Darin: The Pride of the Double Deuce - Erotic Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance (6 page)

BOOK: Darin: The Pride of the Double Deuce - Erotic Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance
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“Just put out your hand so that he can smell you.” Mercedes nodded and put out her hand slowly to the black mustang. “He’s not going to hurt you. I mean, he might have if you’d just have come into his home where his ladies are, but he won’t while I’m here.”

“This is like the wolf last night, right? Get my scent and he can find me anywhere?” Susie laughed and the big horse perked up his ears. “I can’t believe I’m doing this. This is not what I thought I’d be doing.”

“Bride will either accept you or not, but you can’t go near his harras without his approval. He might let you help them, but he won’t allow you to come and go without one of us being around.” Mercedes waited for him to touch his nose to her hand. When he did, his lips nibbling on her like he really was tasting her, she put out the apple that she had when Susie told her to. Then he did the most extraordinary thing…he put his head to hers. “Congratulations. You are now a member of his harras, Mercedes.”

She felt...well, accepted. And as the tears filled her eyes, she ran her fingers down his flanks to his back and up to his neck. The horse was an amazing animal. He seemed to be in excellent shape too. As she was looking him over, a truck pulled in the drive and she didn’t bother looking up. Her entire being was focused on the animal in front of her.

“You touch me that way and I’ll die a happy man.” She glanced over at Darin but didn’t speak to him. To be honest, she was trying to make her mouth work and wasn’t able to do it.

She decided that it was the hat. All of them wore them, some black, others tan. Some that looked like they’d been dragged behind a horse and others still that had a fresh look to them. The black one that sat on his head made her think of ropes and whips. Of him making love to her in nothing but the stupid hat. And when he tipped it back, as he did now, she wanted to drop to her knees and beg him to take her.

“I can smell you, Mercedes. Do you have any idea how much I love that you’re aroused right now? That I want to do to you whatever things are going on in your head.” He cleared his throat and took in a deep breath before letting it out again. “I’d like to talk to you when you’re done. It’s really important.”

“So is this.” The big horse moved away from her when she patted him on the backside. “And so you know, I’m not ever touching you that way.”

“If you say so.” His grin was just too charming, and she was pretty sure that he knew it. “I’ve been looking into a few things. Mostly about your ex. I wanted to come by and let you know what we’ve been able to find out.”

“Is he here?” He told her not yet but he was coming. “I see. And when he gets here, do you have any idea what he’ll do to your family when he finds out just where I am?”

“We’re ready for him. And so you know, he does know just where you are.” She felt her knees shake and was glad that the fence was close enough that she could grab it. “Are you ready for this, or do you want me to give it to you in bits and pieces?”

“I don’t know. Is it really bad?” He nodded, and she knew deep in her heart that he was telling her the truth. “Who did he kill?”

“I’m sorry, honey, but he killed the man across from you at your apartment. Your neighbor, Mr. Jacks. The police are still looking into it, but he was...his murder could not have been easy on him. They don’t know what he might have known, but he was hanged by his own intestine. Milly is gone as well, the woman from the office where you worked. They’re not releasing her name until they find her family to notify them.” She nodded and gripped tighter on the post in front of her. “Mercedes, I’m going to take you into the house and set you down. I’m going to put my arms around you, all right?”

“I’m terrified.” He said he knew that, that he could actually feel it. “He’s not going to stop, is he? He’s going to come here and kill everyone, and even then it won’t be enough. He’s a horrible...I was going to say horrible human being, but he’s not even that. He’s a monster.”

“He won’t hurt you. I’ve made sure that there are extra patrols around the school, too, where Bonnie is going to go. Emma and Mason are watching her, as well as the pack. No one will get to her.” She nodded and felt his arms as they moved around her. “Come on, love. Let me take you inside where you can sit down.”

She moved with him. It felt both comforting and safe to be in his arms. As she was seated on the couch he started to stand up, and she grabbed his hands and held them in hers. For reasons that she couldn’t fathom right now, she needed his touch.

“Just don’t leave me right now. I need to tell you about him. What he did to me. He held a gun to my head when he made me marry him. First he shot the man standing there that was in the room with us. He wanted me to know that the gun was loaded and what it would do once he had to fire it into me. I had blood on my face when he shot the man. Nash told me that he’d kill my father too if I ran. Kill my poor father who knew nothing about him.” Mercedes was handed something cold and told to drink it. As she sipped the sweet tea, she cried harder. “I couldn’t even take my daughter out for her birthday for fear that he’d find us. He would have too. Just walk up to anyone with us and blow their heads off to make me mind him. I can’t do that anymore, Darin. I just can’t do this.”

