Dark (Beautiful Ashes #1) (13 page)

BOOK: Dark (Beautiful Ashes #1)
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Keeley stilled her racing heart by taking in several slow, deep breaths. The room was setup for all kinds of
. She lit the essential oil candles that gave off a sensual scent of orange blossoms. Lacey pointed out the Neroli had a calming effect as well. They were definitely an aphrodisiac; she was already aroused. Lacey not only told her how, when, why, and where, but she’d been kind enough to demonstrate several areas for Keeley to focus on. She needed the hands-on to really grasp the concepts. As always, Lace didn’t take it to the okay-this-is-freaky-with-a-girl zone. Didn’t matter that she was her sister; some things were just
. Although she’d had sex with a couple of women through the years, but that was a part of her past she was so thoroughly ashamed of. It was when she was prostituting herself for drugs. How she’d do
for the next high. Really, Keeley’s new found obsession was leading her right back down the same path. She saw the warning signs, everywhere—yet couldn’t seem to stop her projection. Guilt slammed her gut hard enough to buckle her over. What the hell was she doing? Tar was better off without her.

Keeley suddenly felt dirty and unworthy of a man like Tarius McNeil. She moved quickly to blow out the candles and slipped a robe over her enticing outfit of leather and lace. By accident she knocked over a glass pitcher full of water, shattering it into a hundred pieces. In her frantic, unstable state, she reached over picking up the larger fragments. Blood trickled off her fingers as she watched in fascination. Searching for the wounds, she found where her life-force was pulsating out in a steady rhythm, holding her captive. Instead of wrapping the cuts, she sat down in the mirage of glass and deep dark red, reminding her of a mosaic painting. Keeley paid no attention to the fact her bare legs were sliced open with her weight. Her stare was fixated on a particular piece that looked like a knife made of glass. The voice she was becoming more and more accustomed to, whispered, “Right along here.”

She could feel the demon’s icy fingernail trace along her artery inside her wrist. He continued to seduce her. “Follow it up, not across,” he crooned along her lips. She licked them, tasting him on her tongue. “Come be with me forever, my dark angel.” So entranced by his words, she didn’t feel the bite as the sharp edge entered and moved up. “Yesssssss,” he hissed, bringing her wide eyes out of whatever haze she’d been caught in. Her scream was ear-splitting as Caleb’s decomposed face was right in front of hers.

Tar raced toward the room. Keeley was in trouble. He burst through the door, taking in the scene before him. He’d seen some bad shit through the years, but nothing could’ve prepared him for this. Keeley was covered in blood with shards of glass sticking out from her legs, feet, and hands. But what locked his gaze and held him hostage was the thick piece embedded in the inside of her arm. “My God, what have you done?” he gasped, reaching for anything to use as a tourniquet. The sash on her robe would do, he nodded, as he pulled it free from her waist. “I’ve got you, baby. Hold on,” he entreated, making quick work to staunch the flow.

Not wanting to open her artery more by removing the glass, he carefully worked around it to hold it in place. He sent an urgent text to Mitch for assistance.

Instead of a reply, Mitch beat feet to the room E informed him Tar would be in. He slammed the door open and let out a, “Holy Fuck,” as he knelt beside his friend cradling a pale as death Keeley. No need to ask the cause, evidence surrounded him, drawing his trained eye to her arm. He noted Tar did well to tie off the area without budging the glass blade protruding. Mitch sidled closer, examining.

Tar’s voice gave away how scared shitless he was. “You can help, right?”

“Affirmative.” He shot a level gaze at him. “You should take her to the hospital.”

“They’ll commit her for observations,” Tar pointed out.

“Most likely. But you have to ask yourself, isn’t that in her best interest?”

Keeley murmured something unintelligible, bringing Tar’s ear directly to her mouth. “Say it again, baby.”

She licked her lips. “I-I,” she stammered, “d-d-didn’t tr-try to kill myself.”

Perplexed by her confession, when everything around him begged to differ, he inquired, “Someone else slit your wrist?” Okay, even to him that sounded ridiculous.

