Crushing Desire (24 page)

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Authors: April Dawn

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Crushing Desire
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“It’s all over now, love,” Joshua crooned, once again damning his useless legs. When he had come around last night to find Gunner standing over him and forcing liquid down his throat, his first thought had been of Reena. He’d tried to go to her, wanting to warn her about Gregory being the new captain. And he’d needed to be sure that she was well. When his legs had crumbled beneath him, and the enormous Gunner had to lift him back onto his bed, he’d realized the truth of it all. He was useless to her now. He couldn’t walk, he couldn’t fight, and he certainly couldn’t save her from anything. Not the captain, the men, or the horror of the hold.

Joshua stroked her hair as Reena let out a final sigh. Despite his effort to hold her a little longer, she pulled away and got back to her feet. Reena would have to be strong and face this without him, but Joshua knew that she could. He knew something that Michael never did. Reena had always been strong and independent. Despite her insecurities, she didn’t try to change herself and conform to society. She never backed down when she thought something was worth fighting for, and she never worried what others would think of her because of her beliefs. Whatever terrible things might happen before this ship reached the dock, Reena could handle them. He hoped he could too.


Chapter Twenty-three


Reena slipped her bed gown over her head, her bones and muscles aching. Even her hair seemed to hurt. She had stayed in the hold much longer than she should have. Though she knew she should go and rest, she still hadn’t been able to leave Joshua. She would have set up a cot next to his, but Reena knew that she would be foolish to sleep in front of the men. Many appreciated and even respected her, but she still saw the occasional stare, which told her she must be careful. She hadn’t seen Gregory since the night before. At one point, she thought he’d been at the edge of the room, but when she’d turned, he hadn’t. Slipping into bed, she shook her head as if to fling him from her mind and turned her thoughts to Fish.

Fish had been steadily improving since she’d removed the wood from his back. He was sore and tired, but his fever was gone, and he was eating again. All of which were good signs. He would live, and for that, she was glad. Reena smiled as she thought of the way Fish had grabbed her hand and thanked her profusely when she’d checked his wounds that evening. His eyes were bright with life again, though he still had a lot of healing left to do before he would scurry up the rigging again. She only hoped they would all survive what was to come.



“Well, now that we’re almost underway, I’ve been officially promoted from second mate to first mate.”

“That is wonderful news, Fish.” Reena sat forward in the small chair at his bedside. Only a week had passed since the horrific storm, but the ship had been healed of all its wounds and most of its crew as well.

“I get my own cabin and everything. The old captain had it specially made years ago when he was given the ship, so that both he and his mate would have cabins of their own.”

“Oh, and now that you are on the mend Captain Talbert is going to let you sleep there?” Reena twisted her fingers in her skirts.

Gregory would soon have free time again.

“Yes, and you will be allowed to stay where you are.”

Biting her lip, Reena didn’t tell him that she lay awake at night, listening to the sounds outside her door. That every footstep, every scrape that sounded, made her stiffen and a sheen of sweat covered her from head to toe by morning. When each new day arrived and Gregory hadn’t, she still found herself worrying that he would come to the hold and take Joshua.

“That’s wonderful.” She lowered her head to the simple grey dress she wore and stole a peek at Joshua. He appeared to be sleeping. Reena sighed. She hadn’t wanted him to worry about her, but the way he stared when he asked if she was all right, told her he did.

“You should get some rest.” Fish inclined his chin toward Joshua as he continued, “Before he wakes. I know you wish to be here when he is awake.”

Nodding, Reena rolled her head on her shoulders, stretching sore muscles. After requesting Smalls to send Thomas for some food when he came to the hold, she headed for her cabin. When she passed the threshold, she smoothed her plaited hair to be certain that it still held. The cabin had seemed cold and unfriendly since Joshua had left it, and Reena didn’t like to spend much time there anymore. The knock on the door signaled that her meal had arrived, and she called out for Thomas to enter. When the door opened, Gregory, not Thomas walked inside. Reena jumped, a hand flying to her chest. He stood there holding a large tray of cheeses, bread, and fruit.

“Oh dear, I was expecting Thomas.” She tried to affect an air of casual indifference while her pulse thundered inside. If she allowed him to know how afraid she was, it would give him too much power.

Gregory’s mood was much brighter than it had been the night of the storm. He’d acted so oddly that night, but there was something much more terrifying in this new attitude. Surely it meant he’d come to a decision of some kind.

“Sit, my dear.” He indicated the chair with his free hand as he pushed the door closed with his shoulder. Reena eased onto the seat. “Delicacies at sea.” Gregory plopped the tray in front of her and sat.

Reena didn’t want to eat, not with him here, and not while he seemed so pleased with himself. His casual manner made her stomach twist in knots, and she was sure that if she tried to eat anything it would come back up. However, worried that he would get angry or upset if she didn’t eat, Reena picked up a small wedge of cheese and nibbled.

The captain had no such trouble. He tore at the food like a man at a celebration. His clothes were clean and tidy, and his hair had been secured back with a dark blue ribbon. He smirked as he chewed. She knew at that moment, whatever he told her, her life would change today. Her stomach threatened to rebel, and she lowered her eyes to her plate. She didn’t want Gregory to see how his presence affected her.

“You look lovely today.” He tore a piece of bread from a loaf and shoved it into his mouth.

Reena kept her eyes on her plate and brushed absently over her dress to busy her trembling hands.

“Not talking to me, eh? Here I am ready to celebrate all the wonderful changes that are to come, and all you can do is stare at your dress.”

He sounded so happy, so excited. Reena swallowed around the welling in her throat.

“Please.” She swallowed again in an attempt to clear the obstruction. “Whatever plans you have for me, let Joshua live. Punish me for the both of us if you must, but don’t harm him.” Her tears welled, and her voice broke. “Please, I...” She stared down at her wringing hands.

