Cursed Ecstasy (Cursed Series)

BOOK: Cursed Ecstasy (Cursed Series)
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Cursed Ecstasy

The Cursed Series, #2

By t. h. snyder


© 2014 t. h. snyder (Tiffany Snyder)

Published by t. h. snyder

First published in 2014. All rights reserved. This book is copyright. Apart from the fair purpose of private study, research or review as permitted by the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced without written permission.

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Image Copyright

Book Cover by Design: Kellie Dennis

Front Cover photo by Ted Scanon Photography

Back Cover photo by SC Photo



Cursed Ecstasy is the second book of the Cursed Series. This story became a part of me while writing Cursed Love, yet I had a much harder time expressing the feeling of the characters.

Through this story, I went through a lot of personal issues that made writing that much more difficult. At the end of every day I sat down to write and found that I couldn’t. That was until I reached out to my support team…I couldn't have done this without the help and support of the following people.

My FAMILY! Roberta M Rizzotto (Mom), Angela Minnich, Jim Minnich (Dad), and Marilyn Minnich. You guys have been there through it all, telling me I can do anything I put my mind to. This wouldn’t be possible without you pushing me along the way. I love you so much.

To my two wonderful KIDS, you are my world Raeghyn, and Mason. I love you both to infinity and beyond.

My ROCK, you’re always there when I need you…no matter when. You’re an amazing person and incredible friend. I don’t know what I’d do without you by my side. You seem to calm me when I’m the craziest and feel like the world is coming down on me. Thank you for being you, love you Ninja.

My BETA GIRLS! Barb Johnson, Margaret MC, Joanne Schwehm, Karrie Puskas, Jennifer Maikis, Crystal Rearick, Jamie Bourgeois, Mary Lou Moench, Ashley Blankenship, Carrie Stadtler, Chrissy Bise and Amy Concepcion. I pushed this one on you guys at the last minute, but you never gave up on me. Thank you for taking time away from your busy lives to read my story.

To the amazing BLOGS that support me and never flinch when I ask them to post my teasers and such. You’re all too good to be true.

The READERS, well hell I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. I adore the messages you send me and all of your kind words. Knowing that I’ve touched so many of you with my stories makes my heart happy.

My STREET TEAM, t. h. snyder & the pimpettes we’ve come a long way in a short period of time. You ladies make me laugh and drool every day, love you.

A special shout out to a few AUTHORS that I know and love very much. Without your support and encouragement, I’d be lost. I love you Stacy Borel, Bayli Lane, S Moose, Hilary Storm, Julie Bailes, Margaret MC, Joanne Schwehm, Skye Turner, LL Collins, JM Witt, Kathy Coopmans, Chelle Bliss and AD Justice.

My ROCK and BFF, Christine Stanley you already know how much you mean to me, this journey wouldn’t be the same without you by my side. You’re not only a friend but a long lost sister. I love you lots poopsie.

Kellie Dennis, you are the most amazing COVER ARTIST a gal could ask for. I love sending you pictures and hearing your thoughts.

My EDITING team, Tiffany Tillman and Kellie Montgomery, thank you so much for making this story a part of your lives. I couldn’t have done this without you. Love you girls!!!!

My master PHOTOGRAPHERS, Ted and Shelton I’m so glad we found each other. You are both amazing men and I love your work. Sorry, but you’re stuck with me till the end. Love you both.

Last but certainly not least, my COVER MODEL, Paul Blake. You are one of the very first models I can proudly say became a close friend. Thank you for putting your trust in me and my story. You’ve been an amazing person to ride out this wave with, even as crazy as I might make you sometimes. Bigs hugs and kisses boo.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.



Chapter 1

A vibrating sensation sends my mind into a deep state of irritation, yet again. My phone has been blowing up in my pocket for the past half hour. Sitting on a barstool at Dick’s, I slouch into the bar with my head in my hands. Honestly, right now, I couldn’t care less who the hell is trying to get in touch with me.

I’m frustrated, annoyed, and pissed the fuck off. I pulled one of the biggest dick moves with Etty this morning
had to witness the happily ever after of Linc and Jo before heading out of the house earlier.

There’s no one to blame but myself. It’s my own damn fault that I steer away from the idea of a committed relationship, so why the fuck does it bother me so much?

Lifting my head out of my hands, I look forward into the mirror behind the bar. The guy staring back at me is a worthless piece of shit—Etty is better off not getting involved with me. I know I shouldn’t have let a moment of weakness affect me the way I did. I just can’t seem to control myself around her.

