Daniel (2 page)

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Authors: Starla Kaye

BOOK: Daniel
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She stood by the small fireplace and shivered even though it was mid June and quite warm outside. This would definitely qualify as one of the "bad" moments. Spanked. For the first time in her life. She had traveled for many long days to get here and now this!

Her father had nearly burned her ears many a time while growing up. But he'd never so much as swatted her bottom once. Many of her friends experienced discipline for acts of disobedience. In truth, her best friend had quite often felt the palm of her father's hand on her bottom. Jennie had been strangely curious about what being spanked would feel like...and now she would find out. Now she didn't feel at all curious, more wary. Maybe she should refuse after all.

Daniel walked in the door, his heavy footsteps making her heart pound. She noted the strain in his expression and in his voice as he stated, "Guess we'd best get to it."

Or not. She thought as he ambled over to the well-worn table by the window and pulled out one of the straight-backed chairs. Her heart raced as he sat down and patted his knee.

"Come here, Jennie Braddock. You've earned yourself a real seat warming."

No, no, no. Yet she forced her feet to walk across the small space. She did not want to do this, wasn't even sure how this was done. She stopped awkwardly in front of him. Her face felt on fire in embarrassment and he hadn't even started. "I-I don't know what to do," she nervously admitted.

That took him back for an instant before he frowned and said, "You'll learn fast enough." He took hold of her arm and moved her to his right side. "Now you stretch across my lap."

She hesitated and he tugged her down until she slid over his hard thighs, until her hands flattened on the wood floor and her bottom was perched high on his right leg. The blood seemed to rush to her face. She didn't like this position and started to squirm.

To her dismay, he swatted her bottom, although she barely felt it through the many layers of the long skirt of her traveling dress and curtain drawers. Still, she squawked at the indignity and settled down.

"Wise choice, darlin'." He pulled her skirt up and over her back.

"What...what are you doing?" she questioned in shock.

"Baring your bottom."

"Baring my bottom!" But even as she gasped that out, he found the slit in the drawers and pushed the fabric aside. She squirmed again.

Smack! He held her in place with his left arm and sent a brisk swat to her quivering buttocks. "Stop that! You're going to lie still and get a good spanking or I'll--"

Jennie craned her head back to glower at him. "Lie still? Good spanking? I don't want a 'good' or any other kind of spanking."

He set his hand right on the middle of her bare bottom. "You agreed to this."

"I've changed my mind," she stated in a rush.

His eyes had darkened as he looked at her partially bare bottom. His breathing was rougher. She recognized the signs from the last time they'd made love. He wanted her. Yet he was going to do this awful thing to her bottom, spank it.

He smoothed his hand over her flesh and she trembled all over. "Changed your mind about being married to me?"

Had she? "No! I didn't say that."

"Then we're going to do this, darlin'. You're going to stay there and accept this well-earned butt burning." His voice turned husky and he drew his fingers between her legs, between her pulsing lower lips, touching the small bed that jerked with interest. "Then we'll..."

She might not be favor of getting her butt burned, but she was certainly in favor of the other. "Fine. Do what you feel is necessary." She just wanted this ordeal over with. And then she wanted...

Smack! A hard slap against her tender flesh forced aside the more pleasurable thoughts. "Yeouch!"

He ignored her screech and swatted her a quick half dozen times. "It's a real pity to have to mar this creamy bottom. But you did something incredibly dangerous."

She jerked forward with each swat, sucking in a breath. This really wasn't enjoyable. "Are we done now? I understand. Truly I do."

Unbelievably, he chuckled. "Done? No, darlin', we've got a good ways to go." He tucked her closer and held her tighter. "You'd best stop your squirming around and just accept your due."

"I'm trying, I'm trying." She flattened her hands on the floor again, squeezed her eyes shut, and tried not to think about the embarrassing position she was in or what he was seeing of her.

He set about spanking her steadily, slowly at first and not too hard. A fire was beginning anyway. Think about more pleasant matters. About them moving back to Boston. About dancing with him at balls and eating out and...

