Dare To Love Series: A Kissing Dare (Kindle Worlds Novella) (5 page)

BOOK: Dare To Love Series: A Kissing Dare (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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“Fuck, yeah, sweetheart.”

She kept doing it, adding different rotations of her lower body or rocking into him as her ass bounced and smacked against his upper thighs. It went on until he couldn’t take any more without exploding. Reaching between them he pressed his thumb to her clit and circled. He needed her to come with him, rain down around his cock.

Letting out a broken scream, she buried her face along his neck as she quivered in his arms. His release followed hers as he held her tight, her breasts cushioned into his chest, as his dick jerked and twitched in the haven of her warm wet walls.


“Oh…oh, oh. Harder, Donovan!” Ten minutes ago when she’d got into the shower to bathe before heading home, she didn’t think she could take one more round of loving. However, when he’d walked into the bathroom as she was toweling off and had given her that passionate look that almost played all the other times they had come together through the night she’d quickly stepped into his arms.

As always it started with a kiss. Before she knew it, she found herself in the position she held now, bent over the sink with his hard, thick cock thrusting into her. She was sore, but desired the big man with a savagery that had been foreign to her before this night. He had entered her gently, attempted to keep his pace slow as they used the sixth and final condom.

Even with her begging and pleading for him to take her harder. He still held back.

“Look at us, beautiful,” he commanded from behind her.

So gone in lust, his words confused her for a moment. When they finally registered, she glanced up and beheld their image in the mirror. Her eyes were bright in her red face, flooded with color from both passion and exertion. Her hair had curled from the steam in the shower and was a wild mess around her head. The imposing figure behind her, cupped one of her breasts in his large hand while his other hand gripped her hip.

Those liquid silver eyes of his met and held hers.

“Say it.”

She knew what he wanted, what he’d finally gotten her to say during their third time together. He had kept her on the edge, not allowed her to climax until she’d uttered the naughty words he enjoyed hearing.

Clutching the edge of the counter tighter, she allowed the words to flow from her mouth like butter melting on hot pancakes. “Fuck me, Donovan.”

He paused for a moment and allowed those three words to hang between them. When he pulled back until just the tip of his cock was inside her, he kicked her legs wider.

Maintaining her stance, she held on to the granite counter edge ready and prepared.

His hips pistoned forward and he slammed into her, deep, hard and unrelenting, raising her up on her toes.

She cried out, but didn’t asked him to stop. This was it for them. The night was over. When she walked out of his house they would resume their own lives. For now, she would hold onto this moment until the end.

“You are beautiful, Jo’el.” He drove his cock into her. “You got that?”

A part of her wanted to deny his words. Before Donovan, no one had ever looked upon her as if she were the prettiest woman they’d ever seen. Especially growing up around Marcy whose smile and energy captivated a room. However, hearing this all-consuming man say it over and over through the night made her want to believe it. Be it.

“Tell me you understand.”

Moaning, she arched her back, offering herself, taking more never glancing away from his steady gaze. “I…understand. Now fuck me and make me come.”

In a little over twelve hours he had turned her into an insatiable woman that she no longer recognized. No other man had opened up this wild, naughty part of her. They’d taken the little she gave and nothing more.

“Yes.” Reaching down with both of his hands he stroked her sex as he pumped fiercely into her.

His fingers were all over her pussy to the point she couldn’t keep track. They were on her clit, sliding between her folds, stroking her labia. Dizzy and erotically confused she climaxed. Shaking her knees went weak. She would have collapsed in a puddle on the floor but for his firm hold.

With his last thrust, she could feel the heat of his release fill her even as the thin fibers of the condom maintained a shield between them.

She’d never given much thought to children, however, at that moment her core ached with the thought of truly feeling Donovan Clay’s seed fill her. To know the heaviness of carrying his child. That’s when she knew it was time to go. She’d stepped too far out of the box of reality.

His lids were closed now as he enjoyed the remaining shudders of his orgasm. She glanced away, getting herself together and finding the shattered pieces of the wall that had been up around her heart.

Finally, he stepped back, tender in his movements as he pulled out of her. He turned her to face him and kissed her.

She gave all that she had left into the kiss. When they separated she almost sighed wistfully as he caressed her cheek.

“I’ll leave you to your repeat shower. You want breakfast?”

“No, but coffee would be great.”

“How do you take it?” His thumb stroked the underside of her bottom lip.

“Just with cream.”

“You go it.” He disposed of the condom and cleaned himself up before exiting the bathroom.

Moving to the shower, she turned it on again, hotter than before. The fact that Donovan didn’t even know how she liked her coffee was proof that this was just what it was—a momentary escape. Last night there had not been a lot of talking between them. If they weren’t nodding off between sexual sessions, then they were eating sandwiches. It was as if they had mutually agreed to keep things from getting complicated, personal. In a few weeks she may not have a job if she couldn’t clinch the deal with the Thunder and she couldn’t even think about starting a new relationship.

