Cursed Ecstasy (Cursed Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Cursed Ecstasy (Cursed Series)
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The changes in our relationship started off slowly. He was smart, not wanting me to catch on to his plan.

The first time he pushed me, I was hurt emotionally. I didn’t understand what was happening. It was as if a switch went off in his head and he turned into a completely different person…a monster. Shortly after that, the full-fledged beatings started. He talked down to me and told me I was worthless, I was lucky I had him, and no one would ever want a piece of worthless trash like me.

I was devastated and believed everything he told me. Why wouldn’t I? He was really all I had.

Soon, he was giving me drugs to help me fight what he said was depression. I was so lost in him that I did whatever he told me; I felt I had no other choice.

Once the fights, drugs, and lectures became a daily occurrence, he introduced me to a world I’d rather forget.

From that moment on he had me doing sexual favors for all the men at the club. As awful as I feel now thinking back to the things I’ve done, being in that situation made me feel wanted…even though I was clearly being used as a doormat.

I was a whore, a tramp, and a woman that knew no better.

Until I snapped one day. I realized what was really happening to me and I was determined to find a way out for good.

My life with Rick was a living nightmare. I hate myself for allowing it to go on as long as I did. Thankfully, I fled and got away from him for a short while. Now he’s here—he’s come to find me and I have no idea where he is or what he’ll do to me once I’m out of this place.

Sounds from the officer’s radio bring my attention back to the here and now. I watch as both men walk toward me, each taking a seat in the chairs next to my bed.

“Miss Powers, we have a lot of details to sort through. Christian has told me the state of your condition and I understand we need to keep you awake.”

Nodding my head, I urge him to continue.

“From what we’ve gathered, there were five of you in the home when we were called to the scene. Is that correct?”

For a moment, I think back to what I can remember.

Who called them to come in the first place?

“Miss Powers,” his stern voice calls.

“Yes, there were five of us,” I reply, my voice quivering.

“Can you tell me exactly what happened? I’ll need you to remember the details as best as you can.”

Trying to situate myself into a seated position, my eyes shift to Christian while he moves from the chair to help me.

“I’m fine,” I say, looking up at him.

A quirky smile forms across his face as he leans forward to lift the bed into an upright position. Once it’s exactly as he wants it, he lifts the pillows behind me and gestures for me to sit back.

“You comfortable?” Christian asks.

Nodding my head, I give him a half smile and turn my attention back to the officer.

“It all happened so fast, I’m having a hard time remembering exactly what happened.”

With a scowl on his face, he says, “Start from the beginning and walk me through what you

Tightly closing my lids, I try to envision the events as they took place.

“I was lying down in my bedroom and heard a noise. I figured it was the guys next door so I didn’t think anything of it at first. Then footsteps started to sound up the stairs and I started to wonder what was going on, so I got up and moved toward the door. Before I knew what was really happening, my bedroom door swung open and Michael stood in front of me. I’d never met him before tonight; I had no clue who he was. He reached for me and pushed me down onto my bed. I heard another man’s voice, one that I knew far too well from my past.”

Pausing for a second, I take in a deep breath.

“Who was the other man, Miss Powers?”

My eyes flash open and fall onto the officer’s. The look he returns is stern and full of determination.

“He was my ex-boyfriend, Rick.”

“Your ex-boyfriend? Tell me a little bit more about your relationship with him.”

Dear god, the last thing I want to do right now is dredge up my past life with Rick.
The memories of us are unbearable enough, but having to describe them to a stranger is just bringing all the pain back to life.

Christian’s hand reaches for mine. I look into his chocolate brown eyes and he nods his head. The compassion he’s showing me gives me the strength to go on and share my story.

“We dated for three years while I was living in Oregon. He’s not a good person—he did things to me that I’d rather not discuss. I was lucky enough to get away and that’s when I moved here.”

The officer intently watches my reaction, a tear sliding down my face. He has to feel how uncomfortable I am, he has to see the pain in my eyes, and he has to understand that this is something I don’t want to talk about any further.

“I’ll accept that answer for now, but in time we may need to investigate your past with him. Did he know you were living in Alabama?”

His words send a reassuring sensation through me. I may not have to relive those years right here and now, but in time. I can live with that for the time being.

“No, well, I didn’t think so. I left without him knowing I was leaving or where I was going.”

“What happened after you two were reunited?”

Trying my best to remember the exact details, I close my eyes and replay what happened.

“He came into the room, grabbed me, and took me down the stairs. While we were walking, he shoved me and I fell down the last few steps and into the wall.”

“Is that how you hit your head?”

Tears start to fall from my closed lids as I nod my head. The mere thought of what could’ve happened to me scares the living shit out of me. He could have killed me right then and there…no questions asked.

I sense movement next to me and open my eyes.

Christian leans and faces back toward me, handing me a tissue. This complete stranger has more empathy for me than any other man I’ve known…where the hell did he come from?

“I think she’s had about enough of the inquisition for now, can we call a five minute break?” he asks Officer Donovan.

“That’s fine for now. I’ll go see if there’s any news on the others. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“Thank you,” we reply in unison.

The officer walks out of the room and Christian rests himself on the side of my bed. With trembling hands, he pushes the loose hair from my face behind my ear.

“Why?” I ask him.

“Why what?” he responds with a smile.

I take in a deep breath as his warm hand caresses the side of my face.

“You don’t know me, yet you’re here helping me, taking care of me.”

