Dare to be Mine (23 page)

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Authors: Kim Allison

BOOK: Dare to be Mine
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"Yes, about twelve years of
age," Daniel exaggerated. "But seriously, Blake, I wanted to tell you
first." shouldershi him and

"This sounds serious," Blake
commented as he tossed the linen napkin onto the table, giving Daniel his full
attention. "Go ahead."

Nervously tugging at his shirt, Daniel
hesitantly confided, "I am getting married." At Blake's shocked
expression, Daniel continued, "As soon as humanly possible."

"My God, say it isn't true,"
Blake groaned. "Is she pregnant?"

"No," Daniel scoffed.
"There is one detail, however, that might give the bloody gossips the urge
to start nasty rumors, and that is where I need your support."

"You know I'll do anything I can,
but I fail to see what I could possibly have to do with your
upcoming....marriage." Blake comically forced out, acting as if he were
about to lose his breakfast at the mere thought of the word.

"I am marrying Elyssa, my father's
widow." A genuine choking did start at that revelation and Daniel watched
in tolerant boredom as his friend struggled to regain his breath.

"You know everyone in London. I do,
too, but since I've been out of the country for so long, I believe your influence
would be of great help in preventing the gossips from ripping Elyssa's
reputation apart."

"As if I or anyone
could prevent that.
I assure you no one will speak ill
of your wife in my presence. But behind closed doors, I imagine the talk will
be harsh. But who gives a damn anyway?” Daniel smiled morosely, wondering when
indeed he had come to care what anyone thought. But it was Elyssa. She was a
good, decent person, and he didn’t want his jaded reputation tarnishing hers in
any way.

“You always did enjoy the most difficult
challenges, Daniel, but do you really think this a wise decision? Having just
returned to England after all these years, you may wish to get off to a slower
start, work your way back into the thick of things a bit slower. Perhaps have a
fling with someone else’s wife or lose your fortune at cards,” Blake teased.

"You know me better than that,
Blake." Softly, Daniel added, "I had neverhi dow think I love her."

"She must be a fantastic lay for
you to even consider deserting bachelorhood."

“I would advise you not to speak of my
fiancee that way.
And one more thing.
I would
appreciate you breaking the news to Catherine.”

Blake laughed, commenting on Daniel's
ego did he think every unmarried woman needed to be let down easily on the news
of his engagement. "Why would my sister give a second thought about who
you marry?"

Clearing his throat, Daniel began
divulging how he'd run into Catherine in Paris several months before and that
they had grown rather close. Doing his best to ignore the clenching of Blake's
jaw and the narrowing of his eyes, Daniel kept talking. "As a matter of
fact, Catherine allowed herself to believe we might one day marry."

"Did you sleep with my little
sister?" Blake said, already halfway out of his seat.

"Blake, she's not such a little
thing anymore. And as you well know, she has a mind of her own."

Sitting back down, Blake replied in
disgust, "Don't I know it. That's why Mother took her to Paris for a
spell, to keep her out of trouble here in London." Glaring across the table
at Daniel, Blake said, "I suppose I should be calling you out for this.
And I would, too, if it weren't for you being such a bloody expert shot. And
the fact that you’re more of a brother to me than Catherine is a sister.
Damned little tart."

A rueful smile curved Daniel's lips
upward and he confessed, "I had hoped you would understand, Blake. In all
honesty, I figured Catherine might have already said something to you in effort
to try trapping me into marriage."

"Your conceit is infinite."

"You know what I mean. And I tried
resisting Catherine out of respect to you, I really did. But she's such a
persistent slip of a girl, with more than one trick up her sleeve. And the way
she shakes that tight little ass of hers," Daniel added. “A man can only
withstand that for so long.”alone. Her steps slowed as she thi

"Alright," Blake interrupted
as he stood, "that's all I want to hear. My God, I knew Catherine always
had feelings for you when we were younger, but I had no idea it had carried
through until now."

After the initial shock wore off from
that startling bit of news, Daniel caught Blake up on things in reference to
business and Elyssa, although he never confided the truth about Percy's will.
About an hour later, Daniel announced he'd better get back to Greystone. The
two friends clasped each other in a hearty hug.

"Well, I have to say," Blake
complimented, "I do admire the brave stance you're about to take on
against all of society's snobs, Daniel. And of course, I shall do anything I
can to ensure the safety of Elyssa's reputation. Rest assured she will have my
personal endorsement."

Exhaling a sound of mocking amusement,
Daniel replied, "I am certain she'll be thankful for that." He opened
the carriage door, turning to shake Blake's hand. "Seriously, I do
appreciate everything. And thank you for understanding about Catherine. I shall
be in touch about the wedding."

As the carriage started to leave, Daniel
belatedly thought, yelling out the window, "You will be my best man, won't

"Of course.
I'm already the best man!"
the quick reply.
Blake shook his head in amazement as he watched Daniel's carriage fade out of
sight. He wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't heard it with his own ears.
Fredrickson getting shackled, and willingly at that!

Not long afterward, Catherine came
downstairs, having just woken up after a late night out. Not one to mince
words, Blake simply told his sister that Daniel was marrying Elyssa and that
Catherine had better quick shaking her tight little ass.

It took eternal seconds for his words to
register, but when they did, Catherine angrily swept the dishes off the table,
shouting that no other woman was going to steal Daniel away from her. Ignoring
Blake's outraged bellowing at her less than acceptable behavior, Catherine stomped
back upstairs and threw herself across her bed, crying angry tears. She
wouldn't let it happen. She wouldn't! That little tramp, Elyssa, would regret
ever crossing her.

escaped her lips a" aid="we
And Daniel.
He wouldn't be getting his way either. She would see to that.















