Dalton, Tymber - Brimstone Blues [Brimstone Vampires 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (38 page)

BOOK: Dalton, Tymber - Brimstone Blues [Brimstone Vampires 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Katie!” Taz said, taking the woman’s hand.


Taz smiled. “Taz Proctor. I’m Rafe’s cousin. I’m so glad you could make it.” The woman was obviously upset by news of Rafael’s passing, and Taz seemed to know just what to say to make her feel better. Even knowing stories about Rafe to bring smiles to their faces.

But how
she know?

Tobias didn’t dare risk a probe. He knew how strong she was, she would sense it immediately. He also knew beyond any doubt it wasn’t a
daemon pulverem

did Taz know all these things?

Taz gave the eulogy, without notes. Far from the somber talk he expected, knowing what he did of her brief history with Rafael, it was an outrageous, side-splitting salute to the man they all knew and loved. Even her voice sounded different. Tobias risked a look at Matthias, now encased in his own grief without the responsibility of hosting this event. When Matthias finally stood to speak, Taz stood nearby. As Matthias gave his own tearful eulogy, Taz looked over the audience, apparently picking out faces from the crowd.

it Taz?

Tobias watched Tim and Albert and his brother, Patrick. They were dabbing at their eyes with handkerchiefs. No help there. Tobias knew he should be paying attention to the service, but there was something going on.

Taz’s eyes locked on his from her place behind Matthias.

Then she winked.

Rafael’s wink.

* * * *

People gathered outside around the cars, and laughter rolled through the crowd as stories were shared. Taz wore Rafael’s sunglasses against the late-afternoon glare, and the way she leaned on the car…

It couldn’t be. It wasn’t possible. She had spent hours with photos of him. It was natural she took on poses she saw. Right? A natural chameleon, perhaps?

Her laughter was Rafael’s. It was obvious Matthias didn’t notice. Tobias found him talking in soft tones to a group from the Eastern European Clan. His eyes and nose were red. The last thing on his mind was Taz.

When the gathering eventually broke up, Taz started to get into Rafe’s Mustang, and Tobias opened the passenger door. He noted her startled look.


“I’d like to ride with you, dear,” he said.

Taz eventually nodded. “Sure. No prob.”

He noticed she’d changed to sneakers from the flats she’d worn all day, how she casually slung her left arm over the steering wheel, smoothly shifting into reverse with barely a look behind. Every nuance Rafael’s.

“Are you all right, Taz?” he asked her.

She nodded. “Tired.”

He let her drive in silence for a few minutes. “Taz, can I talk to you?”

“What’s up?”

“Are you feeling okay? Really.”

He wished she wasn’t wearing the sunglasses. He’d love to see her eyes.

“I’m fine.”

“Nothing you’d like to talk about?”


Tobias tried again a few minutes later. “Rafael,” he said sharply, as if addressing her.

Her head snapped toward him. “Rafael, what?” she said after a startled pause.

Tobias studied her face. Finally, “Rafael would have liked what you put together, I’m sure.”

Was that a sigh of relief?

She nodded. “Thanks, Uncle Toby.”

He didn’t correct her, and she didn’t appear to realize what she’d said.

But it was enough proof for him.

Rafael was the only one who ever called him that. The only one he ever allowed to call him that.

And he’d never told Taz that.

* * * *

A few minutes later, Taz startled Rafe.

Dammit, he knows!”

Rafael almost forgot to answer silently.


“You called him Uncle Toby!”


Rafe risked a glance at Tobias, who now stared out the passenger window. Dare he probe him?

Tobias turned. “Taz, dear, that was a very interesting eulogy you gave. As if you knew him.”

Rafe struggled for a safe answer. “I did know him.”

“For a day. How many people you must have talked with to gather that information. Very impressive. Matthias never told me the two of you talked so much about Rafe.”

“Do you have a point?”

Tobias shook his head. “No. No point. Why, do you think I do?”

“He’s baiting you, Rafe. The less you say, the better. He suspects.”

“How can you be sure?”

“I’m a fucking attorney, Rafe. Trust me, I know bait when I hear it!”

Rafael shook his head. “No, I think we’re all on edge. I’ve got a lot on my mind right now.”

“Yes, you do.”

“Pull over at that gas station, Rafe. Go to the bathroom. NOW!”

He pulled up to a pump. “I need to top it off. I’ll be right back.” He jumped out of the car and raced into the store, making a beeline for the men’s room.