“I have you now. You’re going to be safe.” She shook her head. “You will. I will die for you.”

“You don’t know what sort of monster he is. You have no idea what he’s capable of.” He said nothing, and she looked at him. Really looked. “You’re so handsome. I bet you have women falling all over you all the time, don’t you? Why me? Why do you think I’m your mate? I’m nothing but trouble and heartache.”

He kissed her mouth, gently and softly. And when he moved his mouth along her chin to her throat, she leaned back when he gave her just a little push. Her body was warmed by his. He held her in a way that made her feel loved, safe, and beautiful. When he lifted his head from hers, she stared at him, touched her fingers to his mouth as he had her lips.

“You have to tell me what you want.” She told him that she wanted him. “No, that’s not what I mean and you know it. Do you want me in your life? Because if we make love right now, it’s going to be forever. I’m going to be your mate for all time. Do you understand that? Forever, Mercedes. I’ll never leave you. Never hurt you or Bonnie. I belong to you.”

“You mean I belong to you.” He shook his head. “I don’t understand. You say I’m your mate, but you don’t want me.”

“Oh, I want you. Never doubt that. I would like nothing more than to take you right here right now. Taste parts of you and make you moan. Nibble on your nipples until you beg me to bite you. I want to bury my cock deep inside of you, make love to you hard and fast one moment, then slowly and reverently the next. I want you as no man has ever wanted you.” Mercedes told him to take her then. “I can’t take you, Mercedes. You have to want me to. I want you to say that you understand that this, this thing between us, is forever. I don’t want you to ever feel that I pressured you into this. I would hate myself if you ever felt like I did anything to you that you didn’t want or need as badly as I do. And I do want you.”

“I want to feel loved.” He said that he did love her. “You can’t love me, Darin. We don’t even know each other.”

“But I do. And if you really think on it, you believe me too. And I know a great deal about you. I know that you’re an amazing mother and mom. You put your little girl ahead of anyone, including yourself. You’re smart and funny. You’ve been hurt more than you should have ever been.” He kissed her then, a quick touching of their mouths. Then he sat back on his knees again. “Christ, what I wouldn’t do to have you naked and spread out like this before me. Or bent over the back of the couch while I take you that way. Eat you until I have my fill, which may take days to get enough of you.”

“I need you.” He touched his fingers to her pussy, and she moaned. “Please, I need to feel you inside of me.”

“Not today. I have to go to work, and there are any number of people outside waiting on you to come to work again.” She rode his fingers as he thumbed her clit. “Ride me until you come. Then I’m going to taste your blood.”

His mouth was over her breasts, and she lifted her blouse up for him to taste her. When she felt his breath on her breast, it was all she could do to not beg him to make her come. She rode his hand while he gave her such pleasure. And when he bit down hard on her breast, she rose up off the couch with a scream as she came.

“Christ, baby. Again, come again for me.” There was no slow buildup this time, her body detonated quickly and loudly. When he took her mouth, Mercedes reached for his cock as he continued to fuck her through her clothing, and she slid her hand into his pants to feel him.

He was thick and hot. The tip of him was wet, and she wanted to taste him. Having him rock into her palm wasn’t enough. Her need for this man was out of control, and she had a feeling that his was just as bad.

“Take me. Fill me.” He was shaking his head. “Take me now, Darin, or so help me I will hurt you.”

He pulled his pants to his knees and made short work of hers. When she was naked from the waist down, her blouse up over her breasts, as was her bra, he leaned over her and took her still bare breast into his mouth. His cock was at her entrance. She could feel each time he slid his crown into her, like he was giving her small heart attacks with each stroke.

“When I take you, we’re one.” She nodded, anything to have him fill her like she needed. “Forever, Mercedes. I belong to no one but you.”

“Please, just take me.” He brought her hips to the edge of the couch and slammed forward to fill her like no one had before. And when he pulled her up off the cushion, Mercedes wrapped her legs around his waist and held on. His cock didn’t just fill her, but felt like a part of her.

His hands and mouth were everywhere. It felt as if he burned her, seared her skin each time his fingers only brushed over her. His mouth felt hotter. His teeth grazed her flesh like he was memorizing each part of her for taste and texture. When he cupped her ass, bringing her as close to him as she could get, Mercedes threw back her head, letting him touch the pulse at her throat that even she could feel pounding.

