Dangerous Craving (2 page)

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Authors: Savannah Stuart

BOOK: Dangerous Craving
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“All this noise would drive me crazy.” Nick’s eyes narrowed when he spotted two

male-model types walk up to Carly and her friend. They wore designer suits and drank


Next to him Nick’s hand tightened around his beer bottle. One of his tattoos rippled

dangerously under the flexing motion.

Thomas placed a light hand on his brother’s arm when he sensed the subtle shift in

him. As a mated male, Nick’s human side might know the men talking to Carly were

harmless, but his wolf side didn’t care. And as an alpha in nature, his most possessive

urges would be clawing to assert his dominance to the two strangers. “I know those

guys, brother. Don’t worry. They’re just making their rounds, seeing who’s single.”

“That’s easy for you to say, you’re not mated.” As soon as he’d uttered the words

his pale eyes widened. “Shit, man. I didn’t mean it like that.”

Thomas’ chest constricted but he just shrugged as if it didn’t bother him. He was

happy his two brothers had found their mates but it was a stark reminder he was alone.

That he’d had a chance a century ago but screwed it up. “So why are you here tonight?”

“Carly wanted to show her friend all the hot spots in Miami and I got dragged


Thomas bit back a smile. “Her friend know what we are?”

Nick shook his head sharply. “Hell, no. Although she did mention seeing a couple

big dogs running down the beach this morning.”

“Nice.” They picked up their beers and the mixed drinks for the women and

headed back.

His brother stalked toward the table and before Thomas had reached it, the two

men had scattered.

“So you own this club, huh?” Sarah asked.

“Yeah, I…” He trailed off as a woman caught his eye.


Dangerous Craving

Not just any woman. His eyes widened and he actually had to blink. A flash of hot

then cold curled through his body like a violent electric shock. It was


Her long, blonde hair was piled on her head in some sort of twist thing. It should

have looked messy, but it was exquisite. Just like her. The shimmery gold dress—if she

could even call that scrap of material a dress—fell against her willowy frame like it was

a second skin. Among a sea of tanned, bronzed people, her ivory skin seemed to glow.

Around her, men and some women turned to stare. Part of it was because of her

ethereal beauty but another reason was because of her natural appeal. Just like

vampires, that same sensual magnetic pull emanated from all fae. It was just more

prominent in her because she was royalty.

When her emerald-green eyes locked on his he forgot to breathe. Nearly a century

had passed but she was just as he remembered. Some days he wondered if he’d created

an illusion in his mind. But this was no figment of his imagination.

This was flesh, blood and pure sin in a dress. And she held the key to his heart. He

might try to claim it was only a physical desire, but he wanted all of her. Mind, body,


A hollowness settled in his chest as he remembered the last words they’d shouted

at each other. The anger he’d felt when he thought she’d betrayed him. And then the

inevitable suffering when he realized he’d been wrong. So fucking

“See you guys later,” he muttered, not caring how rude he sounded.

He hurried toward the exit of the VIP room. When he pushed past the curtain, she

stood at the bottom stair, one hand haughtily placed on her hip as she stared up at him


He didn’t remember moving but suddenly he was standing in front of her. “Nissa.”

After so long, her name felt foreign on his lips but her scent was familiar. She was like a

sweet summer day. Fresh and intoxicating.


Savannah Stuart


For a moment she looked almost nervous. Then her composed mask slipped back

into place. “It’s been a long time, Thomas.” Her soft, slightly Irish accent rolled over

him with an intimate warmth he missed. Despite having lived practically everywhere in

Europe, she held on to a faint Celtic accent and it still drove him wild.

Nissa fought all her instincts to turn and flee. She’d forgotten how tall and

intimidating Thomas was. And how quickly her brain short circuited in his presence.

Around him she had to be strong, though. If he knew how much she still cared for

him…she couldn’t bear the shame. When he didn’t respond, she cleared her throat.

“Aren’t you going to say hello or buy me a drink?”

His dark eyes narrowed. Wordlessly, he reached out and grasped her wrist. Not

hard, but he put enough pressure on her that she couldn’t pull away. Before she

realized what he intended he turned and dragged her with him.

Despite the fact that they were surrounded by so many people, everything else

around her funneled out as they continued behind one of the bars, through a swinging

door, up a set of stairs and finally into a quiet office.

Definitely Thomas’ office by the look of it. The furniture was old, big and with lots

of polished dark wood. Very masculine. Very him.

“Please have a seat.” He motioned toward one of the plush leather chairs in front of

his desk.

Nervously, she sat on the edge and crossed her legs. To keep her hands busy she

traced her fingers over the intricate stitching of the chair. Maybe she shouldn’t have

gone with such a short dress but she’d wanted to get his attention. It rode up against

her legs revealing a lot of skin and reminded her how he’d kissed and licked every inch

of her once. When his dark gaze raked over her legs she knew he was remembering the

same thing.

“Would you like a drink?” he asked and motioned to a small bar in the corner of the



Dangerous Craving

She nodded. “Wine would be nice.” Anything would be at this point.

After he poured two glasses he handed her one then sat in the chair next to her

instead of across from her. With his legs stretched out in front of him, he looked almost

casual. But she knew better. He was tense. Every muscle in that hard body was primed

for action. Unlike her kind, shifters were born hunters, predators. Hundreds of years

ago the fae had been forced to take on that role when they’d become hunted but that

was neither here nor there.

“Is it true your family has a half fae living with them?”

His dark eyebrows raised a fraction. “Yes.”

“And…she is mated to the enforcer…ah, former enforcer, correct?”

He nodded.

