Dare To Love Series: A Kissing Dare (Kindle Worlds Novella) (6 page)

BOOK: Dare To Love Series: A Kissing Dare (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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“You’re the face of the program.” Jo’el stated as she recognized him from the flyer Mr. Stosch had given her, the only item to start her preparation.

“Good to know marketing is on their job and our advertisement is getting around.” Alex offered her a charming smile.

Jo’el noted how striking a pair Madison and Alex made. “It is. Whenever you all are ready to get started, I am.”

“Eager, I like that.” Madison nodded. “Once our liaison from Fine PR Firm gets here you can begin.”

Just as the other woman said it, the door opened and two people entered.

“Perfect timing.” Alex stepped to the older of the two men and shook his hand first then went to the next guy.

The two additions to the meeting greeted Madison with handshakes as well.

“Derek Fine this is Jo’el Gifford.” Alex led the man to her and made the introductions. “As we spoke on the phone, she is looking to head the financial training and management for the players who enlist in the program.”

Derek introduced the young associate with him.

“Nice to meet you both.” Jo’el said.

Once everyone had their seats, Madison inclined a hand to her. “We’re ready to get started when you are, Jo’el.” She sat beside Alex on one side of the table while the PR members were across from them.

Taking her place at the front of the room Jo’el began. She started off with the first slide that listed her credentials—education and experience in the financial field. “Currently, I am the top financial analyst at Stosch, Morgan and Stosch. Knowing numbers and being able to read and project changes in the financial market is my forte. That alone will make me a damn great manager for those enrolled in your program.” She clicked to the next screen and their slogan popped up.

“You all desire to assist current and past players in protecting, educating as well as ensuring they succeed in life for the future beyond the field.” She looked around the room meeting each gaze before stopping at Alex as she took a step closer away from the screen and closer to the table. “I will admit. I knew absolutely nothing about the sport of football prior to taking on this assignment. I never understood how grown men could put their body in such danger.” She clicked the remote several times and now the slides were showing multiple players limping, being carried or driven away from the field during a game. She didn’t place one of Alex up there because his picture was already part of Fine’s marketing.

“But, I studied and learned and watched games and training camp films and understood that passion. You want to know what enlightened me?”

“What?” Alex rested back in his chair meeting her gaze steadily.

“Pop Warner.” She smiled breaking the tension as she glanced at everyone. Jo’el laughed at the bewildered expressions of those before her. She was fully in the zone and enjoying herself. Another click and she turned and pointed to a group picture of the smiling faces of boys and one girl in football uniforms. “Ninety percent of football players start here. Learning to love the game. Going to bed with dreams of playing in the NFL. They want to do it for the excitement, thrill, for their parents, the admiration of the fans and success.”

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Alex nodding, whether in approval or remembrance she wasn’t sure.

She brought up a few slides of big homes, flashy cars, boats, jets and beautiful, sexy women and allowed the photos to speak for themselves. “However most of them end up closer to this by the time the stadium lights fade on their careers.” Her screen now displayed a clip of an ex-NFL linebacker and the article about his Super Bowl ring being bought. It had thankfully been returned to him. The next article and photo presented information on another linebacker who had wound up living below a bridge on the west coast, homeless. The man had also been a player and winner in Super Bowls.

“Most athletes are unprepared for the financial pressures when the big checks stop rolling in. Their houses and cars get repossessed, bankruptcy becomes their only way to tread water, however soon their continual poor investments by those preying on them and miss management of their own funds leads to heartache, depression and ruin. I can help them succeed. I want to help them keep their finances working for them and their families well into the future and after they’re gone. I want to facilitate them keeping their pride.”

Jo’el continued into various money management strategies and investments that would appeal to players based around their personal interests. The observers began to ask questions of her at this point. She remained calm and steady as she answered each of them. Financial questions she could handle in her sleep. She reminded herself not to get too technical or heavy in the information. Most people began to get crossed eyed when it came to financial management principles.

When she was done, she placed the remote on the table.

“Thank you, Jo’el. We enjoyed the presentation and it was highly informative.” Madison rose and approached her. The woman’s face was a mask, not giving anything away. “We’ll take some time to discuss this and get back with you by the end of the day.”

“Understandable. Thank you all for your time.” She gathered her things and walked out.

No matter what decision the program organizers came to she felt proud of herself. She’d been honest when she told them she’d been directed to do this, but it was now in her blood. If she didn’t get the position and it led to her losing her job, she knew she would go into sport financial management somewhere else. Players needed the expertise she could offer.

Two hours later, she sat at her desk writing a financial report of her examination of some audited financial statements and corollary data that would present her assessment of lending risks for one of the corporations they managed who were looking into acquiring a smaller company that was headed for collapse. The ringing of her phone barely took away her train of thought as she reached for it at the corner of her desk.