Laying her on the floor, he never took his eyes from hers. She felt as if she could see every part of him, inside and out. All the way to his soul and beyond. And when he made love to her, making love to all of her and not just her body, she knew in that moment that she had fallen in love with him, and it frightened her more than anything had before.

“Stay with me, love. Look at me.” Her eyes had closed, and she opened them now to see him again. “I love you. I need to taste you. Give me your throat and I’ll give you mine.”

“Don’t hurt me.” He assured her she’d enjoy it. “I know, but later. I don’t want you to hurt me, please, Darin? I can’t stand it if you hurt me.”

“Never.” His mouth moved to her pounding pulse at her throat again, his teeth making her body warmer, wetter for him. It was all she could do to hold on to her pending climax. She had no idea why, but she knew that when he bit her and her him, it was going to be the best climax she’d ever had, or ever would have. As soon as he started to pound her, his cock pistoling in her, she dug her nails into his back and bit down on his shoulder when he told her now. His own teeth tore into her savagely.

Nothing could have prepared her for the feelings that hit her. Not just hers but his as well. He filled her, her mind and her body. His thoughts were hers, and she was sure that he could see hers as well. As he took her over the edge again, it was almost too much, and not enough at the same time. They were one, and would be for the rest of her days. She knew this now.


Chapter 6


Leaving her had been hard, but he’d been called three times in the last ten minutes and he had to go or stay all day. As he made his way into his office at the Douglas House, he was stopped by Jessie. He had no idea what he might have been going to say, but he paused when he was close enough to no doubt smell Mercedes on him.

“I guess I understand now.” Darin only nodded. “I’m really sorry, but the Rose party will be here in less than an hour and there’s a problem.”

“What sort of problem? And please tell me that we can fix it.” When Jessie didn’t answer him, Darin knew it was bad. “Tell me.”

“Truman’s been beaten. He’s in the hospital now and they’re not sure that he’s going to make it. And before you ask, yes, he’s getting the best of care, and I’ve had two men put on him in the event that someone returns to finish him off.” Darin asked him if they knew who it was. “I don’t, but I think the police know. He managed to kill one of them before they got away. And I think they left enough information behind that you might be able to send some trackers out for them. And so you know, when I couldn’t get in touch with you, I had to call Mason.”

“Good. I’m glad and I’m sorry, but I needed her.” Jessie said he understood. “What did Mason say?”

“He’s sent a man to the hospital as well. This one, he said, can find anyone, and I believed him.” Jessie sat down in the chair across from him. “As for the Rose party, that’s all ready. I don’t know what we’ll do about food for them, but I guess we’ll cross that when we need to. For the most part, everything for the late snacks is done. But dinner will be a problem.”

“Call the pack and tell Paddy what’s going on, and ask him if Julia and a couple more women can come in and help us out until we can get things figured out. Thank goodness we only have one in the place for now.” Jessie said that there were calls coming in to make reservations, but he’d been putting them off until they had a set date. “Good, that way we can put off until we have things settled here. Truman has a son. I think he lives with him. Can you go and see if either of them need anything and make sure they have it?”

“All right. Anything else?” Darin said off the top of his head no but to call the pack. “I’ll call now. And when I find out, I’ll let you know.

Darin knew that Mason would call him when he found anything out, but called him on his cell to let him know that he and Mercedes had mated and bonded. As leap leader, he had to know these things. His brother congratulated him and told him then what he knew.

“The man that was killed is from Vegas. Just a short hop from where Mercedes lived. I’m not one-hundred percent sure, but I’m betting that this is the work of her ex.” Darin said he didn’t doubt it. “I just heard from the hospital, and they’re saying that Truman is going to make it, but he’s going to be down for a while. He’s too weak to shift, but once he is stronger they think he’ll be fine.”

“Great. I’m so glad to hear that. Jessie said they weren’t giving him good odds before.” He thought of Mercedes and Bonnie. “I’m going to ask her to move in with me. I think she’ll be safer there for the simple reason that the house is set so far back from everything else that we’ll have plenty of warning before they get to us. Not to mention I’d feel better if she was not with Emma in her condition. Not that I don’t think she can care for herself, I just don’t trust this guy not to hurt her to get to Mercedes.”

“You might be right. And I talked to Landon too. He said he showed you some things at the house that will keep you safe as well.” Landon had shown him a great many things at the house that he’d bet he’d not even shared with his wife. “But I’d ask her, not demand.”

