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Authors: Gail Sheehy

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Felker, Cora Tyree (mother), 53

Felker Fest, 388–91

Felker-GS relationship: Allen-GS discussion about, 411–12; Angeles and, 168–69; and Asia trip, 280–83; Birdwhistell's “free bird” concept and, 184, 191; California move and, 385, 386–91, 392; and Cambodian adoptions, 283, 284; children and, 185; and Clay as GS's protector, 426; and Clay as love of GS's life, 425, 459; and Clay as mentor for GS, 208, 219, 440, 443; and Clay's advice to GS, 58; Clay's cancer and, 411–12; Clay's cycle of slow death and, 433–35, 442–45; and Clay's pulling out of feeding tube, 440–41; and Clay's ultimatum to GS, 189, 193; Clay's views about, 207–9; and Clay's visits to GS's Lower East Side apartment, 55–58, 66; commitment in, 193, 208, 210; and early days of living together, 120–24; emotions and, 123–24, 170, 183–84, 310; and family/family life, 183–84, 312, 406; fears in, 295–96; and Fox-GS relationship, 272; Graham and, 192–93; and GS as bachelor woman, 200; and GS as caregiver, 426, 433–37, 439–40, 442–43; and GS as center of Clay's life, 409; GS moves back in with, 256; and GS in perimenopause/menopause, 360–62; and GS at Washington party, 189–91; GS's Algonquin lunch with, 50–54; and GS's daring, 459; and GS's drinking problem, 430–31; and GS's first professional exposure to Clay, 13–15; and GS's first time in Clay's apartment, 116–17; GS's fortieth birthday party and, 233; GS's memories of, 443; GS's play about, 451; and GS's smoking, 129; GS's views about, 182–93; and GS's wardrobe, 225; Hamptons and, 150, 182–83, 187–88, 221, 231–32; happiness of, 316, 381–82; interdependence of, 397; and Italian trip, 228; London trip and, 310–12; Los Angeles trip and, 250; magnetism between, 207, 294; and marriage of Clay and GS, 311–15, 459; Maura and, 118, 121, 122–23, 168, 204, 221, 228, 256, 303, 310, 312, 315; and Maura-GS relationship, 292; and “midlife crisis,” 215; Mohm and, 293, 294–96, 299, 303, 310, 312, 315; Newhouse (Nancy) and, 187–88, 189, 192; as powerful, 374; problems in, 187–91, 296; and professional activities, 116, 119–20, 121; push-pull attraction between, 118–19; role of marriage in, 183–86, 296, 311; romantic obsession in, 119; and Saint Martin's vacation, 266–68; separation in, 193, 210, 293, 296; sexual relationship between, 117, 120, 267; “sleepovers” and, 118–20; social activities and, 121–22, 125–29; Tiffin letter about, 207.
See also specific topic or event

Felker Magazine Center (University of California, Berkeley), 388–91

The Feminine Mystique
(Friedan), 133–34

women's movement;
specific person or organization

Ferraro, Geraldine, 330–33, 334

Fifth Avenue (New York City), women's march up, 134–35

financial affairs: and Brown's offer to GS, 79; of Clay, 238, 241–42; Clay's medical costs and, 421–24; Gould lawsuit and, 220; and GS-Albert's divorce, 49, 185; and GS as bestselling author, 230; and GS as freelance writer, 203–4; of Henion family, 27, 44, 230; Maura's education and, 203;
and, 210, 219, 230, 231–32, 273, 422, 426;
and, 273; and sale of Hamptons house, 421–25, 426, 427–28;
The Silent Passage
and, 369, 370–71; stock market rise and, 414

Finkelstein, Jerry, 99

Fire Island co-ed houses, GS story about, 14–15

Fleur, Richard, 74–75

Flom, Joe, 100, 254

Flowers, Gennifer, 393–94

Flypaper People, GS story about, 14–15

Food and Drug Administration, U.S. (FDA), 364

Ford, Buffy, 62

Ford, Gerald, 93

Fordham University, Trish as Ph.D. graduate of, 115

magazine, impact of
New York
magazine on, 102

Four Seasons (New York City restaurant), 13–14, 55, 100, 205, 221

Fox, Joe, 271–72

“The Fractured Family” (Sheehy), 138

France: Clay-GS trip to, 412–13, 414; and GS writings about French behavior on beaches, 228.
See also
Paris, France

Franklin National Bank, collapse of, 93–94

Freedom Riders, 5

Freud, Sigmund, 210–11

Friedan, Betty, 131, 133–34, 135, 336

Friends Seminary, 303

Friends Service Committee, 303

Frost, David, 173, 177, 178–79, 180,
, 200, 314, 342, 453

Gainsborough Studios, 271–72

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 243

gay culture, 95

Gekko, Gordon, 335

Getty, J. Paul, 154

Gilbert, Ruth, 101

Gingrich, Arnold, 54

Ginna, Margaret, 223, 231, 455

Ginna, Robert Emmett, 223, 339, 449, 454–58

girl with hungry eyes.

