Dalakis Passion 4 - Eternal Brothers (37 page)

BOOK: Dalakis Passion 4 - Eternal Brothers
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quivered and tightened, signaling her release.
She cried out his name, but it was lost in his yell as he came. She felt the hot pulsing
of his cock and wished that she could feel him without a condom. She vowed then that
she was going to a doctor as soon as possible to get birth control pills. She'd stopped her
prescription after Prince had died, thinking that she'd never need them again. Then all
thought was forgotten as her orgasm washed over her. It was even more intense than
before and she clutched at Sam for support.
He heaved and shuddered, driving himself into her one more time before
collapsing on top of her. She wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight, never
wanting to let him go. She protested when he shifted off her.
"I'm too heavy,
', and I've got to get rid of the condom." Reluctantly she
released him and watched as he rolled to the side of the bed. He removed the condom,
dumping it in the trash can that was tucked beside the bedside table and then lay back
down in bed, tugging her into his arms.
She sighed, settling herself against him, her fingers playing with the hair on his
chest. "I love you." His words made her still and she raised her head. He was serious
now, all business,
eyes steady and sure.
She sat up next to him, dragging a pillow into her lap to cover herself.
"I want you to move in with me." He broke off and scrubbed his hand over his jaw.
"Hell, I want you to marry me, but I'll take whatever you'll give me."
Her stomach tightened and her breath caught. Had she heard him right? "You want
to marry me?"
', I do. I'm thirty-five years old and I never knew what love was until I
met you."
"Oh, Sam."
"I know you might not be ready, but live with me first."
"I know that you're still freaked out about the whole vampire thing, but if you try
living here for a while and don't like it, I can quit and get another job."
Blythe couldn't believe her ears. He loved the
family. If nothing else, her
time here had shown her that. The fact that he'd be willing to leave them for her
assured her that she was making the right decision. "I said okay, Sam."
He eyed her uncertainly as if unsure what she was agreeing to. "Okay, what?"
"Okay, I'll marry you after we live together for a while."
A slow, sexy smile crossed his lips.
She smiled back at him. She'd never felt happier in her life.
"Come here." He opened his arms and she went back into them easily, as if she'd
been doing it her entire life. It felt like home. He
home to her.
"I still have a lot of issues to work through."
"We'll get through them together,
He tucked her under his arm and managed to drag one of the blankets over them.
The sun was sinking in the distance, wrapping the room and them in shadows. Blythe
yawned and snuggled closer to Sam.
She liked the sound of that. Contented,
she drifted off to sleep.
Chapter Twenty-Five
One month.
It had been an entire month since Sophia had seen Zane, since that
fateful night that she'd told him he had to leave her. Her life had spiraled out of control
and was only now beginning to feel like it was returning to normal.
Except nothing
would ever be normal again.
Everything had changed. She was changed.
She flopped down in her favorite chair, pulled her feet up and wrapped her arms
around her knees. She felt tired.
Worn out.
Certainly, she looked it. The pale face that
stared back at her from the mirror each morning was only a ghost of her former self.
She plucked at the ears of her puppy-dog slippers, but even they couldn't make her
smile. Tipping her head back against the cushion, she closed her eyes and sighed. Her
life had been a roller coaster for the past few weeks.
First, there had been the interviews by the police after she'd been released from the
hospital. It had taken her a while to convince them that she'd been able to get out of her
shackles and had killed Spencer in self-defense. But since all the evidence had pointed
to that, they'd had no other choice except to believe her.
Zane and the other members of the family had done a perfect job at manipulating
the evidence. Spencer's body and almost all the forensic data had disappeared. A
security guard at the morgue had been knocked unconscious but not seriously hurt
when the body was taken. The police were convinced that the cult he belonged to was
responsible and were checking into various leads. They hadn't turned up any solid
physical evidence on the break-in and theft, and Sophia knew they wouldn't. Zane was
too thorough to miss any detail that might implicate
or the
Then, she'd visited the families of the two other deceased women, wanting to talk
to them personally.
Finally, she'd written about her ordeal and about the cult that Spencer had headed.
With the information that the police had uncovered in the crypt, the police had
managed to discover Spencer's apartment in the city. With what they'd found there,
they'd been able to pick up a few people spread across the country. It would take
, if not years, to sift through all the information and try to ascertain just how
many people these crazies were responsible for killing.
The worst of it was over now. Her testimony was a small part of it since the
evidence they had uncovered had condemned Spencer. She was alive and had survived
thanks to Zane and the
family. She was much luckier than Janice Barton and
Ariel Woodland. All she had to show for her ordeal were a few scars that would
hopefully fade over time.
A tear slipped from beneath her lid and rolled down her face. Angrily, she swiped
it away. She'd done more than enough crying this past month and it hadn't changed
anything. She was still alone and she had no idea where Zane was or how to reach him.
It had startled her to realize that she didn't even know where he lived. They'd always
spent their time together in her apartment.
"And that should tell you something," she muttered as she opened her eyes and
leaned forward, propping her chin on her knees.
Their time together had been
Spectacular even.
But it was over. She was an adult and she'd had a
flaming sexual affair with an incredible man. So be it.
But her body didn't believe her. She dragged through the days feeling as if a part of
was missing. She had to force herself to do much of anything, including work
and that frightened her. Work had always been her solace.
If she didn't have
that, what did she have?
And the nights were worse. She shuddered.
At night the dreams would come. Long, hot, erotic dreams filled with images of
Zane touching her neck, her breasts, her stomach, her pussy. Squirming in her chair, she
sighed and dropped her feet to the floor. No doubt about it, in the short time they'd
spent together she'd gotten addicted to his lovemaking. Okay, sex. Better to call it what
it was.
