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Authors: Starla Kaye

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Braddocks, Book One


Starla Kaye

(c)2011 by Blushing Books(r) and Starla Kaye


Copyright (c) 2011 by Blushing Books(r) and Starla Kaye

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Kay, Starla


Braddocks, Book One

eBook ISBN: 978-1-60968-647-5

Cover Design: by ABCD Graphics


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This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.


Chapter One

1878, Dryfork, Kansas

Daniel Braddock looked awkwardly around the general store wondering what the hell he was doing here. He had a town to look after, wanted posters to go through. He didn't have time for such nonsense as hunting up a small gift for his bride arriving on the afternoon stage today. And he sure hated the idea of three of Dryfork's biggest gossipers watching him, curious what their sheriff was up to. Still, he couldn't seem to walk out the door empty handed.

"Can I help you, honey? You look plumb confused," Annabelle Henderson said cheerily, bustling toward him from behind the counter of Henderson's Mercantile. The white-haired, grandmotherly woman had treated he and his brothers like family ever since they had all drifted to town over the last few years.

He fingered some colorful ribbons on a nearby table. "Don't know exactly what I want is all."

She beamed, her round cheeks revealing dimples. "Getting something special for that bride of yours coming today?"

She scooted next to him, sorting through the ribbons and picking out a half dozen in various colors. "Blonde you said, right? Well, I'm sure she'll love any of these." Then she turned and led him to the counter. "We can't wait to lay our eyes on the young woman who finally captured your heart. We all thought for sure you'd be a bachelor until you went boots up one day."

The three women standing around a wooden barrel of crackers, clearly listening to every word Annabelle said, smiled at him, looking amused. He touched the wide brim of his hat in greeting, felt heat creeping up his neck, and hurried after Annabelle. He didn't appreciate being the center of attention, at least not when it came to personal matters. Like not knowing what in blazes he was doing.

Noting the price of the ribbons on a piece of paper, Annabelle gave him a more serious look and whispered, "I'm glad she's coming, of course. But ever since you told me about the wire you got saying she was arriving today, traveling by herself... Well, my old heart has been pounding with worry. Young gal like that, coming so far, and alone. What were her parents thinking to let her leave without an escort?"

Daniel clenched his hands at his sides at the mention of the very sore subject. He lowered his voice and said, "Knowing her folks, they must have thought she did have one." He drew in a frustrated breath. "Jennie has something of a mind of her own. She's been spoiled all her life. Does what she pleases most times."

He studied the scarred wooden counter, feeling anger surging through him at the reminder of the wire he'd received two days ago. He'd barely slept a wink since, worrying over the many things that could happen to her as she traveled. His brothers, Ben and Caleb, hadn't helped any with their constantly checking on him, constantly telling him how foolish he'd been to marry such a head-strong female. What did they know about love? That it could come up all of a sudden and trap a man before he knew what he was doing. Neither of them was interested in marriage, or so they claimed. And Adam... Well, Adam had been married and was widowed, but he was having his own woman troubles with the mayor's daughter chasing after him now. He kept out of Daniel's personal business. And Seth... Well, Seth was running around California now and didn't even know Daniel had married.

"Oh, my," Annabelle sighed and drew his attention. Her eyes danced with amusement. "It sounds like you're going to have your hands full with her."

"Reckon so." They had met six months ago when he'd reluctantly gone back East on family business. He'd never been so drawn to a woman. Jennie Gardner had stolen his heart almost from the second they'd been introduced at a party given by his parents. After a whirlwind courtship that surprised both families, they had gotten married a month later, just before he had to return to his job as sheriff of Dryfork, Kansas. She had tried to get him to stay there and they'd argued about it. He'd asked if she wanted out of the marriage, but she'd said no. He'd left her there with her parents, planning to get his ranch house ready for a wife, and planning to come back for her. If she didn't change her mind and decide to stay in Boston. She hadn't changed her mind. Nor had she waited for him there.

His thoughts shifted and without really meaning to, he said, "I got a letter yesterday, which she'd mailed over a week ago. Jennie claimed that she didn't want to be a bother to anyone, including an escort. And she saw no sense in my going all the way there and turning around to come back here. She said she was perfectly capable of getting herself to Dryfork."

Perfectly capable of getting herself here.Of traveling halfway across the country alone. Right after he hauled her home, he planned to take her over his knee. His little wife was going to get a firm lesson about being just plain foolish, about endangering herself, and about not worrying him into an early grave. Well, maybe he'd bury himself deep in her warm body first. He'd missed making love to her something awful. But she'd be sleeping on her stomach tonight that was for dang sure!

Annabelle reached out to gently touch his arm, startling him. She smiled in understanding. "You make sure you welcome Jennie to her new home good and proper before you let loose your anger, Daniel Braddock. She might have done something dangerous, but she loves you, dear. She wouldn't be doing this otherwise. I'm sure of it."

He gave a curt nod and took the ribbons, shoving them in his trouser pocket. "I know she does," he grumbled, hoping he'd spoken the truth. Hoping she wasn't just acting headstrong and coming here with the intention of changing his mind about going back to Boston. It wasn't going to happen. Not ever. "We're going to have a serious talk. A real serious one."

