Dangerously Yours: 2 (Loving Dangerously) (6 page)

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Authors: A.M. Griffin

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Dangerously Yours: 2 (Loving Dangerously)
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“Isn’t there something else you could be doing right now?”

She flicked her head toward the door. “Yeah, interrogating those bitches.”

He stood his ground. “Thanks, but no thanks. Ryan is meeting me here.” Not a moment too soon, Ryan rounded the corner. “If I decide we need to assign guards for the females, I’ll let you know. Right now you’re dismissed.”

She huffed under her breath. He took a few steps away, giving her space. Jess was confrontational to say the least.

She got up and kicked the chair from behind her, where it fell on its side. “Whatever.”

He could have made her right the chair, but honestly it didn’t matter. She’d just go to the dining hall and throw the chairs all over the place. She needed to go to her room and cool off.

While walking past Ryan, Jess lurched in his direction and snarled. Without flinching, Ryan shook his head as he passed her.

Ryan stopped in front of Kane and watched Jess walk away. “What’s her problem?”

His fights with Jess provided the crew with constant amusement. He didn’t want to fuel another round of laughs and jokes. “Nothing, let’s go.”

Kane entered the sliding door with Ryan at his back. Like most of the crew, Ryan also preferred the black protective skin-suit that was made for inner-space travel. The African American was a lot shorter than Kane. He stood five foot nine but his weight of two hundred and twenty pounds made him appear more like a pro wrestler than a pilot. The thirty-two-year-old spoke three different languages fluently and had excellent negotiation skills. But it was his skills as a fighter pilot with two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan that had made their escape from the Galontaers possible.

The two females sat huddled together on a bed that could comfortably accommodate five. And from Jess’ assertion, it probably had. Aside from being scared, they were unharmed. They both wore long, formfitting dresses similar to the one the princess wore, but not as expensive looking.

No wonder JB had been all antsy to get in their pants…er…dresses. It had been a while since they’d captured humanoid-looking species. The last three jobs had been pure alien in appearance. Down to their green, scaly skin, antennas protruding from their heads, centipede appendages and awful stench.

The alien females in front of him were different as night and day, even though they both were more dishelved than JB had been. One appeared like a spinster schoolmarm and the other resembled an exotic supermodel. They had the same gold coloring as the princess but the supermodel was a shade or two lighter.

Once their gazes settled on Ryan, they both visibly relaxed. Ryan winked and chuckled. He quickly straightened when Kane cut his eyes at him. No matter what had recently transpired, Ryan was on duty now. All fucking had to be put aside for the time being.

“They both have Universal Translators, Captain.”

Kane pulled up a chair and sat in front of them. Their gazes shifted from Ryan to him. They both smiled invitingly.

Not in a million years.
“What are your names?”

The spinster schoolmarm put a hand on her chest. “
” Then she pointed to the other female. “
Un Yazmine.

“What’s the princess’s name?”

Princepetta Sa’Mya,
” Moira replied.

“What planet are you all from?”

Moira and Yazmine exchanged surprised glances. “
Di’et los holos?
” Moira asked.

“She’s asking if the princess told you,” Ryan translated.


The females exchanged another surprised glance.

So they were hiding their origins too.

Loset tu li fasa Princepetta Sa’Mya?
” Moira asked.

“She wants to know when you are taking them to Princess Sa’Mya.”

I’m sure they would want that. Put them together so they can concoct a story.
“No. You’ll stay here for the time being.”

Both of the females opened their eyes wider. “
Nes, nes,
” Moira said, shaking her head

Princepetta Sa’Mya neset tik lois.

“She says they will need to attend to Princess Sa’Mya.” While Ryan translated, Moira continued talking. “She’s saying Princess Sa’Mya can’t take care of herself. Apparently that chick is really helpless.” Ryan snorted. “She’s pretty stressed out about it.”

“Hmm…well, the princess is going to have to take care of herself, isn’t she?” He didn’t know what game they were playing but he would get to the bottom of it.

Chapter Four


The audacity of these humans made her so mad she could spit. They could have killed her. What if she hadn’t been wearing her safety harness? She would’ve been splattered across the ugly transporter walls. That would not have been a good way to die. It had been bad enough their little stunt caused her to pass out, but to awaken with blasters aimed at her head—well, that had been unacceptable and just plain rude.

Didn’t these ignorant humans know how to treat royalty?

The human who called himself JB had frisked her then pushed her in a room that was as cold as a block of ice. And to make matters worse, he expected her to sleep on the floor.
Princesses do not sleep on the floor
, Sa’Mya scoffed.

She hadn’t even attempted to lie on the blankets that looked as though they had come from the servants’ quarters. Why had he pushed her to the floor when there had been a bed? Too exhausted to do anything but sleep, she had crawled into the bed. Only to be awakened by a groping human.

Her first thought had been to wake him and send
to the floor. But as his body began to radiate heat, she decided the bed was large enough to accommodate both of them. Her plan had been to stay as far away from him as possible until she could rectify the human male problem in the morning.

But then… The warm rush of heat spread across her face. He touched her and she had touched him back.

She had allowed herself to indulge with his flesh, play with the fine hairs on his chest, his nipples and…

She could still remember vividly how he had felt in her hand. His shaft had been so hard but yet so soft. She had touched, stroked and tasted his nectar. She had displayed herself so wantonly. Her body had betrayed her on the most intimate level.

