Dalakis Passion 4 - Eternal Brothers (41 page)

BOOK: Dalakis Passion 4 - Eternal Brothers
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wanted...something. Her gums throbbed and then she felt them. Jerking back, she
almost fell off Zane as two sharp fangs extended downward.
"You need to feed, my love." She was frightened by how much she wanted to lower
herself and just bite his neck. As if he sensed her uncertainty, he shifted his hands onto
her back, soothing her as he drew her down onto his chest. "It is perfectly normal and
nothing to fear."
She'd have to take his word for that. The hunger within her was expanding. She
could hear the heavy beat of his heart and the whoosh of his blood as it pumped
through his veins. "Don't let me hurt you." She still wasn't sure that she was in control
of this vampire thing."
"You won't," he promised.
Taking him at his word, she nuzzled his neck. God, he smelled delicious. Opening
her mouth, she sucked on his skin. He groaned and cupped the back of her head,
holding her to him. Her fangs slid easily through his flesh, piercing it quickly. The first
gush of blood caught her off guard and she choked.
Then the taste exploded in her mouth.
Sweet, vital and better than chocolate.
All the
cells of her body were crying out for it, so she drank. Each pull of her mouth on his neck
was echoed deep in her pussy. The more she swallowed, the more aroused she became.
Zane slipped his fingers between her thighs and began to stroke the slick folds of
her pussy. She moved against his fingers, wanting to come.
Needing to come.
thumb grazed her clitoris and without warning, she
her body convulsing. She
raised her head, yelling her release. It was intense and quick, and when it was over, she
collapsed against his chest.
"Lick the puncture wounds to close them."
She raised her head enough to see the dribbles of blood seeping from his neck.
Embarrassment filled her. "Sorry about that."
He growled like a contented bear. "There is no need for you to be sorry about
or embarrassed either."
She realized that he could sense her feelings as well. She wondered if she was more
in tune with his. She'd been so caught up in the changes in her own body that she
hadn't tried. Concentrating, she was struck by the blast of lust and need that radiated
from him. How the heck had she missed that? And if she'd needed visual clues, the
erection poking her in the stomach was a dead giveaway. But mixed with the lust were
feelings of intense love and pride. She blinked back tears that threatened to spill. No
one had ever loved her this way before, or been proud of her just because she was
herself and for no other reason.
Levering herself up on her hands, she kissed him. His tongue snaked into her
mouth, tasting the blood that she'd drunk from him. It should have been disgusting.
Instead, it was highly erotic and although she'd just climaxed, her body was crying out
for his.
He rolled suddenly, reversing their positions so that he was looming above her.
"Now it's my turn." She shivered, but it certainly wasn't with fear. "I want to claim you
in every way possible." She knew what he was asking without his having to say so.
There was only one way that he hadn't taken her. She nodded. His nostrils flared and
she sensed his growing excitement. "Are you sure?" he asked as he cupped the side of
her face.
"Yes." There was no doubt in her mind that she wanted this as much as he did.
He rolled away from her and grabbed a white tube from the bedside table. She
raised an eyebrow in question. He just grinned. "I bought a few supplies, just in case."
Sophia laughed, unable to help herself. He looked so pleased with himself. Her grin
faded as his gaze darkened. His eyes seemed to devour her as they roamed over her
nude body. Rather than feeling shy, she felt wanton. Her thighs parted and she rolled
her hips upward in invitation. She cupped her breasts with her hands and tweaked her
nipples with her thumb and forefinger, groaning as the pleasure shot straight to her
"On your hands and knees."
His guttural growl sent more heat raging through her
veins. Hunger beat at Sophia's body. She wanted him to fuck her and she wanted him
to take her blood. The idea that she could feed him with her blood while pleasuring him
with her body excited her unbearably. She licked her lips, already wanting to drink
from him again.
"Sophia," he growled again. She rolled over, coming up on her hands and knees.
She could picture what he wanted in her mind. Whether she was reading his thoughts
or he was feeding them to her, she wasn't sure. But it didn't matter. The images were
raw and erotic.
