Dare to be Mine (7 page)

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Authors: Kim Allison

BOOK: Dare to be Mine
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Within minutes Elyssa changed into a
simple gown of blue, the sleeves ending just under her elbows, the bodice laced
up and tied in a dainty bow. Her ebony hair was loosely pulled back with a
white ribbon. Elyssa appeared an innocent maiden off to do her good works for
the day.

Just before leaving her room, Elyssa decided
to take a vase with her and cut some flowers to brighten up her room. She
picked up a lovely glass vase with a delicate rose engraved on it. It had been
one of the few things Elyssa had purchased for herself from Percy's monthly

She dared go downstairs in full view to
anyone who might be about, indeed thought it absurd that she must keep up the
charade of staying out of sight. She had already come in contact with Percy's
colleague and was none the worse for wear. Hearing Percy speak with his
secretary in the study, Elyssa avoided passing directly by that open door,
instead heading toward the rear entrance. As she walked to the gardens, Elyssa
pondered Percy's suggestion that she visit her family in London. She had no
real inclination to see her parents, but it would be heavenly to escape the
confines of Greystone for a few days. She would have to think further on the

Elyssa stood before the black iron bench
in the midst of the flower gardens and breathed in the lovely scent, her eyes
closing as her lips curved up in a contented smile. Even when life's drudgeries
seemed overwhelming, nature could make everything seem a bit brighter. The
blazing red orange of the sun, the soft green grass beneath one's feet, the
heavenly scent of flowers and rain.

Unbeknownst to Elyssa, her display of
quiet happiness was witnessed by Daniel, who stood several yards away beyond
view of a massive oak. He had been on his way to the stables for a ride when
he'd decided to visit the gardens, his mother's favorite place when she had
been alive. In fact, her grave lay in the far recesses of the immense flower
garden, and Daniel had just left there.

Daniel’ escaped her lips and
His hands ached to free her long hair
and run his fingers through its lushness. He longed to splay his hands about
her small waist and pull her close. Shaking his head at such thoughts, Daniel
wondered what exactly it was about the female that pulled at his entire being
just by looking at her. The mere sight of her made him want to be near her, and
the thought was more than a little disturbing.

He had no right to pursue a young lady
of no title, to chance getting her hopes up at the thought of having a
meaningful relationship with him. It would be cruel to recklessly seek a brief
affair with her, for she seemed genuinely sweet and possibly devoted to
another. But then again, the first night he'd encountered her during the storm,
she had been more than willing to taste of his seduction, leastways at first.
And too, when had his conscience ever urged him to keep his distance from a
beautiful woman, whether her heart was already promised to another or not?

His lips curved upward as Daniel watched
Elyssa's girlish twirling about, her face turned up toward the sunlight. She
was a mixture of beautiful woman and charming girl.

Elyssa's smile suddenly faded as the
forgotten glass vase slipped from her precarious hold and struck against the
bench. The fine glass crashed into a multitude of pieces. Elyssa cried out at
the realization of the shattered vase she so loved, not to mention the mess she
had created. Her heart melted at the sight of her beautiful vase now lying
beyond repair in shards.

Elyssa bent down to retrieve the broken
pieces and cried out as she carelessly picked up a sharp piece of jagged glass.
Dropping it, she grabbed her right hand and looked at it in concern. A red
streak of blood appeared over the inch long gash on her palm. Never having
dealt well with the sight of blood, especially her own, Elyssa dreaded having
to tend to the wound herself, or even worse, to find that she might need a few

Standing to her feet, Elyssa gasped
aloud as she saw her heart’s nemesis directly in front of her, for she'd not
even heard his quiet approach. His facial expression was one of concern and
after getting over her initial alarm, Elyssa was actually relieved that he was
there. Perhaps he could help determine the extent of her injury.

Wordlessly, Daniel gently grabbed her
wr traitorous wifeg">CHAPTER ist, pulling the handkerchief from his pocket and softly wiping away the
blood. Studying the cut, Daniel found it to look a bit deep.

"I think it safe to say your palm
will require a few stitches," he finally commented, his voice a comforting
thing. Elyssa's heartbeat quickened at the warmth of his hands holding her own,
the sight of his so large and masculine against her own. The fear of having a
needle pierce her skin suddenly seemed insignificant, for the male before her
commanded her entire deliberation. He was much too close for comfort, his dark
eyes gazing into hers, and holding her spellbound in the process. His mere
presence was dominating.

Unwittingly her gaze took in the sight
of his broad chest, the pristine shirt straining across the breadth of it. It
was partially unbuttoned and left on the outside of his dark pants, his riding
boots giving evidence that he'd been on his way for an early morning ride. His hair
was left loose and the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up, displaying muscular

His unpretentious apparel left his
appearance not lacking in the least, for if anything, his careless masculinity
was even more tempting to a female's heart. It would seem he'd spent little
time paying mind to his attire that morning, though the thought of his lack of
self-absorption left her feeling rather pleased with that fact. Her thoughts
were interrupted as Elyssa watched the slow descent of his mouth, and her mind
finally bade her pull from his reach.

Trying her best to ignore his amorous
attempt, shocked that he would even try such a thing at that time, Elyssa
forced a smile and said brightly, "Thank you for helping me. I don't deal
very well with injuries involving bloodshed." Her shaky smile
a bit as Daniel once more closed the distance
between them.

"You are more than welcome,"
he replied. He seemed not in the least bit inclined to leave for the stables, and
Elyssa began to get nervous. She bent down to begin picking up the shattered
pieces of the vase once again, but Daniel's hand came to rest on her shoulder.