He takes my hand in his and squeezes it ever so gently.

“There’s no simple explanation for it, Gretchen. All I know is that I’m supposed to be here for you. Don’t question it, okay?”

Wiping the falling tears with my tissue, I let a smile stretch across my lips. He’s right. I need him here with me and I won’t question it for a second. Support is what I need right now, and if he’s willing, I’ll accept.


Chapter 7

You’ll have to wait

I don’t have any information at this time
…it’s all Steve and I have heard for the past few hours. No matter who we’ve asked, that’s the answer we’ve received. I’m seriously beginning to feel like this place is full of complete idiots or assholes…maybe both.

I’ve never had to wait for anything in my entire adult life. If I want something, I fucking go get it—no one tells me no. I’ve learned to be blunt, forceful, and refuse the word no, but now I don’t have an ounce of control over the situation and it’s pissing me the fuck off.

A cool breeze filters through the warm air as I take a deep drag of my cigarette and exhale a puff of smoke.

Over the past few hours, I think I’ve smoked a pack of cigarettes and my throat is just about raw.

I toss the empty filter onto the sidewalk and crush it with my boot.

It’s just about time to go back inside; I’ve been out here long enough.

I start to walk back toward the entrance with Steve close behind. We’ve been waiting forever, or so it seems. Hopefully, this time when we go back in there someone will have heard something.

Walking through the doors, my eyes land on the five cops standing in the waiting room. While we move in their direction, Officer Donovan emerges from the ER and joins the others.

Rather than sitting down and sulking, I choose to approach them to see if there’s any word on Linc and Jo.

Six sets of eyes stare me down as I stand before them.

“Have you heard anything on our friends yet?”

Officer Donovan steps forward and places his hand on my shoulder.

“I can understand that you’re waiting to hear something on your friends, but the young lady in there has had a rough night. She could really use those closest to her around during this time.”

My eyes focus in on him, and for a brief moment, if I didn’t know he was a cop, I had the urge to slam him into the wall. He has
no clue
who that person is in the other room. Etty is the one who’s caused us all to be here. The
thing I want to do is show her
type of support.

“I’d rather know about the others that were involved tonight. We already know that Etty is alive and breathing. For God’s sake, Linc is my brother and Jo may as well be my sister. Can’t we get some type of confirmation that they’re okay?”

Another officer moves and positions himself to face me and Officer Donovan.

“Look, son, I know this is trying and the waiting is a bit unnerving. All we know for now is that they’re here and both in surgery. As soon as they make it out, someone will be down to talk to us. We all want answers just as badly as you do.”

“I highly doubt that,” I mumble under my breath.

Tightness fills my chest at the thought of both Linc and Jo in surgery. I step back and lean against the wall, placing my head in my hands. Behind closed lids, I can envision both of them lying on tables with doctors and nurses surrounding them. The unknown of their conditions is driving me insane.

Pushing myself away from the wall, I mumble, “I need a smoke,” before walking away.

Hurrying myself through the doors and out into the parking lot, I stare out at the dark sky.

My thoughts are a complete mess and I don’t know what to do. I get that there’s really nothing I can do to help them right now, but I have to think of something…anything. I’ve never been a man to pray, but right now I need the big man up there to hear me loud and clear.

Taking a seat on the concrete wall, I firmly place my hands together and close my eyes.

Hey, big guy in the sky…I know that you’re probably wondering who the hell I am and why I’m asking for your help. I’m not a religious guy. Shit, I don’t even know what the hell I believe in anymore.

It’s not like we talk often or that I’ve asked you for anything since I was nine. I’ve kind of pushed you away since Mama died, but right now I need you to listen and hear what I’m about to ask of you.

I may not be a good man or make the right choices in life, but there are two people that are my world and could really use your help.

Something pretty bad went down tonight and Linc and Jo are both hurting. In fact, right now they’re in surgery, fighting for their lives.

They are all I have left; you can’t take them from me, too. I need both of them in my life to keep me straight. Without them, I’m not sure what I’d do. It’s driving me nuts, and it scares the shit out of me.

I can’t promise that I’ll be a better man or stop my ways, but I can tell you that I’ll never let anyone hurt them ever again.

Can you do that for me? Can you save them and bring them back to me?

A puff of cigarette smoke hits me in the face and my senses push my eyes to fly open.

One of my best friends stands before me, one hand in his pocket the other hanging onto a lit butt. I know he cares; he’s hurting and he, too, wants answers.

“You okay, bro?” Steve asks, taking in another drag of his cigarette.

Shaking my head, I don’t know what to say. I’m sure as hell not okay and won’t be until I see the whites of their eyes.

“I’ll be a hell of a lot better once we know what’s going on with Linc and Jo. Surgery, man, they’re in fucking surgery.”

I pounce down off the wall and begin to pace a short path back and forth along the sidewalk.

As I turn to walk back toward Steve, my eyes focus on an officer walking our way.

“You boys might want to come inside. One of the surgeons just came down and is ready to talk with us.”

Without a second thought, I push myself past the two men standing in my way, taking long strides toward the entrance.

The level of anxiety fueling me is heightened. My chest is on fire, my limbs are numb, and my throat feels like it’s closing up on me.

Walking into the waiting area, five officers surround a tall, dark-haired man in a green pair of scrubs. His hands are resting in his pockets and a look of empathy is sprawled across his tired and grim looking face.

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