She washed up quickly, using the unscented liquid soap, gently on her delicate area. For days to come, she feel how he’d stretched her, shaped her sex so that it could glove his thick, heavy shaft.

Her sex wasn’t the only sore part of her body, her breasts, nipples and other parts of her body like her hips and ass would bear the evidence of his attention. Donovan was a force in the sheets. He liked to spank, pinch and squeeze in a way that caused just the right amount of pain without going overboard. Before, she would have frowned or denied she enjoyed such rough play in bed, but Donovan had a way of taking her way beyond her own tepid boundaries.

She located an unopened toothbrush under the sink and used it. When she entered the bedroom she felt her heart swell at his considerateness when she saw her clothes laid out on the bed. The last time she saw them they had been scattered on the floor downstairs.

Five minutes later she was dressed and following her nose to the kitchen where the scent of coffee led her. Donovan was leaning against the countered sipping from a mug and dressed in sweatpants, shirtless.

Seeing all those muscles would never get old. It reminded her of the strength and ease in which he could move her from one place to another. “Thanks for getting my clothes.”

“It was no problem. Your phone and keys are by the door. It’s dead though.” He pushed a cup of coffee toward her.

She saw the milky brown color as she picked it up. “That’s okay, I have a charger in my car.” The first sip tasted great. It was just what she needed to fortify herself and put her back on familiar ground. “Do you need me to take you back to get your car?”

“No. I’ll catch a cab later on.”

“That’s going to be expensive.”

A lopsided smile tilted his mouth as he held his mug before him. “I can afford it.”

“Okay.” There wasn’t much more that she needed to say. Taking one more gulp of the warm brew, she set the cup down. “Well, I should be going.”

Donovan set his coffee beside hers then walked with her to the door, he slipped his hand into hers.

His touched felt comfortable, right.

“I enjoyed our time together.” He halted them at the front door.

She picked up her cell and slipped it into her pocket, her keys she kept in hand. “So did I. I needed it.” She shrugged. “The getaway, escape.”

“Me too.” Still holding her hand, he stepped to her and brushed his lips over hers.

When he stepped away and opened the door, she was glad the kiss had been light and brief. If he’d given her another soul rocking one she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to leave him.

At her car, he opened the door for her again. He squeezed her hand and finally let it go. “Drive safe, beautiful Jo’el.”

Balling her hands into fist so she wouldn’t reach for him, she got in behind the wheel. He closed the door as she started it. Not rolling down the window, afraid of what she may say or do if she gave herself access to him, Jo’el simply waved and backed out.

Back to life, back to reality.

Chapter Five


“Marcy, I need your help.”

“Where the hell have you been, Jo’el? I’ve been worried. I even went by your place but you weren’t there. I was going to call the police today because it had been twenty-four hours.”

Always the mother hen. However, she had to give her sister some slack because Jo’el had never not been exactly where she was supposed to be at all times. Predictable as the morning. “Sorry to worry you. The meeting didn’t go so well yesterday and I just needed to escape. Clear my head.”

“That’s understandable. All of us need that sometimes. Just wished you’d at least have called or texted if you were going to go ghost.

If her sister knew exactly how she’d done that, this conversation would be taking a completely different direction.

“Next time I’ll remember that.” Except there would never be a next time like this. Her body ached and yearned for Donovan. Ignoring it she focused on what she needed to do.

“You said you needed my help. What’s up?”

“I want to get some new clothes. Some make up tips maybe.” She stared at her reflection in her dresser mirror. She’d spent the last hour in a bath, soaking her body. Reaching up, she fingered the freshly washed waves of her hair. “Maybe a haircut.”

“Wait…am I hearing you right? Is the numbers geek asking for a makeover?” Marcy’s tone showed she was shocked by the request.

She groaned. “Not when you say it like that.” Already dressed in another one of her classic bra and panties with lace trim she stomped over to her closet. Inside it was one basic color after another. All her blouses were button down like a man’s shirt, in varying shades of green, blue, gray and a white one. Her pants were not any better as they lined up like military shoulders on the other side of the small walk-in closet in dark blue, gray, tan and black.  Her shoes that she wore to work were duplicates, just in black, brown and smoke gray. The color reminded her of Donovan eyes.

Sighing, she reached in blindly and pulled out a shirt and pants, not caring which one. “Yeah, I need a makeover.”

Her sister started cheering on the other end.

Jo’el pulled the phone away from her ear to save her eardrum.

“So who’s the man? Some new guy at the office? A man you met in the company café?”