He veered to the women’s restroom and locked the door behind him. Taz came forward immediately, held onto the sink with shaky hands, and looked in the mirror. Rafael’s reflection stood beside her, also looking a little ill. “Sorry, Taz. I guess I hammed it up.”

“He’s the only one who suspects, I think. You can’t be like that around him. He’s suspicious.”

She composed herself and returned to the car, pumped gas, and got in without looking at Tobias.

* * * *

He watched her walk from the store in the side mirror. Her stance and gait were totally different, all Taz. He had no proof, and if he confronted her, he suspected she’d deny it. Back at the hotel, he waited in the hotel lobby for Tim and Albert. Matthias was obviously too tired and emotionally wrought to talk. Matthias went straight to their room where, Tobias assumed, Taz was waiting for him.

Or was it Rafael?

“Did Taz seem a little out of it this afternoon?” he asked Tim.

Tim’s eyes still looked red. No help there. “I’m sure we’re all not at our best today, Tobias. Why? Are you worried about her?”

He shook his head. “No, not that. You know what? Never mind. I’m sure it’s nothing.”

* * * *

Matthias returned to their room and was lying on the bed when Taz emerged from the bathroom. She swallowed hard and sat next to him. “Are you okay?” She was still afraid to be close to him for too long, fearing he’d sense Rafe’s presence.

She reached out and touched his shoulder.

He took her hand and kissed it. “Thank you, Taz. It was a good service. I’m sure he would have approved.”

She hoped her smile looked right. Despite the stress, it was hard not to laugh. “Thank you.”

He gently pulled her to him, and she hoped he didn’t want to make love, but he didn’t. He wanted to take a nap, with her in his arms. That was fine with her. Later, they went downstairs to eat dinner in the hotel restaurant with the others. Taz tried not to look at Tobias, but she felt his eyes on her throughout the entire meal.

Rafe remained silent, not wanting to add to her discomfort, but she knew he was there, watching and listening.

* * * *

The next morning, she awoke with Matthias and showered, dressed, packed.

“I want to get on the road,” she said. “I’ll meet you all for lunch.”

He hugged her. “Okay.” He kissed the top of her head and released her, much to her relief. It was tiring holding a strong barrier against him all the time they were together. She knew it was even harder on him, feeling it.

He wanted to carry her bags for her, but she gently refused. “It’s okay. I’ll see you in a few hours. I just…I need some time alone.”

“All right.”

She let Rafe take over as she walked through the lobby doors. He was loading Taz’s bags in the trunk when he felt a hand on his arm and jumped, startled.

“Let me help, Taz,” Tobias said. His blue eyes burned into his.

Rafael hesitated. “Thanks. I’ve got it.”

“I insist.” He took the bag from Rafael, who noticed Tobias carried his own bag. “I told Matthias I’d ride with you. I hope you don’t mind?”

Rafael swallowed and shook his head. “No. That’s fine.”


Taz said.

That’s all we need.”

* * * *

Tobias watched Taz emerge from the elevator and walk across the lobby. At the doorway she’d hesitated, swaying slightly, and then her entire gait and demeanor changed.

Rafael. His walk, even how he carried the bags. It might be Taz’s body, but Tobias was convinced it was Rafael now in charge.

Whatever happened, it happened quickly. Tobias felt the shift in the air around her when it did. Would she dare shift back with him around?

They quickly reached I-75 and headed south. Taz, or was it Rafe, didn’t speak much. Answers to his questions were short and clipped, as if trying not to say too much. Her mental barrier was the thickest he’d ever sensed from any vampire. Whatever was going on, he would have to try finesse to find it out because brute force wasn’t an option no matter how strong he was.

After twenty minutes, she started to change lanes.

“What are we doing?” he asked.

“I’m going to top it off.”

He glanced at the console. “You filled it yesterday after the funeral. Surely we haven’t used that much gas yet?”

Taz swallowed uncomfortably. “Oh, yeah. I guess you’re right.”

* * * *

“Shit. Just drive, Rafe. There’s nothing you can do right now. You’re going to make him more suspicious.”

“This is driving me crazy, baby girl. I feel like I’m about to crawl out of my skin.”

“Yeah, well suck it up, buddy. Now you know what I was going through before I figured out you were here.”

They noticed Tobias glanced at them occasionally, appraising. Taz wondered how much he suspected, or if he was worried if she was on the way to another breakdown. When Tobias spoke to Rafe, sometimes Taz had to give him a mental nudge to answer. Rafe was trying to keep his mouth shut and pay attention to the road.

After two hours, Taz couldn’t stand it.
“Find a gas station so we can go to the bathroom. You’re doing to drive me crazy.”

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