Dane's Restraint (3 page)

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Authors: J.J. Ranger

BOOK: Dane's Restraint
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He eased his middle finger into her slit. She was hot and wet and more than ready for him. He undid his belt and jeans and freed his throbbing cock. Shit, did he have a condom? Hot or not, he wasn’t stupid enough to fuck anyone without protection. The thought was enough to make him deflate a little. He fished in his pocket for his wallet. Empty. Dammit!

Sara chuckled. “I take it you didn’t come prepared?”

He cocked an eyebrow at her. Was she actually laughing at him? “And I supposed you did?”

She pointed to her clutch purse on the counter next to the sink. “A girl always has to be prepared.” She opened the clutch and extracted a foil packet.

Dane took it, ripped it opened, then eased the condom over his rock hard length. He could add women’s bathroom on his “weird places to have had sex” list.

Sara gripped his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist. Taking her cue, he cupped her ass and lifted her onto his cock. He slid in slowly, allowing her to stretch around him. Fuck, she was tight. Her muscles clenched, pulling him in deeper. She wriggled her hips, guiding him closer. Her little moans of contentment danced around him.

She arched into him. Her lips captured his earlobe, sucking, tugging. He felt each contraction in his balls. He mimicked the action of her mouth, thrusting into her, slow at first, then faster. The scent of her flowery perfume swirled around him, enveloping him in a warm cocoon. Full breasts jiggled against his chest with each entry. She moaned again and leaned her head back, locking her legs around his hips.

One of her hands stole inside her shirt and lifted her breast. He watched, mesmerized, as she pinched and rolled the erect nipple. Her pussy muscles milked him into a frenzy. He couldn’t resist taking the taut bud into his mouth. His tongue swirled around her areola, and he sucked hard. Again she gasped.

“Oh, God, I’m gonna come.” Her breaths came in hard, short pants. Her muscles clenched around him in an almost painful vise. He quickened his pace, circling his hips to increase friction. Sara threaded her fingers through his hair and latched her mouth on to his. He swallowed her cries of ecstasy, holding her as she jerked in release.

One hand slipped under his shirt, and fingernails scraped down his chest, over his stomach and to his sack. She kneaded and stroked him, stealing around to grab his ass. His balls tightened, and in a matter of seconds, he shot his load into the condom.

Breathing heavily, he stared at her through lowered lids. Her eyes were closed, and a self-satisfied smile curved her beautiful mouth. If she’d let him, he’d damn well give her a weekend to remember.


After Dane slipped out of the restroom, Sara straightened her clothes and smoothed her hair. Satisfied she was once again presentable, she strolled out of the bathroom as if they had not just had mind-blowing sex. Well, it was mind-blowing for her.

Oh my God. What if it sucked for him?
He hadn’t acted disappointed, but how could she really tell? After sex, Ben’s always rolled away and took off. She couldn’t just come out and ask Dane. That would really give away her inexperience.

She wanted to giggle with delight. She’d accomplished her first out-of-the-ordinary experiment. Though sex in a public place hadn’t been on the list of things to do this weekend, she could scratch it off the list of things she wanted to try in her lifetime.

“Would you like to dance?” Dane asked, gesturing toward the overcrowded wooden floor.

She glanced at her watch. Almost midnight? Where had the time gone? “Actually, I think I’m going to head back to the ranch.” She cocked her head to the side. “You are welcome to join me if you get bored.”

Damn, you’re bold tonight

Sara held her breath as he decided.

He cleared his throat. “Thanks. But I’m gonna grab another beer or two before I call it quits.”

She swallowed back the disappointment. “Well, enjoy your beer. I’ll, uh…” She gestured toward the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow, I’m sure. Night.”

She felt like a fool. She’d told him she wanted a fling, yet what she really wanted to do was cling to him and beg him to come back to the ranch with her. One time with Dane was not enough to scratch the itch.

Not good. Not good at all.


Dane wanted to chuckle at the disappointed scowl on Sara’s pretty face. So City Girl wasn’t as into casual flings as she wanted him to believe. He’d run into Bridgette before he left for the bar and she told him Sara had moved to Bandera for a teaching position.

