible to hunt by the
Extraho Venator

The woman dropped her wide-eyed stare to Deanne’s ankle. So did the little girl.

Deanne couldn’t help but notice the child’s eyes seemed too big for her face. Nor did she miss the sound of her little tummy grumbling.

Hungry. The child was hungry.

And cold.

“It’s pretty,” the child said, twisting in the woman’s arms to look up at her.

“Shhh,” the woman hushed, panic flaring in her eyes. “What have I told you about speaking, Tony?”

Deanne frowned, studying the little girl some more. Dressed like a boy. Hair cut like a boy. Named like a boy.

Protecting her. The woman was protecting her. Making her less of a target…

A hot lump filled Deanne’s throat. Her stomach roiled.

She returned her focus to the woman. “I promise I won’t hurt her. Or you. If you will let me borrow your jacket for a while, I’d like to help you.”

Confused suspicion flashed over the woman’s face. She narrowed her eyes, shifting her body until she was all but between Deanne and her daughter. “Please, just leave us alone.”

A cold thought swept through Deanne, an image of what the woman feared Deanne wanted.

Drawing another breath, the image sickening her and making her angry at how fucked up the world was, she reached down and unclipped the anklet. The fact it had survived the blue fuck flames didn’t surprise her. Nothing was making any sense at the moment. “I don’t want anything from you other than something to cover my nudity,” she said, keeping her voice gentle. “But if you’ll allow me, I can give you back so much more. For you both.”

The woman frowned at the anklet. The little girl tried to see it over her mother’s shoulder.

“What do you mean?” the woman asked, meeting Deanne’s gaze again.

“Come with me to the nearest shelter. I’ll call my father. He can bring me some clothes, and some for you as well.”

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