Dancing with Deception (26 page)

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Authors: Avery Gale

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Dancing with Deception
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“Do you know what we want from you, love?” Ryan’s words were a warm rush of air moving against the shell of her ear. The air around her was almost vibrating with energy, but she didn’t feel the leather slap of the flogger.
When did he stop?

“Minx, your other Master asked you a question.” Brandt’s words had come from in front of her, but she couldn’t remember being asked a question. “Ry, I think you might have done your job too well, I’m not sure she’s going to be able to answer any of our questions until she has a chance to vent some of the rampant sexual tension pouring out of every pore.”
Yes! What he said! Venting would be good…as long as it means I get to come.

Chapter Eighteen

Two Days Later…

aiting for the
press conference to start was excruciating. Joelle ran the tips of her fingers over the diamond choker resting at the base of her throat surprised at the
feeling its weight brought her. The collaring ceremony Ryan and Brandt had surprised her with two nights ago would always be one of her most precious memories. She’d learned later they’d turned down Tobi and Gracie’s offers of help, choosing instead to plan everything themselves. They’d even ordered flowers and selected food for a small reception after the intimate ceremony. The sheer robe they’d given her after she’d knelt in front of them to receive her collar hadn’t offered much in the way of coverage, but knowing it was something they’d chosen for her warmed her heart. And now, every time one of her men noticed her touching the pretty line of diamonds their eyes softened, their emotions written so clearly in their expressions.

The scene at the Prairie Winds Club had connected the three of them in ways Joelle hadn’t known possible. She had a feeling the connection was going to be important in the coming weeks because there wasn’t any doubt there was a storm brewing on the horizon. The leaked video might have had set the stage, but today all the major networks were on hand and she knew they’d be relentless. But thanks to Tobi’s wisdom, the dress rehearsal she’d had a few days ago had given her confidence a big boost. Even though she was nervous, she was also prepared.

The tall women wearing press credentials and leaning casually against the wall near the door caught Joelle’s attention because the other reporters were all waiting in the medical center’s enormous conference room. Leaning close to Brandt and nodding toward the reporter, Joelle asked, “Why isn’t she waiting in with the others?” Even though he was standing with his back to the door, he didn’t turn around to see who she’d asked about. He smiled knowingly down at her without answering. “I know reporters need to be alert to their surroundings, but she appears to be hyper-aware despite the casual pose.

Brandt still hadn’t responded, but his raised brow told her he was more than a little surprised by her observation. “And those shoes are really hideous. What was the word Jen used the other day? Oh, yes, they’re
. Evidently Jen is some sort of word blending phenomenon.” This time, several of the men in the room coughed at the same time, the hands over their mouths failing to hide their guilty smiles. Joelle narrowed knowing eyes at Brandt.

To her credit, the woman in question didn’t react, she casually pulled her phone from her jacket pocket and studied it as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.
And look at her hands. Those aren’t the hands of a professional woman. They’re too large and much too meaty. Hmmm

Deciding to test her theory that everyone in the room could hear her, including the man dressed as a woman beside the door, Joelle smiled to herself. “I have to go to the rest room. I saw it on the way in. I’ll be right back.” Stepping away from Brandt before he could grab her, she wanted to laugh because every man in the room went on point immediately.
Yes, boys and girls, the audio-visual show has begun. When the car begins to move, make sure you keep your hands and feet inside at all time. Now, sit back and enjoy the show.

Even the faux reporter was suddenly fidgeting.
Not looking forward to shadowing me into the ladies room? Well, honey, it sucks to be you. I want to know what the hell is going on.
As expected, the reported entered the restroom’s lavishly decorated anteroom less than a minute later. Joelle was ready and waiting, but before she’d uttered a word the door opened again and she found herself face to face with Helen Rodrick.

As strange as it seemed, it was the man pretending to be a female reporter moving alongside the hateful woman glaring at her that steeled Joelle’s resolve. As a candidate for the presidency, the woman had a Secret Service detail and the fact she’d slipped past them told Joelle a lot about how the woman glaring at her planned for this little meet and greet to go down.

“You just don’t get it, do you?” Helen Rodrick’s voice oozed pure venom.

“Evidently not, Ms. Roderick. Perhaps you’d like to enlighten me before your security detail catches up with you. And I’m sure the reporter standing beside you would be interested in knowing why it’s so important for you to keep this breakthrough quiet.” Joelle hoped she hadn’t misread the reporter’s reason for positioning himself closer to the old hag. Damn, why on Earth was she so focused on preventing Joelle from sharing what she’d discovered. The only possible explanation was the former senator cared more about money than people…and that baffled Joelle.

She was actually grateful for the opportunity to confront the woman who’d caused her to question herself. Joelle was embarrassed she’d let fear keep her from doing what she should have done in the very beginning. The only saving grace in the whole mess was she’d found Brandt and Ryan. “Why couldn’t you just keep your information on your computer or stashed in your apartment like a
person? Christ, woman, you’ve been a pain in my ass.”

“Are you the one who broke into my apartment?” Joelle knew her voice reflected how utterly appalled she was by the depth of the woman’s unethical behavior.