At least on his part.
She on the other hand had come to the unwanted conclusion
that she loved the big lug and wasn't that just dandy?
"Suck it up." She rubbed her hands over her arms. No matter what she did these
days, she couldn't get warm. The doctor she'd seen at the hospital had warned her that
it would take her longer to get past the emotional trauma than the physical and she'd
been right. Her bruises and cuts had long healed, but emotionally, she was a mess.
Thankfully, for the first couple of weeks, she'd gone on pure adrenaline and anger
and had written furiously about the experience. In many ways it had been therapeutic,
both for her and the families of the dead women. Sophia had been approached by the
top magazines in the country about her story. The work she'd done in those two weeks
would keep her fed and sheltered for the next two years if it had to. And it looked as if
it well might. Since she'd crashed during the third week, she hadn't wanted to do much
of anything at all.
The few television interviews that she'd granted had padded her bank account even
further. If she was frugal, she was solvent for at least five years, maybe longer. It still
felt wrong to make money from her ordeal, but Janice Barton's mother had scolded her
when she'd mentioned that. The older woman's words still rang in her ears.
ll be a
long time getting over this
If they want to give you money so you don
t have to worry
about rent and expenses
then you should do it if you want to
. Mrs. Barton was a very
practical woman and Sophia had come to like and respect her greatly in the past few
So now she was yesterday's news. The media had slowly filtered away, their
attention caught by other things, the least of them being the blood cult that seemed to
spread from coast to coast.
It was good to be alone.
Or at least it always had been. Now she just felt lonely. But she didn't want just any
company. She wanted Zane's. She hadn't even had the courage to contact the
family in person. She knew they were respecting her wishes by staying away. Zane had
obviously conveyed her request to them and she knew she'd have to make the first
move if she wanted to see them again.
She'd called them a few times during the day when she knew they would be
sleeping. A couple of times Cassidy had answered and she'd hung up. Other times, she
left a message on their machine, updating them. Oh, she knew that Cassidy probably
knew as much or more about the investigation than she did, but still. She felt she owed
the family something after Laurel Rose and Stefan had risked their lives for her.
As hard as she tried, she couldn't keep her thoughts away from Zane. She loved the
way his large, hard body felt tucked next to hers after they'd had sex. She missed his
urgency as he stripped her clothing from her, the way he looked at her with lust
gleaming in his sharp, green eyes. No other man had ever looked at her like that before.
Her breasts ached and she cupped them with her hands, trying to ease them. But it
was no use. Her nipples were hard nubs that rubbed against the thin fabric of her cotton
top. She'd stopped wearing a bra again, unable to bear the confining fabric. Even her
skin felt overly sensitized so that even the slightest touch was almost too much for her
to handle. Her sex was swollen and damp, her core throbbing with emptiness, begging
to be filled.
"Stop it!" She surged out of her chair. Raking her hands though her short, spiky
hair, she began to pace.
Someone pounded on her front door.
"Oh, great.
That's just what I need." She
thought about ignoring it, but it came again. This time louder and more insistent--a
cop's knock. Her memory took her back to a few weeks ago when she'd opened the
door to a man who'd changed her life. She moaned as her shirt brushed over her
nipples. Swearing, she plucked the fabric away from her skin, but it didn't do much
good. It settled back over her nipples, outlining them perfectly.
When she got to the door, she took a deep breath and looked out the peephole.
The next knock made her jump. Her heart fluttered and began to beat faster.
She was quickly losing patience with whoever was on the other side of the door.
"Who's there?"
"Zane York.
I'm a cop."
She almost smiled at the way he mimicked their very first meeting.
she leaned her forehead against the heavy wood panel, certain he must be able to hear
her heart pounding through the door that separated them. What should she do? Could
she face him only to have him leave again? She wanted him to stay, but she wanted him
to want to stay. And how convoluted was that?
Sighing, she prayed for strength as she flipped the locks on the door and opened it.
God, it should be illegal how good this man looked. Tall, dark and handsome wasn't a
cliché when it came to Zane York. Faded blue jeans, soft from many
, molded
his heavily muscled thighs and displayed his manhood to perfection. She could feel her
cheeks heating as she continued her perusal. The seams of his dark green T-shirt were
stretched to the limits by his shoulders and biceps.
His face was still as rugged as ever. Not handsome, but compelling. Zane was no
pretty boy. He was all man and she still wanted him. Her body, already hot and achy,
zoomed into overdrive at his nearness. His musky scent, tinged with sandalwood and
male heat seemed to surround her, permeating her skin.
Cream seeped from her core and began to slip down her inner thighs.
Great time to
remember that she wasn't wearing any underwear.
Unable to bear any more weight
than necessary against her skin, she'd hauled on her pajama bottoms and a long-sleeved
cotton top after her shower. Now she wished she'd at least put on a pair of panties. She
felt off-kilter and slightly out of control with him in front of her.
"Can I come in?" She closed her eyes and swallowed hard as his voice stimulated
all her nerve endings. She'd dreamed of that voice, but had feared that she'd never hear
it again. "Sophia?"
Realizing that she was just standing there like a complete idiot, she stepped back,
almost tripping on her slippers. Zane's hand shot out and steadied her before quickly
releasing her.
Come on in."
That sounded calm and in control. Didn't it?
Get a grip, girl, she admonished herself as she turned and led him into the living room.
Too nervous to sit, she stood next to her chair with her arms crossed defensively
over her chest. Realizing how that must seem, she forced her arms to drop back by her
sides and almost immediately realized her mistake. His eyes zeroed in on her breasts

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