Daily Life In Colonial Latin America (4 page)

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In the scenario envisioned by the Europeans, the native
peoples were to serve as workers, as indeed most of them had in the
pre-Columbian period, so the Europeans organized systems of labor to control
the population and employ their labor in the extraction of the natural
resources of the newly acquired territories. This is the origin of the racial
hierarchy that would play a fundamental role in structuring Latin America
during the colonial period, as the physical appearance of the native
populations and the laborers brought from Africa served to identify them and
tie them to their status as laborers. Anyone who looked like an Indian or an
African was therefore assumed to be part of the laboring population and tracked
accordingly. Given this assumption, the burden of proof fell on any person of
Indian or African appearance who was
a tribute-paying village
laborer or an enslaved worker to prove his status as a free person.

Nothing about daily life can be understood outside of the
racial and ethnic boundaries that defined everyone’s roles, responsibilities,
rights, and opportunities in colonial Latin America. Whether the discussion
focuses on material culture (i.e., clothing, personal possessions, houses and
their contents), choice of a marital partner, occupation, or social life, one’s
racial category was the key determinant. While individuals did sometimes escape
their category and rise in the social structure, the structure was set up to be
a rigid system that would have a place for everyone and keep everyone in his or
her place.

This race-based social structure made Latin America
paradoxically both the region of greatest mixing of peoples of diverse origins
in the world and a region in which a person’s color, or phenotype, defined his
or her life to an extremely high degree. This racialized social structure is
best seen as a construction by dominant groups determined to restrict access to
resources and political power in the face of challenges by subaltern groups.
The Europeans, both colonists and crowns, were organizing these newly
discovered territories for the extraction of wealth. In a period before the
invention of machines when work was performed by human energy, labor had to be
coerced or coaxed from people, lots of them. Race was the primary tool used to
distinguish those in control from those to be controlled. This is not to say
that those in the groups to be controlled meekly trooped off to meet their fate
. . . far from it. In fact, their rejection of the rules presents us with some
of the most interesting and inspiring stories in Latin American history. But
that comes later.


The Multiplication of Racial Categories

In the beginning, the racial division was clear and
straightforward because there were just two groups: those who came across the
ocean from Europe and the people who met them. While a few African servants
came with the Iberians, their numbers were small, and they were not
differentiated from the others who came from Europe. Unfortunately for the
neatness of this system, conditions on the ground soon changed. People lost no
time in muddling the categories by producing offspring that were the result of
sexual encounters across ethnic boundaries. There were several reasons for
this: women of the conquered peoples were treated as part of the booty of
conquest, taken by or given to the Christians. In Christian societies, where
sex was cast as sinful outside of marriage, men’s access to women was limited
by law and custom. So although women from Europe began to arrive in the
American colonies shortly after the first conquerors, their numbers were low,
and they were not necessarily available as sexual partners for European men.
The women of the conquered peoples were part of what was won in the wars of
conquest, as workers and sex objects or, in some cases, willing sexual partners
and, if not always legal wives, mothers of the next generation.

In addition, as recent research on the Puebloans of New
Mexico shows, some very different meanings could be attached to sexual
intercourse and its function in the universe. This Pueblo perspective sheds new
light on stories of indigenous women throwing themselves at the conquerors. It
suggests that while there was surely some, possibly substantial, degree of rape
and exploitation of women’s bodies against their will, as there is in any
military invasion, if we can step outside Christian teachings that associate
sex with sin and shame, we encounter the possibility, at least in the earliest
days of the colonial period, of women willingly engaging in sexual relations
with the new arrivals. According to one scholar, in some cultures of the First
Nations, this was done as a way for women to empower themselves and their
communities, and to divest the invaders of power to do harm.

The offspring of alliances between indigenous people and
those who had arrived from across the seas merged previously isolated
populations of Africans, Europeans, and native people and created a society of
a generic term applied by Spaniards to racially mixed peoples. These
to give only the three most common labels
dreamed up by Spaniards to distinguish among various “types” of castas, began
to appear quite early in the colonial period, and their place in colonial
society was not as rigidly fixed as that of Indians and whites. Seeking to meet
their daily needs for food, shelter, clothing, love, and good times, these
racially mixed people challenged the rigidity of the social structure and found
ways to exploit its interstices, sometimes rising into the dominant groups.

Another factor that confused the racial hierarchy was that
some whites did not fall into the category of elites, either because they came
from marginalized economic groups in Europe and were not able to raise their
status in the New World, or because they lost status for reasons of luck,
health, or vice. Thus not all whites were at the top of the social structure,
although in general they had a better chance of getting there.

