Dancers at the End of Time (68 page)

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Authors: Michael Moorcock

Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Science Fiction; English, #SciFi-Masterwork

BOOK: Dancers at the End of Time
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"I suppose that's so." Jherek saw more new arrivals heading for Amelia's island.

"Enviable, of course. But you have lost the scientific method. You solve problems by changing the facts. Magic, we'd call it."

"Very kind of you." Absently.

"Fundamentally different attitudes. Even your Lord Jagged is to some, extent infected."

"Infected?" He saw Argonheart Po's shortcake space-shuttle spiralling above the cliffs. It, too, made for the island which had his attention.

"I employed the word without criticism. But for someone like myself used to getting to grips with a problem by means of analytical method…"


"Natural to me. I was trained to despise any other method."

"Aha." It was useless to hold himself in cheek any longer. He twisted a power-ring. He rose into the air. "Forgive me — social commitments — perhaps we'll have a chance to chat later."

"I say." said the time-traveller urgently, "you couldn't give me a lift, I suppose? I have no means of crossing…"

But Jherek was already out of earshot, leaving the time-traveller abjectly staring at the pink-flecked foam washing the rocking obsidian shore, stranded until some other guest arrived to help him to the mainland. Something black and somewhat phallic pushed itself above the surface of the crimson sea and stared at him, smacking its tiny lips before losing interest and swimming away in the direction Jherek had taken. Removing his hands from his pockets, the time-traveller turned, seeking the highest point of the island where, with luck, he would be safe from the beasts and be able to signal for help.

She was surrounded. Jherek could just see her head and shoulders at the centre of the crowd; she was struggling with a cigarette. In imitation, Sweet Orb Mace, all mauve fluff, puffed smoke from her ears, while Bishop Castle decorously swung his huge headdress back to avoid collision with the holder.

The Iron Orchid, Mistress Christia, My Lady Charlotina and Werther de Goethe were closest to her and their words came to Jherek through the general babble.

"Even you, Amelia, would admit that the nineteenth century is rather passé…"

"Oh, but you have proven it, my love, with all this. It is so wonderfully original…"

"And yet so simple —"

"The best ideas, Mistress Christia, are always simple…"

"Truly, sweetest Orchid — the ones you wish you'd conceived yourself, but never did…"

, withal. If Man were still mortal — ah, and what he loses! — what a comment on that mortality!"

"I see it merely as beauty, Werther, and nothing more. Surely, Amelia, the creation is not intended…"

"There was no conscious intention."

"You must have planned for days —?"

"It came spontaneously."

"I knew it! It's so vital…"

"And the monsters! Poor O'Kala…"

"We must remember to revive him."

"At the end. Not before."

"Our first post-Resurrection resurrection! Here's the Duke of Queens."

"Come to pay my compliments. I bow to a master. Or should it be mistress?"

"Master will do, Duke of Queens."

"Mistress of my heart!"

"Really Werther, you embarrass me!" A burst of laughter such as she had never uttered before.

Jherek pushed forward.

"Oh, Amelia, but if you would give me just the smallest encouragement…"

"Jherek! Here at last!"

"Here," he said. A silence seized him. It threatened to spread through the throng, for it was that kind, but Bishop Castle wagged his crook.

"Oho, Werther. You were overheard. Will this mean a duel, I wonder?"

!" The Duke of Queens saw an opportunity to strike a pose. "I will advise you. My own skill with the foil is considered not unremarkable. I am sure Lord Shark would agree…"

"Boasting Duke!" The iron Orchid put a pale yellow hand upon Amelia's naked shoulder and a white one upon Jherek's Joseph-coat. "I am sure that we are as tired of the fashion for duelling as we are of the nineteenth century. Amelia must have seen enough, of such sport in her native Burnley."

"Bromley," said Jherek.

"Forgive me. Bromley."

"Oh, but the idea is appealing!" cawed Doctor Volospion, his pointed chin thrust forward from beneath the brim of his hat. He cocked an eye first at Jherek, then at Werther. "The one so fresh and healthy, the other so stale and deathly. It would suit you, Werther, eh? With your penchant for parable. A duel between Life and Death. Whoever shall win shall decide the fate of the planet!"

