Dance Away, Danger (14 page)

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Authors: Alexa Bourne

BOOK: Dance Away, Danger
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“My brother,” Tessa held up Jason’s picture again, “was trying to help you, to put an end to the shakedowns. He’s missing because he was trying to protect you. Can’t you find it somewhere in your heart to return the favor?”

Lola’s shoulders slumped. She scanned the street. “Cops come by every Wednesday. They take a cut of our earnings, and they keep us out of jail. If a girl’s not around, they go after her.”

“What do they do when they find her?” Matt released her arm, but stayed in front of her, almost pinning her between himself and the wall.

“Sometimes they arrest her.” Her expression drooped. With a soft voice, she added, “Sometimes worse.”

“Which cops?” Tessa asked.

Lola remained silent.

“Which ones?” Matt repeated.

She lifted her head. “Do you really think you can put a stop to this?”


How confident he was. Moisture gathered in the corners of Lola’s eyes, and even Tessa choked back tears. If anyone could make Dave and the others pay for their crimes, Matt could. Even with a bounty on his head.

“Talking to you is putting my life in danger.”

“If you won’t do it for us,” Tessa said, “do it for yourself and the other women. You deserve justice as much as my brother.”

“Caparzo and Kelly come by sometimes, even just to check up on us, but Walgren, he’s the one in charge.”

Dave was effectively working as a pimp in uniform. How could she have been so wrong about him?

“Just the three of them?” Matt asked. “You sure?”

“Yes. You’ve got what you need. Please go,” Lola begged.

“One more question. When was the last time you saw Officer Gage?” Matt asked.

“I don’t remember. He’s a cop. I’m a prostitute. We’re not exactly best friends.”

“All right.” Matt fished in his jeans pocket. “Thanks.” He handed Lola some money wrapped around what appeared to be a business card.

Tessa balked. “But I’m not—”

“We’re going.” He grabbed hold of her hand and tugged her down the sidewalk again.

Lola disappeared around the corner. A car horn blared as the nearest traffic light once again switched to green.

“Matt!” Tessa yanked free and dug her heels in. “I had more questions.”

“I know. So did I, but she was spooked. She wasn’t going to tell us anything else.” He peered around the street.


Matt lowered his voice. “Tessa, she said Walgren came around for payments on Wednesday nights. What’s today?”

Her jaw dropped. “Wednesday.”

He nodded. “Exactly. We can’t be seen with her when he comes by. It’s too dangerous for us and for her.”

“I hadn’t thought of that.”

Matt wore a mask of determination, hard and unfeeling.

She’d been with him long enough to decipher his reactions. Danger loomed. “What is it?”

“Cop car.”

She started to turn her head.

“Don’t. Walk to the edge of the building. We’ll go up the alley and backtrack to the car.”

The sound of a car door slamming shut reverberated in the distance.

Matt picked up his speed. He spun around a corner and brought them into complete darkness.

Tessa stalled beside him.

“Keep moving,” he directed.

Slow footsteps echoed behind them. A cat screeched. Somewhere close by, a glass bottle rolled.

She tightened her grip on Matt’s hand.

He stopped every few feet and rattled a door handle. None allowed them entrance. The stench of week-old garbage grew stronger as they rushed farther into the alley. The glow of a flashlight bounced off the buildings ahead of them.

Tessa glanced back.

Matt yanked her forward. A chain-link fence about fifteen feet high blocked the end of the alley.

They’d have to climb out. She could do it. No problem. They’d have to be quick.

Matt tugged her out of the light path and pinned her between a wall and him. Ragged edges of concrete dug into her backside and injected a chill into her spine. At the same time, Matt’s hard body infused warmth across her front.

Hurried footsteps followed the bounce of the flashlight beam. She could barely make out the outline of Matt’s jaw. His words washed over her ear. “Don’t move.”

She clamped her eyes shut. Maybe if she didn’t see the man after them he wouldn’t notice them either. She gripped the soft leather of Matt’s coat. Everything within her tensed, stilled. She held her breath. Together they’d survive. Somehow.

