Dagger's Edge (Shadow series) (9 page)

BOOK: Dagger's Edge (Shadow series)
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“I still don’t understand what this—this ritual is supposed to do,” Donya muttered.

“There are many possible answers,” Mist told her. “Most of the Hidden Folk would say that the Mother Forest uses the ritual as a gateway to heal the troubled soul. Some potions, such as the one used in the ritual, can temporarily heal soul-sickness by placing body and spirit in balance, and some believe that once that balance is achieved, the dreamer can then learn how to maintain it. Others believe, though, that the dreaming potion simply allows the one taking it to explore the hidden places in their own soul, and that the altars simply provide a safe haven and the proper atmosphere for doing it. There’s no doubt, though, that the altars are conducive to certain magical operations.”

“That’s true,” Celene said, nodding. “The altars are a node that attracts and focuses certain natural energies in the forest. Servings, for example, are much clearer there, and healing magic is more potent and focused.”

“All right, but what about the rest of it?” Donya pressed.

“Well, I agree with Celene that most of the trappings are probably unnecessary,” Mist admitted. “The spirit journey is used as a kind of adulthood ritual in some of the hidden clans. The two days’ fasting simply purifies the blood and makes the potion more effective, just as wine affects us more strongly if we haven’t eaten.”

“I don’t know that I like Jael missing her meals,” Donya said worriedly. “She’s so thin already. And just what’s in this potion?”

“Why, I don’t know,” Mist said, frowning. “I never made it, nor have I ever drunk it.”

“Elaria and I made the potion many times, before we moved to the city,” Argent said, taking Donya’s hand. “The shop has all the necessary ingredients. Dreamweed tincture, of course; a few other herbs and berries, roots and the like that you’ve probably never heard of, in a base of moondrop wine. A few of the ingredients are also dream-producing, like the dreamweed; others are sleep-inducing. The only ingredient of any real concern is dried and powdered snake-eye mushrooms. In large enough quantities the mushrooms are poisonous, even deadly, but only a tiny dose is used for the potion. Elaria and I can make the potion ourselves, to be certain it’s properly prepared and safe.” He turned to Jael. “If you still want to do this, of course.”

Suddenly, with the five of them sitting there looking at her so soberly, Jael was unsure. Then Shadow winked at her, and abruptly Jael wanted to laugh. Other than two days’ food, what did she have to lose? At worst, she’d have an uncomfortable nap at the altars and a few bad dreams. At best, maybe she could sit at a table without finding bits of broken light globes in her food.

“Of course,” Jael said, shrugging. “After all this trouble you’ve all already gone through, I’ve got to try, at least.”

“Then you can begin your fast after breakfast,” Mist told her. “During your fast you may drink water, tea, or vegetable broth, and you may eat raw or plain boiled potherbs, but nothing else. As you’re so thin, I believe honey for your tea should be acceptable.”

Shadow grimaced.

“Fortune favor us, Mist, she’ll be pissing green by the time she’s done,” she said disgustedly. “No wine?”

“It’s only for two days,” Jael said practically. “Besides, wine makes me sick anyway.” She shrugged and glanced over the table. “Since this is my last meal, pass me some of that sausage, will you? And the cheese, and the bread and honey, and the potatoes.”

“Donya tells us you’re helping the new priest of the Temple of Baaros find a house,” Shadow grinned. “That should distract you from your growling stomach. Say, when do I meet this champion of Allanmere’s elves?”

“He should be at supper tonight,” Donya said quickly. “Supper will be early, because afterward Argent is meeting with some members of the Council of Churches. Why don’t you all come?”

“I do thank you for the invitation, daughter,” Celene said gently. “But if I am going to move the other side of the Gate nearer to the altars, I’ll need to confer with several other mages, both here and in the forest. Two days will barely give me enough time for preparation and casting the spell.”

Mist, who rarely came into town, had heard only a little of the news of the Temple of Baaros; he was vitally interested in the whole story and relieved to learn of Lord Urien’s purpose in coming. While Donya and Argent told him all that had occurred, Jael stuffed herself with as much food as she could hold. Fortunately last night’s experiment with Bluebright had had none of the ill effects Jael experienced when she drank wine or other liquors. Jael swallowed one last honey-smeared bun and sighed as she pushed away from the table.

