Curve Effect (A BBW Box Set of Contemporary, Science Fiction and Paranormal Romances) (2 page)

BOOK: Curve Effect (A BBW Box Set of Contemporary, Science Fiction and Paranormal Romances)
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Yeah…every time I saw Craig, I fell a little harder.

"Stop calling me
," I growled. If I couldn’t be witty, I could at least be terse. It might save me from crying.

With his sea-green eyes dappling like sunlight on the ocean, Craig closed the distance between us. He eased the ticket from my hand and let it fall to the ground. He leaned in, hands capturing my biceps as he smelled my hair.

His hands slid lower and inward, his fingers lighting on the black leather corset and following its curves down to my cinched waist.

"I'll stop calling you cub when you stop holding back and write the story I know you're capable of ." With a deep throated growl, he went on to explain the rules of the game. "It's very simple, when you want to stop, you say

Right. A safe word. He would stop when I wanted him to -- which should have been five minutes ago but wasn’t. If I didn't panic and tried my best to see the game through, I would know what it was like, going all the way or chickening out because the fear got too big. Shame, arousal...all the things Salome had talked about that morning had seemed distant -- were distant. Another woman’s problems, another woman’s burden to bear.

I had felt that distance in the drafts I submitted to Craig. I guess he had felt them, too.

"So, cub, do you want to play?" He pushed closer, his broad chest pressing against the leather corset to mash my soft breasts as he snaked his hands around to cup my ass. "Or will you tuck tail and go back to the newsroom to polish your tepid little draft?"

"I’m staying." I glared at him, hoping he thought I was pissed and only playing because I had to. He would discover all to soon how wet I was at the mere suggestion of what he might do with my body.

Craig dropped his smile. His pretense of civility disappeared with it. He spun me roughly until my stomach pressed flat against the table. Stepping forward so that his hips dug into my overgenerous ass, he looped the long hair spilling down my back around one hand.

The fingers of his other hand stroked the side of the corset. "I can't decide whether to strip this immediately or leave it on awhile."

I flinched. Up until that second, I had mostly forgotten about my body, the folds of flesh, the stretch marks along my shoulders and most generous curves. Even with the room's forgiving light, there was a good chance Craig would cry
before I did. Then, for the rest of my tenure at the paper, I would see his aversion reflected in his eyes at every meeting, every closed-door consultation.

"Mmm…" Resting his torso against my back, he braced an arm under me and nuzzled my neck. "Off. It has to be off. I need to see you, need to touch all of your flesh."

He nipped lightly at my shoulder then straightened. Releasing my hair, he used both hands to release the corset. I heard the heavy leather slap against the floor as it hit then he had both hands beneath me, each one overflowing with my breasts.

He jerked back for a second, just long enough to stir panic in my breast. But he only wanted to remove the robe. With it off, his chest covered my back again as his hands seized my breasts. Rolling and squeezing them, he whispered in my ear. "Wish there were mirrors in here. I want to see these as I fuck you."

He pulled at the nipples, giving them a little twist until I arched against him. "Like that, do you?"

Biting my lip, I shook my head, lying to him. He twisted again, a little harder, and I felt my knees start to give.

"Yes...that." I rubbed my ass against him as I confessed.

"You always have them strapped down at the office, some baggy monstrosity hiding everything from your hips up to your chin."

His teeth grazed over my shoulder. Groaning, he thumbed both nipples. "Can you imagine when you finally settle down and get pregnant. They'll be so much heavier, milk dripping from these hard little tips."

Craig sucked at my throat, a moan whipping from me.

"Makes me hard just thinking about it, taking one in my mouth, sucking the cream from you as you ride my cock."

A quiver rolled through me and my pussy started to jump. What the hell was he talking about? If I ever found a man who wanted to play house with me, I wouldn't ride another man's cock. And Craig Spence sure as hell couldn't be implying he wanted to be my baby daddy.

