Daring (60 page)

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Authors: Gail Sheehy

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anti-Semitism, 100

anti-Vietnam war protests, 6, 60

The APF Reporter
, 219

Aquino, Cory, 317

Arbus, Diane, 4, 85

Armstrong, Joe, 102

Armstrong, Louis, Memorial Jazz Band of, 447–48

Asia: Clay-GS trip to, 280–83.
See also
Cambodia; Cambodian refugees; Thailand

Aspen Ideas Festival, 340, 457

Atlantic Monthly
magazine, 102

atomic bomb, 24

Audrey (friend), 45, 46

Auletta, Ken, 93, 94, 257, 259, 260, 261, 389

Avon Books, 370, 371

awards/honors, GS's: bestseller books as, 229–31, 234, 329, 368, 369; and GS as best magazine writer in America, 329; from New York Newswomen's Club, 10–11, 149; and Patterson fellowship, 219; and Rockefeller Foundation fellowship, 137; for swimming, 18, 19

Aykroyd, Dan, 183

Ayurveda, 346–47

Baer, Tom, 202–3, 273

balance, importance of, 459–60

Baldrige, Malcolm, 325

Baldwin, James, 40

Ballantine Books, 369

bank failures, 93–94

Bantam Books, 230, 370

Barber, David, 323

Barbetta's (New York City restaurant), GS party at, 368–69

Barrymore, Drew, 156

Bateson, Gregory, 138

Baumgold, Julie, 97, 98

Bay, Robert, 89

Bay Street Theater (Sag Harbor), GS play performed at, 456

Beach Boys, 79

Beale, “Big Edie,” 150–56

Beale, “Little Edie,” 150–56

Beale, Phelan, 153–54

Beame, Abe, 93

Beatles, 73, 76, 79, 190

Beatty, Warren, 323, 324

Beauman, Sally, 207

Beaverbrook, Lord, 186

Bedrick, Muriel, 220

Begin, Menachem, 276

Bell, Greville.
Sheehy, Albert

“Belles of the Bar Car” (Sheehy), 119

Bellows, Jim, 6–7, 8, 13

Benson, Herbert, 408

Berger, Sheila, 314

Bernard, Bina, 314, 454

Bernard, Sarah, 314

Bernard, Walter, 83, 93, 102, 259, 314, 390

Bernice (father's friend), 21, 43

Bernie, Brother, 141–42, 143

Bernstein, Carl, 176, 179, 226

Bernstein, Felicia, 88–90

Bernstein, Lenny, 88–90

Bert the Turtle (cartoon character), 23–24

The Best Little Boy in the World
(Tobias), 95

Big Al (mother's boyfriend), 108–9, 232, 233

Birdwhistell, Ray L., 184, 191, 193

birth control, Steinem article about, 128

Black, Hillel, 272, 273

Black Panthers, 87, 88–90

Bleek's Tavern (New York City), Breslin at, 11

Bloody Sunday (Northern Ireland), 157–64, 186, 198, 205, 211, 217, 316

“The Blooming of Margaret Thatcher” (Sheehy), 350

Bloomingdale, Betsy, 6

“Blue Meanie” (copy editor), 216–17

Bobbie (Waldorf Astoria night guard), 139, 143–45

Bogdanovich, Peter, 250

Bolletino, Ruth, 410, 449–50

Boston Phoenix
, 226

Boston Women's Collective, 215

Bosworth, Patricia, 13

Boxer, Barbara, 372

Boyd, Tom, 322

boy's bloody face, 158–60, 165, 166

Bradlee, Benjamin, 146, 155

Braun, Carol Moseley, 372

Brearley School, Maura at, 203

Brehl, Jennifer, 279

Breslin, Jimmy, 11, 12, 247, 248

Bretano's (bookstore), GS's book signing appearance at, 223

Brill, Steven, 100, 254, 259

Bronfman, Edgar, 86

Brown, David, 73

Brown, Helen Gurley, 73, 79, 136, 389

Brown, Patricia Leigh, 330

Brown, Tina: appearance of, 317; Carter as
Vanity Fair
replacement for, 371; as Clinton supporter, 400; and
Daily Beast
, 333, 457; and GS as best magazine writer in America, 329; and GS's Ayurveda sessions, 347; and GS's menopause work, 359, 365, 368–69; and GS's political/world leader profiles, 317–18, 321, 323–24, 329, 341, 350, 353–54; GS's relationship with, 278; and GS's stories about Hillary, 397; and Palin article, 333; personality of, 317, 397; and revival of
Vanity Fair
, 316–17

