Dalakis Passion 3 - Stefan's Salvation (16 page)

BOOK: Dalakis Passion 3 - Stefan's Salvation
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still undecided, at least in her mind. He knew what he wanted.
"I'll be here."
Stalking toward her, he leaned down and captured her mouth with his. Unlike the
kiss in the bedroom, this was not a gentle meeting of lips, but a claiming. Stefan took
her mouth with a marauding force, thrusting his tongue inside. He tasted and explored,
laying claim to every nook and cranny. When her arms slipped around his waist and
her tongue stroked his, he almost howled with satisfaction. Instead, a pleased growl
rumbled in his throat. She was his.
When he finally pulled away, they were both panting hard. Stefan watched as her
chest rose and fell with every breath. His acute vision allowed him to see her swollen
nipples as they pushed against the soft fabric of her cotton shirt. He longed to place his
lips over one of the hard peaks and suck it into his mouth. The heady scent of her
arousal wrapped around him. She was more than ready for him.
Once again, he had to fight his own base instincts that were screaming at him to
release the snakes, lean her against the railing and take her from behind while the night
wrapped around them. Later, he promised himself.
Placing one last hard kiss against her swollen lips, he disappeared into the
darkness. Speeding through the dark woods, he headed straight for the white church on
the edge of town. It was Sunday evening and he knew just where to find Jeremiah
Chapter Sixteen
Stefan could hear the final strains of a hymn being sung as he stopped on the road
in front of the church. With its white clapboard and stained glassed windows, it looked
harmless enough, even welcoming. But looks could be deceiving and Stefan could sense
the evil lurking in the depths of the building. Whatever went on there, not all of it was
of God's choosing.
He knew that many people would be shocked to learn that a vampire believed in a
higher power, but he did. And so did his brothers. What people called that higher
power was irrelevant. The fact of the matter was that his kind had lived long enough
and seen enough of the world and the various creatures that inhabited it to believe that
a power greater than them all did, in fact, exist. Call it higher consciousness. Call it God.
It did not matter. It just was.
A deep voice echoed from the inside of the building. Seemed like Pastor Stoner was
about to give his sermon. Stefan planned to give him something to talk about. Striding
up the stone path to the church, he focused all his energy on the heavy wooden doors in
front of him. As he bounded up the steps, the doors burst open, slamming inward as he
stalked through them.
He heard the gasps of the people seated in the pews as every eye in the place turned
to see what was causing the commotion. Stefan looked neither right nor left, ignoring all
the people watching him with various degrees of trepidation and fear. All his attention
was fixed on the man frowning at him from the pulpit.
Jeremiah Stoner surprised him. His blond good looks were more suited to a movie
star than a preacher. Jeremiah resembled an angel of God while Stefan, dressed in his
black jeans and shirt with his long dark hair flowing behind him, looked more like
Lucifer himself. The man didn't flinch as Stefan walked down the aisle toward him. The
whispers began before he was halfway there. He caught the words "snake" and "devil",
the last almost making him smile. They had no idea just how close to the truth they
It was obvious that Jeremiah Stoner was trying to keep an expression of
benevolence and calm on his face, but underlying it all was a seething anger. Well, the
good pastor's anger was nothing compared to his.
"You have dared to barge into a house of God with violent intentions in your eyes,
friend." The accusation rang in Jeremiah's voice.
Stefan inclined his head, acknowledging the mocking form of address. He stopped
in front of the pulpit and cocked an amused brow at the pastor. "I don't think God will
mind me returning your property to you." He paused before adding, "Friend." The
snakes hissed, weaving their heads back and forth as he held up his arms.
He studied Jeremiah's face carefully. The other man was good at blocking his
thoughts. It was rare, but there were humans who were so adept at doing so that Stefan
could not break through. He could get a sense of the man's emotions but little else.
"What makes you think that they belong here?" The pastor's condescending tone
fired Stefan's anger again. He didn't know for sure who left the snakes at Laurel Rose's
house, but he could send them a warning.
He studied the preacher carefully. The man hadn't admitted or denied that the
snakes belonged to the church. Very clever. It wouldn't do to underestimate this man.