"I could not undertake such a responsibility, Doctor Volospion." It was impossible to tell either from Werther's tone or from his expression (a skull's are limited at the best of times) if he jested or was in earnest.

Jherek, who had never much cared for Doctor Volospion (the doctor's jealousy of Lord Jagged was notorious), affected not to have heard. His suspicion of Volospion's motives was confirmed with the next remark.

"Is it only Jagged then who is allowed to decide Man's fate?"

"We choose our own!" Jherek defended his absent father. "Lord Jagged merely supplies us with the means of choice. We should have none at all without him!"

"So the old dog is barked for by the pup." Doctor Volospion's malice was at its sharpest.

"You forget, Doctor Volospion," said the Iron Orchid sweetly, "that the bitch is here, too."

Volospion bowed to this; a withdrawal.

In a loud voice Amelia Underwood declared: "Shall we repair to the largest island? Refreshment awaits us."

"I anticipate inspiration," said Argonheart Po, with weighty gallantry.

The guests became airborne.

For a second Jherek and Amelia were left alone, confronting one another. His face was a question which she ignored. He made a movement towards her, certain that he saw pain and bewilderment behind those painted, unblinking eyes.


She was already rising.

"You punish me!" His hand went up, as if to catch at her fluttering gown.

"Not you, my love."

"We hear you have command of so many ancient arts, Mrs. Underwood. You read I understand?"

Agape, Gaf the Horse in Tears, all foliage save for his face, one of Amelia's swiss rolls filling the twigs at the end of his left bough, rustled with enthusiasm. "And write, eh?"

"A little." Her amusement was self-conscious.

"And play an instrument?"

She inclined an artificial curl or two. "The harmonium."

The guests, each with a costume more outrageous than the next, filed in to stand on both sides of the long trestle tables, sampling the cups of tea, the cucumber sandwiches, the roast ham, the cold sausages, the strawberry flan, the battenbergs, the ginger cakes, the lettuce and the cress, all under the shade of the tall red and white striped marquee. Jherek, in a corner of the tent, nibbled a pensive teacake, ignored by all save Li Pao, who was complaining of his treatment during his brief return home.

"They called 
 decadent, you know…"

"And you sew. Embroider, is it?" Bishop Castle carefully replaced a rattling, scarcely tasted, cup upon the trestle.

"I used to. There is little point, now…"

"But you must demonstrate these arts!" The Iron Orchid signalled to Jherek. "Jherek. You told us Amelia 
, did you not?"

"Did I tell you that? She does."

"You must persuade her to give us an air."

"A son?"

"A song, my seed!"

He looked miserably over to where Amelia gesticulated, laughing with Doctor Volospion. "Will you sing a hymn for us, Amelia?"

Her answering smile chilled him. "Not now, I think." The crimson-clad arms spread wide. "Has everyone enough tea?"

A murmur of satiation.

Werther advanced again, hovering, a white hand holding a silver cake-stand from which he helped himself, popping one pastry at a time into his clacking jaws. "Queen of Melancholy, come with me to my Schloss Dolorous, my dear and my darling to be!"

She flirted. At least, she attempted to flirt. "Oh, chivalrous Knight of Death, in whose arms is eternal rest — would that I were free." The eyelids fluttered. Was there a tear? Jherek could bear no more. She was glancing towards him, perhaps to test his reaction, as he bowed and left the tent.

He hesitated outside. The red cascades continued to fall from all sides into the lake. The obsidian islands slowly drifted to the centre, some of them already touching. In the distance he could see the time-traveller gingerly leaping from one to another.

He had a compulsion to seek solitude in the old city, where he had sought it as a boy. It was possible that he would find his father there and could gain advice.


Amelia stood behind him. There was a tear on either scarlet cheek. "Where are you going? You are a poor host today."

"I am ignored. I am extraneous." He spoke as lightly as he could. "Surely I am not missed. All the guests join your entourage."

"You are hurt?"

"I merely had it in mind to visit the city."

"Is it not bad manners?"

"I do not understand you fully, Amelia."

"You go now?"

"It occurred to me to go now."