“What?” Jo’el pressed the phone back to her face and froze. “Why’d you ask that?”

“Simple. Women always want to spruce up their look when there is a new man in their lives.” Marcy told her.

Collapsing on the bed still holding her clothes, she said, “There isn’t a new man.” Even though her heart wished there was…one man in particular. However, she didn’t even have a number to call him. Swinging by his house was stalker behavior she didn’t do. “Ian Dare mentioned that if I wanted to really go for the position I needed to look at sharpening my look…you know to get the players attention.”

“Well, he’s right. Besides he used to be a player and he’d know. Hell, the times I’ve been around all the guys I’ve seen the girls on their arms or the ones they make comments about when they pass.”

“What ever happened to brains over beauty?” Jo’el stood and stepped into her pants.

“I think that was brains over brawn,” Marcy corrected. “I don’t think that saying was ever meant about women. Sorry smarty pants.”

Her looks hadn’t seemed to matter to Donovan. Hell he’d made her say she agreed with him that she was beautiful.
But you’re not trying to manage him.

She wasn’t sure what he did at the Thunder Dome. He’d been on the corporate level of the arena so she figured he was a general manager or maybe one of the coaches. By his place he definitely got paid well. She didn’t think he was a player, because he seemed too low key from how they always appeared in the news—flashy and loud. Attention grabbers.

“That’s crazy. Anyway, I need to get into work. I’ll call you this afternoon and see when you’re free Saturday. My next meeting is Monday morning.”

“Great. I have some calls to make to set some things up.”

“Marcy…don’t go overboard.” She warned her older sister.

“Too late I’m already in the water and backstroking.”

Laughing at her sister, Jo’el expressed her love and hung up.

Dressed, she was in the bathroom again running a brush through her hair before looking for a clip. Her black one was her go to hair accessory, but she’d forgotten it at Donovan’s so she grab a bronze one out the drawer then put it in place. Lip gloss and a quick swipe of mascara finished it for her. Giving herself a once over, she realized that Ian had been right, her look left a lot to be desired. It worked for the corporate finance setting, but she was stepping into a completely different arena now.

No it didn’t fit with the corporate types, she was telling herself an hour later when she rode one of the elevators to the ninth floor. She couldn’t help but pay attention to one woman after another that got on or off. None of them were dressed like her. They paraded around in skirts, heels and pastel colored blouses that showed a hint of cleavage through the tailored fit or the vee collar. Every man, nerdy, young or old looked, not long enough to be inappropriate, but a notable glance or two accompanied by a smile. Sometimes they even started a general brief conversation. “Thank God it’s Friday” or “Nice weather we are having”.

They didn’t notice her standing in the back corner.
How long have I been ignoring what was going on around me or been ignored?

Too happy when her floor came up, she excused herself from the bodies and went to her office and shut the door.


“Look, Tank, you know it’s not personal. This is a business. We’re in the business of winning.”

Eyeing the GM, Tank shook his head. “Two seasons ago when Rep’s right knee got injured and he was able to return he was dropped right back on the roster in his slot.”

“That’s because Bartlett the second string wide receiver sucked ass. Everyone knew it. Hell, I’d have put my grandmother in a jersey to get Bartlett out.” The GM tossed his hands up and leaned back in his office chair.

“You could have traded me if you thought someone else was a better fit.” Tank shook his head, as he sat with his elbows rested on his knees.

“Your contracts not up.” The GM went quite for a moment then began, “I’d hate to lose you. However, if that’s something you want you’ve been more than loyal to this team so I would see it happen.”

Donovan stared down between his feet for a moment at the plush gold carpet, one of the Thunder colors. He thought about the man’s question. Did he see himself suiting up for another team? His agent would love it, if it meant a chance to negotiate him for higher pay.

Straightening up, he shook head. “I don’t want to be traded.” He rose. “I don’t want to fight for my spot into the preseason either, but I’m staying.”

The General Manager of the Thunders rose then rounded the desk. “We’re being fair, Tank. However, if you had asked me to trade you I’d have kicked your ass.” He patted him on the back. “I know you have what it takes to show that rookie whose boss.”

Donovan offered a thanks before heading out of the door. Before the GM’s office was a big frame with his picture in it from when he won his first MVP trophy.  That trophy and all his other awards were in a room at his sister’s house in Iowa just like everything since his Pop Warner league certificate. He moved passed it. Being in the corporate level of the Dome always made him itchy. It was either good or bad if a player was there. Headed down the hall he passed the conference room, more offices then a smiling Gail who sat before the president’s office.

Soon he was rounding a corner and spotting the exit sign over the back door. He recalled what had transpired yesterday. How he’d seen Jo’el and followed her into the stairwell and what had inevitably followed. The night with her had changed something inside him. He’d always been a loner. Enjoying his own solitude instead of the rowdy life like some of his teammates. However, being with Jo’el was supposed to have been a moment to scratch a mutual itch. Get her out of his system, but it had ended up being more than that.