The tempo sped up. His hand seemed to grow in size covering more of her poor bottom, landing harder and harder. She couldn't think of pleasant matters. She couldn't lie still either. Or remain quiet. "Stop! Oh, stop! It hurts! It hurts!"

"I'm not stopping until we're real clear about what is acceptable behavior and what isn't. Going against me isn't." He swatted her at least a dozen times, each swat harder than the last.

"All right! I understand!" Jennie cried out, curling her legs up and then kicking them back out. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

His pace slowed a bit, but he didn't stop. Nor did he lessen the force of the smacks. "You caused me nothing but sleepless nights since I got that wire. No doubt your folks are worried, too. Even if you supposedly left with a chaperone."

He tugged her closer again and blasted her bottom six times. She wriggled for all she was worth and screeched in misery but he snapped, "You lied to them. You took a foolish risk with your life. You will never, ever do so again. Do you understand me?"

"Yes! Oh, yes!" she sobbed out. Fire. Fire danced over her bottom. Pain, so much pain throbbed in her buttocks. "I'm sorrryyy."

"Did you come here to try and convince me to go back to Boston?" His hand settled on her aching bottom.

"Yes," she gasped and then felt him tense. Even with all the pain she was suffering, she knew she'd said the wrong thing.

"I'm not going, but you are. First stage headed back east." His tone was sad, heavy with disappointment.

She looked back at him, ignored the tears streaming down, and her heart wrenched at his resigned expression. "No. I'm not leaving." At least not now. She wasn't ready to give up on Boston yet, or on him.

He scowled. "If you're staying, then I'm going to continue with the spanking. You need to understand that when I say 'no' I mean it. I won't have you trying to trick me."

Continue with the spanking? Oh heavens! But if she didn't accept it... She lowered her head and attempted to settle into place again. She'd married a very stubborn man.

Her husband took that as agreement and his hand rose and fell with increased intensity. "You aren't going to sit comfortably for at least a day, darlin'. But you are going to recall this lesson every time you even think about going against me."

Jennie cried her misery until she lost her voice. She jerked and kicked and squirmed until finally she just lie limply over his lap. It seemed like he spanked her forever, but finally he stopped. She barely noticed as she was sobbing so hard. Then he carefully pulled the drawer curtains back into place and shifted her skirt down as well.

"You can get up now."

It took her a few seconds to calm down enough to awkwardly crawl off his lap. Every movement made the fabric rub against her flaming bottom and she sucked in shaky breaths. Her hands shot around to cover her bottom and she could feel the heat through the layers of fabric. For some reason she began shifting from foot to foot, gently rubbing her bottom. It didn't help. It hurt. A lot.

He watched her without the least look of 'I'm sorry I had to do that.' After a minute he said, "I'm hoping I don't have to turn you over my knee again for a good long spell, Jennie."

She wanted to stand still, to stop rubbing, but couldn't do either one. She sniffled and said, "I don't like spankings."

He grinned crookedly. "They're not meant to be enjoyed. At least not spankings I give."

Jennie saw tenderness creeping into his eyes and she wanted to be held by him, be comforted. But she was a little uncertain she could stand being made love to just yet. Still, she asked quietly, "Are you going to make love to me tonight? Maybe after you've stopped being so mad at me."

He stood and hugged her gently, resting his chin on the top of her head. His hands smoothed over her back. "My mad ended with that last hard swat." He leaned back to look at her. "I'm thinking you might want to ride me this time. Not be quite so hard on your bottom."

She blinked at him, surprised and intrigued. Ride him? She'd read about such things in a scandalous book once, a book she'd gotten lectured by her father for reading when he'd found it. "Yes, I'd like to try that."

Daniel grinned and she noticed how his hard rod shoved at her stomach with them standing so close. Then his expression turned serious again, determined. "First, though, you need to spend some time in the corner." He motioned toward the corner by the fireplace.

"Corner?" She remembered her friend mentioning that sometimes her father made her stand with her nose in the corner of her bedroom. Her friend hadn't liked it, but it was usually either do it or get another spanking. "Why?" she asked cautiously. She didn't want another spanking, nor did the idea of standing in a corner appeal to her.

