CURVES BY DESIGN (Big Girls And Bad Boys: A BBW Erotic Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: CURVES BY DESIGN (Big Girls And Bad Boys: A BBW Erotic Romance)
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"This is no game, Molly.   Get dressed before I strip that thin, clingy little robe off of your body and lick every drop of moisture I can find.   Everywhere."   His voice was demanding, his expression intense.   "And don't ever open the door to a man dressed like this.   It's a temptation that’s almost impossible to ignore."

She gulped as her pussy clenched and her nipples stood at attention.   "I thought you were Lauren," she replied defensively.

"You need to check next time.   It could have been anyone."

"Don't try to tell me how to answer my door.   Tell me what you want and go."   Molly tried to sound assertive, disinterested, while her body was literally melting from being in such close contact with his hard, male flesh.

"We're going on a date.   Plan on being busy all day."   It was a statement, not a question.

"I'm not going out with you, Devon.   Why would you even want to?"   Her voice sounded anxious, but she couldn't erase the panic she felt at spending any more time in his company.  
Too dangerous. Too risky.

"Is it really so unthinkable that I would want to go out with the sexiest, most irresistible woman I've ever met?"   He moved closer so that they had full body contact.   His mouth nuzzled her ear and the side of her face, an affectionate gesture that made her crave things that she shouldn't even consider.

"That isn't funny, Devon."   She couldn't take this.   His teasing was torturous and cruel.

He pulled back and looked her straight in the eye.   "It isn't meant as a joke, Molly.   I want you to go out with me.   You need to understand right here, right now, that I want you and I plan on having you.   I can wait to get you into my bed if I have to, but I want you with me.   I want to spend time with you."

She nearly groaned out loud.   He looked so serious, so inviting.   Her heart was yearning to accept what he offered and damn the risks.   But what if he really was playing with her?   "I can't, Devon.   I have plans," she lied nervously.

Molly shivered as his tongue lightly traced her ear.   "You're going.   You have twenty minutes to get ready."

"What are you going to do, kidnap me?"   The idea was appealing to her, because then she would have to give in to him.   She'd have no choice.   Otherwise, she would have to refuse.

"If necessary, yes.   But I'd prefer not.   It might land me in some sticky legal situations I would rather avoid."   He pulled back, his expression stormy, his determination unmovable.   "If you don't go out with me, I'll call Lauren and tell her that you fucked my little brother.   I'll tell her that I went to his house last night and he wasn't working.   He made the whole thing up to spend the night with you."

Molly was speechless.   She gaped at him in horror as she answered hotly,

"She won't believe you.   She knows that Dylan adores her and she knows I'd never do that."

He shrugged.   "She may not believe me completely, but I'm sure it would play hell on their relationship and on your relationship with both of them.   And there would always be just that miniscule bit of doubt."   His face was hard and merciless.   "It's a bitch to have doubts...isn't it, Molly?   Makes it hard to trust someone."

Molly had a feeling he wasn't talking completely about Lauren and Dylan.   She eyed him suspiciously.   "You'd never do it."

"Try me."   He reached into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out a business card.   It was his card...with Lauren's number on the back.   "I got her number from Mom."   He reached in again and pulled out his cell phone.   "How's this going to be, Molly?   Spend the day with me...or fuck up some perfectly good relationships?"

Devon looked so intent and so harsh that she really wasn't sure what he would do.   Could she trust that he would never do it?   She thought he was bluffing...but could she risk it?  
Shit. Shit. Shit.
   She couldn't do it.   She had no doubt that Lauren would take her word over Devon's, but she didn't want her best friend to ever have any lingering doubts about Dylan.   Their relationship was magic...and Molly couldn't bear to see that sparkle fade even a tiny bit.

"You're a despicable bully.   I'll always hate you for this."   Molly hissed at him.

She thought she detected a tiny flinch and his body tensed against hers.   "I hope you don't, Molly.   Now get dressed," he answered gravely, his face blank.

"What are we doing?" she asked abruptly.   She needed to know how to dress.

"It's casual.   And wear a swimsuit underneath your clothes."

He let his arms drop to his side and she darted away from him.   "I don't do swimsuits,"   she informed him with hostility as she crossed her arms around her body.

"You do today.   If you don't have one then I guess we'll have to stop and get you one."   His voice held a warning that he wasn't relenting.

"I have one.   I just refuse to wear it."

"Why not?   We're going to the lake and it's hot outside already."   His voice was matter-of-fact.

Oh, for God's sake.
Was the man that dense
?   "In case you haven't body is not swimsuit appropriate."   Her face flushed.   The bastard had made her say it.

"Sweetheart, thinking of you in a swimsuit already has my cock hard.   Everything about your body makes me break out in a sweat that has nothing to do with the weather," he answered in a low, seductive voice.

He might say that now...but just wait until he got a load of her full-figured body
.   "Fine.   Don't say I didn't warn you."

Let him see her.   Maybe he'd stop with the seduction scenes.   One look at her big ass and jiggly thighs should do it.

Molly stomped out of the room in a snit, her head tossed back and her face set in a stubborn expression.

She could hear his light laughter following her all the way to the bedroom.


Two weeks later, Devon contemplated how he had ever been happy without Molly in his life.   He swore he had laughed more than he ever had in his entire life during the last two weeks.   She was his light, the key to his total happiness.

The last fourteen days had been a journey of discovery for both of them.   Thank God he had only needed to bully her for the first two dates.   It had nearly killed him to do it, and he didn’t think he would have been able to live through one more blackmail scenario.   After the second date, she had gone willingly, and he shamelessly monopolized most of her available time.