Glaser, Milton, 80–83, 90, 92, 93, 102, 110, 224, 247, 251, 260, 263–64, 314–15, 389

Gold, Ted, 88

Goldsmith, Barbara, 12–13, 84–86, 125, 126, 127, 129

Goldstein, Tom, 382

Good Fellas
(movie), 95

Goodman, Jerry, 248

(Auletta), 94

Gorbachev: The Making of the Man Who Changed the World
(Sheehy), 354–57, 393

Gorbachev, Mikhail: downfall of, 357; “emotional accidents” of, 354; GS's fantasy play about, 358; GS's study of and writings about, 341, 350–57, 365, 366, 371, 393; Nobel Peace Prize for, 356, 357; Reagan and, 348, 349; Thatcher and, 347–49, 357–58; Véronique and, 347

Gorbachev, Raisa, 349

Gordon, Max, 153

Gore, Albert, Jr., 329

Gould, Roger, 218–20

Grace Church School, Maura at, 122, 203

Graham, Caroline Cushing, 180

Graham, Donald, 243

Graham, Katherine “Kay”: and Clay-Lally Weymouth relationship, 207; and Clay-Murdoch relationship, 236–37; Clay's relationship with, 170, 171–72, 192–93, 207, 266; Kissinger dinner party and, 170–71, 172–73, 175–76, 178, 192; Mitchell's (John) comment about, 179; and Murdoch-Clay problems, 253; and
New York
magazine acquisition, 253, 255–56; and publication of
The Pentagon Papers
, 170, 171–72, 175; and
Village Voice
, 253, 255; Watergate story and, 176; Weymouth's relationship with, 243

Graham, Phil, 170

Grand Central Station (New York City), GS's youthful trips to, 25–26, 459

Grand Central Station
(radio show), 24

Grand Magic Vitamin Experiment, Nate's, 107–9, 110, 111

Great Depression, 22, 27

“The Great Valentine's Day Uprising” (Sheehy and Dobell), 99

Greed and Glory on Wall Street
(Auletta), 94

The Greely Street News
, as Clay's first broadsheet, 53

Greene, Gael, 245

Gregorian, Vartan, 374

Grey Gardens
(documentary), 155

Grey Gardens
(musical), 155–56

Grifo, Jamie, 364

Guber, Lynda, 366

Guber, Peter, 366

Gubernick, Lisa, 330

Guinness, Gloria, 6

gun control, Kennedy campaign and, 62–63, 66

H., Dr., 407–8

Halberstam, David, 89, 246, 317

Hamill, Pete, 202, 242, 389

Hamilton, Eva McCall, 191

Hamptons: Beale family in the, 150–56; Clay and GS in, 150, 221, 231, 415,
, 425–27; and Clay-GS relationship, 150, 182–83, 187–88; GS's house in, 231–33, 415,
, 421–28; and Kraft-Clay relationship, 173.
See also
Sag Harbor

happiness: of Clay, 440; in Felker-GS relationship, 316, 381–82; and
research, 274

Harkins, Debbie, 101

Harmsworth, Vere, 100, 268, 270

HarperCollins publishers, 279, 354

Harriman, Averell, 121

Harriman, Pamela, 121, 346

Hart, Gary, 318, 319–24

Hart, Lee, 319, 322–23

Harvard Business School, 94, 95

Harvard Grant study, Vaillant's, 186

Hatch, Orrin, 404–5

Hawkins, John, 273

Hayes, Harold, 98

Hearst, William Randolph, 186

Heder, Darvy (Cambodian woman), 288, 290, 291, 299, 301, 447

Heinonen, Erkki, 284

Hellman, Lillian, 89, 339

Hell's Angels, 104

Hendrix, Jimi, 114

Henion, Gladys Latham Ovens (grandmother), 19,
, 23, 24, 25, 26–27, 28

Henion, Harold Merritt (father): appearance and personality of, 42–43; Bernice (golf friend) and, 19, 43; Connecticut commute of, 42–43; divorce and remarriage of, 42–43; eye of, 23; financial affairs of, 44, 103, 230; and GS as bestselling author, 230; and GS's childhood and youth, 16–18, 19, 233; and GS's college education, 27; and GS's elopement with McCarthy, 32–33, 34; GS's idealization of, 28; GS's New York City discussions with, 41–44, 109–10; and GS's panic attacks, 166; influence on GS of, 28; job search of, 109–10; Lillian's relationship with, 21, 22, 37, 53; midlife fantasy of, 44; new life of, 42–44, 109–10; as patriarch, 22; personal and professional background of, 22, 26–27, 57; photograph of,
“Pretty Boy” as nickname for, 103; Trish's problems and, 103, 109–10