Mitch confirmed that with a, “So what, a ghost did it?”

But Keeley was not finding this funny at all. She growled out, “He’s after me again.”

“Who?” Mitch shot out as he continued to work on her arm.

Her face was terror-stricken as she breathed harshly.

“Calm her down,” Mitch rumbled, working frantically.

“No one is going to hurt you, Keeley.” Tar whispered fiercely against her lips, “I love you. And I’ll
protect you.” Yet he hadn’t. Here she was in danger of bleeding to death, and he wasn’t anywhere to be found. She hissed. From his lie or the pain? Mitch began to stitch the wound. Somehow Tar had missed when he grabbed a med kit. Talk about being nonobservant and
not like him. He shook his head, silencing the dark thoughts, feeling the need to rectify the lie he just told her. “I’m here now. Nothing is going to harm you while I’m on guard.”

Those words brought a smile ghosting across her lips. He’d said them to her before in Italy when her fears were wreaking havoc during rehab. Her mind drifted back to that time in the garden with him as she screamed out all that frightened her.

Tar had held her firmly as she’d beaten his chest, confessing how scared she’d felt. How utterly petrified that she would become the very nightmare she’d lived through.

Tears began to flow at the realization—she was well on her way. “You have to let me go,” she choked on the words, “before you can’t escape this hell.” Keeley gasped on a sob and lost consciousness.

Mitch angled a hard gaze at Tar. “Tell me again why she shouldn’t be where there’s help?”

“I’ve got her,” Tar grit out. “I’ll help her get through this. You’ll see,” he said with a fierce determination in his voice.

Mitch shook his head. “You’re fuckin’ crazy, man. This is so far beyond you it’s not even a little funny.” He finished wrapping Keeley’s arm and removed his rubber gloves. “What you’re going to do is find yourself in a cemetery mourning this beautifully damaged woman, and then I’m going to have to put your ass on suicide watch,” he growled. “And fuck you. Been there done that with your sorry ass once before.” Mitch stood and marched straight out of the room without another word.

Tar buried his face in Keeley’s hair and confessed, “I get where you’re at, Angel. He’s wrong. I can help you. I know I can.” But he wondered desperately if this really was the right course of action.




Keeley woke up in the guestroom she and Tar were staying in. Her sister was on one side of the bed, holding her hand, and Tar on the other. She noticed E was standing behind Lacey, rubbing her shoulders. “How,” she croaked out, swallowing several times, “long have I been out?”

Lacey stood immediately, pouring a glass of water and giving Keeley some through a straw. Keeley pulled greedily, gulping. Tar caressed her jaw. “Easy there, Tigress. You’ll make yourself sick.”

She fought the frown as Lacey took the straw from her. “He’s right. You gave us quite a scare.”

E answered her question. “Almost three days. But you’ve been in and out.”

She slowly remembered Lacey helping her take a bath, but thought it was a dream. Apparently not. But when she glanced down and caught the bandaging on her arm, her wide-eyed gaze met Tar’s. “What happened?”

He glanced down and away. “We were hoping
could tell us.”

Lacey lightly touched Keeley’s bandaged arm. “You sliced your wrist open.”

Keeley’s brow scrunched hard. No, that couldn’t be true, could it? Then, her breathing accelerated as she remembered the horrible corpse coercing her into that very act. Not a soul would believe her if she told the truth. The fact didn’t sit well and Keeley became a fountain, spewing the water she just drank. Everyone raced to help. But the more they fussed and spoke nicely to her, the more violently she erupted. Her body was trying to purge the evil attempting to make a home inside her. She clawed frantically at her skin and screamed, “Get him out. Get him out of me!”

Tar locked his gaze hard with hers as his hands made a firm purchase on hers, stilling them. “I’ve. Got. You.”

Keeley latched onto the lifeline he just threw, holding onto his words with everything she had in her. She let him pull her to safety with his tender yet fierce words. “No one. Nothing. Will get to you. Do you hear me?” She nodded. “Listen carefully. I’m not letting anyone harm you.”