“I got that.” Mason said that he knew he had but wanted to be sure. “There is a shelter in place, one of those lockdown rooms in our bedroom, as well as in the one that Bonnie will be in. I’m not sure about where Dirk lived because Landon can’t go in there, but I’m betting there is one there too. Also a tunnel under the house that has this huge fucking room in it. It’ll open out in a field about two miles from the house. There is enough food for a pretty long standoff should it come to that. Landon was a man who protected his family. But about Mercedes…I’m in love with her. I don’t think she believes me, but I am. Christ, I never thought that it could feel so consuming and not enough at the same time to love someone.”

“Wait until she has a baby. I cannot tell you how many times a day I go and search for Emma so I can see her belly roll. And to hear her say that she loves me.” Darin leaned back in his chair, just realizing that he’d had no sleep at all last night. “Darin, she’s going to be safe with us. Everyone at all three ranches, they’re watching out for her and Bonnie. Who I must say I have fallen in love with too.”

“I have to be here for today. The Rose group is coming in at two, and I still need to figure out about a cook.” Jessie came to the door and gave him the thumbs up with a note that said she’s coming. “Well, okay, the cook part is taken care of. Thank goodness for pack.”

“Julia?” Darin said it was. “You’ll have to think of something to give Paddy for this. I know that you’ll pay his wife and whoever works for you, but he’ll need homage. It’s only right.”

Yawning, he told him that he’d do it. “Mason, do you think it ever becomes normal? I mean, our lives. Does anything ever just become every day? Right now I could use some normal.”

“I have no idea what normal means. A year ago we were struggling to not lose the farm and not end up in jail. Now not only do I have enough money to buy and sell this town ten times over, but I have a child on the way and three sisters-in-law. My house looks like Tara from
Gone with the Wind.
I have servants out the ass that still make me look around when they call me Mr. Douglas. Perhaps this is normal and we’re just used to not normal.” They both laughed. “I’ll keep you informed. Oh, and before I forget, Truman was hurt on his way home. I have no idea if he had any identification on him at the time to show where he worked, but I’d keep an eye out. You have a picture of the thug, right? I emailed it to you from the surveillance cameras that were running.”

“I do. And I’ll spread it around so that everyone here knows as well. I don’t want to freak out Mercedes by talking to her through our link, but if you have given her a cell, I would like the number.” Mason gave it to him. “Good. And for now, I’m going to see if Bonnie wants to come here. I think she’ll be better off here than at home with her grandda. Maybe he’d like to come in for a bit too. Don’t you think?”

“Yes. Good idea. I have to come into town in a bit, so I’ll talk to her mom and see if they’ll come in with me. That way I can drop them off with you. Are you sure you can handle a ten-year-old and Rose today?” Darin had no idea, but he wanted her with him. “All right then, I’ll see you in about an hour.”

He called Mercedes and told her that he needed her to stay close to the barns today. When she didn’t even ask him why, he knew that someone had told her about what happened. He then told her that he was going to have Mason bring Bonnie in for him to keep an eye on.

“You don’t have to do that. I know that you’re busy and all.” He said that he wanted to. “But she’ll get in your way. At least here I can make sure that she’s....”

“She’ll be safe with me too. I promise you.” When she didn’t say anything, he asked her how she was feeling. “I kind of left you in a hurry. But Jessie said that he needed me right away.”

“I understand. I’m just glad that you put me in my bedroom instead of leaving me on the floor like that. I don’t know what I would have done if someone would have found me.” He wanted to see her face, he knew it was red. “I have never wanted a man like I did you. Like I do you. It was...it was too much and not enough. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I do. And I want you as well. If you were here right now, I’d have you spread out on my desk naked and I’d be eating you.” Her arousal hit him like a bat. “Christ, I can feel you. I wish I could smell you too.”

“This is insane. What is it about you that makes me want to strip down and run to you?” He wanted that as well and thought of her naked running in the woods behind their house. “You make me want things that I’ve never thought of before.”

“Like what? Naked in the woods? Would you like that? My big cat running after you, relying on your scent to find you before he eats your pussy too. He’d like that, Mercedes. To fuck you with his tongue as he drank you down.” She moaned, and Darin had to adjust his cock or hurt badly. “How many times will you come for us? Your cream sliding down our throats until my cat lets me fuck you. I’d like to bend you over and fuck you hard from—”

“Stop.” Her voice was dark, full of promise. “I have a sick donkey here and he’s looking at me like I’m going to rape him. I won’t, but this is just insane. You’re making me insane with need.”