“Don’t be ridiculous, I didn’t go myself. The last place I’d want to be seen would be coming out of your building the same evening as a break in.” Her face contorted as if she’d smelled something dead as she continued, “Hell, I wouldn’t want to be seen in that building…well, ever. Really, I don’t think you could have found a less interesting place to live if you’d tried. You’ve obviously spent way too much time in your precious lab, dear. Your lack of class must be a horrible embarrassment to your father.” Joelle felt as if someone had yanked the rug out from under her feet. Damn if the woman hadn’t zeroed in on one of her biggest insecurities.

“I don’t really have the time or desire to chat with you about my relationship with my father. Just tell me why you’re here because I have a press conference to get to.” Joelle felt her control slipping and it was just a matter of time before someone noticed she’d been gone too long.

Helen must have seen Joelle’s glance toward the reporter because she followed her gaze before resettling her attention on Joelle. “Don’t worry about him. We’ve been working together for weeks. He’s going to tell the world about how you attacked me when I tried to leave.” She pulled a large knife from her purse and everything about her posture seemed to shift right before Joelle’s eyes. Helen might not have noticed, the subtle shift in the reporter’s stance, but Joelle didn’t miss it.

The woman’s lunge was so quick and so unexpected Joelle didn’t have time to do anything but gasp in surprise as the knife pierced her side. The white-hot pain dropped her to her knees and it took her several seconds to realize the screaming in her ears was her own voice bouncing around the small space. Had the reporter not shoved her attacker at the last moment the knife would have been buried to the hilt directly into Joelle’s heart. Realizing how close she’d come to losing her life was frightening, but those thoughts were quickly eclipsed by the pandemonium erupting around her. Despite all the shouts from the people pouring into the small room, Joelle felt like she was drifting further and further away from the noise as the darkness at the edges of her vision closed in.
Why are they all yelling? It’s just a small cut. I’ll be fine if everyone would just calm down. Maybe I’ll just rest my eyes for a few minutes while they sort it out.

Ryan hit the
door at a full run slamming it into the wall sending chunks of sheetrock falling in his wake. He was at Joelle’s side and knew within seconds how life threatening her injury was. He’d seen several soldiers die from bullet wounds to the exact location of the knife wound she’d suffered. He also knew if she’d sustained this injury anywhere but a trauma level medical facility, they wouldn’t have a prayer of saving her. Thankfully, he’d completed his residency in this hospital so he knew exactly where he needed to take her. Peeling off his shirt, he pressed it against the wound and lifted her gently into his arms. Running down the hall, Ryan directed Brandt letting his cousin clear the path and shove open the doors to the outer surgical suite. Two of the men Brandt pushed out the way were surgeons Ryan recognized. At his shout for help, they didn’t hesitate to follow Ryan into the first empty prep-room he found.

Ryan pushed Brandt out of the room as the surgeons set to work. He knew he’d see the haunted look on his cousin’s face in his nightmares for years to come. Brandt’s last mission had ended horribly and the aftermath of seeing most of his team wiped out had sent the team leader into an emotional spiral. It had taken months for Brandt to begin living again and it was easy to see him sliding into the abyss of fear. “We won’t lose her. I swear to you I won’t let her go. But you’ve got to let us do our jobs. Go get the bitch who did this.”

Brandt’s eyes lit with fire and Ryan was relieved to see him channel his fear into a purpose-filled expression. He nodded and turned to go, but stopped to grab Ryan’s arm. “She’s our world. Take good care of her.” Ryan fought back the emotion as he nodded before they turned back to their respective tasks. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind the rest of the team had already taken Helen Rodrick into custody, but he also knew they’d be waiting for Brandt before they turned her over to the local authorities.
Take the bitch apart, cuz.

Sitting beside Joelle’s
bed watching the gentle rise and fall of her chest was the only thing keeping Brandt from going out of his mind. His guilt felt like an elephant sitting on his chest. He’d been so focused on getting as much on tape as possible to ensure Helen Rodrick’s conviction, he’d held the team back too long. Threading his fingers with hers, Brandt let the soft beeping of her heart monitor push back the darkness threatening to overtake him again. He’d been so lost in his thoughts he hadn’t heard the door open, but he’d known immediately the large hand resting on his shoulder belonged to his dad.

“I can almost feel the guilt pouring off you, son. And damned if I don’t understand exactly what you’re going through. I’ve kicked myself a thousand times for not taking the initiative to help you when you first moved home. You proved yourself capable of fighting your way out of the pit you’d fallen into, but damn it—you shouldn’t have had to do it alone. I’ll always feel like I let you down. But son, I’m telling you right now—I’m not going to stand back and watch you slide down that slippery slope again.” His dad pulled a chair close and when he’d settled, his eyes met Brandt’s. For the first time in his life, Brandt saw vulnerability in his father’s eyes, and it shocked him to realize the man he’d considered a tower of strength thought he’d failed to help one of his sons. When he started to speak, his dad shook his head. “No, it’s true. Morgans don’t let one another down and I was so focused on getting your brother set up in his new role I let you flounder. Hell, I even managed to convince myself I was doing you a favor by letting you work through it yourself.”

His dad swiped his hand over his face in frustration. “Well, it’s in the past, I can’t change it but I can damned well make sure I don’t make the same mistake again. I’m telling you right now, I might be older than I was when you were a kid, but I’m still your father. And I’m not going to sit idly by and watch you tear yourself up over this. That gorgeous woman deserves all of you, not just the guilt-ridden bits you’ll have left to share until you pull yourself through it again.”

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