Crow Hall

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Authors: Benjamin Hulme-Cross

BOOK: Crow Hall
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The Dark Hunter

Mr Daniel Blood is the Dark Hunter.

People call him to fight evil demons, vampires and ghosts.

Edgar and Mary help Mr Blood with his work.

The three hunters need to be strong and clever to survive...



Chapter 1

The Letter

Chapter 2

Dust and Darkness

Chapter 3

The Search

Chapter 4

The Painting

Chapter 5

The Crow


Chapter 1

The Letter

Mr Blood, Edgar and Mary stood outside the gates to Crow Hall. Mr Blood shouted again and again. Nobody came to let them in.

Up in the sky, a pale moon shone down on the hall's black towers.

“Are you sure this is the right place?” Edgar asked.

“This is the right place,” Mr Blood replied. He pointed up at two large stone crows that stood on top of the gateposts. “The letter told us to come to Crow Hall.”

“Who sent the letter?” asked Edgar.

“At the bottom of the letter are the initials, ‘C. H.'” Mr Blood said.

“The letter said the house was haunted,” said Mary. “Maybe C. H. is in trouble inside the house.”

“We will have to climb over the gates and bang on the door,” said Mr Blood.

Mr Blood began climbing up the black iron gates. Mary went after him. Edgar looked up at the sharp metal spikes on top of the gates. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” he asked.

“Come on!” Mr Blood called from the other side of the gates.

They walked up the path to the main door. There were two more crows carved into the black wood of the door.

Mr Blood banged on the door with his stick. There was no answer.

“There is no-one here,” said Edgar. “Let's go home.”

Mr Blood ignored him and knocked

Mary turned to Edgar. “Don't you want to know what's going on?” she asked.

“I'm not bothered,” said Edgar as he turned around to stare back at the gates. He couldn't see the stone crows on top of the gate posts.

“That's odd,” he thought.

“Right,” said Mr Blood. “We will have to force our way in. C. H. could be in danger and we must act.”

He turned the heavy iron door handle. Edgar held his breath. To everyone's surprise the door swung open with a loud creak. It sounded like the screech of a crow.



Chapter 2

Dust and Darkness

It was pitch black inside the hall.

Mr Blood lifted three candles out of his bag. He lit them and gave one each to Edgar and Mary. Everything was covered in dust. Nobody had been there for a very long time.

Edgar looked out of one of the windows. He saw a pair of crows in a tree. It looked like they were watching him. He looked away and then looked back again. The crows had gone.

“If the house is haunted we must find the place where the ghost is strongest,” said Mr Blood. “What have I told you about where a ghost has the most power?”

“The place where the person died,” said Edgar with a shiver.

Mr Blood smiled at Edgar and nodded.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang. Edgar and Mary jumped with fright. The front door had slammed shut. All three candles went out.

“It was just the wind,” said Mary. She
didn't sound very sure.

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