Okay, he wasn’t going to make this easy for her. “Is it also true The Council has

changed their laws regarding the fae?” She’d heard that six months ago a half-

werewolf, half fae had mated with the enforcer and as a result The Council had lifted

their ban on mixed breed matings. Before that it would have been certain death if a

shifter had chosen to mate with anyone of faerie blood.

“Why do you care?”

She’d taken a big risk coming to see him. No matter what had passed between

them, she knew he wouldn’t hurt her. And this was the last place anyone would think

to look for her. The thought of her hiding among a bunch of shifters was actually

laughable. “I need protection.”

Something predatory and dangerous flashed in his dark eyes. He set his glass down

on the desk and leaned forward. “From whom?” he growled.

“My family.”


Savannah Stuart

Chapter Two

Thomas pushed down the rage burning through his veins. He could actually feel

his canines starting to lengthen. He, who was one hundred and seventy five years old,

alpha in nature, and next in line to be Alpha of his pack, had learned to control himself

well over a century ago, felt as if he were spinning out of control. Against his better

judgment he scooted his chair closer and grasped Nissa’s delicate hand just to convince

himself she was real. “Why does someone want to hurt you?”

For a moment she started to pull away but to his relief she relaxed her hand. “I’m

not exactly sure. As I’m sure you know, my mother…ah, the queen is supposed to meet

with your Council next month to establish a truce between our people.”

He nodded and tightened his hold, rubbing his thumb over the pulse point of her

wrist. It thumped wildly against his skin. “I don’t know the details but my Alpha—my

father—told me about the meeting. He’ll be attending.”

“My mother is sick and she doesn’t have much time left. I’m next in line so I’ll likely

be the one to sign the peace treaty.” Her voice was sad, dejected and clawed at his


“I’m sorry about your mother.” He’d never met her family but he remembered how

close she’d been to them.

Brushing away his concern, she continued. “There are those who don’t want this

treaty signed. About a month ago someone tried to poison me and a few days ago…a

masked man broke into my house and tried to kill me. He had an ancient iron dagger so

I know he wasn’t a typical intruder. I tried to neutralize him with a burst of energy but

someone must have cast a protection spell around him. I managed to get away but just

barely.” She shuddered lightly and he ached to reach out and pull her close. Comfort



Dangerous Craving

The fae feared iron as much as werewolves feared silver. Thankfully they were just

as fast, though not physically as strong as shifters. His stomach twisted painfully at the

thought of someone trying to harm her. He wanted nothing more than to hunt her

attacker down and rip him apart. “And you think someone in your family is after you?”

“I didn’t know where else to go,” she whispered. A blonde tendril fell loose against

her face.

Instinct kicked in and he reached out to brush it back. His hand froze as he grazed

her soft cheek.

When her mouth parted slightly he knew what he was about to do was stupid, but

was powerless to stop himself. Leaning forward, he inhaled her scent. Would she taste

as sweet as he remembered?

Her emerald eyes flared with hot desire but she pulled back out of his reach. “I

didn’t… I can’t get involved with you. Not like that. I’m to be married soon.”

Her words were like a sharp, silver blade straight to his chest. His throat seized as

he jerked back. “Married?”

Glancing away, she nodded but not before he missed the flash of pain flit across her


“Then why didn’t you go to
for help?” he growled, hating the possessive note

in his voice.

“It’s complicated,” she muttered.

“Do you love him?”
Why the hell did he ask that?

Her eyes narrowed at him. “None of your business.”

The hell it wasn’t. “That’s not an answer.”

“No, it’s not. The last man I fell in love with threw me out of his life and accused me

of using my influence to make him fall in love with me. I can assure you that

overrated bullshit.”


Savannah Stuart

And Thomas had done exactly that. Hearing her spell out exactly how he’d

mistreated her made him want to jump into a dark hole. “Shit, Nissa. Don’t say that.

Don’t ever say that, please.” He scrubbed a hand over his face, unable to meet her

piercing eyes because he knew he’d hate himself for what he saw there.

“Coming here was a mistake.” She abruptly stood but he reached out and grabbed

her arm, unwilling to let her go.

Not again. He’d fucked up once, but she was on the same continent as him for the

first time in a century. She’d come to him for protection and he was going to give it to

her. Whether she wanted it or not. He was not letting her out of his sight. Or out of his

life. He didn’t care if she was supposed to marry someone else. It wasn’t going to

happen. Not as long as he was breathing. He might not deserve a second chance but he

had to try. “You didn’t make a mistake. My family will protect you. You have my


She nodded stiffly. “Thank you.”

After he stood, he motioned toward the door. “I’d like you to meet one of my

brothers, then we can head to my Alpha’s home. He’ll need to approve that you’re

going to be under his pack’s protection and he’ll want to meet you in person.”

When the color drained from her face he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and

pulled her close. She tensed but he didn’t let go. He couldn’t. “My father will protect

you because I ask him to. Meeting him is just a formality, I swear.”

She relaxed next to him. Not by much, but it was a start. “I have a few bags at my

hotel. Can we—”

“As soon as we leave here we’ll pick them up.”

Even though he didn’t want to let her go, when she stepped out of his embrace, he

did. There would be time enough tonight to convince her that they still had a chance.

Time and distance hadn’t diminished his feelings for her. If anything, seeing her again

after so many years reminded him of how much time they had to make up for.


Dangerous Craving

* * * * *

Nissa grasped the stem of her wineglass tightly. After meeting Thomas’ father some

of her earlier apprehension had dissipated, but she was still scared out of her mind.

She’d left her home without telling anyone, fearful of who wanted her dead. Her sister

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