He knew the moment he had her in his bed curled along his side. They’d dozed off after their third session. She’d still been asleep and he’d seen her glasses resting on his nightstand. For a moment he’d desired to see them every night in that place. The thought had rocked him to his core. Scaring him so bad, he’d slipped out of bed, careful not to awaken her as he went downstairs to make them sandwiches.

He’d needed space. However, even while he’d moved around his kitchen he could smell her soft musk on him, it made him yearn to crawl back in the bed beside her. It had been exactly what he’d done. Once he carried the tray of water, hoagies and apples to the room, he’d woken her with loving. Slipping between her thighs he’d entered her slowly. She’d awakened with a low sigh calling out his name. He’d rocked gently in and out of her pussy as he whispered things in her ear, some naughty, others endearments he couldn’t hold back.

The elevator dinged and broke into his thoughts. Moving inside, he reminded himself, that was yesterday and today he had to face the obstacles in his world.


“Hi, I’m here to meet with Mr. Dare.”

Gail looked up from her computer, and Jo’el didn’t miss the shocked twice over the woman gave her.

“Well, good morning, Ms. Gifford. You look amazing. I’ll let the boss know you’re here.” The woman gave her a wide smile as Gail reached for the receiver.

Jo’el thanked her and moved over to the waiting area where she’d sat the last time she was here a few days ago. She held herself with a different confidence. Over the weekend she hadn’t only finalized her angle of presentation, put together a short PowerPoint, she’d also gone out shopping.

Well, technically, her sister Marcy had assigned the help of Avery Dare, a successful fashion blogger, as well as Ella, Avery’s best friend, who was an assistant to a designer. Between the two mid-twenty year olds and Marcy they had transformed her into a totally new person from her smooth layered waves to the toes of her three inch pumps. A little on the low side the fashion experts had told Jo’el, however, she’d let them know higher ones would land her on her ass after three steps. As a thick girl falling in front of people was her worst nightmare.

Marcy knew Avery because the girl volunteered at Miami’s Children’s Hospital where Marcy worked. Avery was also a younger sister of Ian’s. Jo’el had not told the girl, nor did her sister, tell her that she was going to be meeting with Ian, Madison and Avery’s half-brother, Alex today. It wasn’t a secret, but telling the girl would have led to questions, those questions would have led Jo’el into answers about the source of her embarrassment of her dowdy look. Besides her sister, Jo’el was going to take it to the grave.

“Jo’el, it is great to see you again.”

She glanced up to see Ian approaching her with an assuring smile. Rising, she offered him a confident smile of her own. “Mr. Dare.” She stepped forward and shook his hand.

“Ian please. You look ready to enthrall an audience.”

“Well, good, because I’m more than ready.” She’d never felt so assured of doing anything, besides jumping into the sack with Donovan, in her life. “The first time I was here it was because my boss wanted me to take the lead on it. Now I want this.” That was the truth. All of her changes and hard work had brought about a determination in her blood.

“Perfect. This way to the conference room, you have a few moments to get set up before Madison and Alex come in.”

“Thank you.” She kept pace with him as they moved down hall. In her peripheral she saw more player photos but didn’t pay them much attention as she made small talk with Ian about the weather, it was currently a flash downpour, not strange for the area or season. Some tropical depression was always rolling in from the Caribbean.

When they arrived at the conference room Ian left her with the I.T. staff member that was there to assist her with getting her presentation loaded and offered her the basics of working the small remote.

Ten minutes later the door opened with the glowing face of Madison and her husband the now retired Tampa Bay Breakers’ quarterback. She’d been shocked to discover he had played for the Thunders rival, but now worked as the co-program director of the Thunders. She was sure nepotism was in effect since his brother was president of the team. Ian had been direct and tough on her, so she couldn’t see him as someone that would put someone in a position because of family relations if they weren’t qualified.

“Hi, Jo’el, it’s good to see you again.” Madison walked up to her and gave her a hug.

Taken aback, she hesitated before embracing the elegant blonde.

Madison chuckled, picking up on the hesitancy. “We’re professional here, but we don’t stand on formalities.”

She nodded as they broke apart. “Congratulations on your marriage, Madison. You’re practically radiant with joy.”

“Thank you. It’s due to this guy.” Madison rested her hand on her husband’s side as he stepped forward with his hand extended.

“Nice to meet you, Jo’el. We heard a lot of good things about you from Ian this morning.” The man was imposing in his physique and stature. Jo’el didn’t have to stretch her imagination to see the brown haired and dark eyed man as leader of a team.

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