Dancing With Monsters (9 page)

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Authors: M.M. Gavillet

Tags: #angels, #magic, #fae, #monsters, #avalon, #angels and demons, #quests, #portal guardians, #fae fantasy

BOOK: Dancing With Monsters
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It’s late and I’m sure
all of you are exhausted. We can discuss everything in the

There were three bedrooms, leaving
Malachi and I to share a bed. I couldn’t sleep as Malachi was
sleeping before his head hit the pillow. Too many thoughts ran
through my mind as I stared up at the ceiling that glittered back
at me. The house was quiet, and I listened to the furnace turn on
and run its cycle three times before my eyes closed.


I was in a dream. I knew this because
I was standing in front of Ezra. Her dark hair was pulled back, and
her usual gauzing clothing was replaced with a black leather tunic
and pants. A sheathed sword hung around her waist. Ezra was dressed
in armor, but why?

The Shadowlands are
changing—war is breaking out.” Ezra’s tone was flat.

War in the Shadowlands?”
I asked almost amused.

Suddenly the background shifted behind
Ezra. The gardens once filled with flowers and stages of places
where we had been together were in shambles. Fire erupted in the
distance coloring the sky in orange as plumes of smoke rolled in
the once blue sky. Even the air smelled hot.

Every one of us is forced
to fight for the one thing that can change the Shadowlands forever.
Demons are here, Seth.” Her eyes flickered. “The light orb that
keeps this place in balance is in danger.” She looked over her
shoulder. “My time here is short—I have to go.”

Ezra, listen to me.” I
grabbed onto her shoulders. “Cross over and leave the

She shook her head. “I

You have to! Listen to

The passage is controlled
by demons. To pass would be giving into them. The Shadowlands are
crumbling, and we are crumbling with it.”

I wanted to hold onto her tightly, and
take her with me—to earth.

Seth!” I heard Nessa call
my name along with Malachi. They sounded like a cawing flock of
annoying birds. “Seth!” They yelled again.

I curled my arms around Nessa and
wished over and over again that Ezra could come with me. Something
tingled inside of me, like a spark hissing in the air from a newly
lit match. I hung onto that feeling and began to fuel it. Ezra
wasn’t a warrior—she’d never make it in the Shadowlands, and I
couldn’t lose her in that way.

I felt the light grow in strength, and
when I couldn’t hold it in any more, I passed it to

The fire-scape of the Shadowlands
faded. I knew I was back at Ayil’s home, but I still hung onto
someone. I opened my eyes expecting to see Nessa’s usual
angry-concerned eyes, but instead, Ezra was starting back at me
with her blue eyes filled with shock.

I’m…” she

You’re with me—it
worked,” I said, with a smile as I looked at Ezra and then at the
horrified faces of Nessa and Malachi.

Seth…how in Hell did this
happen?” Nessa stepped away with unblinking eyes.

You brought back
Ezra—from the Shadowlands.” Malachi crossed his arms and smirked.
“New ability—for a monster. Bravo!”

I’m here with you,” Ezra
ran her hands over my shoulders and looked around the room. “I’m
really here—really here!” She giggled as tears swelled in her eyes.
“I’m out of the Shadowlands and here with you, Seth.” She tightened
her grip on my hands.

This is amazing and to
answer your question, Nessa,” said Ayil leaning in the doorway with
a mug in her hand. “This sort of thing can only be done by angels,
and no ordinary angel.”

But there was no angels
in the Shadowlands,” Ezra said, looking over her shoulder at

No, there isn’t, but it
seems Seth had acquired the ability quickly.” Ayil replied and
stepped closer to us.

Sunlight poured into the room and
illuminated everything in a golden glow. Ayil stood in a beam of
light that made her grey hair sparkle with gold flecks. She smiled
with her twinkling eyes.

What do you mean acquired
abilities?” Nessa asked standing in front of Ayil.

You mean Seth is an
angel,” Malachi said, with a pale face. “How…”

Not an angel, but the
abilities of one. To bring someone back from the Shadowlands takes
strong powers—powers that can only belong to an











I was still pumped up on how fast I
had run, and not to mention, how I had outran Ben. My body stilled
tingled with excitement at my newly found abilities. I felt a whole
new world had opened up, and I finally had a place that I was
beginning to fit into. Ben was kind and patient with me, but I
sensed something wasn’t right at the same time it was. I couldn’t
put what I felt into words, and didn’t know how to explain it to
Ben, it would be too embarrassing. Instead, I pushed it away. I had
had enough of pain and disappointments in my past. I wanted
happiness and that happiness wasn’t going to be clouded by


Yolanda just contacted
me, and we are to meet her on Friday.” Ben smiled as he put his
phone on the table.

Where at?” I

Not sure, she’ll let me
know just before we leave.”

I looked around his house. “So, you’re
just leaving everything? What will happen to this house? You just
can’t leave without doing something to it.”

He laughed. “Oh April,” Ben said
getting up and walking over to me. “You are truly a caring soul.”
He curled his strong hands gently around mine. “That is why I chose
you…” His phone began to vibrate on the table.

Ben read the text to

Who is it? Yolanda
sending a message?”

No,” he shoved the phone
into his coat pocket. “Just a little monster business I need to
attend to. Stay here and get some rest, because it will be a long
trip to sanctuary.” Ben arranged the collar of his jacket, smiled,
and planted a quick kiss on my forehead. “Be back in an

But where are you going
and why can’t I go with you?” I asked following him to the

Be back,” Ben said with a
click of the door.

I went to the window and watched him
leave like lightning through the forest.