He also sensed the man knew something about the snakes. There had been a split
second of recognition. It was enough for him. Stoner either owned the venomous
creatures himself or knew who did. "I figured if anyone knew who they belonged to, it
would be you." Stefan kept his tone mild, but Jeremiah's reaction was immediate. The
man's face turned so red, Stefan began to wonder if he would have a heart attack right
there in the pulpit.
The pastor opened his mouth to speak, but Stefan had had enough. He wanted to
finish this and return to Laurel Rose. Turning his back on the man, Stefan addressed the
congregation. "Someone broke into Laurel Rose's home and left these behind." He
allowed his cold, green-eyed gaze to flow over the crowd. Many people clutched at the
crosses that hung around their necks, and it was obvious that almost everyone was
He smiled at the crowd, but he felt no humor. He allowed the fury to show in his
eyes, promising swift retribution to those who would harm his woman. "Laurel Rose is
mine." He paused to allow his words to sink in. "I will protect what is mine."
Leaving the threat hanging in the air, he turned back to the pastor. Everyone in the
church sucked in a breath as he confronted Jeremiah. The two men stared at one
another and Stefan could sense Jeremiah's attempt to control his mind. With the speed
of a snake, Stefan struck back psychically, sending the other man physically reeling.
The preacher stumbled backward a few steps before righting himself. For the first
time the man's eyes showed fear as he stared at Stefan in horror. It was a bitch to realize
you weren't the biggest and baddest wolf in the woods. Jeremiah Stoner's few talents
were no match for Stefan's powers.
Stepping up on the slightly raised dais, he stalked toward the preacher. Jeremiah
stood his ground as, one by one, Stefan deposited the deadly snakes around the pastor's
neck. Leaning forward, he whispered so only the other man could hear him. "Don't
make me have to come back here again, friend. There are worse bites than that of a
Jeremiah remained totally still as the snakes settled around his shoulders, but he
didn't flinch. There was no doubt in Stefan's mind that this man was more than used to
handling the reptiles.
Whirling around, Stefan stalked back down the church aisle, out through the open
door and was swallowed up by the night. The hum of voices behind him grew in
strength as everyone started to talk at once. But Stefan had already forgotten them. His
mind was totally fixed on Laurel Rose as he sped back toward her, back toward home.
Laurel Rose curled up in the bench swing that sat in the garden under the shelter of
a large oak tree. The creak of the wood as she rocked was comforting and she clutched
the quilt tighter around her. She'd already done her crying. Her eyes were blotchy and
her nose sore. But she was all right, thanks to Stefan. She didn't know what she would
have happened if he hadn't come.
Closing her eyes, she pushed her foot against the ground and started the swing
rocking again. The sounds of the night comforted her. She didn't want to admit to
herself that she was slightly nervous about being in the house alone now. The incident
with the snakes had spooked her worse than she'd thought. Just how far were some
people willing to go to get her off her land? She shivered and tugged the quilt closer,
glad for its meager comfort. It seemed inconceivable to her that someone would kill her
just to get control of a few acres of land. Okay, a lot of acres of land. But after tonight,
she had to face that fact.
Stefan had swooped down on her home like some dark, avenging angel, ready to
protect her at all costs. Not since the death of her grandpa had anyone ever wanted to
protect her. Vampire he might be, but Laurel Rose had never met a finer man in her life.
He might ignore the rules of humankind, but he had a code that he lived by. She trusted
him with her life and knew he would never lie to her.
Laurel Rose had been alone for so many years that she was soaking up the care and
the attention that Stefan offered her in the same way a plant sucked up water after a
drought. Even if it didn't last, she would take whatever time they had and enjoy it to
the fullest. The man couldn't seem to get enough of her sexually, and surprisingly
enough, she felt the same way in return. She only had to think of him or picture his
beloved face in her mind and a pulsing began low in her belly, her nipples tightening
and her whole body yearning to join with his.
Placing her hand on her belly, she tried to smother the ache that was growing there,
but it was to no avail. Whether he stayed with her for the next fifty years or left
tomorrow, it wouldn't matter. She would always want Stefan.