"Leave it," he said, "I
shall see that someone cleans up the mess." Picking up her hurt hand, he
saw the bleeding hadn't stopped yet. "We must see to having your palm
stitched up."

Attempting unsuccessfully to pry her
hand from his, Elyssa finally blurted out in nervous frustration, "Why do
you not leave now? I assume you were on your way for a ride. Please do not stay
on my account. I shall be fine."

Wishing she would stop her nervous
rambling, Daniel smiled inwardly at the thought of kissing her senseless in
order to shut her up. He watched her mouth as she spoke and found the sight of her
lips most provocative, indeed found himself wanting to taste of that mouth
again. For whatever reason, Daniel found himself inexplicably drawn to her and
he knew from experience that he would not be able to concentrate on anything
else in the world until he'd made her his own, at the very least for one night.

"I shall be glad to go riding if
you agree to accompany me," he finally replied.

An exasperated sigh escaped her lips and
Elyssa cried, "I cannot go riding with you!"

Of course she wouldn't simply be able to
shirk her duties and go off riding with the future lord of the estate. She
would find herself in trouble with Percy if he found out. But then again, why
should Percy have to know? In fact, that thought made him want her even more.
Anything to go against his dour father's wishes.

"Then tonight.
After your work is done and you are free. Meet me in the stables at ten

She was stunned at his audacity, and it
was obvious he was used to having his way with women. It was apparent that he
dealt with females of little or no scruples. But then again, who was to say but
that they hadn’t had scruples before meeting this rake, for Elyssa herself
found it most difficult to deny his wicked invitation. The thought of meeting
the gorgeous man for a late night ride was tempting beyond imagination, even
knowing the extreme risk she would be taking.

"How can you possibly ask such a
thing of me? You do not even know my name.” Daniel loved listening to her
honeyed voice, indeed looked forward to hearing the melodious sound cry out his
name later that night. He knew that despite her facade of indignity, she was as
drawn to him as he was to her.

Stepping even closer, Daniel picked up a
loose tress and fingered the black hair as a look of mischief danced in his dark
eyes. "Please forgive me, miss. I very much wish to know your name."
Aggravated at herself for compelling him to ask her name, a thing that would
only encourage his inducement, Elyssa chose to use her middle name rather than
have the man know her given name, a thing entirely too intimate if spoken from
his tempting lips.

"Revee," before leaving her roomthi she softly replied.
"My name is Revee."

"A lovely name.
It suits you," his husky voice seduced, Daniel's fingers reaching up to
touch her cheek.

Elyssa's mind was awhirl with confusion.
Her hand was stinging ferociously, the sticky wetness a reminder that she
needed to have her palm stitched. She was beginning to feel lightheaded from
the sight of her blood still seeping from the deep cut, besides the awkwardness
of speaking so intimately to someone all but a stranger. A man she was foolish
to even be considering meeting later.

The furious beating of her heart
commanded that she either rebuke the handsome stranger once and for
else comply to his sinful behest. She recognized the
struggle of her will, pure and committed to her marriage, however loveless and
hopeless, against the temporary pleasures she was certain to find in this man's
arms, no matter how fleeting.

Elyssa nearly cried out at the guilt
already plaguing her conscience. Whatever had she done in her young life that
credited this curse! A man she was wed to that loathed her, and a complete
stranger that was doing his damndest to seduce her away from every chaste thing
she'd ever known.

"Do you wish to know my name now?"
he asked patiently, rather liking this seductive game she was playing. Normally
a woman started out acting the innocent, only to gradually do away with all
. Unlike this female, who had nearly lain with him
mere moments after she'd run into him, only to become more and more distant and
virgin-like each time he encountered her.

"No," she cried. "I do
not want to know your name or anything else about you. Do you understand? I
don't want to have anything to do with you!"

Daniel's jaw clenched in barely
suppressed tolerance, for he quickly wearied of this game. He wanted
he did, and though her words might cry a different
tune, her eyes alone verily seduced him. While he might normally admire her
will to remain loyal to another man, she wore no ring, and her actions, no
matter how subtle, betrayed her body’s passion for him. With the same intensity
he'd been filled with on the night of the storm, Daniel's demeanor changed, and
although he wished to simply take her and be done with it, he decided to take
the more subtle approach for the moment, to be frank and honest.

Elyssa swallowed escaped her lips and
His voice husky and urgent, Daniel said,
"We can do anything we please. I know you can feel how much I want
you." His voice low and raspy, he added, "Tell me you want me,

Elyssa cried out at his blunt words and
she cursed herself for not adhering to Percy's warnings. It would seem he knew
what he was talking about after all, for Elyssa was no match for this man. He
was much too bold to her liking, and
his black
heart, he was actually trying to make her speak adulterous thoughts aloud!

"I am shocked at your words, sir!
Surely you know I am not a free woman.
Besides the obvious
fact that we don't even know each other.
How can you suggest such a

Daniel's eyes narrowed at her sudden
display of modesty and decorum.
This, the same woman who'd
kissed him passionately the night before last while she wore the most
provocative, wet thing he'd ever seen.
The same female that was not five
minutes past staring at him with such a wistful look in her eyes, for all that
she probably didn't even realize he had read it in her stare.

"Whether you are free of another or
not hardly
matters," he spoke, at which Elyssa
cried out in disbelief. Ignoring her look of insult, Daniel continued,
"You and I are fated to be together, sweetheart, whether it
for one night or a thousand lifetimes. I knew it from the
very moment I saw you." Elyssa's heart quickened at his provocative words
and although she didn't necessarily believe in fate, she did feel a powerful
connection with the stranger for all that her heart scorned
bloody fool.

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