Read Curve Effect (A BBW Box Set of Contemporary, Science Fiction and Paranormal Romances) Online
Authors: Ann Vremont
Tags: #Romance
I dropped my head to hold Craig's gaze in the mirror. Seeing he had my brain hazy and floating as every nerve ending my body possessed screamed in unison, he dropped the chain. Releasing the plug, he entered my pussy in one rough stroke.
The fat pommel atop his shaft mercilessly stretched my opening, barreled through my channel to batter against the opening to my cervix. The next contraction hit hard, my cunt knotting around him to choke on his shaft. I bucked and he dragged the big head in reverse, snagging on my tight opening and slamming back in.
The plug moved in my ass, mimicking his dick. When he retreated, my ass muscles contracted, pushing the plug almost all the way out. When he rammed into me again, the flat of his stomach drove it back in. Two cocks fucking my aching, needful holes.
Craig drove in again, cinching my pussy tight against his shaft as his hips made slow, decimating circles. He bit at his lip, fighting for his own control as the muscles of my sheath started to roll up and down his length. My clit joined the dance, my entire pussy vibrating like a rocket ready to launch. I arched, pumped, fucked my way up and down his long, thick cock as I moaned the same three words over and over and over until we both came in a twitching, gasping union of release.
Thank you, sir.
A new world opened itself to me after that night -- or I opened to it. My body embraced the floggers, the remote controlled vibe against my pussy as we took in a movie or dinner, the liquids that heated or cooled my skin as he fucked my ass or pussy or mouth. There wasn't anything I wasn't ready to try.
Well, there was one thing -- Cathedral.
He didn't ask me to do a scene at the club, but I could see the question lingering in his gaze. The vibe in public was a small nudge, as was the no clothes rule that went into force the second I stepped through the door to his home. He took me a dozen times pressed against the window, whispering in my ear how desirable I was. The view was private, but I still quailed inside each time with the fear someone would see me -- see us and mock the disparity between Craig's body and mine.
The days on the calendar ticked down until only two of the original thirty remained. Craig drove me to my apartment after work that day. It was his third visit, his face darkening in a scowl each time we approached my unit.
"It's perfectly safe," I assured him as I unlocked the front door.
"No security lights, untrimmed bushes halfway up the windows." Growling, he closed the door behind us and turned the deadbolt. "Baby, I can't sleep the nights you spend here."
"You look perfectly rested to me." I patted his chest then tried to turn away.
He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back. "Your pretty little ass is going to pay for that, cub."
I certainly hoped so, only we were at the wrong location for him to properly discipline me. I still didn't know why we were here. Twisting my head to look at him, I nudged him with my nose. "How do you propose to do that? You don't have any toys here."
"Baby, I don't need toys." He bit gently at my bottom lip then propelled me forward. "Strip."
Walking backwards, I undid the buttons on my blouse. Gaze heating, Craig licked his lips, stalking me as he removed his cuff links. Inches apart, we passed the threshold into my bedroom, my progress slowed as I fumbled for the light switch.
The back of my knees hit the bed and I fell onto it, his hands seizing on my skirt and tugging it off. Dropping to the floor, he pressed his face against my mound, his hot breath penetrating the fabric to steam my pussy.
"Where is it," he groaned between soft bites.
"Under the bed." I pointed a trembling finger to my right. The package had arrived on Monday with strict instructions not to open it. Somehow I had managed to obey.
Abandoning my pussy, he retrieved the box and carefully examined it. He'd initialed the underside before placing tape across the letters and glued the ribbon, all to make an undetected opening impossible.
Grinning at me, he placed the box on the dresser then held his hands out to me. He kissed me as he led me into my bathroom, where he stripped the rest of my clothes away. Shedding his own, he dragged me into the shower after twisting my hair into a quick updo.
He turned the shower head on, eyeing me as he tested the temperature. Satisfied it was neither too hot nor too cold, he advanced on me. Starting with a gentle spray, he backed me against the tiled wall and ran the water over my chest. He moved lower, the water pressure increasing with each inch.
When he had it pulsing against my clit, his fingers separating my lower lips, he pressed a kiss at the corner of my jaw. "You know I love you, Valerie?"
I nodded, my body tightening with his admission.
"I don't think you do, baby." He responded without recrimination, his mouth soothing its way across my chin and up to my lips. "Not when you retreat each time I say so."
It was true. I didn't understand why. I wanted him to love me, wanted to fully reciprocate, to surrender without reservation.
"I trust you." I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, my words as close as I could come to assuring him that I believed him.
"We'll see, baby." His hand moved between my legs, working up a lather to clean me front to back. "We'll see."
Craig's vehicle swept down a small hill, my senses freefalling as the blindfold covering my eyes magnified the dip in gravity. I had no direct knowledge of where we were driving, but the salt air coming through the partially open window confirmed my suspicion. So did the clothes from the box Craig had dressed me in before blindfolding me -- black leather straps that amounted to almost nothing covered by a raincoat.
We were going to Cathedral.
Hearing the familiar sound of the club's hydraulic gates, I tensed. Continuing to drive, Craig cupped my cheek, his thumb stroking me but bringing little comfort.
I couldn't do this -- couldn't expose my overgenerous flesh to onlookers. Craig, for some crazy reason, thought I was beautiful, loved every excess inch of me. Regardless of what he thought, his friends wouldn't.
Outside of the paper and his home, I didn't belong in his world. Never would. Halfway through every restaurant we visited, I started to wither beneath the inevitable shocked stares of stunning women and the leers of men who smugly assumed I was with Craig because I was a dirty slut who would do anything to please him.
