Cuff Master (41 page)

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Authors: Frances Stockton

BOOK: Cuff Master
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Tangled up in the dog’s leash, she didn’t try to get away
because Ethan was kissing her. His mouth was warm and temptation incarnate.

At some point she might never recall, he set her down on her
feet, untangled Guinness, grabbed her left hand and offered the ring.

“You’ve made me a happy man, Morgan. I’m proud to have a
baby with you. So let’s do it. Marry me. Say you’ll be my wife and Guinness’ mama.”


“Yes. The ladies are going to take you to a spa and
shopping. Meet me at Druid Creek Castle by five o’clock. Cassie’s dad agreed to
do the ceremony.”

“Yes, yes, I will be there.” Ethan slipped the ring onto her
finger. A second later, she was engulfed in his arms as more kisses rained down
upon her mouth.

Guinness decided he wanted to play and insinuated himself
between his new parents. She had to reassure him that they were keeping him,
not that she’d have chosen otherwise.

Kneeling down, she embraced him, letting him give doggie
kisses to her chin until he calmed down. “Yes, Guinness Maddox, I will marry
your daddy and be your mom.”

“Guess Morgan said yes,” Taran chimed in. “How about letting
the rest of us meet the newest Maddox?”

Everyone came over to introduce themselves to Guinness. On
instinct, the dog immediately recognized the top dog of the crowd. Not Phalen,
as Morgan expected, Taran.

To his credit, Taran was inherently patient. Before long,
the dog was licking his palm and wagging his tail. Phalen withdrew something
from his pocket and quickly became the favorite uncle when Guinness accepted a
doggie treat.

“Where’d you get the treat?” Morgan asked her soon-to-be

“A little bird gave it to me,” Phalen answered, gesturing to
Cassie. “We’ll be glad to keep Guinness for you anytime you two need.”

“Chances are Samson and Delilah won’t be thrilled about
having a dog for a cousin. When he’s over at your house, best keep him away
from Delilah’s claws,” Alex warned.

Samantha knelt next to Guinness, patting his adorable head.
“He’s so handsome, Ethan. And big! He’s definitely a Maddox.”

“Uh-oh, hope he’s neutered,” Cassie teased.

“He is,” Ethan said. Tucking Morgan under the protection of
his arm, he placed his free hand against her tummy. “He’s not the only Maddox
you all should meet. We’re having a baby.”

“What the fuck, Ethan? Ever heard of a condom?” Taran
demanded. “Phalen taught us better than that.”

Morgan looked at Cassie, who was just beginning to show. She
looked so happy and Phalen was so obviously proud to be a father. It would be
fun to go shopping for baby clothes with her sister-in-law.

“Be happy for us, Taran,” Morgan insisted. “Babies are
little miracles.”

Taran came over and hugged her. “I am happy for you two and
proud as punch to be an uncle. I’m just reminding my block-headed brother about

“I took Phalen’s advice to heart,” Ethan interjected. “When
you find the right woman, you stay with her. Condoms are a must, I’ll grant
you. Since I’ll never be with another woman, Morgan and I were able to find
more creative uses for them.”

“Ethan!” Morgan shouted, flushing and elbowing him at the
same time.

“Congrats to all moms-to-be. So many weddings lately,”
Samantha said. “It looks as if we’ll have plenty of baby showers too. Wonder
who’s next to walk down the aisle?”

“You,” Taran stated. “And me.”

“Whew, glad it’s not me. I’ve sworn off men,” Avery Grant
stated firmly. “Fuckers are nothing but trouble.”

“Avery, don’t compare all men to Timothy,” Alex replied.
“And you will remember to watch your tongue.”

Avery stuck her tongue out at her brother, waving him off.

“Who’s Timothy?” Morgan asked, looking at Avery. Alex’s
sister was a far prettier version of her older brother. Her shoulder-length
honey-blonde hair had just the right amount of wave and she wore a professional
gray pantsuit.

“The man my daddy thought I should marry,” Avery answered.
“Let’s just say he pretended to be the world’s most boring man. In reality, he
was a rat with a penchant for fucking law clerks. It’s best not to think about
him now.”

“Girl, you and I are going out for drinks after the wedding
tonight,” Samantha insisted. “Let’s prove to men that we don’t need them.”

“No. You’re going out with me tonight,” Taran corrected.

“Funny, pretty boy, I don’t recall being asked. And I’ve got
plans. Isn’t that right, Avery?”

“That’s right,” Avery agreed.