Brown University, Maura at, 292

Bruce, Lenny, 99

Buckley, Christopher, 389

Buckley, William “Bill,” 430–31

Buhai, Suzanna Rosenblatt, 366

Bull, Bartle, 248

Burden, Amanda, 246

Burden, Carter, 246, 247, 248, 252–57, 262

Bush, Barbara, 333

Bush, George H. W., 324–29, 333, 372, 395, 458

Bush, George W., 328

Bush, Jonathan, 325

Bush, Nancy, 325

Byers, Steve, 454

California: Clay-GS move to, 386–91, 392; GS writing stay in southern, 384–86.
See also
Los Angeles, California; University of California, Berkeley

Cambodia: adoption of children from, 282–83, 292, 293, 294–96, 312; Maura-GS trip to, 306–7.
See also
Cambodian refugees

Cambodia Crisis Committee, 283

Cambodian refugees: Clay-GS trip to camp for, 283–85; GS-Mohm book about, 308–9; GS writings about, 285, 292, 295; political awareness about, 306–7; tracing program for, 288

Cambridge, Massachusetts: Clay-GS in, 408; as Mohm's home, 408, 447

Camp David Accords (1978), 276, 277

“Can Couples Survive?” (Sheehy), 184, 185–86, 210

Cancer as Turning Point
(LeShan), 410

cancer, Clay's, 375, 376–77, 406–13, 420, 434–35, 445–46

Capote, Truman, 183, 271

careers, GS predictions about, 70–71

caregiver(s): GS as, 426, 433–37, 439–40; GS's writings about, 434, 437, 450, 451–52

caricaturists, 101–2.
See also specific person

Carnegie Mellon University, writing program at, 451

Caro, Ina, 339

Caro, Robert, 59–60, 337, 339

Carroll, Diahann, 177, 179

Carson, Johnny, 231

Carter, Graydon, 245, 278, 371, 449

Carter, Jimmy, 276, 319, 332

Carter, Rosalyn, 283

Carville, James, 394

Carving Board (Oxford pub), and Clay-GS engagement, 311–12

Cascade Mountains, Kennedy campaign in, 62–63

Castello di Brolio, Clay-GS visit to, 414–15

Catch-30, 137, 218, 224, 227

Catholic Guardian Society, 301

CBS, 64, 160

Center for Mind-Body Medicine (Massachusetts), 408

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 351

Century of the Woman, 373

Cerf, Bennett, 68

Chana, General, 299, 300

change: balance in life and, 459; Clinton (Hillary) as representing, 400; “crisis” as, 219; fear of, 212, 399–400; as good, 212; GS views about, 197, 198, 212, 227–28, 459; and objectives for
, 216;
as encouraging, 224, 227–28; and stages of development, 219.
See also

character: Brown's comments about, 323–24; GS's study/writings about, 318–19, 322, 329; of Thatcher, 344.
See also
political profiles, GS's