With the car parked, Craig opened my door. I heard gravel crunching as he crouched next to me then his hand curled around my knee. "This stops the second you say so, love."
I shook my head. It wasn't what he was saying, but I knew -- using my safe word tonight would be the end of us.
Drawing me toward our final good-bye, Craig pulled me from the car and escorted me inside the club. Total silence greeted us, the effect increasing my tension. Even with the blindfold on, I could tell the lights were down quite low, strangely deepening the silence.
If the tomb-like atmosphere was part of the scene, I already didn't like it.
We entered a room, Craig opening and shutting the door. He led me up onto a stage, my knees refusing to climb the last few steps so that he had to carry me. I clung to him when he put me down.
"It's okay, cub." He kissed me, his hands gently ridding me of the overcoat. "Let me show everyone how perfect you are."
I bit at my lips to keep from shaking my head. To resist now would be unforgiveable, an embarrassment to him.
"You are, baby. I know you want to deny it, but you are." His hands moved to slowly peel the two leather triangles that covered my breasts, leaving them exposed but lifted in a frame of leather straps.
He caressed the nipples to hard points, whispering sweet nonsense to me. Pressing his lips against my throat, he reached down and peeled the panties' leather gusset. He ran a finger between my labia and sighed. "Too dry, love. I want you drenched."
I couldn't be, not with the unseen audience quietly looking on and judging me.
His body crowding mine, Craig walked me backwards until my thighs pushed at the edge of some kind of table. He molded me into position, strapping my ankles and wrists to separate boards.
He stepped away. I heard a small click then a thunderstorm started to play over speakers. Returning to me, his mouth and hands resumed teasing my breasts. I fought the gentle drifting sounds and the way his fingers trailed over my flesh like raindrops and the moist licks of his tongue across my hard nubs.
When he had the nipples good and wet, he brought out the clamps. He worked them on, loosely at first to fasten them. Then he clipped a chain on each clamp, tightened them and hooked the end of each chain to an arm board. The boards seemed to move a dozen different ways and he spread them out and slightly up, the chains and clamps tugging my nipples in the direction of the boards.
Then he spread the leg boards and tilted the table slightly forward and down, further exposing my splayed sex to the audience. He began to lightly tap at my clit, something that would have driven me crazy with need just an hour before. Sensing the disapproving onlookers, the taps only worsened the shake running through me.
Hands caressing my flesh, Craig rubbed his cheek against mine and whispered in my ear. "Will you deny me your pleasure, love, when I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world as you come?"
His fingers pushed into me, spreading in a V to stretch and widen the gap. "Will you?"
"No, sir." The answer cut at my tongue as it left me. Even now, I couldn't bring myself to say
Removing his fingers from my cunt, he brushed them across my lips. "I wish you wouldn't call me that, baby."
My breathing hitched, my safe word clawing at my throat. I was going to lose him anyway. I could do it before or after a group of complete strangers witnessed either my climax or a total emotional breakdown and Craig's inevitable rejection.
He pushed his fingers, still wet with my juice, into my mouth, lightly fucking the cavity before his tongue replaced his hands. Once all traces of my flavor were removed, he tongued a path to one nipple, biting and licking as he pinched and pulled its twin.
I couldn't stop shaking. Any second, he would tease a moan from me. Even with the constant patter of rain and far off thunder, the audience would hear my capitulation. Would they laugh then? Would my soft mewls goad one of the women into exposing me as an imposter, a chubby pretender who had no right to Craig's body or affection?
"Baby, we're the only two people in the entire universe right now." His nails scratching lightly over the curve of my stomach, he stretched his torso to claim my mouth again. Soft licks at the corner coaxed my lips apart. "You can see that it's just us."
I said nothing. The blindfold was a device to relax me, but it couldn't fool my senses into believing we were alone.
"The only sounds are the ones we're making, baby." His fingers spread my labia. "Let me hear you moan."
I tensed against his attempts to draw any response from me.
His touch retreated, breaking my heart with each second of its absence. In the dark, with just the storm playing, I had no sense of how long it was before he touched me again. It felt like an eternity had passed when I finally felt the brush of his hair against my thighs.
"You will moan for me, Valerie. You'll moan and come and call me
." His lips whispered up and down my sex, tormenting me with the need for more pressure. I tested the restraints in my frustration but couldn't lift my hips well enough to push against his face.
"Your pussy is weeping, baby."
All of me wept. Sweat escaped my pores and the blindfold was fast becoming damp at the sides from my tears.
Pinching my labia apart, Craig took his first lick and ripped a moan from my protesting throat. I immediately clamped down on it, my cheeks heating with embarrassment. Those smug, leering men from the restaurants were right. I was powerless to deny Craig my pleasure. I would do anything he wanted, even if it meant I would hate myself later.
He rewarded my noise with a push of two fingers inside my wet cunt. "Such an aching sound, love."
His lips returned to my clit, the firm suction of his mouth like a fist punching through my resistance. I squirmed, each moan involuntary as I slowly surrendered. Bullying the nodule tucked inside the hood, he pushed me closer and closer to release.
Uncertain whether my climax was forbidden without his permission, I panted small supplications for him to let me come.
He didn't. Retreating from my flesh once more, Craig unzipped a bag. Unidentifiable sounds followed then I heard the squirt and squelch of fluid. He placed two pieces of cold metal on my chest. It took me a few seconds before I realized their shape -- a small padlock and key. He had somehow arranged for that intimidating plug that opened like an alien flower to be delivered to Cathedral. He intended to use it on me for the first time in front of strangers.
My stomach tightened and I bit at my lips before my tongue betrayed me.
"You're going to come for me, going to tell me you love me," he whispered, his mouth against my ear. "Not once, but many times."