He popped open the oven in his kitchen to check on his lasagna.   Molly was coming by after work for dinner and he had gotten the recipe from his mother.   It looked okay...but he wasn't exactly a gourmet.   He had never had anyone to eat dinner with, so he generally ate take-out or something frozen that he could just shove in the microwave.   He knew Molly loved Italian and his mother made the world's best lasagna.   Now he could appreciate how much work went into making it.

Devon grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and walked outside on the patio.   It was early evening and the warm summer breeze lightly ruffled his dark hair as he pulled up a lounge chair and relaxed into it.

He couldn't wait to see Molly. They had skipped yesterday because he had a meeting with clients, and he missed her already.

Their first date had been rough, but it was a day he would never forget.   They had gone to a private beach owned by a friend of his and spent the day lounging and talking.   His girl had a temper and he smiled as he remembered how she had given him the cold shoulder for the first part of the day.   Molly’s only reaction in the beginning had been her delight at his restored '66 Mustang convertible.   He had left his truck in the parking lot of the restaurant and he had wanted to take his convertible to the beach anyway.   She loved the old car with its shiny black paint and chrome wheels.   Molly had the same appreciation as him for history and classics.

She had glared at him when he had reached over and released her hair from its clip so that it flew free in the breeze on their way to the beach.   It was wild, unruly and incredibly beautiful.

He took another gulp of water, needing the cooling effect as he remembered her stripping off her capri pants and hot pink shirt to swim.   She had given him a defiant see-how-ugly-I-look expression as she stood there in a conservative one piece suit that molded her curvy body to perfection.   His cock had stood at attention and he had been so tempted to strip off the costume and show her how very much he appreciated that smooth, creamy skin and those generous curves, right there on the sandy beach.

He had stared, unable to keep himself from admiring her from her silky, loose hair to her painted pink toenails.  
Holy shit
.   It had been the hardest thing he had ever done just to grab her hand and race with her into the water, grateful the lake was cold.

He stared down at his jeans, scowling at the bulge in his crotch.   He'd been hard almost continually for two weeks.   One thought of Molly, one smile, one touch...and he was toast.   He had never jacked off so many times in a two week period.   Taking himself in hand barely took the edge off.   The longer he knew her; the more he needed her.

Stolen kisses and light caresses just weren't cutting it.   The intensity of his feelings was too strong, too intense.   He cherished every moment he spent with her, but he wanted so much more.

Devon heard the doorbell and he sprang anxiously from the chair, nearly tipping it over in his eagerness to see Molly.

He'd wait, he thought as he made his way to the front door in long strides.   No matter how long it took for her to trust him, he'd be there when she did. She was the best part of his life now, and he'd continue to chip away at her defenses until she could give herself to him without reservations or doubt.

It was summer after all and the cold showers weren't that bad.

He reached the door with a genuine, welcoming smile.


Molly smiled as Devon opened the door with his usual, happy grin.   God...would she ever get used to his heart-stopping masculine appearance?   He still left her breathless when he greeted her with that smile that told her how happy he was to see her.

He grabbed her around the waist and tugged her into him, kicking the door shut behind her.   "Hello, beautiful," his deep, sexy voice greeted her as his lips captured hers.

He kissed her like he hadn't seen her in a year.   It was a hungry embrace that left her panties wet and her body begging for more.

She laughed as he released her, her heart singing with joy.   "What's for dinner?   It smells good."

"Lasagna.   It's Mom's recipe and my first try at go easy on me."

She nearly melted to a puddle.   He had cooked her favorite.   Devon was so thoughtful that sometimes it nearly made her cry.   It wasn't just the obvious ways that he treated like a princess, but also the little things.   The man was almost too good to be true.   Molly had kept waiting for him to tell her that it was all a joke, that he didn't really care about her.

She was starting to believe that it was never going to happen.   Somehow she had captured the attention of this gorgeous, kind, intelligent man and she had stopped questioning
and just enjoyed it.

"I'm sure it will be fabulous.   You're a man of many talents."   She pecked him on the cheek as she asked, "I brought some clothes.   Do you mind if I take a shower?"   She was still in her scrubs and she liked to hit the shower as soon as possible after work.

He groaned aloud as he answered in a tortured voice, "You mean I have to sit here imagining you naked in my shower?"

Molly chuckled as she headed for the downstairs bathroom.   "I'm sure you'll survive."

"Don't bet on it, sweetheart.   You may come out to find me expired on the kitchen floor from a case of severe lust," he growled after her.

"I'm a nurse.   I'll revive you," she called out to him merrily as she closed the door.

She leaned against it and dropped her bag as she caught her breath.   Devon had never made any effort to hide his desire and his blunt references to how much he wanted her made her knees weak and her body quiver.

She wanted him so very much.   She was fairly certain that he wouldn't be repulsed by her body, but she couldn't shake off that last niggling doubt.

I have to stop hearing my mother’s voice in my head.

As she stripped and got into the shower, she cursed herself for not trusting him.   She really had no reason not to.   How long would he wait before he moved on?

They had shared a lot of intimate things with each other, but they had never
discussed sex.   Maybe it was time they did.

Molly hurried through her shower and dressed in clean jeans and a delicate, pink top that hugged her breasts and caressed her body.   It was a new purchase, a top that she never would have selected for herself before meeting Devon.

Her relationship with Devon was starting to change the way she looked at herself.   She was almost comfortable in her own skin.

Molly weighed herself once a week and the amount never fluctuated much. Life continued, whether she weighed herself or not.

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