“Jo’el Gifford, how can I help you?” Her fingers continued tapping away at the keys as the phone sat wedged between her shoulder and ear.

“Jo’el, this is Madison.”

She stopped typing, giving the other woman her full attention. “Hi.”

“I’m headed to a meeting so I’ll cut to the chase. We were all very taken with your presentation and the smooth efficiency in which you handled the line of questions. We are interested in you. ”

“Ohmygod…are you serious?” She leaped to her feet wanting to scream but keeping her composure so as not to lead Madison into believing they would be working with a nut case.

“Yes. However, there is a caveat to the preliminary offer.”

“That is?” At the moment she didn’t care, she had made it this far and would do anything to actually get the official nod into the program.

“Alex had a great suggestion. Because you convincing members of the team is one thing. However, you getting the players to buy in is another.”

She moved from behind her desk and walked the carpet as she listened. “So, do you all want me to put together a briefing for the Thunders?”

“No. The rookies are already at orientation week of training camp and the vets show up in the next of couple days. We are not even doing much with them at the moment. But, we would like to arrange a meeting with you and a player. Have you talk with him and see if he would agree to work with you.”

Another test. Another hoop. “Okay, I can do that. When?”

“Tonight. We all can meet for dinner. Something social and none official. If we bring him to the corporate side of the Dome, it would seem mandatory for him to be in the program and it is not.”

“Understandable. Let me know the time and place and I’ll be there.”

“I’ll email it to you.” Madison paused for a moment before continuing. “I will warn you Jo’el, we selected Tank because he’s a tough nut. He’s an amazing player and is a veteran in the league. He’s a leader on the team, but is known to keep to himself and not allow anyone in.”

“Wow.” Jo’el knew her response was insubstantial, but she was a little lost for words from the description of the guy. He sounded like Hulk from the Avengers—a beast of a man with social issues.

“You get Tank, the position in the program is yours,” Madison declared.

“Okay. Well, I look forward to your instructions and will see you all tonight.”

As Jo’el ended the call, she went back to her seat then picked up the desk phone and called the head partner.

“Stosch here.” He answered with gruff authority.

“Sir, its Jo’el. Just giving you an update.”

“What is it?” Straight to the point.

“Heard from Madison Dare. The team wants me to move on to the next stage and meet with a player tonight. I’ll work with him and if everything goes well SMS will have the position.” Her cell vibrated against the desk.

“Yes, yes. Well, I knew they’d love you. Do us proud tonight, Joel, seal this deal.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll do my best.”
The call ended there. Maybe if I ‘sealed the deal’ he’d get my name right.
She hung up the desk phone and reached for her cellular. Seeing the information from Madison giving her the exact time and place to meet them.

She wondered about this player named Tank and considered doing a little research on him. Their program at the moment was only featuring the Miami Thunders and she was sure he would not be difficult to locate. Glancing at the things on her desk she still needed to handle, stuff that she was a little behind on with all the meetings and preparation for the post-football program. Amazing how the partners wanted her to take this new position and lead a new division, but that didn’t stop them from expecting her to do all their analyst work they needed for things. Knowing that the Thunder program were leaning toward her made her anxious to meet and train the new intern on strategies to take over for her.

Going back to her report, she didn’t even attempt to tamper the smile on her lips.

Chapter Six


“Tank, my boy. How’ve you been?”

Donovan listened to the voice of his friend. Alex Dare had never been a teammate of his. Matter fact he’d put the ex-quarter back on his ass more than a few times. However, it had been the rookie that filled Donovan’s position who had landed Alex with a concussion and ended his career. “Good, man. Just gettin’ my head together for training camp. You know how it is.”

“I remember. Look, I won’t hold you, but I wanted to see if you were available for dinner tonight with Madison and I?”

That got his attention. “You and your bride? Don’t you guys have other things you’d rather be doing than shooting the shit with an old vet like me?”

Donovan grabbed his suitcase out of the closet and tossed it on the clear spot on his bed. The rest of his bed was filled with some of the clothes he was taking to camp. Being in a hotel, even in his own room was hell. He liked his privacy, his own space and his own damn bed at night.

Alex chuckled hard and broke into his thoughts. “Could be. However, it will be both work and catching up with an old buddy.”

“Work? How?” Donovan knew that Alex who had once been a Breaker was now working with the Thunders in some kind of program. There’d been murmurs about them looking at helping players in some capacity, but it wasn’t due to start until after the season kicked off. For a moment he wondered if Alex had some kind of job offer for him. Had Ian, the president, spoken with his half-brother? Maybe the Thunders had already made their decision and this training camp battle was just a formality before placing his ass on the bench for the last year of his contract.

“You know about the post-football program, right?”

“Yeah. Alex I’m happy that you’ve found a gig after football this program and sportscaster piece in New York.”