“Time to start starving,” she said regretfully. “If everyone will excuse me, I want to wash up before I meet Lord Urien.”

There was just time enough for a brief splash in the bathing pool before Jael had to run for the main hall. Lord Urien was there with four guards—two of his own, and two of the Castle Guard, apparently Jael’s “escorts.”

“I had thought to bring a few more servants with us,” Urien apologized. “It’s so cold, though, I thought a small carriage would be more comfortable and more private. However, if you would rather walk—”

“Oh, no, a carriage sounds perfect,” Jael said hurriedly, realizing what that meant—Lord Urien and herself alone in the carriage, with the guards riding outside.

Urien apparently had not brought his own carriage to town, for Jael recognized the waiting vehicle as a hired carriage from one of the local businesses. It was luxuriously comfortable, however, with a weatherproofíng spell to warm the interior. Jael was unaccustomed to the lord’s politeness in extending a hand to help her in first, but she grinned quietly to herself when he sat down beside her, instead of taking the opposite seat.

“There’re three houses I know of that should still be available,” Jael told him. “Two are on North Street and one is on River Road, but the one on River Road may be too far south.”

“Then let’s look at that one first,” Urien said gaily. “In this weather, the farther south, the better.”

Jael stuck her head outside long enough to give directions to the driver and make sure that none of the guards would be able to hear the conversation inside the carriage. She ducked back inside, shivering, and Urien gallantly took off his fur-lined cloak, wrapping it around her.

“Thank you,” Jael said, smiling. “And thanks for the tea, too.”

“I’m glad you liked the tea,” Urien smiled back, his eyes twinkling.

“I liked this, too.” Jael fished the pendant out of her shirt. “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful. It must be very valuable.”

“It looks beautiful on you,” Urien said. He grinned sheepishly. “But I should confess that that piece was made by a cousin of mine, so I got rather a good bargain on it. Nonetheless, I was afraid the High Lord and Lady might disapprove.”

“Disapprove? Mother would chew coal and breathe fire,” Jael said wryly.

Urien laughed. “I would think your parents would be accustomed to such attentions by now,” he said gently. “Surely your suitors have given you many gifts.”

“Suitors?” Jael wiped the blank expression off her face as quickly as she could. Of course Urien would expect her to have had suitors; most daughters of noble birth would have been long married by now. “Well—”

Urien raised his eyebrows.

“Surely a lovely young noblewoman like yourself has had many suitors,” he said inquiringly.

“Well, you heard Mother,” Jael said awkwardly. “As she sees it, I’m just one of the children.”

“Ah.” Urien took her hand, stroking it sympathetically. “How frustrating that must be for you.”

“It surely is,” Jael said sourly. Urien’s hands were cool, and Jael realized uncomfortably that she was still wearing his cloak. “I’m warmer now, if you want this back,” Jael said hesitantly.

“We’ll share it.” Urien moved a little closer, draping the spacious cloak around both of them—and his arm around Jael’s shoulders in the process. Jael was not fooled by this maneuver—a quiet, unobtrusive observer around town could watch almost every possible technique of flirting—but when Urien attempted nothing more intimate, Jael smiled rather triumphantly to herself and settled comfortably against his side.

When Jael had cautioned that the house on River Road might be too far south, she had not been referring to climate. Southern Noble District bordered on Rivertown, not a desirable neighborhood. The house Jael had seen was indeed still available, but it fronted on a tavern and a brothel, and there were beggars in the alleys on both sides. Urien insisted on seeing the house anyway, and Jael found the excursion interesting; Jael had never seen the large stone buildings empty, and the rooms seemed icy cold and echoingly large.

“Well, it is a fine house,” Urien said regretfully several hours later, when they had made their way from the upper rooms to the cellar. “Unfortunately I must agree that the neighborhood isn’t suitable.”

“I told you that before we ever got inside,” Jael laughed as they settled into the coach.

“Ah, but then I would have had to take you back to the castle that much sooner,” Urien smiled back. “Shall we dine in the market?”

Jael sighed.

“I can’t eat,” she said. “I have to fast for two days for this elven ritual. It’s supposed to unblock my magic and make me stop tripping over my own feet.”

“A miraculous ritual indeed,” Urien chuckled. “But are you a mage, then?”