Character: America's Search for Leadership
(Sheehy), 329

Chartoff, Bob, 71

Chasing the Tiger
(Sheehy play), 451, 456

Chez Panisse Café (Berkeley), Clay's Berkeley class dinner at, 387

The Chianti Tales
(Murphy-Sheehy musical), 415

Chicago (New York City restaurant), 264, 265

Chicago Tribune, Passages
review in, 222–23

Chicago Tribune Book World
, 222

Cambodian refugees; mothers/motherhood;
specific person

China, Nixon-Kissinger trip to, 174, 178

Chisholm, Shirley, 127

Chota (friend), 113–14, 200

Christian Science, 23, 47

Citizens Exchange Corps, 187

“City Politic” (Steinem column), 98, 130

civil rights movement: Irish, 157; U.S., 5, 47, 58

Claiborne, Craig, 245

Clapton, Eric, 190

Clarkson and Potter publishers, 242–43

Clayburgh, Jill, 149, 451

Clinton, Bill: affairs of, 393–96, 397–98, 400; elections of 1992 and, 393, 397–98, 399; elections of 1996 and, 399–400; favorability ratings of, 402–3; GS interview of, 397–98; Hillary's relationship with, 396–98, 400, 401, 405; Ickes firing by, 402; impeachment of, 400, 402, 404

Clinton, Hillary Rodham: and Bill's affairs, 392–95, 396–97, 399; Bill's relationship with, 395–97, 400, 401; elections of 1992 and, 393; elections of 1996 and, 399–400; elections of 2008 and, 437–39; GS's research and writings about, 237–39, 393–405; independence of, 401–403; male backlash to, 400; Mandela's advice to, 400; popularity of, 402; as representing change, 400; reputation of, 401; and Senate, 393, 402–5; social life of, 403; style of, 404–5; supporters of, 339, 439; and winning, 396

Cocker, Joe, 114

Coe, Fred, 232

Cohn, Sam, 210

Coleman, Morton, 381

Colombo, Joe, 95

Columbia Journalism Review
, 148

Columbia University: GS at, 87, 126, 137–38, 141; and GS trip to Soviet Union, 187; student protests at, 60, 87–88

Colwin, Laurie, 217–18

Communists, 25–26

composite characters (literary device), 146–48

Condé Nast, 316, 317

“Confessions of a Youth Marketeer” (Tobias), 94–95

conglomerates, media, GS comments about, 334

Conley, John, 376–77

Cook, Blanche Wiesen, 337

cookbooks, 68

Copeland, Aaron, 89

Copsey, Earl, 322

copy editing, 216–17

magazine, 73, 79, 103,115, 136

Costelloe, Robin, 198–99

Council, Ella, 206–7,
, 220, 292, 356, 408, 412, 422

Court TV
(reality TV), 100

Cox, Don, 89

criminal underworld, 95

Crow, Elizabeth, 242

Cuban Missile Crisis, 59–60

cultural interpreter, GS as, 138

Curtin, Jane, 183

Daily Beast
, 278, 333, 457

Dalai Lama, 310

dancing school, GS in, 19, 22

Dando, Evan, 228

Dando, Holly, 228

Dando, Susan Schmedes, 228–29, 233

Daniels, Judith, 242

daring, in GS's life, 458–60

Heder, Darvy

Davis, John, 154

Davis, Myrna, 339

Davis, Paul, 339

De Luca, Carla, 387

Deacy, Jack, 200–201, 202

Delacorte publishing, 149

Della Bella, Jimmy, 142

Democratic National Convention (Miami, 1972), 165–66, 167

Denby, William, 336

Derry, Northern Ireland, Bloody Sunday in, 158–60, 162, 316

Diablo Canyon Power Plant, GS writings about, 250

Dickerson, Nancy, 226

Diller, Barry, 266

divorce: and Clay-GS relationship, 183; of Clay-Tiffin, 14, 51, 52, 116; of Henions (Harold and Lillian), 42–43

Dizzy's Club Coca-Cola (New York City), Clay-GS at, 444–45

“Dobbin case,” 202–3

Dobell, Byron, 93, 99, 257, 260–61, 314, 449

Dobell, Elizabeth, 314

Doctorow, E. L., 336–37

dogs, 205, 295, 301, 302, 455, 458

Dole, Bob, 329

Donaldson, Sam, 61

Doubleday publishers, 70

Drake, Peter, 77–78

drugs, Trish and, 104–9, 110–12

Dublin, Ireland, GS house in, 200–202

Duggan, Dennis, 202

Dukakis, Michael, 329

Dutton, Fred, 62, 64, 208

Dutton publishers, 208, 210, 216, 217, 273

Dystel, Oscar, 230

East Side Express
, 330, 332, 334, 390

(Epstein), 68

Ebersole, Christine, 155, 455, 456

editors: GS's experiences with, 278–79; writers' relationship with, 270–72.
See also specific person