The older woman chuckled, reaching around to touch her ample bottom, her cheeks blushing. "My dear, departed Horatio would have warmed my backside but good for acting as foolish as your Jennie."

Daniel blinked; surprised that she would say such a thing to him, although he knew many men who spanked their wives. A good man understood how important it was to keep his woman in line. Especially out here in the West where that could also keep her safe. He gave Annabelle a crooked smile. "Believe me, my Jennie will be getting a warm welcome, Annabelle. In all ways."

* * *

Jennie couldn't believe how happy and relieved she was to at last be with her husband. She'd missed him so very much. Of course, if he'd been reasonable and stayed in Boston to work for either his father or her father, everything would have been perfect. But Daniel Braddock had proven to be not only someone she couldn't resist but also someone as equally stubborn as herself. She'd been pretty sure he'd stayed away so long because he'd thought she would give up on him, give up on their marriage. A Gardner was made of sterner stuff than that! Braddock. Having not lived with her husband in all these months, she was still struggling with getting used to her new name.

She hadn't been the only one struggling to accept her new role. Her father might have strongly approved of Daniel's family, actually his parents, but he didn't approve of the fact that all five of the Braddock sons had settled in the West. He certainly didn't approve of his beloved daughter moving to the frontier. She kept telling him that she was sure in time Daniel would realize he--they--would be better off living in Boston. Finally she had gotten tired of the arguments on the matter of her marriage and decided to go to Daniel. She couldn't change his mind through their rarely sent letters. She needed to talk to him in person.

From the second she had made the decision to leave her parents' home in Boston, telling them she was traveling with an older woman escort--which, of course, she hadn't--she had worried about this trip. Maybe she'd been too impulsive. "Impulsive" really should be her middle name. But she wasn't a patient person. Now as she again thought about how tense Daniel had been when he'd met her at the stage depot, she was feeling more than a bit anxious. Her handsome, rough-edged husband had taken her into his strong arms for a kiss that was quite improper, one that made her toes curl. And then he'd marched her to a waiting buckboard to plant her roughly on the high seat.

As he drove up to the freshly whitewashed small house that was now--no, temporarily--her home, she worried her lower lip. He hadn't said a word the entire trip from town. After the way he'd all but thrown her satchel and trunk into the back of the wagon, she had decided it wisest to leave him be for the time being. But the moment for that was gone. She didn't like the tension between them and knew it was time to end it.

She drew in an unsteady breath and called up her courage to face him. This would be an unpleasant discussion at best. "You..." She cleared her throat to get the words out. "You're going to spank me, aren't you?" The very idea unnerved her. When they'd been courting, he'd once told her that he believed in discipline and she would receive it when he deemed it necessary. Her father had never raised more than his voice to her. She had no real idea what punishment was about, certainly not what a spanking was like. Still, she had told Daniel she loved him enough to accept the occasional punishment. But now that she actually might receive it, the idea made her more than a bit uneasy. A glance at his large callused hand holding the reins had her squirming on the hard seat.

He pulled on the reins and stopped the buckboard in front of what passed for a yard. After a tense moment where mixed emotions crossed over his beard-stubbled face, he looked directly at her. He nodded. "Yes, I aim to do just that. Although you deserve something a good bit stronger."

Her stomach knotted and she swallowed hard. Something 'stronger' than a spanking? Oh dear! "I won't fight you on this," she said in a trembling voice. This would be an awful way to begin their new life, but she could see how determined he was. And, admittedly, she had been headstrong in her decision. Even her father would be quite upset with her.

Then Daniel surprised her by saying, "I'm going to take you to bed first. I've been waiting a long time to have you beneath me again."

She blinked, heat spreading over her cheeks. Her woman's place felt tingly at his bold statement, moisture budded between her legs. It had been far too long since he'd shown her the wonders of lovemaking. Yet she found herself protesting, "I want you, too." She couldn't meet his gaze. "But...but I would rather not be dreading a punishment all the while you're making love to me."

He was silent a few seconds before he released a tension-filled breath. "Reckon I can understand that."

He set the brake on the buckboard and hopped off the high seat, walking around to her side to help her down. As soon as her feet touched the ground, he said, "You go on into the house while I haul in your trunk and satchel. Have a quick look around. Soon as I get the horses taken care of... Well, I'll come take care of that spanking chore."

* * *

Jennie looked around the house after Daniel set down her trunk and hurried to leave again. She didn't really see anything. Her thoughts were focused on what her husband would soon do to her. A spanking! Good heavens! She really didn't want to start off her new life with Daniel in such a way. But she loved him. She had loved him since the moment he'd asked her to dance at his parents' ball. He'd been so handsome in his fine suit. Even in his dusty trousers and shirt with a badge on it, he still took her breath away. His combination of society honed manners and Western gruffness had been irresistible. He was so different from the other men who'd courted her. Her father had warned her that with Daniel's life experiences and being nine years older than her that they wouldn't be a good match. But she was certain her father was wrong. No other man would challenge her as Daniel would, and she very much liked a good challenge. And she looked forward to sharing her life with him, sharing the ups and downs of married life, and sharing the good and the bad.

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