Etty is gorgeous. Her eyes, her body, and the way she walks, talks and smells. I’ve let my dick think for me and now there’s no way to take our night of amazing sex back…not that I’d really want to. It was fucking insane.

Shit, I need to get her out of my mind.
The only way I know how to clear my head is by slipping my cock into some random chick.

Reaching for the bottle, I swallow the last sip of beer and head to the back room to check on Steve and Cliff. It’s only a quarter ‘til midnight and I could go for one more game of pool before finding a pair of legs to call my home for the night.

As I begin to walk into the back room, my phone starts to vibrate again in my pocket. Shaking my head in disgust, I pull it out to turn it off. Glancing at the screen, I see missed text messages from Linc’s phone.

Pausing for a moment, my feet planted firmly on the ground, I scrunch my brows in confusion. It’s not like him to send me texts this late at night, unless something is wrong.

A sudden ache begins to fill my chest as I unlock my phone to see what’s going on.

Linc – Dault, call Linc’s phone ASAP….

Linc – Dault, did you get the last message?

Linc – Fucking hell, Dault!!!!

Linc – We need you to answer your text messages.

Linc – Daulton, so help me god reply to this message when you see it.

Linc – Get your fucking ass to University of Alabama’s ER ASAP

Linc – We just got here and it’s not sounding too good, call or text us back.

Linc – Daulton, hurry up before it’s too late

Linc – I’m done with you, if you’re too stupid to look at your damn phone then go fuck yourself.

The further I scroll down through the texts, the sicker I begin to feel. I don’t know if Linc is in trouble or who the hell is sending these texts to me, but I have to get out of here and get to the hospital as soon as possible.

My head snaps up to see Steve standing against the far wall. The look on his face is of pure confusion as he begins to walk toward me.

“Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”

Without a word I hand him my cell phone. My fingers run the length of my short blond hair as I begin to pace a short distance back and forth.

Steve stops me by clapping his hand on my shoulder. The expression on his face is one of fear; he has to be feeling somewhat the same panic that I am right now.

“We need to get out of here and to the hospital,” I bark in his direction.

“Agreed, Cliff just left with some chick and I’m not expecting that he’ll be coming back anytime soon. I’ll just text him and let him know what’s going on.”

I nod my head and start to move out of the pool room and through the darkened bar.

A stabbing pain is starting to grow in my chest and radiate down into my stomach. I have no clue what the fuck is going on right now. I have no sense of control and I need to know what’s happened.

Steve cuts in front of me and stares me down.

“Let me drive, bro. You’re in no condition to focus on the road.”

I nod my head to him and hand over the keys to the car.

Sliding into the passenger’s side seat, I unlock my phone and start to analyze the text messages.

“Did you text him back?” Steve asks, roaring the engine to life.

“No,” I reply, scanning through the last ten texts.

“Well, why the hell not? Don’t you think that whoever has been texting you can give us some insight as to what the fuck is going on?”


“Dault, I know you’ve got to be in shock or some shit like that, but you have to find out what’s up. I don’t even know where the hell I should be going.”

“The ER, dumbass. Now stop talking and fucking drive.”

Silence fills the inside of the car. I know that there’s no need for me to take this out on Steve, but I’m worried sick right now.

The texts are coming from Linc’s phone, but the actual messages aren’t something Linc would send to me.

I’m utterly confused and the panic rushing through my veins is becoming more intense. I don’t know if I can take hearing that something happened to Linc or Jo or…fuck…what if something has happened to Etty?

As I pound my fist into the dashboard, Steve jumps and looks in my direction.

“Don’t start, Steve. My entire world could be crashing down on me again. Step on the gas and get us there,

“I’m already breaking every road law known to man and I’ve drank enough tonight to have my ass put in jail. Don’t push your luck; I’ll get us there as fast I can and in one piece.”

My gaze turns from him to the window. It’s pitch black outside other than the street lamps and the lights of other vehicles.

Trying to swallow the rock hard lump now lodged in my throat. I sit up in my seat as the tall buildings of the hospital come into view.

As Steve pulls up to the ER entrance, I signal for him to stop before he parks the car.

“Just meet me inside; I have to get in there.”

Slamming the door shut, I run toward the doors of the ER and straight to the triage nurse’s desk.

A small blonde turns in her chair and slides the glass window open.

“Hi, can I help you?” she asks.

“Yes, I received a text from a friend stating that my friends were here. Where are they?”

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