“Not yet,” Jael said ruefully. “Grandmother Celene says I’ve got it, but I can’t use it. Mother doesn’t think the ritual is going to work, either. So I’m probably starving for two days for nothing.”

“What a pity,” Urien sighed. “I heard there was a man selling dragon in the plaza.”

Jael had thought that after her hearty breakfast, she wouldn’t want food for hours and hours; at the mention of dragon, however, her mouth watered.

“There’s no reason you shouldn’t eat, just because I can’t,” Jael said, trying valiantly not to look hungry.

“Eat while you go hungry? Certainly not,” Urien said indignantly. “Is there nothing you can have?”

“Boiled potherbs and vegetable broth,” Jael said miserably, wishing she had simply said she was not hungry. “Tea.”

“Then we will find an obliging inn.” Urien leaned out the carriage window and spoke to the driver; Jael, utterly amazed, was escorted grandly into the Silver Scepter, where other nobles looked on rather dubiously as Jael and Urien were served plates of plain boiled greens and cups of steaming tea from Urien’s stock.

Urien raised an eyebrow at the potherbs, but smiled at Jael and raised his cup of tea in a congenial toast.

“Very healthful, I’m sure, and balancing to the body’s humors,” he chuckled. “Well calculated to reduce an overgenerous waist.”

Jael, who had never cared for boiled potherbs, found the food abysmal, but the tea was even more delicious than Jael remembered it, and that made the greens more tolerable. Jael was even more embarrassed when she realized that Urien was being charged two Suns for the miserable meal, but Urien simply laughed, joking that on the caravan to Allanmere, his servants had gathered whole pans full of fresh potherbs and cooked them up for not so much as a copper, and with the added flavoring of meat. He asked the maid to brew another pot of tea and pour it into a heat-spelled pot for the afternoon, and paid yet another Sun for that; Jael started to protest, then realized that to a merchant who could afford to give her a pendant worth doubtless hundreds of Suns, three Suns for a meal was likely nothing new to him.

They looked at one of the houses on North Street, but the other was closed and locked, although a peep in at the windows showed it to be empty.

“That wouldn’t stop Aunt Shadow for a minute,” Jael said, sighing. “I suppose we’ll just have to contact the owner and come back tomorrow.”

“How terrible,” Urien chuckled, and Jael grinned at him.

“Did you arrange for this house to be closed up?” she asked.

“No, I didn’t even know where it was. How could I?” Urien protested, but he was smiling. “But it’ll have to be day after tomorrow, Lady Jaellyn. I can’t neglect the temple.”

“I can’t go then,” Jael said disappointedly. “I’ve got to go to that elven ritual I mentioned, and I don’t know for certain how long it’ll take.” Jael bit back a sigh, stifling her disappointment. She could scarcely expect the lord to spend all his time with her; he had, after all, come to Allanmere to deal with the Temple of Baaros, not to visit her.

“If you don’t mind, then, I’ll wait to see the other house when you can come with me,” Urien said. “I still must contact the owner, and tramping through cold, dusty, empty houses is much more interesting with a pleasant companion.”

Urien reached for the clay pot of tea; however, to his disgust, the pot had cracked, leaking the tea over the floor of the carriage.

“I see it’s a matter of pride not to use a sealing spell on pottery locally,” he said wryly. “I’m sorry. Next time I’ll bring a metal pot.”

Jael said nothing, squirming inwardly. She’d be willing to bet that there
been a sealing spell on the pot—before it was placed in the carriage with Jael. No, there was no chance that she was going to tell Lord Urien about
unfortunate problem; besides, if luck was with her for once, in a couple of days it wouldn’t matter.

When they reached the castle, Urien escorted Jael to her room after dismissing the guards.

“I must change before supper, and be sure that my people have moved the rest of my belongings to the inn,” he said regretfully. He bowed over her hand and kissed it, his lips cool against her knuckles. “But perhaps you would care to walk with me in the gardens after supper. High Lord Argent told me that supper would be early tonight. It’s a little chill, but the changing colors of the leaves are beautiful in the sunset.”

Jael was amazed to realize she was blushing.

“I’d like that very much,” she said, forcing her voice to firmness. She’d be boiled in oil before she would simper like some tittering, idiotic maiden. She hooked one finger through the gold chain of the pendant, pulling the chain up a little so Urien could see it. “Thank you again for your gift. It’s lovely.”

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