"Can you picture that?" He kissed the side of my throat and squeezed my breasts a little harder, as if the pressure and deft manipulation would trigger those first drops of milk.

"No." I choked another lie out. Even without a glimpse of the thick cock wedged between my ass cheeks, I could imagine every last detail.

"Oh, cub..." Craig trailed one hand down my side to the top band of my panties then followed its edge to where my thighs met at the front. He slid a finger between my slick lips, rubbing it back and forth. "Don’t lie to me when you’re this wet. It gives you away."

He pushed me chest down against the table. "Keep that ass up high, cub."

I felt his finger disappear deep inside my pussy. He slid out, then took me twice as wide, staying deep but taking small thrusts.

"Nice," Craig murmured. "Deliciously tight and responsive, cub."

He pulled his fingers out and dropped to his knees. He ran his lips over one plump cheek and then pulled the crotch of my panties to the side. He ran his fingertips, wet with my juice, over my anus. "Bet you’re even tighter here."

"Craig?" Certainly he didn’t mean to go there?

Chuckling, he stroked the nervous spot again, the pressure remaining gentle but increasing. "What was that?"

I shook my head then pressed my cheek against the table. "Nothing."

"Good." He angled his face against my bottom, his tongue sliding into my pussy. He circled its rim, that slow tracing of its circumference making me tremble. He lipped the aching gate, almost a nip but not quite, then pulled back. "Wouldn’t want you quitting the game before it starts."

Starting, hell. I was maybe three licks from finishing. My cunt throbbed, the heavy drumbeat of arousal making my labia and clit jerk. Craig palmed a butt cheek with each hand, holding them separate as his thumbs caressed the muscled edge of my core.

"Such a weepy little pussy," he murmured. "Has my little cub been getting all worked up these last few days knowing what goes on in these rooms? Were all the grunts and groans making her sweet cunt ache?"

I had been dry until I walked into this room and saw Craig's glorious backside.

"No," I moaned, a spasm rolling through me.

"So this is all me." He laughed as I clenched then nuzzled his mouth against my pussy. "It's okay, cub, you don't have to admit it. Not like I didn't keep my mouth clamped this last year."

Fuck, what was Craig implying? I screwed my eyes shut, wishing I could unhear what he had just said. It was part of the game, had to be. The man's eyes never settled on me in the newsroom. I spent half of every meeting thinking he actively disliked me.

His nose pressed against my perineum as his tongue pressed deep to puncture my bubble of doubt. Screw it. I would believe him for the length of the session, let the idea that Craig had been secretly lusting after me keep my pussy wet and aching. Then I would promptly discard it again because it would be too easy for him to break my heart with his little game.

And because of that fantasy, I would write the best damn feature article ever. E-V-E-R!

Groaning, he reached behind him and grabbed the almond lube and condom from the counter. He placed them on the small of my back then started the slow process of pulling my panties off. He kissed his way across my ass and down my thighs as the fabric slipped from my body.

I stepped out of my underwear. He rubbed the back of my calves. "Why haven't I seen these heels in the newsroom?"

"New." I moaned.

"Don't hide them at the back of your closet after the story is finished. Damn crime." He pushed against the inside of my knees. "Spread your legs, cub."

I did as ordered, a surprised gasp escaping me as the room's air brushed against my wet inner lips, cooling the fire that Craig had expertly stoked.

"Cold baby?" He rubbed his thumb between my labia, slicking it with a thin layer of cream before he massaged tight circles against the hood of my clit.

My knees dipped, lust eroding my ability to keep them straight.

"Keep that ass high." Growling, he swatted my bottom with his free hand.

"Craig!" Had he really just spanked me?

"Shut it." He swatted me again, his thumb continuing to trace my sex in a conflicting pattern of pleasure. "Unless it’s your safe word, all I want to hear are moans of
please, more, harder

"Yes, sir." I didn’t want him to spank me again, didn’t want another chance to find out if I liked it -- especially when it was my previously unattainable boss doing the spanking.