“Thanks. For the program we’re looking at a financial consultant slash manager type. We’d like to see how she’ll fit in.”

“What does that have to do with me?”

“I wanted to get you to meet with her. See if what she says interests you. That’s all.”

“Hm.” He stopped in the action of picking up his a stack of socks. “You said she’s some finance person?”

“That’s right. Just give her a few minutes of your time. Hey, dinner will be on me.”

“I don’t need anyone to pay for my damn meal. And I sure as hell don’t want anyone poking around in my personal business.”

“I know how you feel. I used to think the same way. Look, Tank, just do me a solid, all right? If you don’t like what she has to say leave.”

The growl rumbled in his chest. There wasn’t anything that he liked about this set up one damn bit. “Fine. But you owe me.”

“Name it. You got it.”

“Oh, I will.” He picked up the socks and chucked them into the case before attacking his shirts next.

“See you at seven at Zanzibar.”

Donovan hung up as soon as he heard the place without a good-bye. He’d have to reevaluate his friendship with Alex. One thing in the man’s favor was the fact he’d picked a place Donovan really liked. Since he was starting camp in a couple of days and he’d be on his own strict workout regimen and diet it would be his last night to get it in for a while.

He glanced down at his T-shirt and sweats. Zanzibar was a little upscale without having to be in a jacket and tie. However, sweat pants were definitely not acceptable. He still had two hours before he needed to be downtown so he’d finish packing then jump in the shower.

All he could do was pray the evening would be over fast.


“Glad you could make it.”

Donovan accepted the hug from Madison when she rose from her seat and stepped toward him. “I’m here.” He didn’t feel the need to say grudgingly, he was pretty sure they knew that.

“You clean up well.” Alex held his hand out then shook Donovan’s.

“Yeah, you know they teach us how to wear a suit on the first rookie away game.”

Alex chuckled.

Donovan smiled. It was good to see his friend and see him happy with his job and his wife. Madison was beautiful and smart. She complimented Alex well.

“Would you like to wait for the last person in your party to order?” The waiter asked as Donovan took his seat along with the Dares.

“Yes, please.” Alex told the waiter.

“Can I get your drink orders?” The waiter listened as the each placed an order. Madison got a wine, Alex a scotch and Donovan stuck with a soda.

“So, what can you tell me about this money shark?” Donovan asked.

“She’s not a shark at all.” Madison’s eyes stretched wide in defense of the person.

“Trust me.” Alex began, “You’ll like her if nothing else—”

“Ah, here she is now.” Madison’s face beamed as she gazed past his shoulder.

Madison and Alex stood and moved behind him greeting the new arrival. He took a breath, still feeling agitated that he was even there, but he grudgingly rose then turned.

He froze.

Jo’el stared at him silently.

Madison seemed oblivious as she began, “Tank, I’d like you to meet Jo’el Gifford the financial manager. Jo’el this is Donovan ‘The Tank’ Clay number fifty-nine for the Miami Thunder.”

Donovan could see Alex and Madison staring at them as the silence stretched on. Other’s in the restaurant were starting to look on at the quartet still standing.

“Donovan?” Alex questioned.

Jo’el spoke before he could. She licked her lips then offered him a small smile, quavering in the corners of her mouth some. She held her hand out. “Nice, to meet you, Dono—I mean Tank.”

It was hearing the moniker coming from a mouth he had kissed too many times in one night to count, address him as if there had been nothing between them. Like they were strangers. The only thing strange between them was how quickly he’d buried his cock inside her and how much he desired to do it again. Now. Maybe it was because she appeared to be a different person. Everything about her look before had changed or been taken away. “So you’re a FM? Interesting. Did you plan this?”

Her mouth and eyes stretched wide as she lowered her hand.

He saw it flex at her side and wondered if she wanted to strike him for the tactless question.

“Donovan?” Madison gasped.

“I’m sorry, Madison, Alex…I can’t do this. It’s a mistake.” With a hasty about face Jo’el headed toward the door.

Madison’s eyes narrowed to tight slits. “You better hope I can bring her back.” She was off.

“What the hell was that?” Alex growled.

Donovan already felt like shit enough for getting on her, but seeing her stirred up all the feelings he’d been attempting to fight. Feelings that he didn’t want to feel. He couldn’t get involved with anyone. Especially not with Jo’el. She was dangerous to every fiber of his being. She made him fantasize about a happily ever after.

“It’s complicated.” Donovan shoved a hand into his hair.

Alex pointed at the seat Donovan had vacated. “Sit.” He claimed his own.

“Shit.” Donovan groaned.

To his left, Alex leaned closer to him. “Did you fuck her?”

The crass words struck Donovan’s core. “No…yes. Shit. It wasn’t like that.” Even though ‘Fuck me’ were words he fed off during sex it was a poor choice to describe what transpired between him and Jo’el. Knowing Alex and Madison’s relationship drama and how it turned out in the end made Donovan feel as if he could open up a little with the other man. “It just sorta happened.”