Funny how Sara had left that part out of their earlier conversation. He would bet she was every bit the innocent school teacher. She was probably sowing her wild oats before the semester started. If that were the case, he was more than happy to help. However, he didn’t want her to think he was at her beck and call. God forbid she got all attached and clingy. He needed to play it cool.

As she watched him on her way out the door, he went over to the bar and pretended to order a beer. He had no desire for a drink right now, but she couldn’t know that. He waited until she was a safe distance out of town before leaving. He knew several people had left the ranch for various activities, so she would have no reason to believe he was coming home right after her.

When he arrived at the ranch, her car was parked near her cabin and the lights were out. He pictured her curled in bed, dark hair tousled over the pillow case. Did she sleep naked or covered head to toe in flannel PJs?

The idea of that gorgeous body nude beneath the sheets made him hard. He was tempted to knock on her door, but no. He was not going to chase after her like a lovesick school boy. She had to come to him first. And she would. Of that, he had no doubt.

Chapter Three

Friday morning, Sara put the finishing touches on her makeup, then slipped on her favorite light blue sundress and tucked her cell phone in the bodice pocket. Hoping for another encounter of the Dane variety, she opted to go sans bra and panties. She tucked her feet into black flip-flops and headed out the door.

A breeze carried cool air up and under her skirt. Goosebumps broke out over her skin. Her feet crunched on the gravel pathway as she walked toward the crowd around the fire pit.

Her cell phone vibrated against her breast, and she pulled it out, checking the display. “What the hell?” Why would Ben be calling her? She hadn’t heard from him in six months, not since she had broken off their engagement.

“Hello, Ben.”

“Hi, baby. How are you?”

Baby? Crap. He was not one for endearments, and she couldn’t remember the last time he’d called her baby. “What do you want?”

“Does a man have to want something to call the woman he loves?”

She snorted into the speaker. “Typically, no. But when that man is you, yes.” Even when they were together, he had never called just to say hi.

“I miss you, Sara.”

Bullshit. “Run out of women to screw?”

“Honestly, Sara. You have such a low opinion of me. We will have to work on that.”

She was quickly losing patience. “What do you want, Ben?”

He sighed. “I want you back, baby. I miss you. Come back to me.”

“For what? So you can berate and cheat on me? No, thank you.” The nerve of that self-serving jackass.

“I’ll come get you if that’s what it takes.”

“It won’t matter, Ben. We are done. Besides, I’m happy. I’ve moved on. You should, too. Goodbye.”

It felt great to hit the “end” button. Ben was her past. Bandera was her now, her future.

Her phone vibrated again, this time with a text message. Ben again.

You leave me no choice. See you soon

She prayed not. Her good mood soured quickly at the thought of Ben showing up and ruining her peace.

Food was the last thing on her troubled mind. She wasn’t hungry. Instead of the breakfast provided over an outdoor fire pit, she opted for a cup of coffee. She grabbed a mug from the coffee station and filled it with steaming brew, then doctored the drink with sugar and cream. Bridgette and her giggling friends circled the fire. Sara didn’t see Shannon anywhere. Had she hooked up with Dustin, or was she still avoiding him?

Sara took her coffee to a bench and sat facing the fire. Heat seeped through the crowd and wrapped around her in a cocoon of warmth. She hadn’t slept much because every time she closed her eyes she saw Dane—those gorgeous rum-colored eyes with flecks of milk chocolate, that perfect, pouty-lipped smile. Those hands holding her as he pounded into her pussy.

She groaned and sipped her drink. Why couldn’t she get him out of her mind? Wasn’t a fling supposed to be wham, bam, thank you, ma’am, and be done with it? She wasn’t supposed to become obsessed with him, no matter how sexy he was.

Still, because she was exploring her inner wild child, she allowed her mind to wander and visualized tying him to the bed, keeping him at the ready as her personal sex slave. Her clit twitched and she grew damp. Hell, just thinking about him was a turn-on.

To draw her mind away from thoughts of a naked Dane tied to her bed, she sipped at her coffee. The hot bitter liquid soothed her nerves, warming to her core.

Her thoughts turned to the conversation with Ben. Why did he have to call now? They’d broken up months ago, and he hadn’t bothered to seek her out after their last night. She didn’t trust him, didn’t trust he wouldn’t screw up her new life—a life that hadn’t even begun.

