Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4 (14 page)

BOOK: Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4
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“Damn, Ashley, we need to get you some food before your stomach eats us all alive,” Jo says with a giggle.

“Yeah, I guess skipping breakfast and lunch wasn’t a good idea.”

“Yeah no…now get your tiny ass in there,” Cliff remarks while getting out of the car.

As we walk into the diner, the hostess grabs up some menus and asks us to follow her back to a booth along the windows.

“Is this okay?” She asks.

Nodding, I smile back to her and slide onto the pleather seat.

“God, I’m really starving, I could eat a horse,” I remark looking over the items on the menu.

“Yeah, I doubt that very much. Let me guess, chicken caesar salad and a cup of the chicken noodle soup?” Cliff replies with a laugh.

Peering over the top of the menu, I slant my eyes at him and give him a smirk.

“Nope, I think I’ll have a bowl of the soup…not a cup.”

“Whoa, Jo, you better come on over to this side of the table….she’s going to expand fast.”

Tossing my menu at him, we all start to laugh. It’s refreshing to banter with my friends after all the stress we’ve been through.

The waitress stops back to the table for us to order our drinks as the bell chime on the entry door rings throughout the space.

Ordering a glass of water with lemon, my gaze moves from the waitress to the front door.

“Oy, don’t look now, but guess who just walked in?”

Completely ignoring my request
to look now, Cliff turns in his seat toward the door.

“Oh fuck no, that punk ass needs to find somewhere else to go. There’s no way I’m willing to put up with his pansy ass, I’m too tired for that shit.”

Shaking her head and giggling, Jo places her hand on top of Cliff’s.

“Relax, Hercules, he’s just here to eat.”

As Cliff turns to face us, he has a questionable glare spread across his face.

“You do realize he’s the one that tried to take Etty from Dault, or was I the only one around for that whole fiasco?”

“Cliff, he did not try and do anything to Etty. He was being a good friend, she was in a vulnerable situation and he tried to comfort her. Who cares anyway, I think he seems like a nice guy.”

“Bullshit, he’s a clown and we all know it. He’s psycho crazy and I for one will not allow him near any of the Pink Crew.”

“What?” Jo shrieks batting her long lashes. “Who the hell is the Pink Crew and since when are you Mister Tough Guy?”

“Oh, come on, y’all refer to us as the Cursed Crew so I thought it was only fitting to call you ladies the Pink Crew.”

Jo nudges my arm and we look to each other. Together we burst into a fit of laughter looking back to Cliff.

“Clever, Cliff, very clever. Maybe we should have tee-shirts made for the grand reopening that say “We’ve been cursed…we’ve fought for our crew.”

“Hell yeah, Ashley,” she retorts, “and we should totally put our names down the back…ohh, squueee, we are so doing this.”

Clapping her hands she brings out her cell and dials a number.

“What that hell is that crazy woman doing?” Cliff asks.

“Ordering us tee-shirts, what else,” I say in between my laughter.

Cliff drops Jo and me off at Linc’s house as we are all ready to call it a night. It’s been a long day and all I want is a hot shower and my bed. I just wish Steve would be there with me. Falling asleep in his arms the past few days has been incredible; I miss him so much already.

“You wanna just stay here tonight?” Jo asks moving up to the front porch. “You can totally crash here or at Etty’s, if you want.”

“That doesn’t sound like a bad idea, but I don’t have any clothes or anything with me.”

“No worries girl, I’ll get you all set up,” she replies opening the front door and walking into the house.

I follow her through the front door and plop myself down on the couch.

“I think if I closed my eyes right now, I could just fall asleep,” I say, allowing myself to sink into the soft pillows and cushions.

“Yeah, me too, but I want to shower and sleep in a bed.”

“Oh for sure, I can run next door and shower at Etty’s so we can be done faster.”

“Perfect, let me get you some clean clothes. I’ll be right back down.”

I watch as Jo runs up the stairs and I start to walk through the living room. Looking along the mantle and bookcase I see so many amazing photos of the Cursed and
Crew...I start to giggle to myself, hey, if the shoe fits…why not? In every shot we are all flashing our smiles; we really do bring out the best in one another. I realize we’ve all been busy and, right now, our crew family is divided by a few hundred miles, but seeing the happiness in all of our faces brings me hope that one day we will all be brought back together again.

Etty’s hair brained plan may have seemed a bit farfetched at first, but now that it’s underway and we are seeing the progress, I have no doubt that it’s all going to work out as planned.

“Here you go,” Jo’s voice comes from behind me. “I have yoga pants, a tank, and a pair of panties that I swear I’ve never worn.”

With a giggle I take the stack of clothes from her.

“Thanks, Jo, I appreciate you letting me crash here tonight.”

Shaking her head, she swats her hand in front of my face.

“No worries, girl. I don’t sleep well when Linc’s not around. Having you in the house will give me peace of mind that another breathing being is here with me.”

Smiling at her, I move toward the door and grab Etty’s key off the wall.

“I won’t be long,” I state opening the door.

“You’re fine, if I happen to pass out before you get back just lock up and take the spare room. It’s already set up for you.”

With a wave, I walk through the door and to the other side of the house.