“I’m right there with you, love.” Her laughter came though the phone at him, and he smiled. “Just be careful around the ranches. And when you go somewhere, make sure that one of my brothers is with you. They will make sure that you’re safe while I can’t.”

“He’s really coming, isn’t he? I mean, Nash is going to come here and make me go with him.” Darin said he’d never get that far. “I don’t want any of you hurt. Especially not you. But my daughter and father are my priority.”

“As they should be. And when she gets here with me, I’ll keep her as safe as you do. I really like her and she’s fun.” Mercedes told him it was because she wasn’t around him all the time. “I’d like that too. For you to move into my house. It’s safer for you both if you all do. Including your dad.”

“I’ll think about it.” He told her he’d like that. “I have to go. Miss Donk is really not well, and I have to see to her. There is a family coming out this afternoon and I need to get her a little better. I didn’t know that handicapped children come out here to be with animals. That’s the nicest thing I’ve ever been a part of.”

“Several months ago this little boy came out with his family. Cortland Anderson is his dad. Cort was dying, and his wish was to ride a pony. When he died last month, it hurt all of us…Susie most of all. It’s why she’s called it the Anderson Foundation.” Mercedes asked him how come it wasn’t public. “Because it’s not for the public to know about when the families just need some quiet time with their dying children. That’s what Donk is there for.”

“I think it’s wonderful. And I’m going to do my best to take care of her for the children.” He knew that she would. “And you keep an eye on my little girl. I’m trusting you with her.”

“Thank you. You have no idea how good that makes me feel.” After hanging up with her, he made his rounds.

Today was going to be a big day for them all. Jessie was calmer now that Julia had shown up with help. Darin called the hospital to check on Truman and was told he was doing well. An hour later, Bonnie showed up and he put her to work taking notes for him. By the time the Rose group showed up, Darin had fallen in love with the little girl as much as he had her mom. He had a family now.


Nash was nursing his arm when Rocky joined him in the waiting room. The doctor had been called to say Nash was coming in and he’d better be ready. Not only had he been ready for him and his men, but he’d cleared out his patients for them as well. He didn’t want their germs and thought it cruel of them to think that he should have to endure their nastiness. Nash was fully prepared to kill them all, but this was better. For now, anyway.

“What did you find out?” The big man that they had cornered had done a number on him and his men. Nash had heard that he knew the Douglas people and he wanted him to give them answers. Had he not been there too, he might not have believed that a grown man would have been able to not just hurt his men but kill one of them. Rocky, too, was hurt, but he told Nash that he was going to be fine.

“He’s got enough guards on him to make me think he wasn’t your normal cook. Christ, I can’t even get on the floor he’s on without someone frisking me and telling me I need proper ID. Who the fuck was that monster?”

“I don’t fucking know, but I think it’s a good thing that Ben is dead. Or I’d be demanding the same answers from him as well.” Ben had set it up to take the man and get answers. All they’d been able to get was their asses handed to them. “Please tell me they don’t think the fucker is going to make it. I don’t want him hanging around right now. I have to get the wife.”

“I have no idea, but I’d say he’s a damn sight better than Ben is right now. We can’t even go in and claim his fucking body. That shithead, he’s one tough motherfucker.” Figures, Nash thought. Of course he was going to be just fine, while Nash was sitting there with what was more than likely a broken arm. “I did get some information on the place that he works. It’s not going to be any easier to get in there than it was the hospital.”

“Who the fuck are these people? When that bitch told me that Mer was coming here, she never said it was some sort of fortress. Mother fuck, I hate these people.” For a week now he’d been trying to gather some information that would get him in and out with his wife. But at every turn there was someone telling him he’d be better off to forget her if she was with the Douglas family. Fuck that shit. Whoever these people were, they were going to die as surely as he was sitting there. Even if he had to do it himself.

“They got money too. And I mean a lot of it. The mayor is related to one of the Douglas men, married to some rancher. I bet that is a great bedtime story. Anyway, she’s like worth billions. And yeah, I said billions. Her parents live with them. And the White House might be easier to breach than that house. They have fences along the fences there. And the staff is as loyal to them as I am to you.” Nash was called back to have his x-rays read to him. Rocky came with him to finish with his information. “There is another one that is married to some broad that owns like most of the town. Snow. Her daddy has big bucks too, and has built them a house that is fucking huge and just as hard to get into. I tell you, it’s like they knew you were coming and they set out to piss us off at every turn.”

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