Dare to be Mine (18 page)

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Authors: Kim Allison

BOOK: Dare to be Mine
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She was surprised to see a mistiness in
Daniel's eyes after the kiss ended, assuming only that he was content with the
way things had turned out. She was completely unaware that Daniel was upset at
himself. Hated
for having played Elyssa these
months for his own gain. He despised his own weakness, in fact. For somehow
during their time spent together, he had recklessly fallen in love with her.

















As soon as he thought it, Daniel scorned
the ridiculous notion. He did not love Elyssa, had never planned to go as far as
he had with her. If he'd had any clue
she was that
first night, his father's wife, he would never have allowed himself to become
involved with her on any level but physically. But somewhere along the way he
had let his guard down, had fallen victim to Elyssa's easy charm and grace, her
astounding beauty.

He could so easily forget Paris. Abandon
the knowledge that he had someone awaiting his return. Another warm, willing
body he'd become accustomed to. Daniel cursed himself a fool, for recently he
had been slipping up. The celebrated life of rogue had always been much more
convenient and infinitely more preferable. After the rumors of his shameless
lifestyle began those years ago, Daniel had seen little reason to fight them,
had in fact enjoyed living up to the profligate reputation. Hell, he wasn't
even thirty years old yet! He still had another good decade before the bleak
prospect of marriage would threaten to take hold, if not longer.

Elyssa knew that although she was in
love with Daniel, he had never spoken the sweet words in return. He was under
no obligation to allow her to remain at Greystone. The prospect of leaving the
beautiful place she'd reluctantly come to think of as home, Elyssa likewise
knew she would be expected to leave, if nothing else, for the sake of decorum.

She had little doubt Daniel would allow
her indefinite stay did she plead her cause, but Elyssa refused to put him in
the awkward position. After all, with the monies Percy had generously left her,
she could certainly afford a cozy place of her own on the outskirts of London.
And if all else failed, she could always return home to her family, though
Elyssa quickly dismissed that dreadful idea.

Two days later, Elyssa announced to
Daniel over breakfast that she would be leaving Greystone. He was more than a
little surprised, though Elyssa noted Daniel didn't seem overly intent on
begging her to stay. In fact, since the reading of the will, they had not been
intimate in any given way. His aloofness left Elyssa feeling forlorn, but she
knew that he too realized it would be unwise for her to remain living openly
with him after Percy's death. The gossip would be merciless.

An awkward silence ensued after Elyssa's
declaration, and finally Daniel asked where she planned to go. He felt like a
bloody bastard sitting there so nonchalantly, acting as if Elyssa's departure
wouldn't rip his heart out. Before she could answer, the butler announced that
there was a visitor to see Daniel. A Lord Something-or-other, having to do with
business. Daniel made a quick apology to Elyssa as he excused himself. a thirsting man. He inobviousd

No longer hungry, Elyssa finished her
hot tea and arose to go upstairs. How she would miss this grand home and its
majestic beauty. She walked around the room, glancing out the window at the
pretty view, lovingly running her fingers along the length of the huge dining
table. She stopped at Daniel's place, helpless to note the letter he'd
apparently been writing before she had come down.

Her dainty fingers touched the parchment
and she admired the bold, masculine strokes. She had no intention of reading a
single inscription. But the words jumped out at her and Elyssa was unable to
ignore what she saw. Glancing up to make certain Daniel wasn't on his way back
yet, Elyssa's fingers trembled as she picked up the letter.

I told
you I would
do whatever necessary to secure my inheritance
It has been taken care

Elyssa heard Daniel's footsteps nearing
and quickly returned the letter to its proper place, never having seen who he
was writing to. She began toward the door as if she had merely been leaving the
room, her mind a jumbled mess, her heart beating furiously. The implications
were staggering. Elyssa forced a smile as she looked up into the face she'd
come to adore above all else.

His smile was so easy, so charming.
Could it be true? Could Daniel possibly have murdered his father? It was never
a secret that Percy and Daniel's falling out had been monumental. And to harbor
deep resentment most of one's life could definitely take its toll. Still,
Elyssa could not comprehend what would make a man like Daniel
his unarmed father over mere money.

"What's wrong, darling? You look
pale," Daniel commented.

"I am fine. But I suppose there is
no reason to delay packing my things any longer, do you?"

His expression changing to one of
regret, Daniel urged, "Don't go, Elyssa. At least not until we have
secured you another place to stay." He hated the distance that had cropped
up between them in the last few days. Daniel wanted to take her in his arms and
never let her leave Greystone, propriety be damned. When had he ever cared what
the gossips thought about him? But it was different now. Elyssa would be the
one to suffer, and Daniel refused to be the cause of her being snubbed by polite
society, however hypocritical it was. encouragehi dow

Opening her mouth to reply, Elyssa was
unable to speak her feelings aloud. She loved Daniel, but it was clear he
didn't return her feelings. She would give anything to marry him and bear his
He may be a murderer
, her mind cruelly reminded her.

Rushing past Daniel, he called her name,
but Elyssa ignored the urgent summons. He was about to go after her, when the
butler announced another visitor. Aggravated at another bothersome
interruption, Daniel turned and glared fiercely at the butler, the older man
quickly disappearing from his new employer's heated gaze.

It was one of Percy's solicitors. Daniel
recognized him from the reading of the will, and was quick to note the man's
jittery behavior. He tugged uncomfortably at his cravat, extending his hand in
greeting. Daniel shook the man's hand and politely, if not curtly, invited the
man into the study. Daniel sat behind the imposing desk, his restlessness all
too apparent. His features displayed a tightly reined impatience and the
solicitor nervously opened his leather case, removing a small stack of legal

"So, Mr. Evans, what brings you to
my home this fine morning?" Anxiously shoving his wire rimmed glassed
further up his nose, Mr. Evans took a deep breath before beginning the mandate
his employer had forced him to deliver on his own.