Her breathed caught at the sudden presence of Gregory’s fingers on her chin. He brought her face up to meet his. There was seriousness present in his gaze that she’d never seen before.

“Hmm... What shall we do about this, my dear?” he asked.

Reena drew in a shaky breath, and her chin shook in Gregory’s hand. She closed her eyes in an attempt to block out this terrible twist of fate as though she could will herself back.

“Please, don’t ask that of me. I can’t,” she whispered, trying to still her quaking mouth.

Mocking laughter rang out. Gregory sat across from her, laughing, a bitter sneer quickly dissipated the instant her eyes flew open. She didn’t know what kind of game this was, but she wanted to hit him and shut him up.

“Your control over us isn’t enough? Now you mock me too?” She set her jaw, suddenly more angry than afraid. “What did we ever do—”

“No, Reena. You don’t understand what you have done, do you?” His laughter stopped, and a smirk appeared in its place. “I didn’t come here for you, and I’m not going to hurt your man.”

“What do you want of me then?” She lifted her thumb to her lips but stopped herself before chewing her nail.

“Well, my dear, when he is healed, I’m going to marry you,” he said, his voice momentarily bitter.

Reena’s jaw dropped as quickly as her hand. She opened her mouth to speak, but the captain continued before she had a chance form a word.

“Not to me. To your man. I’m going to witness your union, and you will be husband and wife.” He sat back and took a large bite of cheese.

“You—I—why?” She glanced around the cabin, which seemed suddenly strange and unreal. She wanted to believe him, but she couldn’t help but be wary.

“You really don’t understand, do you?”

Reena searched her mind for the trap this man was about to spring. Waited for the words he would say that would make her want to die. She couldn’t figure his angle. So she held herself guarded, showing as little emotion as possible.

“First, Joshua saved me and several others on the crew and is injured because of it.” Gregory shook his head, his voice hard. “Then you help save most of my men. Without medical care, many more would have died and some would be crippled by now. I was too busy trying to keep the ship in one piece to take care of the men. It appears both of you showed a bravery and resourcefulness that have put my
and me in your debt.” His emphasis of the word men gave Reena pause. Was he unhappy with them?

Gregory shook his head and leaned in, taking her hand in his. She would have pulled away, but something in his eyes made her stop. For the first time since he’d sat down, he actually seemed sincere.

“Also, you did save my son’s life. Fish would have died if you hadn’t found his injury and healed him.” Unexpectedly he stood, released her hand, and walked across the cabin.

Reena gaped at the man. She had never known that Fish was his son. They both had dark hair and rugged features, but the boy’s face was softer, and his eyes shined.

“I remember how bad he appeared after the storm.” His fingers came to rest on his chin, and his eyes focused on the air before him. “I’d spent the night by his side, watching him shiver, fearing that he would die. When I’d left him that morning, he was grey and sweaty.” He turned to face her. “I’ve seen death many times, and that was the visage my son had.”

He came to her side, gazing down at her. “Then you came and healed him. You did what you had to do to help him, and now he’s recovering. I gave you one weeks respite for my son’s sake. Now we are even on all scores.”

“Anyhow, from this moment forward, you can stay in this cabin with no fear of me or my men, though I must insist that you dine with me here in the evenings. Then, when your man is healed, I shall marry you, and you two can live as man and wife.”

He turned and walked to the door.

“Congratulations, Mrs. Sinclair.” His back to her, he walked through the doorway.

She slumped down, her face hiding in her hands, breathing in long slow breaths. Were his words true? Or was this another clever ruse to exact his revenge?

Chapter Twenty-four


Reena slipped her nail between her teeth as Joshua took a tentative step across the hold. They were going to be married. She couldn’t keep the smile from her lips any more than she could keep the hint of suspicion from her mind. Two days ago, everything had seemed abysmal, but now all the things she’d sought after her whole life were about to come to be. She had always wanted to be loved. To be a wife and a mother, but she’d never thought it would happen. She had always desired Joshua, but never thought to have him. Reena had wanted to go back home to her family, but she wasn’t sure that would come to be either. Now they were all happening. Still, she couldn’t calm the doubt that their new captain had yielded too easily.

For the past two weeks, the ship had been making excellent time. They would make it into port very soon. Fish was recovering well, but on her orders, he was still in bed, Most of the other crew members were hobbling around the deck, doing what they could to help out. Joshua was the only one who was still having trouble, though not unexpected trouble. In that time, Reena hadn’t been accosted by any member of the crew, and Gregory had been nothing but kind to her, on the surface.

“How am I doing?” Joshua asked.

Reena nodded as she watched his trembling legs, an image of the captain floating into her mind. Something was stopping him from doing what he wanted, but it wasn’t the gratitude he claimed it to be. He needed his crew and loved his son, but his anger was such that even with everything they had done, it likely wouldn’t be enough to stop his vengeance. In fact, every time he came near her, his muscles seemed tense, and a vein in his forehead pulsed. Reena couldn’t help but fear that whatever was forcing him to keep civil would dissipate, and they would find themselves in trouble yet again. She put the thoughts from her mind as Joshua took another step.

“You’re doing very well, keep going,” she said, as Joshua’s legs wobbled a bit.

The lacerations had healed, but his muscles were weak from inactivity, so he was having trouble walking. He stayed in his bed most of the time, resting as he healed. Reena smiled at Gunner, who was helping Joshua walk. He came in twice a day to help Joshua strengthen his muscles. Joshua was to remain in the hold until he could walk, mainly because Gregory wanted him there until he could marry them, which Reena found rather troubling. Things were civil between them when they took their meals together, though the captain’s glare when he thought she wasn’t looking made her pulse race and her stomach sour.

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