Lowering her forehead to her pillow, she pushed her ass into the air. Reaching
behind her, she grabbed the cheeks of her butt and spread them wide, exposing herself
totally to him. "Is this what you had in mind?" She barely recognized the sensual purr
as her own voice. She felt sexy and powerful and totally wanton.
"Oh, yeah.
That's perfect." His finger traced the dark cleft of her behind, leaving a
slick trail of a gel-type substance. He rimmed the puckered opening before pressing the
tip of his finger inward. It was tight, but it didn't hurt, even as he pushed it deeper. The
thick coating of gel allowed it to slide into her fairly easily.
She pushed her behind toward him.
"So demanding."
She could hear his pleasure as he pressed a second finger in to
join the first. This was harder and the pressure began to make her ass burn. She groaned
and he stilled. She didn't want him to stop.
"No. Don't stop." She panted, trying to make her body relax, knowing it would
make it easier on both of them.
Her entire body jerked as he lightly scraped his teeth over her ass. At the same time,
he drove his fingers deeper. This time, they both groaned. Zane nipped at her behind as
he slid his other hand forward, fingering the slick folds of her pussy. But his featherlike
touches weren't enough.
"Stop teasing
"But you're such fun to tease." His thumb grazed her clitoris and she cried out.
Cream slipped down her thighs. The ripe smell of sex and need permeated the air
around them.
"Fuck me, Zane." She bucked back against him. Every nerve ending was tingling,
every muscle in her body clenched. She needed him inside her. Nothing else could sate
the hunger burning in her body, indeed, in her very soul.
His fingers slid from her ass and she almost cried out at the loss. Then he was
behind her and she could feel the blunt head of his shaft probing at the tight entrance.
He pushed the slick tip past the taut muscles and then stopped. They were both
breathing hard now. This was a lot different than having two fingers inside her. He was
wide and thick and she wasn't sure she could take him.
"Yes, you can," he murmured. "Now that you are changed, you can take me much
more easily than if you were still human. Your body will accommodate mine much
more quickly." He flexed his hips and his cock slid forward. Sophia sucked in a breath.
It burned and hurt slightly, but it felt so good too. Zane started moving then, ever-so
slightly. He rocked gently backward and forward, pressing himself deeper with each
forward motion. Time didn't matter to either of them. Nothing existed but the two of
them and how this was making both of them feel.
Zane continued to touch her, stroking the folds of her pussy and her clitoris, sliding
his fingers into her slit and then withdrawing again. The heat within her was like a
fever burning out of control. Every molecule of her body was focused on reaching
climax. She felt poised on the edge, unable to go over.
"Now, Zane.
Don't make me wait
any longer."
It was like releasing a whirlwind. Zane began to flex his hips slightly harder and
faster, withdrawing farther before pushing himself deep. He thrust three fingers into
her pussy, and began to fuck her with them. She felt filled to overflowing with Zane.
And she loved it.
The hard press of his cock as it squeezed into her ass, the way the muscles relaxed
and contracted around it was the most erotic sensation she'd ever felt. "Harder," she
His hips hammered harder, his strokes shortening. His balls slammed against her
sensitive folds with each heavy thrust. His fingers toyed with her
and his thumb
brushed her clitoris.
"Come for me, Sophia.
She wanted to protest that she couldn't come on command, but her body reacted
immediately. Everything within her tightened and then let go. Convulsions shook her.
Cream flooded her pussy and she automatically squeezed her ass muscles tight.
Zane yelled as he pumped himself into her. She felt the hot flood of cum and the
heavy pulse of his cock deep within her as he
sending shivers of sensation back
though her own body.
He eased his fingers from her pussy and she shook. She didn't know how much
more she could take. Then he leaned over her and scraped his teeth over the sensitive
nape of her neck. She tilted her head to one side.
"I love you, Sophia," he whispered as he sank his fangs deep. Her body arched as if
it had been hit by a jolt of electricity. Her pussy tightened and she felt another orgasm
overtake her. She was nothing but feeling and sensation as Zane drank from her.
