Curtis's Dads 23 (3 page)

Read Curtis's Dads 23 Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Romance, #Mm, #Vampires, #Contemporary

BOOK: Curtis's Dads 23
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Okay, that flight thing was kicking in again, but Curtis planted his feet firmly on the ground. He wasn’t going to run. “I do,” he said as he stared once again at his mate’s lips.

Chauncey’s eyes flickered over to Dagon. “Can you give us a minute?”

Curtis averted his eyes, noticing the humungous-ass bulge in the front of Chauncey’s pants. Good god almighty! Was he really packing like that? Okay, maybe he should run. That python in Chauncey’s pants was intimidating as hell.

Dagon excused himself, disappearing into the back hallway where Curtis knew the offices were. His eyes stayed glued on that hallway.

He was afraid to look up at Chauncey. He was also afraid to look down and see once again what he had in store for him. Did cocks really come in that size? Damn if Curtis didn’t feel like he had a worm between his legs compared to Chauncey’s python package.

He yelped when his mate lifted him from his feet, crushing him to his massive chest as he growled in his ear.

The growl sent shivers throughout Curtis’s body as he wrapped his legs around Chauncey’s waist. He had to. There was no other way around it. If he hadn’t, he would have been dangling from his mate’s arms. Chauncey cupped his face, whispering his lips over Curtis’s.

“Kiss me.”

Curtis was stunned that Chauncey had asked. The bear seemed more like a take-command kind of guy. But he was more focused on the hard cock his ass was resting on. It was like a damn shelf! What exactly had he gotten himself into? Curtis opened his mouth and crushed his lips against Chauncey’s as he felt the bear massaging his ass, his fingers making small circular motions around his butt.

He was excited, his skin was buzzing, he was floating along, he was—

“Not again,” his dad, Mark, groaned from behind them. “Could you act like I raised you properly and not do that in public?” Curtis smashed his eyes closed. What in the hell was wrong with his fathers lately? He knew they were protective of him, but damn.

Lately they had acted as though the grim reaper was lurking about, chasing Curtis down with his sickle. “Why are you here?” he asked as he buried his face in Chauncey’s corded neck muscles.

“I need a part for a bike I’m working on. What are
doing here? Wait, I don’t even want to know.” Mark shook his head as he crossed the bike shop. “Just please…get down.” Curtis growled softly, something he had learned from living with the pack, and slid down his mate’s large frame. He looked up at Chauncey to see disappointment in his grey eyes. Curtis sighed. He needed to get his own place. This just wasn’t working out. If he stayed with his dads for much longer, he was going to strangle one of them, or both.

“Can I take a rain check on that ride?” Curtis asked as a plan started forming in his head. He needed to go home and pack, find his own place. There were apartment buildings around the police station on the other side of town. If he had his own place, he wouldn’t have to worry about being interrupted. He had a small savings from working while in Brac Village, odd jobs here and there over the years.

That would last him until he could find a permanent job. And then he could invite Chauncey over.

Maybe he’d wait on that last part. Although he was dying to rid himself of his virgin status, he was about to take on a bear. Hell of a first time. Curtis swallowed as his eyes slowly lowered to stare at the python still sitting in Chauncey’s pants.

Yeah, hell of a first time.

“Okay,” Chauncey said as he ran his fingertips over Curtis’s jaw.

“But I’m going to hold you to that. No one gets to ride before you do.”

Curtis narrowed his eyes as he glared up at his bear, poking his finger into a very solid chest. “Who would be riding anyway?

You got another mate in your pocket?” Because there looked to be one from the package Chauncey was sporting.

Chauncey winked as he chuckled. “No one, dear.” His mate pulled his arm tight to his body as Curtis mock punched him in it.

“Don’t get flippy with me.” He growled once again as he gave Chauncey the evil eye. He wasn’t sure where his playful behavior was coming from, but he liked acting this way with his mate. He was usually tongue-tied and blushing most of the time around the bear.

Maybe he was starting to loosen up.

He needed to talk with the mates at the Den and find out how to be calm and casual around the bear. Cool and collected.

They should know.

Half of them had been mated for a gazillion years. “I’m gonna head home.” Curtis looked up at Chauncey’s delicious lips and licked his own, wishing he could get another spectacular kiss before he left.