Henion, Harold Merritt (grandfather), 26–27

Henion, Lillian Rainey (mother): alcohol problems of, 21, 42, 43, 108, 134, 232, 433; Big Al and, 108, 232; as businesswoman, 232; death of, 337–38; divorce of, 42–43; dreams/ambitions of, 21–22; family background of, 57; as fun mother, 23; and GS's abortion, 34–35; and GS's childhood and youth, 17, 19, 22–23; and GS's elopement with McCarthy, 30, 31, 32–33, 34; and GS's fortieth birthday party, 233; Harold's relationship with, 21, 22, 37, 53; on
tour with GS, 205; influence on GS of, 28, 37; Mohm and, 298; osteoporosis of, 363; passage of, 232, 298; photograph of,
and Trish's problems, 108; women's movement and, 133–34

Henion, Susie (stepsister), 233

Henion, “Trish” (sister): arrest of, 110–11; birth of, 21; childhood of, 44; Clay and, 111; and Clay and GS in California, 388; Clay's death and, 446; college education of, 43, 44, 103, 115; and
Paris trip, 103, 115; declaration of independence of, 103–4; drugs and, 104–13; Fantl marriage of, 115; and GS as caregiver, 439; GS's discussion with father about, 109–10; and GS's fortieth birthday party, 233; and GS's idealization of father, 28; and GS's Kennedy (Bobby) assignment, 61, 65, 66; and GS's spiritual fitness, 433; as Maura's caretaker, 103–4; Mohm and, 299, 300, 301; Nate and, 104–13; and parent's divorce, 42, 43; picture of,
professional career of, 115; Woodstock trip of, 113–14

Henry, Sherrye, 446

Herald Tribune, New York “The Trib”: city room at, 11–13; Civil War era volumes of, 87; Clay at, 3, 7, 13–15, 86, 87, 245, 390; GS application for job at, 4, 5, 6; GS at, 3, 6–15, 46–47, 50–54, 73, 86, 180, 429, 459; women as feature writers at, 12–13

Herrmann, Ed, 451

Hewitt, Don, 292

“The Hidden Hart” (Sheehy), 320–21

Hill, Anita, 372, 404

Hillary's Choice
(Sheehy), 393, 401

hippies, 56, 76

Hirsch, George, 247

Ho Chi Minh, Steinem's story about, 83–84

Hog Farm commune, 114

Hollywood, Clay in, 293

Hollywood Women's Political Committee, 396

Hong Kong, Clay and GS in, 280–81

hormone replacement therapy, 362, 364–65

Horne, Lena, 336

Hughes, Howard, 154

Hughes, Langston, 336

Hussein, Saddam, 329

(Sheehy), 149, 205, 451

Ickes, Harold, 402

Immigration Service, U.S., 301

income gap, between wealthy and middle class, 71

India: GS loss of notes about, 78–79; GS trip to, 73–79

Indianapolis, Indiana, GS on Kennedy (Bobby) assignment in, 58–59

insurance, maternity clinics and, 8

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 421, 426

International Creative Management (ICM), 97, 210

International Herald Tribune
, and
as bestseller, 229

International Rescue Committee (IRC), 287, 288, 299, 307

Iran-Contra, 328

Iraq War, 328

Ireland: GS's Bloody Sunday trip to, 157–64, 186, 198, 205, 211, 217, 316; writers' collective house in, 201–3

Irish Republican Army (IRA), 157–59, 162–64

“Is George Bush Too Nice to Be President” (Sheehy), 325

Isaacson, Walter, 339–40

Italy, GS-Maura trip to, 228–29

Jackson, Jesse, 329

Jaffe, Mark, 230

James, William, 195

Janklow, Morton, 370–71

Jaques, Elliott, 211

Javits, Jacob, 14

jazz: and Clay-GS at Dizzy's Club, 444–45; at Clay's memorial, 447–48

J.C. Penney, GS's job with, 36–37, 459

Jennings, Peter, 339

Jewell, George, 39–40

Jewish Home Life Care facility, Clay at, 421, 429–30

Jockey Club (Miami Beach), 165

John (friend), 45

Johnson, Lyndon B., 64, 172, 319, 324, 337

Jong, Erica, 205

Joplin, Janis, 114

Jung, Carl, 210

Kamel, Madame, 303–4, 306

Kandel, Bethany, 330

Kansas State University, Kennedy (Bobby) speech at, 60

Kaufman, Elaine, 238

Kempner, Tom, 262, 263

Kennedy, Edward “Ted,” 246

Kennedy, Ethel, 62, 63, 64, 65

Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier, 6, 56, 150, 152–53, 155, 243–44

Kennedy, John F., 5, 12, 59–60, 64, 93, 152, 154, 244, 323, 324

Kennedy, Joseph P., Jr., 152, 154, 156

Kennedy, Joseph P., Sr., 59, 154–55, 156

Kennedy, Robert F. “Bobby,” 57–66, 152, 182, 317, 324, 459

Kesey, Ken, 12

KGB, 351–52

Khao-I-Dang (Cambodian refugee camp), 283–85

Kheel, Ted, 232, 259

Khrushchev, Nikita, 60

Kilpatrick, James J., 183

King, Larry, 401

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 5, 58–59

Kissinger, Henry, dinner party for, 168, 169–79, 192, 193

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