It wasn't long enough, yet it was almost too much. So many conflicting sensations
filled Sophia as Zane retracted his fangs and licked her neck. Then he eased his cock
from her ass. She cried out.
"Fuck," he muttered.
"I thought you just did that," she managed to quip.
He chuckled and flopped to the mattress beside her. Her legs slowly sank to the bed
and she groaned. "I'm going to be stiff and sore."
His large hand patted her behind. "Now that you're a vampire, you'll heal faster.
nap and you'll be as good as new."
She turned her head so that she could see him. His hair was plastered to
his forehead and looked totally debauched.
And you look totally debauched too, by the way."
He was reading her thoughts again. Self-consciously, she swiped at the hair sticking
to her forehead.
Zane grabbed her hand and kissed her fingertips. "And you look totally beautiful."
He stared at her for so long, his gaze so somber that she began to get worried. "Thank
you, Sophia. You've made my life whole with your courage and your love. You are
mine now.
For forever and beyond."
Tears pricked her eyes, but she blinked them back. She didn't want to cry. Now was
a time for celebration.
She batted her eyelashes at him and smiled coyly. "A
quick nap, you said."
As she'd hoped, he laughed. "I've created a monster."
"No, not a monster.
Just a woman who loves you."
He brushed the curve of her jaw with his hand, tilting it upward. "Maybe that nap
can wait."
Just before his lips touched hers, she whispered. "Maybe it can."
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Sophia fidgeted as they headed up the walkway toward Lucian's house. It had been
several days since her conversion and Zane had received a phone call almost as soon as
they'd opened their eyes tonight, practically demanding a command appearance in
front of the family. He'd seemed more bemused by it than anything. Neither of them
had ever had much family to talk about, so this was new territory for them both. Sophia
wasn't sure if she liked it or not, but she had the feeling that now that the
family had claimed then, there would be no escape.
As always, the door opened before they had a chance to knock. The man standing
there was not one she recognized, but he looked familiar enough that she knew that this
must be the eldest brother,
. His green eyes examined her from head to toe and
she could feel Zane bristling beside her.
. She could tell she'd startled Zane, which pleased her greatly. She was
rapidly getting the hang of all her new powers, including being able to communicate
telepathically with him.
transferred his gaze to Zane. "It is good to see you again, cousin. I see you
have brought your woman."
This time it was her turn to bristle, but before she could say anything a woman
appeared in the doorway behind
. "Oh for heaven's sake, let them in." As
Sophia watched in awe, the woman with short brown hair and golden-brown eyes
shoved the large vampire aside and held out her hand. "Hi, I'm Johanna,
Sophia liked the calm stare and forthright manner of the other woman. Delight and
Laurel Rose had had nothing but wonderful things to say about their sister-in-law. She
held out her hand. "Sophia Daring."
Johanna tucked Sophia's hand into the crook of her arm and led her past the men
and into the house. Sophia's stomach fluttered slightly as her nerves got the better of
her again. She glanced over her shoulder and calmed when she saw that Zane was right
behind her, his eyes narrowed as if he didn't like the separation any more than she did.
The library was crowded, but Sophia knew almost everyone there. Laurel Rose was
curled up on a cozy sofa with Stefan sprawled lazily beside her. Delight and Lucian
stood in front of the fireplace talking with a young man. That must be Delight's
younger brother, she reasoned, noting that his hair coloring was similar to Delight's.
Sam Cassidy was seated in a high-backed chair with Blythe in his lap. Obviously,
there had been a change in that relationship over the past month. Blythe smiled and
waved as they walked in. Sophia could hardly believe the change in the other woman.
She positively radiated happiness and there was a contentment surrounding Cassidy
that hadn't been there before.
All eyes turned toward them as Johanna led her farther into the room. Sophia found
herself staring at the antique furniture, the books in the shelves lining the walls, the
artwork scattered around.
Anywhere but at the rest of them.
Johanna patted her arm
and then abandoned her to her fate. Knowing she was being cowardly, she squared her

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