Dare to be Mine (24 page)

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Authors: Kim Allison

BOOK: Dare to be Mine
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Daniel twirled Elyssa about and held her
at arm's length to admire her. The dark tresses were pulled back and up, dainty
curls falling all about her shoulders, gentle ringlets cradling her lovely
face. Her gown was emerald green, made to compliment her eyes, Daniel had said,
and an exquisite strand of diamonds graced her slender neck. He placed her long
black cape about her shoulders, its fur lined warmth staying off the
most cold
of nights, and it threatened to be quite wintry

Elyssa smiled in response to the proud
grin on Daniel's face as he shook his head in obvious pleasure at her beauty.
She was not immune to his appearance either, for in all his finery Daniel was
certain to capture every female's longing gaze. His black hair was neatly
pulled back with a like colored ribbon, his handsome face clean shaven. His
deep blue jacket hugged his chest, the dark pants molded tightly against his
legs. His long lashes hooded his eyes, Daniel's mysterious thoughts a certain
temptation, for his warm gaze hinted at nothing less than seductive desire.

Gently pulling Elyssa into his arms,
Daniel left her breathless as his lips captured hers intimately. His insistent
mouth was warm against her own, and the feel of his fingers splayed against her
hip, only to reach higher till he'd reached the roundness of a breast, left
Elyssa feeling weak-kneed.

"Darling, we don't have to go if
you do not wish to," she softly moaned, turning her head slightly as
Daniel's lips moved slowly, seductively down her neck.

"Elyssa," he mouthed against
her neck, "are you so easily swayed in your purity by a mere

A throaty laugh ensued and s to keep hernot lhe said,
"I fear I am unable to deny anything when you but touch me."

Lifting his head from the gentle swell
of her breast exposed above her daring neckline, Daniel said, "I rather
like this idea of your delicious body being forbidden. It makes every stolen
touch that much more gratifying." Even his playfulness was overwhelming,
Elyssa mused, as her heartbeat quickened from his devouring gaze and
tantalizing words. "I think we should go, darling. Perhaps the long ride
there will provide some interesting....activity."

Her tongue nervously darted out to
moisten suddenly dry lips, Elyssa's mind going to mush at the thought of
spending private time with Daniel in a carriage during the dark of night. It
was obvious he meant to torture her with her own virtuous demand of temporary

Her smile tremulous, Elyssa determined
that she could certainly withstand Daniel's amorous advances for the next two
days. It would definitely be a challenge, for certainly no female had ever been
able to resist a romantic onslaught delivered by the glorious Lord Daniel
Fredrickson. He was indeed a splendid male specimen and the niggling doubt that
Daniel might one day stray, as was his infamous reputation, was an
apprehension––albeit a faint one––but Elyssa managed to keep it shoved to the
farthest recesses of her mind.

Moments later the handsome couple was
ensconced in the cozy warmth of Daniel's carriage. Night was falling and inky
darkness slowly settled about them. Elyssa suddenly felt nervous beneath
Daniel's intense scrutiny, clasping her cape closer about her shoulders. It was
silly, she knew, to feel uneasy about being alone with Daniel. He was her
fiance after all, and though he'd still not spoken the words aloud, she
believed he loved her.

Perhaps it was their earlier
conversation in which Daniel hinted he might have to begin spending more time
in London for business once they were wed that gave cause for concern. Or maybe
it was the barest hint of distrust in his eyes during an occasional gaze of
confusion, although surely she had just imagined that.

Whatever the case, Elyssa felt the
slightest twinge of unease. As if perhaps they were rushing into a marriage
best gone into slower. Of course, this was nothing like before when she'd been
forced to wed Percy. Daniel was a completely different man. No matter the
condemning things she'd heard of Percy’s profligate son in the past.

Daniel reached his fingers across and
gently grabbed one of Elyssa's gloved hands. His warm smile came easy and
Elyssa scolded herself for daring imagine anything negative about Daniel even
for the briefest moment. Her breath caught in her throat as Daniel wordlessly
began to remo escaped her lips ah smileve the black silky glove from her hand. Elyssa stared at the sight
of his large, tanned hand peeling it from her slender arm. Such a simple act
made decadent, Elyssa mused, her eyes lifting to Daniel's face as he continued
in tantalizing slowness until the glove was completely removed and discarded.