“Look life is complicated. Things happen. However what I don’t need is you fucking this up. This program needs what Jo’el can give it. So fix it.” Alex’s voice was low but hard.

“Are you telling me to agree to let her in my personal business?”

Alex chuckled. “She’s already been up in it. And no, I would never tell you that. Just work with her, hear her out.”

Donovan offered a short nod as he reached for his soda the waiter must have brought while their backs were turned. Now he wished he’d gotten a Jack and Coke.

Alex picked up his scotch and set it before Donovan. “Have mine, you look like you need it more than I do.”

He shook his head. “I should probably go out there.”

“Not if you value your life. Let Madison handle it right now.”

Taking a drink, Donovan allowed the scotch to work its fire down his throat. He accepted the burn as due penance. He should have been kinder to Jo’el.


“Men can be damn assholes.”

Jo’el stood pacing the side walk before the restaurant. “You don’t have to tell me. What gives Donovan the right to accuse me of setting this all up? I didn’t even know he was a player.” She released a low screech.

“I don’t know, Jo’el. You tell me?” Madison touched her arm and stopped Jo’el’s fierce tracks.

For a moment she didn’t know what to say. How to handle the situation. If she confessed the truth to Madison that she had slept with Tank would it cost her the position with the team? However, if she didn’t fess up and the truth came out later would they hold that against her integrity?

“Look, Jo’el, I know you and Tank have history.”

“You do?” she stared at Madison, trying to assess if she was mad about it.

“Yeah. Trust me when I say that if anyone understands having something complicated it is me.” Madison briefly explained how she and Alex had an affair before they started the program that ended tumultuously only to be thrown in the post-football program together. It all worked out for them. “So, you and Tank kissed at the bar crawl…big deal.”

Jo’el rubbed her chin as her cheeks heated up. “We did more than that.”

“Ahh…” Awareness donned on Madison quick. “I’m no one to judge. What’s between you now? You still seeing each other?”

“Oh, no. Just a one-time thing.” Or maybe a six time thing but this was not the time to count. “It’s over.”

Madison shrugged one shoulder. “Do you want this position?”

“Yes.” Jo’el didn’t hesitate.

“Then sit and have dinner with Tank and offer him your expertise.” Madison held up her hands palms out. “I can’t promise he will listen.”

She nodded. “I understand.” Taking a deep breath, she turned back to the doors. “I’m ready.”


Donovan rose when Alex indicated with tip of his head that Madison had returned. He was happy to see that Jo’el was with her. She matched Madison step for step. Jo’el was a sight to behold. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. The wild waves of her hair were now softened and layered around her face, bringing out her beautiful eyes behind her glasses, still the same as before. Jo’el wore a hint of make-up that brought a healthy shine to her face. What took his breath away was seeing her thick curves accentuated by the lines of her short sleeved blue dress with gold buttons from breasts to hem where it ended at her knees. All he could think about was taking her some place where he could release each of her buttons one at a time to reveal all her lusciousness beneath.

“Sorry for storming out,” Jo’el apologized.

He cleared his throat to get his mind off her body. “You deserve the apology. I was rude. We’re both professionals and it should have been handled another way.”

“I agree.” He watched her take the seat to his right, across from where Alex had sat with Madison to his right.

“I’m glad you two have come to an understanding.” Madison commented as she stood beside the table.

“We’ll leave you two to discuss.” Alex slipped his hand into his wife’s. “I’ve already taken care of the bill so have whatever you’d like.

“Where are you going?” Jo’el eyed Madison, face flushed with anxiety.

Donovan admitted to himself that he was feeling a little uneasy as well. With Alex and Madison here, he could keep his emotions reigned in. Focus on other things besides Jo’el.

“Home. You can handle this.” Madison winked at her.

With a wave, the newest Mr. and Mrs. Dare headed out of the restaurant.

The table fell silent.

“Will you two be staying and ordering?” The waiter appeared beside them with a hopeful smile.

Staring at the beautiful woman beside him, he asked, “Do you want to stay?”

She met his gaze for a moment. He watched her chest lift and pause, as if she took a deep, calming breath. “Yes. I’ll stay.”

Glancing at the waiter he asked him for a few moments.

“May I get you something to drink?” The waiter asked Jo’el.

“Moscato, please.”

The waiter let them know he’d return in a few minutes before leaving.

Almost simultaneously, Donovan and Jo’el picked up their menus.

Ten minutes later they both choose the prime rib with double vegetables. Jo’el went with the cornbread and he got a roll.

“I guess we should have asked a few more questions when we were together.”

Lowering her wine after her sip, she nodded. “I guess so. It would have saved us a lot of embarrassment.”

“Probably. I don’t regret any of it.”

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