His hands shifted down to cover her still throbbing bottom. "It's part of being punished." He released her and then turned her toward the corner, nudging her toward it. "After every punishment I give you, you'll spend fifteen minutes or so in the corner. It'll give you time to think over why you got disciplined. Time to let the sting in your backside settle in good so you'll remember it."

"But..." She tried to resist, but not very much.

He settled her in the corner, pushing her forward until her nose touched the wall. She winced as the fabrics tightened over her aching buttocks and started to reach back.

He stopped her hands and moved them in front of her. "No. No more trying to rub away the pain. Stand here and think about how you're not going to disobey me again. Think about how you'll go over my knee for another spanking if you do."

"Can I think about making love to you?" she asked in a whisper.

"I'm counting on that." He sighed and stepped away.

* * *

Daniel looked at his very proud, very spoiled wife standing obediently in the corner where he'd put her. He really hadn't considered doing such a thing. But it had occurred to him as he'd roasted her bottom that she was going to need more than a hot backside for him to get through to her sometimes. If she had to withstand a few embarrassing minutes in the corner after being punished, he thought maybe it would help. Anyway, he was going to give it a try.

He found himself beginning to breathe in deep, shuddery breaths, beginning to focus all too much on that sweet, heart-shaped bottom thrust out at him. His trousers were growing mighty uncomfortable. If he didn't do something to distract him, he would be going to her and ripping that fancy traveling dress off her. He would be bending her over that table and...

"Stay put until I come for you," he ordered huskily and strode over by the door to get her trunk.

He toted it to the small bedroom and wondered where in the hell she was going to put her clothes. Guess he needed to order one of those wardrobe cabinets he'd seen in the mercantile's catalogue. Then he remembered Jennie telling him she was having three more trunks shipped. Damn, she had a lot of clothes. But then she came from a wealthy Eastern family--just as he did. He'd once had far more clothes than he needed. Not anymore. He'd given up all of that and shed his fine, fancy ways, too. But could his wife do the same? He still held serious doubts about their marriage. But she would have to accept him and this way of life or go back to live with her parents. He could compromise on a lot of things, but going back to live under his father's thumb--or her father's thumb--wasn't one of them.

Setting the trunk down by the row of six pegs that held his clothes, he sighed. His life was sure going to take a drastic change now that Jennie had arrived. Was he already too set in his ways? He had routines of when he watched over the town, of when he worked his small ranch, and of when he spent time with his brothers. How would Jennie fit into it all?

He turned and spotted her still standing there; although she was now reaching back to gently rub at her tender bottom. His shaft hardened even more. His hands ached to smooth all over that pinkened flesh, to smooth over other parts of her body. Well, he planned to enjoy her while she was here.

"All right, darlin', you can step out of the corner now." He knew it hadn't been more than a few minutes, but he didn't think he could last any longer without driving deep into his wife. He began unbuckling his belt, undoing his trousers. "I can't wait until later, until your bottom has more time to recover. I need you. Now."

Jennie straightened and turned slowly to face him. Her gaze landed on his opened trousers and how he held his rock hard cock in one hand. Her cheeks grew pink but she smiled and hurried toward him.

"It's even bigger than I remembered," she said breathlessly, reaching to touch him. "Can I? Can I touch it?"

Daniel allowed just a second of her curious touching his rod and then stepped back. "Another time, darlin'. I've been needing you for far too long."

She looked disappointed for an instant, then started to fight with the buttons on her close-fitting bodice. He didn't have the patience for removing the many clothes she had on. Instead he put his hand in the waistband of her long skirt and tugged. A button flew across the room, then another and another. After that the yards of fabric shimmied to the floor at her feet and she stood there in fancy top, drawers, stockings, and shoes.

"Now.Right damn now."

"That's something we definitely agree on, husband." She surprised him by shoving down his trousers until they bunched around his knees. An instant later she pushed him back to the bed, and then shoved him until he fell backward on to the quilt top.

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