Egypt, GS trip to, 276–78

Ehrenreich, Barbara, 368

Eisenberg, Lee, 98

Elaine's (New York City restaurant), 238, 239

elections of 1968, 58–66, 173, 322–23

elections of 1972, 172, 175

elections of 1984, 318, 321, 330–31

elections of 1988, 321–24, 328, 329

elections of 1992, 393, 397–98

elections of 1994, 399

elections of 1996, 399–400

elections of 2008, 333–34, 405, 437–39

Elizabeth (Queen of England), 161

Emerson, Ken, 226–27

Encounter (drug treatment program), 109, 111–12, 115

English, Dierdre, 333

Ensler, Eve, 128

Ephron, Nora, 245–46

Epstein, Jason, 68

Erikson, Erik, 186, 213, 219

Erpf, Armand, 86, 111, 246, 247; dinner party at apartment of, 125–29

Erpf, Sue, 125, 126, 128–29

Espionage Act, 171

magazine: Bernard leaves, 83; Clay at, 53–54, 81, 128; Clay's acquisition of, 100, 243, 268, 270; Dobell at, 99; Hayes at, 98; Latham as editor at, 95–96; Life History Questionnaire in, 274; Sadat interview for, 276–78, 317; Steinem at, 83, 128; Talese profile of Sinatra in, 147

Ethical Cultural Center (New York City), Clay's memorial at, 447–48

Evans, Harry, 279, 368–69

Evers, Medgar, 5

Fadner, Kenneth, 246–47, 249, 251, 269

failure: and characteristics of pathfinders, 275; GS's fear of, 227–28

Fairchild Publications, 382

Fantl, Larry, 115

farm, New York, GS getaway to, 440

Farrow, Mia, 76

Feiffer, Jules, 98

Feinstein, Dianne, 372

Felker, Carl (father), 53, 252

Felker, Clay: antique interests of, 241–42; apartment of, 116–17, 310, 386, 443; appearance of, 13, 57, 82, 241; as bachelor-about-town, 184; as businessman, 237, 249, 269; cancer of, 375, 376–77, 406–13, 420, 434–35, 445–46; childhood and youth of, 53; core passion of, 382, 385; cycle of slow dying of, 420–21, 433–35, 439–40, 442–45; death of, 445–46; descent of, 383; dreams/aspirations of, 53–54, 57, 435; eating habits of, 120; European vacation of, 208, 209; family background of, 52–53; family meetings with, 439–40; fatherhood and, 313; favorite movie of, 170; fears of, 377; financial affairs of, 238, 241–42; funeral for, 439, 446–47; happiness of, 440; heart problems of, 386–87; lawyers for, 100; legacy of, 447; loyalty of, 86; marriage/divorce of, 14, 51, 52, 116; memorial for, 447–48; and “midlife crisis,” 215; in nursing home, 421, 429–30; other women and, 243; palliative care for, 434–35, 440–41, 442–43; personality of, 80, 81, 180, 237, 243; photographs of,
181, 378, 415;
professional background of, 53–54; recognition for, 374; romantic flings of, 207; self-confidence of, 186, 266; as self-made man, 186; serious chronic illness of, 421; signature promise of, 92; socializing of, 96–97; speaking/swallowing problems of, 410–13; staff loyalty to, 98; and stages of development, 215; style of, 96, 97; as success, 248–49; tributes to, 89; views about New York City of, 82; views about women of, 12–13, 53, 97–98, 330; voice of, 13–14, 80; and woman as vice president, 330; and women journalists, 97–98; and women's movement, 90–91, 125–29, 130, 131–33; writers' relationship with, 51.
See also
Felker-GS relationship;
specific person or topic

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