"Is Lady Fredrickson about? This
concerns her, too."

His eyes narrowing, Daniel felt the
beginnings of an unwelcome displeasure unfurl. It was obvious this had
something to do with Percy's will and Daniel wasn't sure he wanted Elyssa
involved in the conversation at hand.

"She's indisposed at the
moment," Daniel replied curtly. "But I assure you I shall relay
anything you have to say."

Mr. Evans didn't particularly feel he
should trust the imposing young Lord Fredrickson to relay his edict to the
lovely lady, but the cold glint in Daniel's eyes gave warning that he should
comply with the notorious lord's wishes.

Clearing his throat nervously, Mr. Evans
began, "A most unfortunate thing, really. Your father's most favored
solicitor, Mr. James Andrews, has been out of the country for several weeks
and only just heard about your father's death. He was
most adamant in his correspondence that we contact you and Lady Fredrickson at
once ridiculous notioned to ">CHAPTER , and sent us instruction of the whereabouts of your father's updated last
will and testament."

Daniel's jaw clenched, his hands
tightening into fists as he continued to listen to the annoying milksop in
front of him. Daniel's strained features were not lost on Mr. Evans and he
determined to end the conversation as quickly as possible and get the hell out
of Greystone Mansion with all his bones still intact.

Setting the official document atop Daniel's
desk, Mr. Evans nervously tapped his index finger atop the amendment made to
the will in case Daniel wanted to peruse the wording himself. Quickly
withdrawing his finger, Mr. Evans continued. "Are you quite certain we
cannot wait for Lady Fredrickson's presence?"

"Most definitely,"
the chilling reply. "Say what you came to say and
be done with it, Evans."

"Yes, of course," he muttered.
"Roughly four months ago, your father contacted my employer and changed
some of the stipulations of his will."

"I already gathered that. What
exactly did he change?"

"Greystone and all its contents go
to Lady Elyssa Fredrickson. As do all his monies and worldly possessions. You
have been left in charge of the business and would of course reap any profits
made from the time of your father’s death."

“Well isn’t that just fucking grand,”
Daniel said under his breath.

Hurriedly standing, Mr. Evans was
already heading toward the door. "I apologize for any inconvenience this
may cause, Lord Fredrickson. If you have any questions, Mr. Andrews will be
returning to London in a fortnight. Please relay the tidings to your lovely
stepmother as soon as possible. Good day, sir."

With that, Mr. Evans all but ran from
the premises, the quick slamming of the front door resounding throughout the
mansion. Daniel braced his hands on the
his eyes
closing as the wrath slowly seeped through his veins, bringing to head an anger
as he'd never known. His fingers trembled in rage and Daniel bellowed aloud as
he furiously upturned the heavy desk, the huge table crashing to the floor as
legal documents fell trapped and wrinkled beneath its weight. Daniel stalked
out of the study and out the front doors, the chill of the winter air a biting
welcome to his blazer heart skipping a beat at the thiing fury. Had Mr. Evans not already escaped in his waiting
carriage, Daniel would have taken great delight in tearing the man limb from

He paced back and forth across the crisp
ground, his long, lean fingers running through his loose locks in extreme
agitation. Percy had done it again. Even in death, he was able to torment
Daniel. Was there never an escape? All he had ever wanted was a father's love
and the inheritance he was owed. Daniel paused to look up toward the second
story window he knew Elyssa was behind. She was most likely still packing her

Elyssa made her way down the stairs, her
bags weighing heavy as her heart. She refused to believe the ridiculous notion
that Daniel had murdered Percy. It simply wasn't possible. Somehow, when the
time was right, she would ask about the letter. She knew only that her heart
belonged to Daniel, and always would.

Looking up at the sudden sound of the
front doors opening, Daniel was surprised to see Elyssa at the doorway. Her
eyes were misty, their emerald color still a downfall for Daniel. He always
found himself lost when staring into her eyes. She had on a pretty rose colored
gown, one suitable for traveling. Her hair was pulled back into an unflattering
chignon, obviously done in a hurry, for even now her dark tresses threatened to
spill loose from the hairpins at any moment.

Elyssa nervously wrung her hands, not
quite knowing what to say to Daniel. He looked so alluring and masculine
standing there in his partially unbuttoned cambric shirt, his dark breeches
molded against his muscular physique. She stared at the long, tanned fingers
resting on his lean hips, recalling the sweet decadence they'd brought forth on
more than one occasion. His facial expression was unreadable, his hooded gaze
unfathomable. Elyssa drank in the sight of the beautiful, carnal man before
her, wanting to memorize his every feature.

How could she just bid him a casual
goodbye, as if nothing special had ever occurred between them? As if she'd not
foolishly fallen in love with the sinfully handsome rake? His stare became
strained, Elyssa noted, and she dared wonder if he might be just a bit sorry to
see her go, for his demeanor had definitely changed from that of earlier.

Knowing she didn't have to leave Greystone,
indeed that it was now fully and completely hers, Daniel knew he should let
Elyssa know about the solicitor's visit. Pure stubbornness and refusal to
believe his goals had once again been shattered made Daniel delay telling her
the facts for the time being.

A tentative smile graced Daniel's lips
even if it never quite reached his eyes, and he stepped toward Elyssa, taking
her hands in his own. His fingers were icy cold and Elyssa wondered just how ridiculous notioned to ">CHAPTER
long he'd been outside. Her heart lurched at the mere touch of him and it was
all Elyssa could do to keep from throwing herself in Daniel's arms and begging
him to let her stay.

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