For a second, Matt’s hands were on hers, reassuring her, prying her fingers loose from his jacket. Then they were gone.
was gone. Whistling wind lent an eerie sound to the music drifting from the nearest bar.

Tessa bit her tongue to keep from frantically whispering his name. She reached blindly for him, groping only empty air.

It took all her willpower to hold her palms against the coarse brick of the building and keep her body still.

The brightness came closer. The pacing slowed. Their pursuer was silhouetted by the flickering streetlight at the mouth of the alley, but the dark veil of night held his identity.

Where the hell was Matt?

The beam of light climbed the wall beside her. Caressed her knuckles.

Her limbs trembled. She scanned her surroundings for any type of weapon. She couldn’t die. She was too young. She hadn’t found true love yet.


A strained whimper slipped from her mouth.

The light traveled up her arm, blinded her, but she didn’t need to see him to know Dave Walgren stood on the other side of the beam.

She squinted into the harsh brightness.
I will not be afraid. I will not be afraid.

“Sweetheart, come on out,” Dave coaxed. “It’s all right.”


Chapter Eight



“I’m not your sweetheart!” Her vision adjusted to Dave’s flashlight.

Sure and steady, he raised his weapon and pointed it at her. “Tessa, calm down.”

She swallowed the knot lodged on her tongue. “Calm down? You’re holding a gun on me.” She had nowhere to go, no escape, and she’d put her trust in a man who’d abandoned her.

Betrayed again. Served her right for believing Matt might be different.

“Only for my own protection. Where’s Rylan?” Dave asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Rylan?” Dave raised his voice. “Don’t be stupid. I wouldn’t want Tessa to get caught in the crossfire.”

No response but the pulsing beat of the techno-music from the bar behind her.

hurt her to get what he wanted. But she’d go down fighting.

“Tessa, I need you to work with me.”

“You shot at me at the studio.” She felt around for a door handle, a corner, anything to aid her escape.

“I shot at Rylan. He has you all twisted up.”

“No.” She knew exactly who the enemy was. Very carefully, she shifted her feet toward the corner.
The stench of garbage stole her attention momentarily.

Dave came closer. “Don’t do it, Tessa. I can reach you first. You won’t make it.”

She stilled.

Okay. Move to Plan B. Play the clueless female while deciding how to make her escape. “Dave, please put the gun down. You’re scaring me.” That part, at least, she didn’t need to fake.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted movement, a large body forming in the shadows.

Matt hadn’t abandoned her.

“You need to trust me,” Dave implored.

Oh, hell no.
“I don’t know if I should.”

Matt sprang out and held his own gun to Dave’s temple. “Drop it, Walgren.”

He kept a firm grip on his weapon. “Rylan, if you surrender, I’ll put in a good word for you.”

“Shut up.” Matt shoved Dave’s head. “Drop it before I drop you.”

The service revolver landed with a soft thud on the snow-packed concrete.

She flinched.

“Fighting with me is really stupid, Rylan. Every cop in the state is searching for you. You have no escape.”

“You’re wrong,” Tessa piped up. “We’re going to prove you were responsible for Jason’s disappearance and—”

“Tessa, grab his gun,” Matt ordered.

She hesitated. Her temporary partner needed her, and she refused to disappoint him.

She bent down but before she could get a solid grip on the weapon, Dave shoved her with his foot.

Tessa plopped backward into the snow. The chill curved around her butt and up her spine. Outrage swelled within her.
Damn him.
She scrambled to her hands and knees.

Dave jammed his elbow into Matt’s stomach and shoved Matt’s arms away from his head. Matt’s gun fell to the ground. Dave’s flashlight followed and illuminated the rear door to one of the nightclubs.

Damn, damn, damn.
If she’d been quicker, Dave wouldn’t have gotten the upper hand. Adrenaline spiked through her. She groped around and found the flashlight. Okay, what about Matt’s weapon? While the men continued to trade punches, she shifted the beam until she found the gun. Then she spun toward the sound of fists pounding against flesh.
Grunts and groans punctured the air. Limbs moved in a flurry.

She had to be ready to help Matt. She aimed the flashlight on the fight, hoping to get a clear shot of Dave. Hoping at the same time she wouldn’t have to shoot.