He wanted to run across the shop, grab his dad, and toss him out the front door. Too bad his dad was twice Curtis’s size. Mark was very muscular and very tattooed. He hadn’t lost his damn mind just yet.

Chauncey winked at him and then lifted Curtis off of his feet, closing the distance as he gave Curtis a simple kiss. He wanted more.

It wasn’t enough. He was five seconds away from wrapping his legs around the large man’s waist when he heard a throat clear. Damn it!

His mate laughed as he set Curtis down, winking at him. “I’ll call you.”

“You better,” Curtis grumbled as he headed for the door but not before glaring at his dad on his way out. Mark gave him a look that said
, all innocent like, but Curtis wasn’t falling for it. His dad knew what he was doing.

Damn cock blocker.

Curtis pulled the door open and walked out, giving his mate a smile over his shoulder before stepping outside the shop. He exhaled loudly once he was free and clear. That bear always seemed to set his blood on fire!

Curtis shook his leg out, trying to gain some room while sporting his woody. He walked over to his compact car and slid in. He was going to lose his virginity one way or the other. There was no doubt about that. He just wondered if he would survive the experience.

Chauncey’s bulge looked like he would split Curtis in half.

He drove home, his tires crunching over the gravel in the drive as he parked his car and then headed for the house. Someone was going to give him advice. Cecil had been mated the longest. Maybe he could tell Curtis how to handle Chauncey.

He pushed the door open, running into the twins, Maddox and Matthew, as he closed the door behind him. “Curtis!” He smiled down at the twins, grabbing them around the waist and hauling them off of their tiny feet. He took them to the den where Heaven was bouncing Skyler, his daughter, on his knee. “Lose something?” he asked as he deposited the boys on the couch.

“I’m always losing something. If they were where they were supposed to be, it would be a miracle. Maddox is the ring leader.” Curtis laughed as he left the den, going in search of Cecil. He found him in the kitchen with three other mates, Johnny, George, and Carter. He wasn’t so sure about asking in front of all of these men, but what did he have to lose? Besides, nothing stayed a secret in the Den for long.

“Hey, Curtis,” Johnny said as he smiled at him. Curtis took a seat at the table, wondering how to begin.

“Chauncey’s too big,” he blurted out and then smacked his hand over his face.
Way to be subtle
. He splayed his fingers, wondering if they were going to laugh at him.

Johnny’s mouth was hanging open, George was looking at him strangely as the spoon dripped some sort of sauce that he was holding in midair, and Carter was grinning from ear to pointy ear. He glanced at Cecil to see the man with his hand over his mouth, trying to stifle a laugh. He groaned. “Sorry.”

The wood elf spoke first. “Are we talking about height?” Carter asked.

“Hell, no.” Cecil snorted. “He’s talking cock size.”

“Cecil!” Johnny swatted at Maverick’s mate, giving him a disapproving look. “You can’t call it that. It’s called a penis. Get it right!”

George cleared his throat, setting the spoon down on the stove.

“Have you seen it yet? Those snakes can get out of control, ya know?

Ya got to wrestle them down and then—”

“No, no, no.” Johnny shook his head. “Stop trying to get him into trouble.” He huffed as he took a seat. “The important thing to remember is to—”

“Hang on,” Cecil said as he took a seat on the other side of Curtis.

“What exactly is the problem, first off?” Curtis swallowed as he set his hands on the table in front of him and crossed his fingers together. “Well…” How was he supposed to say he was a virgin without saying he was a virgin? These men were veterans. He was a rookie, a neophyte. Curtis didn’t want to sound all soft and inexperienced, but he needed help in the worst way. “I’m a little lost on what to do.”

,” Johnny said as he sat forward, his hands busying themselves about, almost like trying to do some sort of charade. “So you’ve never, you know?”

Curtis shook his head as George whistled low. He could feel his face heating up. This was so damn embarrassing. He’d rather cut off his right nut then sit here and have this conversation. Maybe there was something online to help him. “Never mind.”

“Whoa. You came to us for advice, so sit,” Cecil said as he grabbed Curtis’s arm. “Now when do you plan to let him fuck you?”

“Cecil!” Johnny squeaked as Carter and George snickered. “It’s called making love. Get it right!”

“Yeah, yeah. Details. Now when?” Cecil asked.