She should have pushed him off. She shouldn’t have let him caress her as he had, nor put his lips on her. She had responded, wanting and needing his touch. Tissues swelled that had never reacted to a male. She had wanted him in more ways than one, in her mouth and inside

His manhood had been big. Too big. Would it fit? She would have tried. She chewed on her lower lip. Males and females mated all the time. It was supposed to fit. Wasn’t it?

Maybe she should ask Nebin when she saw him, just to be sure. She scowled. No, not him. He would reprimand her for thinking of such things. While he allowed her to indulge with females, he would kill any male who thought to touch her.

Moira? No, she had never seen her assistant remotely interested in males or females. Yazmine? Yes, Yazmine would explain male-female coupling.

Next time she would know what was expected of her. But why had he stopped? While she had, against her better judgment, been more than willing?

Oh, he had been expecting someone else.

She winced at the memory.

Maybe she shouldn’t have struck him?

What am I thinking? That human is holding me captive, for Ancients’ sake.
Sa’Mya shook her head in disgust.

Her breath caught in her throat. They had missed the transport. Now how were they going to get to Prysvinta? These fools didn’t even know what they’d done. If she was forced to stay in this system, her uncle would surely find them.

Or would he?

She doubted Moira had been able to get a message to her uncle before they had been caught. While aboard the transporter, Nebin had sat next to her the entire trip. He hadn’t allowed Moira the opportunity to be alone at the helm at all.

This could work out in my favor.

Uncle Umar wouldn’t find her on this floating death trap. This would be the perfect place to hide.

Sa’Mya pressed the hard, small, round indentation on the back of her hand. The current date and time on Laconia projected directly above her hand. The time-keeper read twenty-one rotations until her twenty-fifth birth cycle. She would need to stay out of sight. Everything would be fine after then.


Sa’Mya relaxed onto the pillows. This could work out better than anything she and Nebin ever planned. She wouldn’t give these humans any information about her or her home world. But what of the others? How would they fare under his interrogation? She prayed everyone would keep their mouths shut.

They would. She had to believe it was true.

Neither the captain nor his actions could divert her from her goal. When he returned, she would demand he give her an acceptable private cabin. A royal suite with adjoining cabins for Moira, Yazmine and Nebin.

At least that would put an end to all these thoughts she was having. Had she been seriously thinking about giving herself to a commoner? A human one at that? She shook her head in disgust.

What he had started would never be completed. Yazmine would be more than willing to satisfy those urges within her. Separate quarters would provide the distance she needed. This rust bucket had to have a royal suite. Captive or not, she was still a princess.

She scanned the meager room.
I hope the royal suite is in better shape.

The small storage closet on the right wasn’t big enough to hold her undergarments. The dinette table and chairs to the left appeared peasant made. She assumed the door in front of her was a bathroom. A tiny bathroom. She stuck out her tongue in disgust. The bathroom was probably just as meager as the rest of the cabin.

Her eyes landed on the rectangular panel with rows of buttons on it by the door.
Communication panel.

She released the grip she had on the blanket. She pushed it to the side and slipped to the edge of the bed. The comb clanged to the floor. Moira could get it later.

Finding her courage, she stood, keeping a watchful eye on the door. He hadn’t said anything about the communication panel. He also hadn’t said anything about her leaving. She needed Yazmine and Moira to prepare her for the day. She also needed to speak with Nebin regarding the change in her plans.

As she walked, her bare feet padded across the cold, hard floor. She went straight to the door. She stood in front of it and waited for it to automatically open. It didn’t.

She focused her attention on the communication panel, looking for the button that would release her from her prison. She selected the
emergency door release
with a slender, manicured nail.

The door clicked but remained closed. She scrunched her brows. It should have opened. She stepped in front of it, but it didn’t budge.


With balled fists, she slammed on the door. “Let me out of here!”

Turning on a “humph”, she rested her back on the door and eyed the communication panel again.
If I can’t go to my aides, they’ll have to come to me.

She ran a finger over the buttons again.

Open-channel, just what I need.
“Send Moira, Yazmine and Nebin to my personal quarters.”


Sa’Mya pressed the button again. “
, I require assistance from my aides. Send Moira, Yazmine and Nebin to my personal quarters immediately.” She released the button and waited.

A beep came from the intercom. “Princess. Do not, under any circumstances, give orders to my crew. Touch another button and I will tie you to the bed. Sit your ass down and wait for me to return.”

“Argh! Who is supposed to prepare me for the day?” she yelled. She released the button. “It’s just my luck. I’m captured by human idiots.”

These humans probably don’t know the first thing about royalty. It must be a human default.

Not only had Eva been disrespectful, she had threatened Sa’Mya’s life more than once.

What had she expected? From what she’d experienced, humans were disrespectful creatures. Disrespectful and simple-minded.
, the humans hadn’t even been smart enough to protect their home planet.

What was the first objective to any security system? Defend your home planet against a Loconuist attack. Those scavenging fiends traveled from galaxy to galaxy, enslaving the inhabitants and stripping each planet of its natural resources. No one in this galaxy had dealt with a Loconuist attack in eons.

Stupid humans.

Sa’Mya stepped from the panel and surveyed the room again. What had that human done with all of her belongings?

She looked down at her gown and tsked, realizing it was ruined. That still didn’t stop her from trying to smooth out the wrinkles. She had slept in it and that human had left a little stain on it.

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