Dave slammed Matt into the ground and wrapped his hands around his throat.

’“No!” She took aim. Her partner needed her to come through for him. After all he’d done for her, there was no way she’d let him down. She pulled the trigger.

Nothing happened. The trigger didn’t move. No crack of gunfire.

“What the...?” Every muscle tensed. She tried again. Still nothing. “Damn.”

Dave whirled toward her. “I’m coming for you next.”

Matt reached up and slammed his fist into Dave’s jaw. Dave’s head snapped back. The fight wasn’t over yet.

Being on the sidelines sucked.

Someone crashed into the Dumpster, and the sounds of struggle ceased. She found Dave slumped next to the metal trash bin, his eyes closed, his body still. Techno music once again reached her ears. “M-Matt?”

Strong hands gripped her arms and yanked her to her feet. “He won’t be down long. We’ve got to run.” He grabbed the weapon from her hand and shoved her in the direction they’d come from.

Raucous beats blasted onto the street from various clubs. Few cars traveled along the road and into parking lots. Matt hurried across the street despite the pedestrian stop sign. Tessa struggled to keep up with his long-legged stride. As soon as she got onto the sidewalk, Dave hollered, “Police. Freeze!”

She flinched, but kept running by Matt’s side.

A loud cracking noise split the air.

A piece of brick splintered off the building beside her.

Tessa screamed. Ran faster. Why the hell was this happening?

Matt dropped behind her. “Go, go.”

They slid into the car two streets over and Matt peeled out of the parking lot. Once he slowed to the speed limit several minutes later, she took a deep breath. They were safe, at least for a while.

But her incompetence had forced Matt into a fight. He could’ve escaped without her. For a few agonizing seconds, she’d thought he had, but he’d stayed for her.

He’d been trying to train her to be ready for this type of situation and she’d failed her first test. In her own world, she always succeeded. Next time, she would be ready.

The roads remained fairly empty as they passed through the more respectable section of Hanover and into Paxton. When they reached their motel room, she laid a hand on his arm as he inserted the key. “I’m sorry I couldn’t help you. I don’t know what happened. I just couldn’t get the gun to work. It was as if all your instructions flew out of my brain.”

“Forget it.”

Wisps of his breath in the frigid air caught her eye. As did the way he wouldn’t meet her gaze.

“I thought I’d be ready, but these choices have never been part of my life.”

“I know.” He shook off her touch.

Excuses. He deserved better. “You have every right to be angry with me.”

He walked into the room but didn’t turn around. “I’m not angry with you,” he said.

“Then why won’t you look at me?”

He straightened. His broad back carried the weight of her world. Slowly, he spun. The pale light of the lamp slid across his body. Dirt and dark patches of blood stained his shirt. But nothing was worse than the cut above his brow.

She sucked in a breath. “Oh my God,” she whispered. With shaking fingers, she reached out him.

“It’s not too bad.” He jerked away.

She hadn’t been strong enough. Because of her, he had suffered. “I’m so sor—”

“Don’t.” His stubbled jaw hardened.

The censure was soft-spoken, but the one word cut her heart in two. A sob collected in her throat. How could he ever forgive her?

“Shut the door.” He stripped off his coat and set his weapons on the table, including the gun she hadn’t been able to fire.

She closed the door and touched her forehead to it. She wouldn’t cry. From the bathroom, sink knobs squeaked before the swish of water ran from the faucet. The metal towel rod to the left of the sink rolled. The wooden stool creaked under his weight.

The demons of her past had stolen her ability to remember Matt’s survival lessons. Healing, at least, was something she could handle.

Tessa straightened her shoulders and spun around. She shuffled to his side and tugged the washcloth from his grip. He rested his arms on his thighs.

The blood and dirt of his wound were her fault. He had a right to walk away. But he hadn’t.

Worry, guilt and relief tore through her like a blizzard. She’d almost died. They both had. And all the strength she’d thought she possessed had disappeared in seconds. If she let them, the images would drive her insane. But she kept to her task, rinsing the cloth, dabbing it against his cut, rinsing again until the blood had been washed away. The theme of a popular police show filtered through the walls.

