Dance or Die (White Oak - Mafia Series Book 3) (6 page)

BOOK: Dance or Die (White Oak - Mafia Series Book 3)
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Chapter 5


Tess woke early the next morning. She needed to get the signed papers for the change of executor sent to Sedita before she talked to Steel, in the unlikely case that he agreed to run away to England. With the documents given to Sedita, there would be nothing left undone on her part to delay their departure.

She called Sheriff Cobbs at five a.m. He answered at once. “It’s Tess,” she said.

“What’s wrong?” His tone was all business.

“Nothing, only I’m planning to convince Steel that we need to go to England where we’ll be safe and other people won’t die because of me. But first, I need to tie up all my loose ends.”

A heavy sigh blew through the phone. “How can I help?”

“I need to give you the papers for the change of executors, so Mr. Sedita can be the executor for Grams’ will.”

“When would you like to do that?”

“I’ll start down the moment I can see well enough to drive. That way if Steel agrees this morning, I’ll be able to leave immediately.”

Another heavy sigh. “I’ll be there waiting,” he said and hung up.

With two heavy sighs, she couldn’t miss that he was very disappointed in her. But why? Wasn’t running away the rational and sane thing to do?

As she packed clothes for the trip she dreaded she’d never take, she recalled Cobbs once telling her he was more than happy to help her if it thwarted her father.

Cobbs was losing his instrument of torture

She frowned at her uncharitable thought. That was unfair. Cobbs had lost four men while helping her. He deserved far more credit than she’d just given him. He was a good man, but the monster had killed his wife. His need for revenge was probably beyond anything she could comprehend.

But it emphasized why they needed to leave. If her father killed Steel, she wouldn’t survive the guilt. If her refusal to see her father as the true monster he was resulted in her losing her soul mate, it would literally kill her.

She couldn’t fail on this. If Steel refused to leave for love, then she’d have to play dirty. While he’d hate her for it, she would file a sexual harassment accusation against him, then he’d lose his job, and have no choice but to return to England. Even the thought of betraying him made her sick, but if it got him safely away from her father, she’d do it. She’d get Steel fired.

Unable to endure her current state of uncertainty she eased from her room and went out to Dan’s SUV. She climbed in and waited for dawn. The moment she could see the road with the use of headlights, she headed down. Driving the road eight times in the last two days improved her ability to anticipate the problem areas.

She arrived at the missing road at 5:48. Tess stared at the giant hole. It had been a message from her father. One she’d failed to understand at first.

He could and would literally tear her world apart if she didn’t dance to his tune. There was nothing her father wouldn’t do.


Her ability to see the ground dropped significantly as she entered the woods beside the missing road. Her heart rate increased as a horrible thought crossed her mind.

What if her father put bear traps in these woods? If he’d steal a road, what would a few bear traps cost him?

She slowed and focused on the leaves and the path before her.

Someone gripped her arm and she screamed.

“It’s me,” Cobbs said.

Relieved, yet still terrified, she hugged him.

He patted her back. “What’s happened?” he asked.


“Bullshit! You’ve been a rock up ‘til now. Something’s changed.”

She stepped back and met his eyes. “The only thing that’s changed is that I keep thinking about those four tortured men. If Father would do that to them just to make me be his obedient daughter, then Steel is in imminent and serious danger. I love him and the truth is, I’d do anything to save him.”

Cobbs pulled her back to his chest. “I hadn’t realized your feelings were so strong for the fellow. Hopefully, neither does Benito. But you’re doing the right thing. Leave now and don’t come back until the Campinelli family is no more.”

“Thank you for understanding,” she whispered and located the papers in her jacket. “These are the signed documents that Mr. Sedita requested.”

He looked them over. Once satisfied, he put them in his vest pocket. “I’ll take them over now. Should I call the men and tell them work is over?”

“Just for today.” Tears welled in her eyes. “I don’t think I’ll be going anywhere.”

Cobb’s brow furrowed. “But you said—”

“I’m going to
to convince Steel to take me away to England, but I think he loves his work more than me. I expect him to refuse to leave.”

“And you have a plan for that scenario.”

“Yes, I’ll get him fired and he’ll have no choice but to leave. But he certainly won’t invite me along in that case.”

She burst into tears.

Cobbs gripped her chin. “Stop that!” he ordered. “You are a magnificent woman, so much like your grandmother. Steel would be a fool not to treasure you more than rocks and dirt. Tell him you’re afraid for not just him, but yourself. And if he’s half the man he seems to be, he’ll go. Don’t jump to the worst case. I’d bet every dime I have, you two will be on a plane today.”

Cobbs’ certainty gave her hope and pushed away the tears. She nodded with renewed confidence. “Thank you for all you’ve done for me. I couldn’t ask for a better friend.”

That made him smile. “Now get on with you. You’ve got a soul mate to save.”

She ran up the trail and back to the SUV.

Driving up the hill frustrated her. Normally, she had others to lay the planks, but today, when she didn’t want to waste time on such nonsense, it seemed to take twice as long to get over the three washed out areas.

When she finally arrived at the cabin, Frank was pacing the porch, talking to someone on his phone. He stared at the SUV for a moment and then rushed to meet her.

Opening the passenger door, he climbed in. “Where the hell did you go?”

There was an ugly edge to his voice that frightened her. Thus, she had no intention of telling him the truth of what she’d been doing and why.

“I read my watch wrong and went down to pick up the guys an hour early. What’s happened?”