She leaned forward and buried her face in his chest, breathing him in—sandalwood. Inhale. Exhale. Tar released her hands and cupped her face, raising it to his. Against her mouth he whispered, “Let me in. Let me help you fight him.”

He knew! Tar completely understood. She kissed him viciously and he returned with his own fiery promise—you are not alone.

E’s cough broke the moment.

Lacey stood, arms crossed, staring at her sister. She wanted to help, but the truth was right there before her. This was no longer her job to do. Tar stepped into the role she’d carried for many years. As if E sensed his beloved wife was in turmoil, he coiled around her tightly and whispered, “Let him help her.” Lacey turned into her husband’s arms, nodding emphatically. She acknowledged it was for the best, but couldn’t quite help the sadness of letting go.

Tar helped Keeley with more water as the emotions pinging off the walls began to calm. E chimed in, “Well, that was one hell of a rollercoaster ride,” bringing some much needed humor into the situation.

Lacey kissed the corner of his mouth. “I love you.”

He rumbled back, “Show me.”

Lacey strategically rubbed right up against his erection as she turned and said, “I’ll be back in a little while to check on you, Kee.”

Keeley gave a knowing wink, “I’ll be here,” as she watched the two lovebirds exit, playfully. She was smiling as her gaze caught Tar’s.

There was a flame in those emeralds, melting her insides, and she shifted to ease the ache between her legs. He backed up until his hand met the lock on the door. Her eyes widened as he eased his shirt over his head. “You are sin incarnate,” she confessed, admiring how his muscles flexed and did arousing things to his tattoos. Across his chest in beautiful script read: For God and Country. The one over his shoulder was an anchor surrounded by tribal like markings. On the other side an American Bald Eagle. But the one drawing her eyes, as her pink tongue traced her bottom lip, was the gothic one peeking out of the waistband of his jeans…Seize the Moment.

Holy hell.  The man was beyond sexy.

He stalked toward her. “I can’t do what I really
to as you’re recovering,” he affirmed, tugging the sheet off her body. “But I can’t stay away from you a moment longer,” the panged confession licked her clit. His hands traveled up her legs until reaching her panties. With a quick yank he removed them, lying down between her spread thighs. Tar blew along the glistening flesh of her sex. “Yes. I agree. Nothing wrong with kissing.” He lifted, so her knees draped over his shoulders, and met her lips with his, softly coaxing her to open for him. His tongue spread each petal as her honey began to flow. He lapped every drop, circling her hardening button. Speaking directly along her most sensitive location, he looked up her body and locked gazes with hers. “Would you like me to French

A clever flick across her pleasure point sent ripples along Keeley. “Yessssss,” she hissed out as he toyed with her.

“Make me,” he demanded.

She grabbed his hair and raised her hips, putting her womanhood directly against his mouth. Keeley began to rub herself on his chin, catching her oh-so-hot spot right on the tip of his nose. His tongue invaded her core, bringing a deep moan from her. She was unashamed as she rode his face, still seeking desperately for his mouth on just the right place. She yanked him harder against her while grinding. He obeyed her unspoken command and licked her clit before sucking it deeply into his mouth, teeth scraping. She came so beautifully. Perfectly. All for him. “Do it again,” he growled, coaxing yet another spectacular orgasm from her.

Keeley surrendered to him completely, allowing rapture and love to have their way with her. She needed him more and more every minute of every day. Guilt began to wrap its icy fingers around her brain, reminding her that she was deceiving him.

Along the other side of her mind she heard the hissing whisper of the demon, “That’s proof you don’t
love him.”

She clamped her legs tight on Tar’s head.

He knew something had ahold of her and did the only thing he could think of so Keeley didn’t suffocate him in the scissor hold she placed against his windpipe. Tar found the pressure points in her ass and dug his thumbs in deep. She released him as he eased the pressure, but added soft nips right along her sensitive flesh. The pain he applied was gentled with his mouth, causing a magnificent climax. “Shit. That was a fucking eight-point-O, baby.”

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