He glanced up at her face.

She studied his dark eyes and caught sight of the tenderness behind them.

“I never wanted—” A sob choked her, shook her shoulders.

“Never wanted what?” His calloused thumb brushed her cheek.

“You to get hurt because of me. That’s totally unacceptable. You’ve been kind, encouraging, honest even when I didn’t want to hear it, always there when I need you, and how do I repay you? By allowing you to bleed—”

“Shhh.” He pressed the pads of his fingers on her lips.

How would his touch would feel on other, secret parts of her body?

“It’s just a scratch. I’m fine.”

“Next time I won’t let you down. I promise.” She caressed his chin, his cheek. She loved so much about him. The rough male stubble, the sharp angles of his jaw. The sense of honor and pride he possessed. Heat coiled in her chest “But please tell me you can forgive me.” She wanted him to hold her, to calm the abundance of fear with his powerful body.

“There’s nothing to forgive.” He threaded his fingers through her hair. When he stroked the nape of her neck, her breasts tingled.

“Thank you for taking care of me.” Reflected in his eyes, she found desire, need...hunger. Her mouth ached to feel his. Her body yearned for his touch, blatant, bold, and possessive.

Tessa leaned into him and gave him everything she had with one kiss. With her tongue, she teased him into opening his mouth for her. The reward? A fire ignited within her that scorched a path from her breasts to the very core of her womanhood. She shimmied between his thighs.

Matt’s hands drifted down her back and circled around to skirt the outside of her breasts and coax a shudder from her. His thumbs teased the sensitive flesh around her nipples through her shirt. He captured her moan with his mouth while he unbuttoned her top and peeled it away.

His mouth traveled down her chin, along her neck as he grasped the straps of her bra and pulled them down her arms. His stubbled cheeks rasped the tender flesh of her breasts when he took one hardened nipple between his lips. Her knees buckled, pushing her legs against the inside of his thighs. One of his arms slid around her, bringing her flush against his hard angles and sculpted muscle. Tessa held onto his shoulders.

When he dragged his mouth away, she begged, “Please don’t stop.”

He chuckled, the rich, deep sound unraveling her sanity. “I’m just getting started.” Quickly, he proceeded to give her other breast equal attention. Tessa arched her back. She wanted to kiss every inch of his body, but the delicious warmth pouring through her stole her energy. His teeth grazed her nipple and his tongue swirled round the swollen tip. Liquid heat pooled between her legs and unleashed a powerful pulsing there.

Matt stood slowly. She slid her hands up inside his sweater. Her hips gently rocked against his erection, promising the comfort she knew he craved. He cupped her bottom and brought her closer still to him until she ached for him to be inside her. She needed to see the sleek outlines of his muscles, the magnificence of his male body. Her mouth watered. Her body wept. She needed him so much.

She pulled her lips from his long enough to assist him in removing his sweater. Immediately she set a trail of kisses along his jaw, his neck, his chest. She tasted his skin, warm and rugged. His body was pure magnificence, and he was all hers to explore.

As he captured her mouth again, he cradled her bottom in his palms and lifted her. She locked her legs around his waist. He groaned as his body hardened even more at her intimate teasing.

“Tessa,” he said. “You’re killing me.”

She stared into his eyes, heavy-lidded with hunger for her. She stilled as her heart threatened to stop beating altogether. Never had she craved a man more and never had she
to please a man more.

He walked to the bed and settled her in the center then stripped out of his remaining clothes. He was magnificent, all muscle, long limbs, and masculine beauty.

He unzipped her jeans and peeled them, along with her panties, off her legs. His hands slid up along her calves, over her thighs, as he stretched out beside her. Tessa lost her breath on the heels of a whimper.

“Oh, Matt.” She gripped the sheets in hopes of keeping some control.

It was no use. Her mind struggled to hold a clear thought. Every ounce of energy drifted out of her body. She’d had good sex in the past, but this sweet torture…damn, she could definitely get used to how perfectly he filled every inch of her.

“Let go, Tessa. Let me have you.” He slipped his fingers inside her. One,, out.

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