In any case, the Europeans found phenotype a useful tool in
their project of organizing a colonial society for the extraction of wealth
from what was to them a new world, and race would continue to play a crucial
role in the lives of Latin Americans long after the colonial period had ended.
Many would argue it still does.


During the 18th century,
artworks known as casta paintings, depicting family groupings, generally
father, mother, and one child, became popular collectors’ items in Europe. The
point of these paintings was to show and label the results of racial and ethnic
mixtures occurring in New Spain. In this casta family of fruit sellers, the
child is learning the family business.





The other key to understanding Latin American history is
the patriarchal extended family. Even today, many, it might even be fair to say
most, Latin Americans gain access to resources, meaning a place to live,
employment, or a marriage partner, through exploiting family relationships.
What might be seen as nepotism in another region of the world is often viewed
in Latin America as simply the best way to get things done. When there is a job
opening, who is more to be trusted, a person who comes in off the street — even
if he has good credentials — or the relative of a long-term, reliable employee?
Many Latin Americans would choose the latter on the assumption that the older
worker will make sure the new worker, her relative, measures up to the
standards of the company. Often this assumption is born out, because of the
strength of reciprocal responsibilities within the extended family. Therefore,
this study will devote considerable attention to the formation of the extended
family structure in Latin America.


The Elite Family

Family structure among elites has been called patriarchal,
meaning dominated by a
the man of the household and official
holder/manager of the family property. This patriarch, whose income in colonial
Latin America was generally based on a hacienda, plantation, or mine,
established the social position of the family. His effectiveness in controlling
his dependents — meaning his children, whether born of his wife or of another
woman; the women of his household (i.e. wife, sisters, sisters-in-law, mother,
mother-in-law, and possibly granddaughters); poor relatives; and domestic servants,
slaves, or tributary Indians — was a matter of utmost importance since his
reputation as an
hombre de bien
(honorable member of the community) was
at stake. Frequently, the eldest son of the patriarch succeeded him in that
position, to reap the rewards and shoulder the responsibilities implied by this
position of chief executive officer of the family.


Non-elite Families

For families lower on the social scale, the family might
not be organized around the man of the house. Indeed, in the lower ranks of
society, the family could often be said to be matriarchal, led by a widow,
single mother, or eldest sister. This did not, however, diminish the strength
of family ties and may even have fostered greater reliance on the extended
family as a source of the necessary contacts that would lead to work, a home,
or a partner.





What follows will show how colonial institutions structured
daily life and were in turn structured by people’s daily lives over 200 years
of Latin American history. The discussion is divided into chapters on marriage
and home life; sexual mores and affective life; childhood and education; the
material aspects of daily existence; work and economic relationships; popular
art, entertainment, and religious life; and political systems and resistance to
them. The conclusion will summarize the key features of colonial life since
1600 after briefly sketching the achievement of independence in most of Latin
America early in the 19th century. Perhaps not surprisingly, despite this
achievement the colonial period came to its official end without bringing much
change to the daily lives of the majority of Latin Americans.







Aztec Empire midway through reign of Ahuitzotl.

Reign of Tupa
Inca Yupanqui over Tawantinsuyu nears its end.

Death of Sonni
Ali, ruler of expanding Songhay Empire in West African interior; a new
dynasty emerges under Askia Muhammad.

religious influence spreads in Kingdom of Kongo with approval of ruler
following arrival of Portuguese traders in 1480s.

Sugar production
based on labor of enslaved Africans expands on Madeira and other
Iberian-ruled islands off Africa’s northwest coast.

Isabella of
Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon decree the expulsion of Jews from their

Spanish Catholic
forces conquer Granada, the last Muslim-ruled kingdom in the Iberian

transatlantic voyage of Christopher Columbus.


Pedro Alvares
Cabral lands on northeastern coast of Brazil, claiming it for Portugal.


documented arrival in the Americas of enslaved individuals of African
ancestry; in accordance with Spanish law, all have already experienced
Iberian society and adapted to Iberian culture before being transported to
the Caribbean island of Hispaniola.


documented rebellion in the Americas by enslaved individuals of African
origins, in alliance with members of Hispaniola’s native population.


Laws of Toro
guarantee inheritance rights for women in Spain.


Laws of Burgos
aim with little success to address Spanish abuses of native labor in the
Caribbean by regulating more closely the encomienda, a grant of native
laborers to individual Spaniards.


Spanish crown
drops a ban on the transportation of enslaved Africans directly across the
Atlantic to the Americas and is soon selling licenses to encourage such
transportation by Portuguese, Genoese, and other European merchants.


documented rebellion in the Americas by enslaved migrants brought directly
from Africa, Wolofs from Senegambia, on Hispaniola sugar plantation owned by
Diego Columbus, son of the explorer.