Although he made no discernable sound, she felt his presence. Peering into the
darkness, she held out her hand. "What happened?"
The night released him and he walked into the glow of the moonlight that bathed
the swing and the surrounding yard. His stride was long and sure, and as always when
she saw him, she was struck by the sheer massive size of him. He didn't stop, didn't
pause, but plucked her right out of the swing and sat there himself, cradling her in his
Burying his face in her hair, he held her tight and just rocked her. Sensing that he
needed the closeness as much as she did, she snuggled her face close to his chest and
placed her hand over his heart. She could feel his lips on her temple, the kiss light and
sweet. He sighed and raised his head. "I returned the snakes to the good pastor and
warned the congregation against a repeat of such a thing. You are under my protection
She knew that for him it was as simple as that. He was the kind of man who would
protect those who belonged to him. Old-fashioned or not, it was his way and Laurel
Rose found that although she was an independent woman, she didn't mind it at all. It
gave her a warm feeling inside to know that someone cared about her.
His large hand cupped her jaw as he tilted her head back. Using his thumb, he
stroked her right cheek, tracing the scar there. "You are mine, Laurel Rose." His eyes
gleamed with possession and lust, but beyond that was a deep need as well, and she
found herself responding to it immediately.
"I am," she agreed, giving him a small nod.
Lowering his mouth to hers, Stefan kissed her. Given the tension rolling off him,
she'd expected his kiss to be hard and possessive. Instead, it was a soft, gentle caress.
One that made her feel special and cherished. His lips skimmed across hers, nibbling
and touching every part of her mouth.
But the tone of the kiss quickly changed. Neither of them was satisfied with the
light brushes and barely there touches. Both of them needed and wanted more. His
tongue plunged into her mouth and she welcomed it, sucking it deeper. She angled her
head so that they fit together perfectly. She loved the way he ate at her mouth, as if she
was the thing he craved most in the world. As if only she could satisfy him.
Laurel Rose could feel his erection prodding her hip as Stefan pulled her tighter
into his arms. Desire burst within her once again. She wanted this man and she wanted
him now.
Pushing out of his arms, she stood in front of him. He growled his displeasure but
released her. Dumping the quilt on the ground, she reached for the ends of her shirt,
gripped them in her hands and tugged it over her head. She could feel his eyes
devouring her as she tossed her shirt to the ground.
Emboldened, she bent down and removed her boots and socks, tossing them aside
before stepping forward and standing on the corner of the quilt. "Don't stop, Laurel
Rose." His hoarse plea sent shivers up and down her spine.
Her hands went to the waistband of her jeans and she flicked the button open.
Taking her time, she slid the zipper down over her tummy and the material parted to
reveal her plain cotton panties beneath. The rumble of pleasure that came from Stefan
thrilled her. Ever so slowly, she shimmied the jeans down her hips and legs until they
were pooled around her ankles. Stepping out of them, she kicked them aside.
Clad only in her bra and panties, she stood in front of him. The trees swayed in the
slight breeze, making the leaves dance. The air had a slight chill, but Laurel Rose wasn't
cold. She welcomed the cooling breeze. Her skin felt hot and tight under Stefan's
watchful gaze. The night was alive around them. The trees had a rhythm of their own as
they moved in the wind.
Swaying to the music of the night, Laurel Rose reached behind her back and
unhooked her bra. As she moved her arms sinuously, the thin straps fell down over her
shoulders and the thin cotton fell to the ground. Feeling sensual, she slid her hands over
her stomach and cupped her breasts. Her nipples were tight buds that were begging for
Leaning forward, she placed her arms on either side of Stefan and braced her hands
on the back of the swing. The movement placed her breasts right in front of his face. His
breath felt hot against her skin and she moaned with desire.
She could feel the restraint with which he held himself, could sense his curiosity as
he waited to see what she would do. "Suck them," she whispered when he made no
move to touch her. She couldn't wait any longer to have his mouth on her.
His cheek nuzzled the small mound of her breast. She gasped as his rough tongue
swiped at the tip of her nipple. The slight touch sent waves of pleasure shooting from

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