Craig took the bottle of lubricant and squirted a warm dollop into my pussy. His tongue followed the slick liquid, spreading it around the opening and deeper inside.

Gripping the edge of the table, I rocked against his mouth, low moans scraping along my throat. "Mmm…ahmm."

"Mmm…Magenta?" Teasing me, he swiped his tongue over the smooth skin of my perineum. As he licked it again, his finger stroked my clit and two thick thumbs fucked in and out of my pussy.

"No," I gasped. "Don't stop."

"Continuing would be my pleasure, cub." Craig took the bottle and shot a stream against my tailbone. The liquid dripped down the crack of my ass to where he now had three fingers buried deep inside my tightening cunt. He started with his tongue at the opening of my pussy, laving up the perineum to circle the presumably rosy ring of my anus.

I tensed and he pulled back.


I gave a vigorous shake of my head and pushed against his fingers, milking them with my pussy. I sucked a shuddering breath in, on the verge of climaxing even as his tongue threatened my ass. If anything, the threat pushed me closer to the edge.

When his tongue actually dipped in, I cried out, my fingers curling around the table and my thigh muscles bunched so tight my body vibrated. Fuck that was beyond intimate. The ultimate in acceptance. Could a lover sampling me there not accept the rest of me? Was Craig actually serious about desiring me?

Licking me there, he added a fourth finger inside my cunt. I cried out again, my hips jerking violently as I knotted around him.

"Oh, you’re not going to come yet, cub. Not that easily." Craig grabbed the condom wrapper then quickly stood to sheathe his cock. Positioning it against the opening to my pussy, he tormented me with its thick, flared cap.

I looked over my shoulder and saw the fat stalk. He rocked up on his toes, forcing the head up my perineum and above the crown of my ass so I could see his erection. Damn was he big. I blinked once, blinked again and kept my eyes closed. I didn’t need to see it, didn’t want it etched in my memory the next time I took a lover to bed.


"Fuck me," I moaned, squirming against Craig, encouraging him to enter me.

He spread my ass cheeks and squirted the lubricant down my tight little hole, his thumbs working its exterior, massaging the round globes of my bottom as he pushed the head of his cock into my pussy. He slipped his thumb into my ass and I pushed against him, burying his cock in me.

"Slow…" He warned me, gently stroking his thumb inside me. "The client runs the show...didn’t the girls tell you that?"

"Yes." The word escaped in a hot moan. I wondered how he knew, didn't want to think of sweet, sassy Salome down on her knees with Craig’s cock in her mouth.

The image wouldn't rise up, not with Craig claiming my pussy in long measured thrusts, the pace a slow maddening in and out while his thumb stayed immobile inside me, possessing me with an unfamiliar fullness. I was shaking again, my body wound so tight I could have climbed the ceiling.

I lifted one leg onto the table, changing the angle of his thrust.
I drew my arms close to my sides and tightened my torso to keep my climax at bay.

"Dayum, baby girl. I like how you go after a story." He ran his hand under my leg to tease my clit. "Come for me, Valerie. Come so I can fuck this sweet, lush ass."

As if I’d been waiting for his permission, I started to unravel. Moaning, I jerked against him, my torso lifting from the table as I contracted and shook around his cock and thumb, cream seeping past the tight seal of his dick inside me to coat his palm as I came.

I dropped my head, panting, groaning, twisting on him. "More."

"Baby, you’re taking it all."

"Then harder," I whimpered.

"Fuck, cub. I take you any harder and you might break." He nibbled at my ear, ran his teeth down my throat. "I can feel your pulse grabbing my cock, feel your cum on my thighs. You’re still shaking from it."

I twisted my head, looked at him through half shut lids, panting through the last waves of my release. When my body relaxed a fraction, Craig withdrew. He turned me so I faced him then his strong arms lifted me onto the table. He put my feet up, intentionally hooking the platform heels at the edge of the table before he pulled my ass to the edge.

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