She paused. Then: "I would go with you."

"You seem content" — a backward look at the marquee — "with all this."

"I do it to please you. It was what you wanted." But she accused him. The tears had fallen: no more followed.

"I see."

"And you find my new role unattractive?"

"It is very fine. It is impressive. Instantly, you rank with the finest of fashion-setters. The whole of society celebrates your talents, your beauty. Werther courts you. Others will."

"Is that not how life is led, at the End of Time — with amusements, flirtations?"

"I suppose that it is."

"Then I must learn to indulge in such things if I am to be accepted." Again that chilling smile.

"Mistress Christia would have you for a lover. You have not noticed?"

"I want only you. You are already accepted. You have seen that today."

"Because I play the proper game."

"If you'll have it so. You'll stay here, then?"

"Let me and I'll come with you. I am unused to so much attention. It has an effect upon the nerves.

And I would satisfy myself that Harold fares well."

"Oh, you are concerned for him."

"Of course." She added: "I have yet to cultivate that particular insouciance characteristic of your world."

Lord Jagged's swan was drifting down. The pale yellow draperies billowed; he was somewhere amongst them — they heard his voice.

"My dears. How convenient. I did not wish to become involved with your party, but I did want to make a brief visit, to congratulate you upon it. A beautiful ambience, Amelia. It is yours, of course."

She acknowledged it. The swan began to hover, Lord Jagged's face now distinct, faintly amused as it often was, looking down on them. "You are more at ease, I see, with the End of Time, Amelia."

"I begin to understand how one such as I might learn to live here, Mephistopheles."

The reference brought laughter, as it always did. "So you have not completely committed yourself.

No wedding, yet?"

"To Jherek?" She did not look at Jherek Carnelian, who remained subdued. "Not yet."

"The same reasons?"

"I do my best to forget them."

"A little more time, that is all you need, my dear." Jagged's stare gained intensity, but the irony remained.

"I gather there is only a little left."

"It depends upon your attitude, as I say. Life will continue as it has always done. There will be no change."

"No change," she said, her voice dropping. "Exactly."

"Well, I must continue about my work. I wish you well, Amelia — and you, my son. You have still to recover from all your adventures. Your mood will improve, I am sure."

"Let us hope so, Lord Jagged."

"Hi! I say there. Hi!" It was the time-traveller, from a nearby island. He waved at Jagged's swan. "Is that you, Jagged?"

Lord Jagged of Canaria turned a handsome head to contemplate the source of this interruption.

"Ah, my dear chap. I was looking for you. You need help, I gather."

"To get off this damned island."

"And to leave this damned era, too, do you not?"

"If you are in a position…"

"You must forgive me for my tardiness. Urgent problems. Now solved." The swan began to glide towards the time-traveller, settling on the rocky shore so that he could climb aboard. They heard the time-traveller say: "This is a great relief, Lord Jagged. One of the quartz rods requires attention, also two or three of the instruments need adjusting…"

"Quite so," came Jagged's voice. "I head now for Castle Canaria where we shall discuss the matter in full."

The swan rose high into the air and disappeared above one of the cliffs, leaving Jherek and Amelia staring after it.

"Was that Jagged?" It was the Iron Orchid, at the entrance to the tent. "He said he might come.

Amelia, everyone is remarking on your absence."

Amelia went to her. "Dearest Orchid, be hostess for a little while. I am still inexperienced. I tire.

Jherek and I would rest from the excitement."

The Iron Orchid was sympathetic. "I will give them your apologies. Return soon, for our sakes."

"I will."

Jherek had already summoned the locomotive. It awaited them, blue and white steam drifting from its funnel, emeralds and sapphires winking.

As they climbed into the air they looked down on the scene of Amelia's first social creation. Against the surrounding landscape it resembled some vast and terrible wound; as if the Earth were living flesh and a gigantic spear had been driven into its side.

Shortly, the city appeared upon the horizon, its oddly shaped, corroded towers, its varicoloured halo, its drifting streamers and clouds of chemical vapour, its little grumblings and murmurings, its peculiar half-organic, half-metallic odour, filling them both with a peculiar sense of nostalgia, as if for happier, simpler days.

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