From the corner of her eye, she saw the shadow of a person sit on the bench beside her. Even if she hadn’t seen Bridgette twittering with her friends, she would have known it was Dane by the way he smelled—soap, leather, and pure male. Her heart beat faster, and heat flooded her face.
Please don’t bring up last night.

“Morning,” he said and took a sip from his mug. His tone was so casual she was instantly suspicious.


He kept his gaze straight ahead. “Why are you sitting off to the side? Shouldn’t you be hanging with the girls or out hunting for the next conquest?”

She gave an elegant shrug. “I have a lot of things on my mind.”

He scooted closer, his thigh barely touching hers, yet the contact scorched her skin. “You want to talk about it?”

Really? He wanted to play shrink and patient? “Not really.”

“Oh, come on,” he crooned, parting his knees so his leg pressed more fully against hers. “If your head is full of stuff, how do you think you will be able to find the next one-night stand?”

She bristled. “I don’t know why any of that should be your concern.”

“Just figured you wanted the reminder.”

She arched an eyebrow and pursed her lips. What was he up to?

A wicked grin crossed his gorgeous face, and he lifted a hand palm out. “Hey, I’m just one of those guys who likes to help a lady in need.” The corner of his mouth kicked up in a gesture she was quickly becoming to love. “The way I see it, we had an intimate bonding last night, so that gives you free rein to use my ear—or any other body part you need—to work out your issues.”

Sara spit her coffee across the pit. She turned in her seat and cocked her head at him. “I’m sorry, what?”

Bridgette glanced in their direction, a puzzled expression on her face, and Sara offered a feeble smile.

His eyes widened in innocence. “I’m a willing ear. What? You thought I said something else?”

Dammit, she knew screwing him had been a mistake. She should have stuck with the plan to grab a good ole local boy. “Thanks, but no.”

She stood and, with as much steel in her backbone as she could muster, walked across the pit area toward her cabin. Boots crunched the gravel behind her, coming at a fast clip. A strong hand slipped around her waist and guided her in the direction of the pond.

“Um, excuse me, but I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” She couldn’t ignore the way her skin sizzled to life when he touched her. He was like a flame to her candlewick, igniting and burning hot.

Dammit, she didn’t want to feel this way for him. She hoped it would burn out quickly so it wouldn’t be awkward for them later when they met in town.

Dane huffed and tucked her against his side like a lover. “Right. And you can’t wait to get back to fulfilling your adventure.”

How had they gone from her fretting over Ben’s call to Dane taking charge and manhandling her? She refused to acknowledge the little thrill in the pit of her stomach at his dominance.

She stopped and dug in her heels. “Just because we had sex one time does not mean you know me or have any responsibility for me. I am a big girl and can take care of myself.”
Make up your mind, woman. Either you want his body or you want to spend the weekend masturbating.

His eyes darkened to amber, and he slipped his other hand to her waist, turning her so they faced each other. “I don’t doubt that for a second. However,” he brushed a kiss across her open mouth, “we both know taking care of oneself is not nearly as fun as having someone do it for you.”

Before she could protest, he planted another kiss on her mouth. There was no heat, no seduction, just a means to get her to shut up. She pulled back and folded her arms over her chest.

“Spit it out, Dane. What do you want?”

“The same thing you do,” he murmured, bending forward and touching his lips to her earlobe. “Adventure.”

“We aren’t going on a safari. I just want no-strings sex,” she said on a sigh, her head tilting to give him better access to her neck.

Goosebumps broke out over her skin as he nibbled his way to her shoulder. He kissed her bare shoulder and exhaled moist, hot air that caressed and loved its way to her core.

“Mmm. Yes. Sex. Hot, sweaty, nasty sex.” He trailed a finger down her nose and tapping the tip. “You want a fling, I’m available. Why not just stick with me as your sex slave for the weekend?”

She about swallowed her tongue. “Wh-why would you think I want a sex slave?”

“Oh, come on,” he purred, snaking his arm fully around her waist. “You said you wanted a weekend fling and adventure. Either you want someone to dominate you, or you want a man to experiment with.” He lifted one broad shoulder in deference. “In any case, I am the perfect man for you. We are attracted to each other, I have no problem being your alpha male, and if you ask nicely, I’ll put you in any position you choose.”

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