He knew it had to be done. She had to be
told. Hell, the solicitors would soon be in contact with Elyssa regarding the
details regardless. And still, Daniel could not force himself to tell Elyssa
the truth. That she was now the sole owner of Greystone and all of Percy's
escaped her lips aIobviousd

With little hesitation, Elyssa had given
into Daniel's wishes that they be married as soon as possible. Even though
everything seemed to be happening quickly, Elyssa was thrilled about marrying
Daniel. She was hopelessly in love. She longed to be Daniel's wife, to wake up
every morning staring into his mesmerizing
go to bed each night wrapped in his strong arms.

Elyssa's preference to forgo a wedding of
any size was overridden by Daniel's insistence that they may as well let all of
London share in their happiness. If there was to be any gossip, and there was
certain to be plenty, Daniel wanted to face the opposition head on and get it
over with. Elyssa sweetly insisted she would be satisfied with just a small,
intimate ceremony at Greystone, but she ended up giving in after a few of
Daniel's beguiling kisses.

Daniel convinced himself that the haste
of the wedding was only because there was no need to delay it. The gossips
would talk no matter how long they waited to wed. The truth that Daniel
actually wanted to marry the woman who'd been willed his entire inheritance and
therefore regain it in the process remained a nagging annoyance in the back of
his mind. Any feelings of self-guilt would swiftly be quelled once Daniel
legally acquired all that he had lost.

And in the bargain, he was gaining a
beautiful charming wife. Of course, Elyssa was the kind of woman that would
naively expect fidelity. A word Daniel had never been able to fully associate
himself with. He had never wanted or needed to, for that matter. But he
intended to remain faithful to her.

In truth, Elyssa was the type of woman
that would always keep him entertained, both in and out of bed. And if he did
ever succumb to the temptation to stray, Daniel would be discreet in the
utmost, for he would never wish to hurt Elyssa in that way. She deserved to be
cherished, and Daniel planned to do his best as a husband.

His newly hired secretary was quite
efficient and a huge help with the plans of the upcoming wedding. Daniel,
anxious that nothing be overlooked, took many of the responsibilities off
Elyssa's shoulders, having his assistant take care of the details as ordered.

A multitude of invitations was sent out.
Every blue blood in England received the shocking invitation and Daniel grinned
each time he thought of all the hypocrites in England's upper crust reading the
news that the famed young Lord Fredrickson was taking his father's widow to wife
in a matter of days. Leastways, that was how they would see it. None of them
had the slightest idea of the true circumstances. That Elyssa had been forced
into an unhappy
marriage, that
she'd fought her
wedding vowsg">CHAPTER feelings for Daniel from the onset until he had shattered her resolve, and that
they'd eventually fallen in love. No, they would make it into something sordid
and jaded.

Still, Daniel had learned the hard way
over the years not only to accept the rumors started about him, but to embrace
them. After all, a rakish reputation tended to allow him certain advantages
that the typical man might not be privy to.

Daniel hoped to show everyone at the
wedding that he and Elyssa truly belonged together, and that they didn't give a
rip about what society thought. And Daniel might have been out of the country
for the last several years, but he still had friends in high places. He could
be quite a force to reckon with if crossed. No one would dare snub his wife
openly if he had anything to say about it. And he would.

Delilah personally came to Greystone at
Daniel's request, his generous offer in wages a most enticing thing. The
enthusiastic seamstress measured Elyssa for her wedding gown, sure to be
glorious by her own words, though Elyssa insisted she had no need of a grand
expensive gown.

Delilah asked a myriad of questions in
regards to Elyssa's preference for the style and shade of the gown, assuring
Daniel and Elyssa the gown would be the most beautiful London had ever seen. Elyssa
watched as Daniel escorted Delilah to the front doors after she'd finished her
work. She smiled at the sight of the seamstress' vivacity. Delilah's lips were
moving in a steady rhythm as her hands stirred in accentuated description of
whatever it was she was telling Daniel about. Elyssa admired the handsome sight
of her betrothed, her heart warming at his dark allure.

Her heart skipped a beat as Daniel
slowly looked up at her while Delilah continued her chattering. His gray eyes
narrowed slightly as his lips curved upward in a tender smile meant only for
her eyes. His warm gaze slid over her like melted honey and Elyssa felt a
familiar stirring deep inside.

She almost regretted the stance she'd
taken with Daniel, that they not
intimate again
until after the wedding. His initial affront at her request was short-lived,
however, for Daniel playfully reminded Elyssa he would have her all to himself
before she knew it, and then he would make her pay for her insolence.

They were to attend a ball that night
and Daniel would be spending the night and next day at Blake's home, for it
would be bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, which was to take place
the following day. Elyssa would be driven back to Greystone after the ball, her
wedding gown being delivered the next day. All the details had been seen to,
and Daniel assured Elyssa he would see her the following day at the church
midways to keep hernot l between Greystone and London. The wedding would begin precisely at

Elyssa could hardly believe she was
about to become Daniel's wife. She would be the happiest woman in the entire
world. And she looked forward to being the one to undo the bitterness Daniel
had been dealing with for countless years. She longed to soften the hard edges
he'd created as a result of feeling unloved by his father all that time.

And thus it was three nights later that
Elyssa was wrapped in Daniel's arms before they left Greystone for the ride to
Blake's home in London for his family's annual ball. Such gatherings had never
held a huge attraction for Daniel. He much preferred a less crowded
for all that he was rumored to frequent every
party ever given to mankind.

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