Really, leaving me here,”
I turned away from the window and crossed my arms. “I don’t think
so.” I had the ability to run as fast as Ben, if not


The cold air rushed past me as I
darted through the forest. I followed Ben’s footprints and…scent.
It was an earthy smell, like the first few warm days of spring when
everything was finally thawed and just sprouting buds, leaves and
flowers. I had noticed the scent briefly, and thought it was
something in Ben’s house, not Ben. But it was him, and I could
clearly follow it like a string tied from tree to tree.

I ran all the way to the outskirts of
Westfall, a larger town a few miles from Ben’s home. It had a small
strip mall, gas stations, several bars, and a high school. Looming
in the thicket that lined the ditch, I gazed at that school that
sat silent. Cars were parked in rows next to the brick building
that had a circular drive in front of several glass doors. The
American flag waved proudly in what looked like a rose garden
surrounding it.

If I went there, I’d be graduating and
getting ready to go to college. I had come to Westfall a few times
when we would get to go on the rare outing from Sunrise Acres. I
memorized the buildings, names of businesses, and streets that we
drove by. Later, I’d mentally go down those streets and go into the
shops with my made-up friends before I went home to have dinner
with my made-up parents. How l longed to have that life, but knew
it would never be.

I stepped out of the thicket and gazed
at the school. I was so close to the life I had always wanted and
knew I could never have it. Suddenly, the glass doors flew open and
several people came out. Like a frightened rabbit, I scurried back
into the bushes as to not be seen. I watched a group of girls get
into a small red car with a dented fender that was parked straight
out from my hiding spot.

I laid down in the ditch among the
tall, yellow grass to make sure I wouldn’t get caught. They were
going to Dairy Queen before they went to work I heard the last girl
say before getting in with a slam of the door. I could be one of
those girls. School…work…college…a future that I could decide, not
the darkness that had followed me everywhere.

I watched them all leave until
quietness surrounded me again. That life was never meant for me. I
was a monster, whatever that meant I wasn’t sure yet. I’d never fit
in here, and I knew it. Besides, Ben’s scent was still strong and
tugged on my senses like a leash.

I pulled up my hood and followed the
scent downtown. I walked past a café, furniture store, and a salon
before the scent stopped. Buildings lined each side of the street;
some had businesses in them while others sat vacant. A few cars
were parked along the sidewalk and a few people went in and out of
the café and into the salon that looked busy. Other than that, the
town was quiet.

I sniffed the air and looked around.
The sky was a solid grey and the wind had a small bite to it. I
wasn’t sure where Ben had gone anyhow, and if I wasn’t at his house
when he got back he’d probably be mad at me. I gave up trying to
find him, and started to head back towards the timber when I was
pulled to the ground and quickly dragged into a narrow

Delicious,” said a
scratchy male voice. “Just right,” he said turning me over to face

Skin hung in rotting strips on his
face, and his eyes were clouded, like he had cataracts. He gave
toothless grin and chuckled as yellowed, pointed teeth poked out
from his bloodied gums.

Repulsed and shocked, I wanted to
scream, but couldn’t as he started to pull at my

Must have you,” he

No!” I managed to yell as
I tried to push him away.

He ripped off my jacket as he grabbed
me by the shoulders and slammed me back down to the hard ground.
Lights flickered around me as my body went limp long enough for him
to start to undo my pants. He was laughing and mumbling something
to himself as he undid my belt and started to pull on my jean
button when I knew I had to do something or be raped by this

No!” I yelled through
clenched teeth as I hit him in the jaw.

With a snap, his lower jaw flew off
and hit the crumbling brick wall. He looked at it then at me as
bone protruded from his loose flesh. His eyes squinted and turned
blood red.

I raised my hand to hit him again, but
his reflexes were quicker than mine. His bony fingers curled around
my wrist cutting at my skin. I had to get him off of me and
screamed out several times hoping someone from the busy salon or
café would hear me. But no one came.

The only thing free was my legs, and
with my right knee, I slammed it into his crotch. He yelled and
rolled off of me as he moaned. I got up stepping away from him and
turned to run when I ran into Ben.

Ben looked at me and then at the

You can’t leave him like
this,” he said, gazing down at him. “This is the longest I’ve seen
a human live after consuming serum.” Ben turned me around towards
the man that laid curled in a fetal position and whimpered. “He’s
in misery—put him out of it.”

What?” I asked. “I—I
can’t. You’re the expert in that area.” I gazed down at the man who
didn’t appear threatening anymore, but cried like an injured

For a moment, I saw a flicker of a
human being through his grotesque appearance. He was a man and he
was suffering. Something had to be done.

Ben bent down beside him and pulled me
next to him.

It’s time you learned,”
Ben said, as his eyes turned solid black.

I gasped and tried to pull away, but
Ben only shoved me closer.

Feel his life force, or
what’s left of it, that surrounds him.” Ben pressed his body next
to mine and whispered in my ear.

I don’t feel anything,” I

He pushed me slower to the rotting
man. “Concentrate, and let your hexmark guide you.”

I thought of my mark and how it looked
on my pale skin. It had given me the strength to fight off the
demon that tried to attack me at Ben’s house. But I didn’t feel the
need to protect myself anymore, the dying man was no longer a
threat, but begging me to put end to his agony.

I looked into his eyes, and a flash of
a former life filled with dreams, hopes and a future, I could see
clearly. The man was that, a man. His death would be slow if I
didn’t do something.

I lowered myself closer to him, his
eyes, now blue, was the only thing left untouched by the serum’s
poison. The blood color was all but gone, and he clung to the last
thread of his human existence. I felt it radiate from him as if the
sun was warming my skin. With a skeletonized hand, he grabbed my
arm. I didn’t flinch with disgust of his condition. He was a human
being and he needed my help.

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