Curtis shrugged. It wasn’t like he had it penciled in on his calendar or anything. Maybe he should. Maybe that would help him.

Setting a date for losing his virginity might help him.

Curtis was so damn lost.

All he wanted to do was get the first time over with. What was so damn complicated about that?

“Order pizza. It worked for me,” Johnny said from beside him as he beamed up at Curtis. “And don’t forget the orange soda.”

“Really?” Carter asked. “Tryck just grabbed me and said, You. Me. Sex.”

“Are you serious?” Curtis asked as he gaped at the elf. That was kind of hot.

Okay, no it wasn’t.

Yes it was.


“Not really, but you get the idea,” Carter said as he crossed his arms over his thin chest. Curtis was getting confused. Well, even more confused then he already was. It wasn’t supposed to be this complicated.

“Wrestle with him. It worked for me,” George said as he stirred the mixture in the pot on the stove and then turned back around. “Of course, you’re gonna be wrestling a bear, so ya might wanna grab some rope. I have some out in the stable if ya want to borrow some.” Curtis ran his hand down his face as he looked between the four men. This was
not working out for him. He felt like he was sitting at a table with juveniles telling how to best a bully instead of his first time with his mate. Was anyone going to give him the advice he needed?

“Give him a strip tease. That worked for me.” Cecil winked at Curtis. Now
really wasn’t going to work. Curtis had two left feet.

“What are we talking about?” Oliver asked as he walked into the kitchen, going straight for the stove, inhaling deeply, and then turning around to look at Curtis.

“Nothing,” Curtis said quickly as he tried to stand. He needed to get the hell out of here. He had embarrassed himself enough. Cecil grabbed his arm again and made Curtis sit back down.

“Curtis is going to have sex for the first time. He needs advice,” Cecil said matter-of-factly.

Curtis buried his face in his hands.
Someone please open up a hole
somewhere so I can fall into it
. This was not working out, and Curtis wanted to run away as fast as possible.

Too bad Cecil’s hand was preventing it. He lowered his hands, setting them in his lap as he looked around at the men in the room.

How could all these men not get it right? It made him wonder how the hell they stayed mated for so long.

“You gots to take charge,” Johnny said as he slammed his index finger into the palm of his hand. Curtis hadn’t a damn clue what the skinny man was talking about. Take charge of what?

“Don’t listen to these guys,” Oliver said as he took a seat across from Curtis. “You do whatever comes to mind. Just don’t kiss another guy.”

Curtis blinked at Oliver in surprise. “Why would I kiss another guy?”

Oliver waved his hand at Curtis. “Long story,” he said and then sat forward, slamming the palm of his hand onto the table. “Just don’t do it, okay?”

Curtis was getting a massive headache. Don’t kiss another man, use rope, dance for Chauncey, and let him act like a caveman. Oh yeah, and take charge. Was that all of it? He needed to have the pizza man on speed dial as well. Curtis knocked Cecil’s hand away and stood. “Thanks, I think I got it all.” He really didn’t, but if he continued to sit here and listen to their advice, he was sure to scare Chauncey away.

“No problem, my man. Come see us if you have any more questions.” Cecil sat back, tossing an arm over the chair, looking as proud as ever.

Curtis rolled his eyes and left the kitchen. That had been disastrous. What did pizza have to do with anything? He climbed the steps, heading for his room, when he spotted Blair. Maybe he could actually salvage his day.


Blair looked over his shoulder, smiling at Curtis. He had to admit, the man was handsome as hell. He could see why he had had a crush on him. “Yeah?”

“Can I ask you something?” Curtis asked as he walked down the hallway, closing the gap between them. He didn’t want anyone to hear, least of all Melonee. She was acting weird as hell lately anyway.

Teenagers. Who could figure them out?

“Sure. Come into my room.” Blair laughed like a mad scientist as he opened his bedroom door. Geez, was anyone sane in this house?

He wasn’t so sure he should have stopped Blair. The Internet was looking better and better.

“Have a seat. Don’t mind the mess. Dakota lost his other boot and tore the room apart. My cleaning fairy hasn’t shown up yet. The little bitch keeps disappearing for days on end,” Blair said as he pushed aside a mound of clothes on the bed. “Don’t worry. The mess won’t bite…I think.” There was a strange look in Blair’s eyes as he snickered. Curtis didn’t get the joke.

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