My body is exhausted and my eyes are tired as I open the front door. Hurrying up the stairs, I make quick work of shedding my clothes and hopping into the shower. The hot water feels so good falling over my aching body, I could stay in here forever…or until the water decides to run cold. Finishing up my hair and rinsing myself of the body wash, I turn off the water. As I step out of the shower, I quickly dry off and get myself dressed. Making sure that everything is back in its place, I move down the stairs and out the front door.

As I push open Jo’s door, the downstairs is dark, other than the standing light along the far wall. I guess she wasn’t kidding when she said she was going to pass out.

Locking the front door, I grab for my purse on the side table and make my way up the stairs. As tired as I am, I want to call Steve before I fall asleep….shit, the time difference. Damn it, I hope it’s not too late.

Chapter 17

Sitting in Mimi’s living room with Etty and Linc, I look around to see drooping eyes. It’s been a long day and an even tougher struggle.

Our afternoon with Dault went well…or so I thought. After walking in on him and Etty, Linc and I decided to take a drive. Giving them a little bit of time alone was something we both felt they needed.

It was nice to see the town Dault and Linc grew up in and where they formed so many memories. Not having anyone from my childhood to call a friend, it makes their bond as brothers seem that much greater. Hell, if I didn’t have these guys and girls in my corner I wouldn’t have anyone. I’ve accepted that my family no longer wants me to be a part of their lives, maybe in time things will change, but for now it’s just me and my crew.

Etty’s body starts to shift in the chair and I can see her head bobbing up and down as she tries to fight her tired eyes.

“Why don’t you go upstairs to sleep, Etty?” I whisper.

Her blue eyes find mine as she starts to wipe them with the back of her hand.

“I’m so sleepy,” she responds with a yawn.

“Yeah, I can see that. Do you need help getting upstairs?”

“Nope,” she says popping the ‘p’ sound. “I’ll be fine, see you in the morning,” she states before coming over to Linc and me for a tight squeeze.

“I’m right behind you. Are you coming up, Steve?” Linc asks.

“Not yet, I’m waiting to hear from Ashley. I’ll be up soon.”

“All right, man, good night. See you in the morning.”

With a wave of my hand, I watch as they walk out of the room.

My hand flies to my hip as my phone begins to vibrate in my pocket. Pulling it out, I see a text from Ashley. A smile spreads across my face as I swipe the screen to read her message.

Sweet Girl – Hey, love, you still up?

I laugh to myself seeing the name she’s given herself in my phone. She is my sweet girl and always will be.

Steve – Yup, Etty and Linc just went to bed. Want me to call you?

Sweet Girl – No it’s okay, I don’t want to wake Jo.

Steve – You’re sleeping with Jo….whoa babe, I’ve only been gone a day and you’ve already switched teams on me.

Sweet Girl – No, you dork, she said I could stay here, it’s been a long day so I’m crashing in the spare room. I miss you xoxo.

Steve – Long day here too, but I think we made progress. Miss you more xoxo.

Sweet Girl – Really…that’s great news. Did Dault remember anything more?

Steve - Nah, it was just good seeing the two of them together. We just need to give him time.

Sweet Girl- oh

Steve - No worries though. Enough about them how is my girl?

Sweet Girl – I’m fine, just missing you.

Steve – I know me too. Hopefully we’ll be on a plane by tomorrow night. Dault has an appt with the doc tomorrow morning, fingers crossed all goes well and the 4 of us will be home soon.

Sweet Girl – TOMORROW?!?!?

Steve – Yeah is that a bad thing?

Sweet Girl – Shit, Steve, we won’t be ready….Cursed Magic won’t be ready by then.

Steve – Relax, sweets, it’ll be fine. Plus if all of us are back in town we’ll be able to help.

Sweet Girl – Ugh, I guess.

Steve – Yeah so…ummm…what are you wearing?

Sweet Girl – Haha, what? You wanna talk dirty with me now?

Steve – Hell, I’ll talk dirty to you whenever, I was just trying to keep your mind busy.

Sweet Girl – Okay, what do you have in mind?

Steve – What are you wearing?

Sweet Girl – Something really sexy, I wish you could see.

Steve – Snap me a pic and I will.

A few seconds go by with no reply, what is my little vixen up to….hmm, I wonder. The more I wonder, the more my thoughts fall onto my memories of the other day. With closed eyes, I scan the image of her in my mind. Her pink hair is falling down past her shoulders, her tits perky and her nipples staring back at me as they form into hard pebbles. My hands begin to trail down her stomach leading to her needy mound. I can still smell her arousal and my mouth begins to water.


My phone vibrates in my hand alerting me of a picture message from Ashley. Swiping the lock screen an image of her pops up on the screen.

Oh hell, I can’t…no…yes…oh God.

The photo is of her lying on a bed in absolutely nothing. My dick becomes rock hard as I look down to the tent forming in my lounge pants.

Holy fucking hell…this woman is going to kill me.

Wanting to return the favor, I look around the downstairs of the house. All of the lights are out besides the one here in the living room. I listen for any sound…nothing but silence.

Pulling my pants and boxer briefs down, my cock springs forward hitting me in the stomach. As I reach down, I grab onto my length with one hand while focusing the camera on my phone with the other. I’ve never sent a woman naked pics, might as well start with the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Snapping the shot, I quickly hit send before I second guess myself.

Sweet Girl – Oh God, Steve, I wish you were here.

Steve – What would you do if I was?

Sweet Girl – Hmm, I’d wrap my hands around your cock. Slowly sliding it between my lips, while trailing my tongue…

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