On a second
attempt, Hernán Cortés and his Spanish forces, assisted by thousands of
Tlaxcalan and other indigenous allies, seize control of the Aztec capital of
Tenochtitlán and found Mexico City on its ruins.


Franciscan order
establishes a presence in Mexico.


Forces led by
Francisco Pizarro conquer the Inca capital at Cuzco.


Charles I of
Spain decrees the New Laws in order to end the worst forms of exploitation of
native labor in the Americas and assert greater royal control over the
distribution and use of that labor; outright enslavement of native peoples is
soon outlawed, with a few exceptions such as capture in frontier wars, while
the encomienda is further restricted; forced labor continues, however, by
means of the village labor draft known as repartimiento or mita.


Council of Trent
of the Roman Catholic Church produces a formal, wide-ranging response to the
Protestant Reformation launched by Martin Luther in 1517 in the interest of
reasserting and strengthening clerical control over the lives of parishioners
in Catholic lands.


establishes royal government in Brazil at Salvador da Bahía, replacing a
system that placed large tracts of territory under the control of favored
private individuals; members of Jesuit order accompany new royal governor to


Debate at
Valladolid in Spain over the nature and proper administration of the native
peoples of the Americas between the Dominican friar Bartolomé de las Casas,
famed “Defender of the Indians,” and Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda, who employs
Aristotle’s theory of natural slavery to advocate Spanish dominance; Las
Casas’ writings on Spanish abuses will later be cited by other Europeans as
proof of both Spanish cruelty (the so-called Black Legend) and their own
superiority as colonial rulers.


Holy Office of
the Inquisition established in Lima and Mexico City.


Arrival at Potosí
silver mine of first contingent of native workers drafted in accordance with
revised mita system organized by Viceroy Toledo.


establish port of Luanda on the coast of Angola, which is soon transformed
into the leading source of enslaved labor bound for the Americas.


Portugal ruled by
Spanish crown.


merchants make a series of contracts known as asientos with the Spanish
crown, enabling them to transport tens of thousands of Africans to key
Spanish American ports for sale as slaves.

ca. 1618

Town of San
Lorenzo de los Negros formally established on Mexico’s Gulf Coast by rebel
slaves following peace treaty with royal authorities.

ca. 1630

begins to be phased out as means of labor supply to northern Mexican silver
mines and agricultural enterprises; importance of wage labor and debt peonage
correspondingly on the increase.


The Dutch rule
parts of northeastern Brazil, briefly controlling the world’s major
sugar-producing territories.


Free militiamen
of African ancestry in Lima gain temporary relief from race-based tribute
payments, citing their role in defending the city from the Dutch in 1624.

ca. 1640

Sharp decline in
African arrivals to Mexico and Peru, in part as a result of Spain’s loss of control
over Portugal; the number of Africans transported to Brazil continues to
Native populations begin to recover in Mexico and Central America from
devastating losses following European invasions, later in the Andes.


African-born nun
Juana Esperanza de San Alberto dies in a convent in Puebla, New Spain.


Major riot in
Mexico City following unprecedented food shortages.


Bandeirantes from
São Paulo discover gold in the Brazilian interior north of Rio de Janeiro,
setting off 18th-century gold and diamond rush in Minas Gerais.


Quilombo of
Palmares defeated by Portuguese forces in northeastern Brazil nearly a
century after escaped slaves first establish it.

ca. 1740

Mexican city of
Guanajuato replaces Potosí as most important silver-mining center in Spanish

ca. 1750

Era of the
Bourbon reforms begins in Spanish America, raising tensions between the
Spanish crown and its American subjects.


indigenous rebellion in the southern Andes led initially by Túpac Amaru II in
the Peruvian highlands and the Katari brothers in the Bolivian highlands.


Comunero revolt
against Spanish officials in New Granada (Colombia).


New regulations
introduced for Mexico City’s main theater in order to eliminate “disorderly”
conduct both on stage and in the audience.


Nearly 2,000
cofradías in existence in the Archdiocese of Guatemala alone.


Revolution leads to establishment of world’s first independent black republic
and the second independent nation-state in the Americas.


Mexican theater
director María Ordóñez released from confinement in a casa de recogimiento,
where she has been imprisoned for years for transgressing the bounds of
female propriety.


rebellion by free people of color and slaves in Venezuelan port town of Coro.


Rebellion in Bahia, Brazil, led by free mulatos.


Independence era
in mainland Spanish America and Brazil.

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