“Running scared, Samantha?” Taran challenged.

Sam stood tall, kept her hand on Guinness’ leash and stared
right into Taran’s eyes.

“You. Do. Not. Scare. Me. Keep messing with me, Taran
Maddox, I’ll face plant you in the dirt and fuck you doggie style. Understand
what I mean?”

“Is that the worst you’ve got, baby doll? Maybe men are
intimidated by the badass tomboy thing. I’m not. The next time you promise to
fuck me, you’d better damn well do it. We’ll see which one of us ends up on

The two engaged in a staring contest that left everyone in
the parking lot speechless. Guinness lowered his head to his paws in deference
to the pack leader in complete control right then. Samantha followed suit,
averting her gaze to the parking lot.

Calmly, Taran caught her chin, tilted her head back and
leaned in close enough to kiss Samantha. Only after she sighed and swayed on
her feet did he swipe his thumb over her lips in silent victory and walk away.

Guinness trailed after him, wagging his tail.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I do believe we have a wedding to
prepare for,” Alex reminded them. “Sam and Taran, you two are firmly separated
until after the wedding. If you two argue or give a repeat performance, I’ll
kick your asses.”

“I love it when you get bossy, Alex,” Ryan declared, making
them all laugh.

Morgan was so happy. Ethan’s ring was on her hand. They were
going to get married in a matter of hours!

“We have got to go,” Cassie stated. “Morgan, we’ll get you
all prettied up for the ceremony.”

The women surrounded her. “I don’t want to leave Guinness so
soon,” Morgan objected.

“He’ll be at the wedding,” Ethan promised. “Don’t worry.
We’ll both see you in a few hours.”

“Yes you will.” Morgan waved. She wanted to kiss him again,
but if she did, she’d miss the five o’clock deadline.

* * * * *


Ethan tried not to pace as he waited for his bride to come
down the aisle rolled out in rich red carpeting along a gleaming wood floor.
Ryan and Alex had worked a miracle, making the dining room of Druid Creek
Castle look like a church, complete with an altar, autumn-colored flowers and
classical music playing overhead.

Rows of chairs had been set up for the wedding guests, consisting
of Phalen’s in-laws, Captain Morrison and his wife Sierra, Remy Sinclair and
Evelyn Stratham. Eve’s glossy light-brown hair was drawn back in a severe
topknot and she wore a navy-blue skirt, pale-blue blouse and navy jacket.

Once he’d gotten to know Eve in recent weeks, he considered
her a friend now that Remy had resumed shooting his ghost hunting reality TV
show and Morgan was part of the team. Three other ghost hunters were there,
sound techs and equipment techs.

Ethan honestly didn’t remember their names. He would
remember later, after Morgan got there. It was five o’clock.

“She’ll be here, Ethan,” Phalen promised.

“Soon, I hope,” Taran added. “I want out of this suit.”

Taran was more comfortable in casual clothes. For the
wedding, he wore a charcoal suit that he’d normally wear to court. Phalen had
on a dark-gray suit and silver tie.

Ethan wore his Sunday best. Black suit, white shirt, black
tie, shined black shoes. Ahead of him, Cassie’s father stood with a bible in

The main doors squeaked open, echoing through the
restaurant, footsteps paraded in. Alex and Ryan intercepted them, becoming
wedding planners as they arranged Samantha, Cassie and Avery in a line.

Sam walked down first. She looked real pretty in a
knee-length black dress. Her honey-blonde hair was all tangled up in some kind
of topknot thing that left a few strands falling down to her high cheekbones.
She wore makeup and her mouth was painted a rich dark red.

Instead of sneakers or shit kickers, Sam wore strappy black
stilettos. She was six feet tall. In those shoes, she’d added four inches. His
partner was a knockout. He’d never tell her that. She’d deck him and take names
another day.

“Hell,” Taran muttered. “Samantha’s the most beautiful woman
I’ve ever seen.”

All three attendants wore black dresses. Ethan figured it
was easiest on short notice.

Phalen tightened his hold on Guinness’ leash. “One thing,
Taran, don’t try to own Sam and she’ll be yours. Be patient, and for god’s
sake, learn to switch sometimes.”

“Phalen’s right,” Ethan advised. “Sam’s the best. Treat her
well. She deserves it.”

“I’ll be damned. Her badass act’s got you both fooled. Don’t
worry. I know what I need to do to have Samantha. She’ll be mine, wait and

Morgan stepped into view. Ryan and Alex went to stand on
either side of her and took her by the arms.