His warm hands pulled her slender fingers
up to his mouth and Elyssa's eyes widened a bit in sensual awe as Daniel
leisurely took one finger at a time into his mouth, sucking seductively on each
Unleashing the merciless yearnings in her body.
Elyssa finally reminded herself to breathe, a shuddering breath exhaling as her
tempting lips parted slightly. Daniel slowly gazed upward until his eyes met
hers. The shadow of darkness lent a daring, a dauntless need to partake of
Elyssa while he had the chance. For all that she'd pledged her life to a future
with him, Daniel still found the need to be one with her a profound thing.

Perhaps it was the insecurity he had
battled with over the years that made Daniel feel the need to possess Elyssa,
to test the hold he seemed to have over her. He was consumed with the demand to
have Elyssa prove her need for him.
Her loyalty to his every
request, no matter what it might be.
"Darling," his raspy
voice began as he loosed her fingers and grazed his hands upon her lap,
"would you do something for me?"

the breathless reply. Daniel smiled smugly in satisfaction, pleased to note her
naive eagerness.

"Take your clothes off." At
Elyssa's shocked expression, what little of it he could discern in the dim
carriage, Daniel felt a welcome sense of recklessness. He had spent so many
nights in the company of experienced women.
Females just as
eager for a quick fuck as he was.
It was a refreshing change to actually
shock a beautiful young lady into stunned silence.

His fingers took the liberty of untying
her cape as he scooted to the edge of the seat, his hands spreading it back
from Elyssa's shoulders. A shivering chill made her tremble, and she knew it
was not from the cool rush of air, but from Daniel's unexpected words and
forward actions.

His hands began pulling the hem of her
gown seductively upward, revealing feminine ankles and calves beneath her dark,
lacy stockings. His fingers trailed a scorching path up the inside of Elyssa's
thigh as he boldly continued, "I want every stitch of clothing off your
luscious body––except the diamonds of course. Leave them on."

A thrill of pagan lust shot through
Elyssa at his brazen words, the thought of her naked in escaped her lips ah smile Daniel's arms
emblazoning a heated picture in her mind. How could he seem relatively
guileless in the light of day and so wickedly tempting in the darkness? The
wintry coolness hitting her partially bared skin was no cause of concern, for
the heat emanating from Daniel's words and touches warmed Elyssa considerably.

Daniel was delighted to see the tempting
rise and fall of her chest as a result of his seductive words. Although she
managed only a minor attempt to stay his hands, he knew Elyssa was hopelessly
lost. A few more carefully spoken words and she would easily desert her
declaration of intimate restraint without further reserve.

In a blinding flash, Daniel managed to
finish pulling her gown up to her thighs. He easily turned Elyssa halfway
about, seating himself against her back, his hands slowly trailing a path up
her sides. He felt her shuddering indrawn breath at his subtle movements.
Daniel's perfect white teeth gently nipped at her neck before his lips
worshiped the same spot. He knew it was wicked to act so serious with his
request that she disrobe, but Elyssa's naivete was charming and Daniel was
helpless to continue teasing her just so.

Elyssa stilled at the raspy voice
whispering into her ear the things he wanted to do to her during their ride.
Elyssa felt like the veriest innocent trapped in a carriage with the big, bad
wolf. Only this wolf was soon to become her husband.

Her breathing labored, Elyssa's head
fell back against his shoulder as Daniel's hands continued upward, teasing,
seducing. Finally his fingers strayed from her breasts, ever so slowly downward
until they were dangerously close to causing the loss of Elyssa's barely
contained composure. The barrier of her gown was the only thing keeping Elyssa
from losing complete rational thought and letting Daniel have his way with her.

She managed a breathless, "Daniel,
we mustn't." A soft moan escaped her lips as he unhooked a few tiny clasps
on the back of her gown, his lips kissing the softness beneath. "My hair,
my dress," she softly protested. With little effort, Daniel pulled Elyssa
around to face him, lifting her onto his lap.