Frank stared out the window as if trying to decide something.

“Frank? Is something wrong?”

Tired of waiting for an answer, she turned off the engine and reached to open her door and get out. Only Frank gripped her arm. “Dan and Steel went down the hill a half-hour ago. They gave me instructions to bring you when I found you.”

“What the hell happened?” she demanded, losing all patience with him.

“Something about the park. Tom Barkman called an emergency meeting and they headed down at first light. I promised I’d get you down there the moment you showed up.”

She restarted the engine. “Call Tom Barkman while I drive,” she ordered.

“My phone isn’t working. However, if Tom wouldn’t tell Steel on the phone, he’s not going to tell you. Just drive. Maybe we can catch up with them and arrive at the same time.”

“Arrive where?”

“I’ll give you directions, just drive.”

“Which way?”

“Toward Dubuque.”

“Is the road traversable?”

“Yes, just drive,” he snapped.

She drove as fast as she dared, but something was wrong. Why was Frank being such an intense jerk? And how did Dan and Steel drive anywhere? The other two vehicles remained in their parking spaces at the cabin.

The answer settled like lead in her stomach. Frank had somehow been turned. At the first washout, she would let him get out to lay the planks, lock the doors, and drive the SUV in reverse all the way back to the house to find out what happened to Steel, Dan, Sonny, and Jack.

God, please don’t let them be dead. The thought caused her to close her eyes.

“Watch the road! Are you trying to get us killed?”

She had to bite her tongue to silence her desire to throw the same question back to him.

When they came to the first wash out, she stared in horror. Someone had filled the washout with rocks and gravel, which meant Frank had no reason to leave his seat.

She sped up and then slammed to a halt, sending Frank crashing into the headboard and window.

Sadly, it didn’t knock him unconscious; it only pissed him off. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“The question, Frank, is what have you done?” She put the SUV in reverse and started the long way back up. She wished she could just turn around, but the SUV was too large to turn around on this narrow part of the road.

“Where the hell are you going?” he yelled.

“I’m headed back up to see what you’ve done with the others.”

“I told you, Steel and Dan left a half hour ago.”

“In what, Frank? All the cars are still there.”

He sighed. “Why the hell do I get the difficult one?”

His comment only made her drive faster.

“Tess, they aren’t up there. Your father had them picked up this morning.”

She slammed on the brakes and stared at him. “You’re working for my father?”

His eyes closed. “He has my kids, so yes, I’m working for him.”

More innocents, this time, children.

“Where are they?” she asked.

“My children? If I knew, I sure as hell wouldn’t be here.”

“Steel and Dan. Are they alive?”


Her heart wanted to believe him, but her brain wouldn’t let her. “Then why didn’t Dan stop you when Steel was abducted?”

“Because he was out cold, just like everyone who ate the chili last night.” He sighed. “Except for you, who only ate three bites.”

“You swear they were alive when they left here?”

“Yes. You were supposed to be with them, only you were gone when the boys finally arrived this morning.” He rolled his eyes. “Clearly, you got the brains.”

“My brothers did this?”

“Yes, and if I don’t get you there within a half hour of their arrival, my two girls will die. So I’m asking you to drive down the hill.”

She finally noticed Frank held a gun in his hand. The fact he used his children as motivation instead of a gun told her everything. Frank was not willingly working for her father.

You dance or die.

Frank was dancing so his girls wouldn’t die.

“How old?”

“Three and five.”

“I’ll try to negotiate their release.”

“He said if I did this, he’d let them go.”

“Don’t hold your breath. His word isn’t worth shit.”

Frank pressed his head against the window and muttered what sounded like a prayer.

Tess made it down the road in record time. Once on the highway, she pushed their speed to a hundred.

“Slow down, you’ll get a ticket,” Frank snapped.

“Nope. This is Dan’s SUV. He’s secret service.”

“What? Ah shit, shit, shit!”

“Frank, calm down. Your girls are going to be fine. We just need a little help. Now, is your phone really broken?”

She knew it wasn’t, but this was Frank’s moment to become part of the solution or the problem.

“No, it works.”

“Call this number,” she read off Sheriff Cobbs’ number from memory.

Once the sheriff answered, Frank passed the phone to her. “Sheriff Cobbs?”

“I’m here, Tess.”

“My father has abducted Steel, Dan, and Frank’s little girls…” she paused and looked at Frank. “Did they take Sonny and Jack?”

“No, they’re at the cabin still sleeping,” Frank replied.

“I heard that,” Cobbs said. “Are you being held hostage?”

“Not sure. Frank is only doing this because my father has his kids. Frank has a gun, but he’s not threatened me with it.”

“Then why are you driving a hundred miles an hour?”

“Because I have to stop my father from hurting Steel and Dan…and make him give Frank his kids back. Hold on, how do you know…” She glanced in the rear view mirror and saw Sheriff Cobb’s truck following behind her. “Never mind.”

“You passed me on interstate 52, but I guess you didn’t notice.”

“No, I’m a little distracted right now.”

“Do you know where you’re going?”

“Hold on.” She glanced at Frank. “I need the address.”

Frank groaned and pressed the side of the gun against his temple.

“Frank, my father doesn’t keep his word. He uses people and throws them away. The only chance you have of getting your daughters back is through me. I need the address.”

“What for?”

“So I can bring reinforcements!” she yelled. “Now give me the damn address.”

He gave her the address, which she passed on to Sheriff Cobbs.

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