Ethan’s brain short-circuited right to his groin. His bride
was stunning. She wore a simple ivory dress that fell to her calves and ankles
in a zigzag pattern.

Her auburn hair had been trimmed a couple of inches. The
slightly shorter style remained true to Morgan’s personality, but also gave her
hair a little more bounce and wave. What he loved the most was the way her
stylist had encircled the top of her head with a crown of her own gorgeous

She wore simple emerald earrings, gold jewelry and he caught
a flash of the blue and white garter that Cassie had worn.

Watching Morgan walk down the aisle, he felt primal and
virile because the woman he loved and made a baby with was marrying him. Phalen
nudged Ethan in the ribs and he remembered to breathe.

Alex put Morgan’s hand in his. “I’m sorry we were a little
late,” she said. “We got sidetracked by a last-minute change at the spa.”

“It’s okay. You’re here. You look beautiful.” Squeezing her
hand gently, he grinned as they turned to face the minister.

Fifteen minutes, a ring exchange and a kiss later, Ethan
kissed the lips of his wife.

From that time on, his focus was on her. They partied,
danced and enjoyed an excellent dinner that Alex’s chef had prepared. After
dinner, they danced some more.

Even Guinness joined in. Taran, Phalen and Ryan took turns
taking care of Guinness during slow dances. There may have been a cake after
that. Ethan was pretty sure he’d thrown the garter and Morgan tossed her small
bouquet of mixed flowers.

In all honesty, the wedding was a great big blur. But the
ring on his finger reminded him of the commitment they’d made to each other. To
love and obey, in sickness and in health, ’til death they do part, Morgan was
his, as he was hers.

“Ethan, your honeymoon suite’s all set when you’re ready,”
Alex told him, pulling him aside.

“Thanks, bro,” Ethan said, shaking his hand.

“No problem. Listen, what happened between the four of us
upstairs hasn’t changed the friendship Ryan and I share with you and Morgan,
but if you break her heart, I will break you, understood?”

“Morgan’s my wife. I love her. I’d never treat her with
anything less than respect.”

“Glad to hear it. That warning was from my husband too.”

“Figured as much. I appreciate his help in agreeing to keep
Guinness for us over the weekend. Phalen’s going to take him for the remainder
of the honeymoon.”

“Just remember, anything you two need, call us. We’ll help.”

“Thanks, I’ve got it covered.”

Morgan was talking to Cassie and Sam. She looked over at him
and smiled, the look in her eyes making him hard in an instant. If he didn’t
fuck his wife soon, he’d get blue balls. Thank God for his suit coat. It hid
his rampant cock.

Walking up to her slowly, he took her left hand and drew her
to him. “Excuse us, ladies. It’s time for the honeymoon to begin.”

“Have fun,” Sam replied.

“We will,” Morgan said.

“Where are you two going anyway?” Cassie asked.

“Wherever Morgan wants to go.”

“Nice answer,” Cassie said. “Be safe, you two. Love you.”
She hugged them both and got all teary.

“Was it something I said?” Ethan asked Morgan after Cassie
walked away.

“No. Pregnancy hormones. I cry at toilet paper commercials

“I’m proud of you, know that?”

“Thank you, but what did I do to earn such praise?”

“Let’s see…you became my wife, you’re the mother of our
child, love our dog…you name it.”

“Then let’s go to bed. I’ve missed you. Is your leg okay?”

“My leg’s fine.” His erection was massive. Taking her hand,
he led her out of the ballroom and headed for the small elevator. “Are you okay
spending the weekend here? It won’t be too much?”

“You’re touching me, Ethan. I’m fine. Keep touching me when
I need it and we’ll be even better.”

“Always,” he promised.

The elevator took them to the suite he’d reserved for them
over Samhain. Since that plan was shot to hell, literally, he had to be more

Inside, Alex and Ryan had set the scene perfectly.
Jasmine-scented incense had recently been burned, filling the air with
seductive fragrance. Everything, the bed, the windows, the tapestries and
furniture was draped in black silk.

Across the room that was normally B&B quaint was the
bondage chair and bondage table that he’d arranged for Doc to go retrieve from
the brownstone dungeon.

Druid Creek Castle had every conceivable device anyone in
the lifestyle desired. Ethan could have requested anything. But he wanted his
own gear. Inside the many drawers of that table, he had all the supplies he’d
need for a weekend of wild fucking, bondage, discipline and lovemaking.

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