Elyssa felt completely beneath his
spell, but willingly so. Her passion glazed eyes looked down at Daniel and
stared back.
A hungry, demanding gaze.
His mouth rained long, leisure kisses on the exposed tops of her breasts, and
she was helpless to thrust them forward, her hands cradling his head against
her. Elyssa could feel his hardness against her, and she was disturbed to find
that she could even consider going any further with Daniel when they would
undoubtedly arrive at the ball any moment.

His to keep hernot l touches left Elyssa breathless, and
his seductive words brought forth an increased fascination with Daniel. She
looked forward to the nights ahead when he would no doubt introduce her to
unknown heights. She was on the very edge of giving into his carnal demands when
the carriage slowed and Daniel glanced out the window, announcing they had
arrived at the Edmontons'.

A scorching kiss ensued before Elyssa
composed herself. She was clearly rattled over the turn of events and Daniel
was helpless to smile in satisfaction that Elyssa had been so ready and
willing. His wanton little wife would no doubt continue to be a most adept
student in the art of
for all that she
already gave him great pleasure.

His smile disappeared as Daniel once
again warred within himself over Elyssa. He knew what he wanted, he had
returned from Paris to get it. Had won Elyssa in the process, yet struggled on
a daily basis against
to remain the seducer
and not the seducee.

Could Elyssa truly be so guileless as to
not realize what her emerald eyes did to him? Did she truly not know how her
lips tempted him to kiss them, that her luscious body taunted him a fool to
think he could ever completely possess her? Discard her at Greystone while he
spent most of his time in London for business, and eventually cavorting? Who
was the real fool, Daniel mused inwardly, as the carriage door opened a moment

Quickly stepping out,
as if to flee his disturbing thoughts, Daniel lifted a hand to help Elyssa
Her trembling fingers clasped his warm hand, and
she smoothed a hand down the front of her gown in effort to make certain she
was in proper order for the ball. Daniel reached back into the carriage and
retrieved Elyssa's glove, handing it to her. Blushing, Elyssa hurriedly put it back
on. Daniel brought her hand up to his lips, his dark eyes purposely calling to
remembrance the heated moments just spent in the carriage, willing Elyssa not
to forget that she belonged to him.

Breathlessly, Elyssa pulled her hand
away, her eyes meeting his in bewilderment. Somehow it seemed she'd lost
another part of herself to Daniel in those promiscuous moments. And though it
was exciting to be the recipient of his intimacies, it was likewise almost
frightening. She sensed he was slowly taking more and more of her, body and
soul, and although a sense of alarm lingered, Elyssa was helpless to willingly
give herself to Daniel, no matter how great his demand might be. His tender
smile took away all worry, however, and they proceeded inside. The mansion was
filled to capacity, endless tables of refreshment and servants to see to
anyone's least whim. It promised to be the usual success it always was.

They were announced as Lord Daniel
so callous and deceitfulmi lFredrickson and Lady Elyssa Fredrickson, and were met with countless stares and
murmurings, although Daniel completely ignored it. Blake's parents, Lord and
Lady Edmonton, greeted Daniel and Elyssa, Blake coming over just after to greet
them. Elyssa smiled at the brotherly camaraderie she immediately sensed as
Daniel shook hands with the handsome lord before introducing him to Elyssa. He
was almost as tall as Daniel, and nearly every bit as handsome. It was almost a
sin to behold so much male beauty in one place.
at the very least.

Blake spoke something softly to Daniel,
which generated a hearty laugh. Elyssa timidly glanced about while the men
carried on, more than a little disappointed to feel the hushed whispers hidden
behind women's hands. Raised eyebrows and chattering lips were not a positive
thing, Elyssa mused inwardly, wishing that Daniel would finish his conversation
with Blake so they could go somewhere more private.
If there
was such a thing in the crowded mansion.
She couldn't help recalling the
last huge ball she had attended. The night Percy had laid claim to her. She
shuddered in recollection.

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