Dark (Beautiful Ashes #1) (16 page)

BOOK: Dark (Beautiful Ashes #1)
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He nodded while tracing around her belly button ring. “Be a good girl and I’ll kiss you with it.”

…Her sharp intake of breath told him just how good she planned on being. He drew along the thorns of the rose on her hip pointing him to the treasure. She continued to torment herself by taking her nipples to a level of sweet agony as he spread her wide with his fingers. His rapt fascination was fixed on her throbbing clit. “Does it pulsate for me?”

“God yes,” she rasped, “only you.” Absolute truth. Tar weaved something over her that no other man could manage. Her head tilted to one side. What was it?

“Your heart beats just for me, like mine does for you,” he growled, flicking his hips forward. His other hand was digging into the flesh at her hip, holding her steady as he teased the seam of her ass with his dick. His fingers exposing her most secretive spot began to tap in rhythm with her pulse. Her engorged nub drumming in double-time. “Don’t you dare come,” he grit out with another jab to her ass. She whimpered and bit her lip, seeking control of her body. “Your pussy is so beautiful. See how it cries for me.” Her gaze darted past his tantalizing fingers to see her juices along the inside of her thigh. Tar pinched her clit and held it firm, scraping the tip of his nail along it. Her growl told him she was on the edge. He released her and repeated the action harder. “Watch yourself break apart for me,” he commanded.

Keeley’s orgasm swept over her as she fought the urge to close her eyes. Seeing herself with Tar’s gaze fixed on her was overwhelming. There was unadulterated male pride mixed in perfectly with love and adoration. For her. The sight stole her breath. He leaned his body against hers and whispered, “I’ve got you, Keeley. Always.” He did. He really did. But the feelings of unworthiness began to seep in and steal it away. Tar noticed the deep V between her eyes. Oh,
no! That motherfucker wasn’t taking her from him. He reached and turned her face to his, capturing her mouth in a deep, passionate kiss. Telling her with each slide of his tongue: You. Belong. To. Me.

Keeley sucked on that stud tickling and enticing her. She needed it on her pussy. But more than that, she needed Tar buried balls deep inside her. “Fuck me,” she growled inside his mouth.

He released her jaw and, with the flat of his palm, pushed her down between the shoulder blades. “Hands on the mirror,” he commanded and pulled her hips to the edge, greeting her sweet pussy with his granite hard cock. Without pause, he tugged her onto him and thrust furiously. His gaze on his dick moving in and out of her with brutal precision. He stuck his thumb in her ass and ordered, “Finger your clit.”

The sensations were building and Keeley couldn’t hang on. “I’m going to come.”

Tar’s jaw was clenched tight as he managed, “Fucking do it.”

Keeley screamed his name out as she did. He was right there with her, emptying himself completely on a growled, “Mine.”





After their sex-capade Keeley made her decision, she would tell Tar everything and hope he didn’t run for the hills. Considering where they were, the mountains was most likely the preferred choice. Still, her stomach was in knots as she nuzzled into him, drawing the scent of sandalwood and sex so deep it left an imprint on her soul. The thought this might be her last night in his arms made her desperate to crawl inside him and never leave.

Tar couldn’t quite put his finger on what had changed in Keeley, but he felt it all the way to his marrow. He pulled her closer, not wanting to ever let go, for fear this was his last night to hold her in his arms. God he hoped, prayed, that wasn’t the case. Unable to sleep for any long period of time, he found himself running on the treadmill, trying to figure out a plan B. Anxiety dug at his gut, the excavator was determined to continue its mission until he upchucked. Enough of this worrying bullshit, he decided he’d wake the sleeping beauty and talk. Communication was key, that was what all the experts said. On his way out, he received an urgent text.

Leith: 911

What the ever-loving hell?

Tar: Where?

Leith: Base of operation.

Tar: Give me 20.

He wondered if this had anything to do with the young woman Leith was assisting earlier. Tar didn’t want to disturb Keeley, kissing the corner of her mouth softly before whispering, “I love you. Remember that.” He stole one more glance over his shoulder, memorizing every detail. Golden hair splayed around her face giving her an ethereal appearance. The sheet barely covering her pert nipples. Her bare leg hitched up as if he were still lying beside her. Whatever the future held—that sight would forever be etched in his brain.




Keeley woke with a start. Hand searching for Tar and coming up empty, she rose quickly, thinking he’d be in one of two places: kitchen or gym. Her thorough combing of the penthouse left more questions. Seemed no one was around. Odd. A hot shower and coffee left her feeling more human. She reached over to grab a bagel and felt the soreness between her legs. Tar wasn’t all that gentle when he really let go. And Keeley would be lying if she didn’t admit, how much she craved more of him. The front door opened and Lacey called out, “Anyone here?”

Keeley walked toward her and from around the corner answered, “I am.”

“Come help me!”

She rushed to her sister’s aid. Lacey’s hands were full of various department store bags. “What the hell? You went shopping without me!” she accused.

“Stop it,” Lacey admonished. “I didn’t go
for me

Keeley relieved her of the spoils. “Then who’s all this for?”

“Not sure,” she admitted. “E told me to go grab a bunch of clothes for some girl who was rescued last night.”

“Rescued? By who?”

“Leith,” Lacey affirmed.

“No shit!”

“I know, right? I honestly thought he had a thing for you,” Lacey confessed. “Guess I was wrong.”

“Um, no you weren’t. But maybe…”

“Okay, I’m starving. Besides we can stand here and play the guessing game all day, won’t change a thing until E tells us.”

“True,” Keeley huffed. She didn’t do well with patient.

Her sister chortled. “Wow! You haven’t changed one bit. Still can’t handle waiting for anything.”

“Shut up! Not like you’re any better.”

Lacey’s eyes widened. “I’ll have you know; I’ve grown more patient over the years.”

Keeley laughed. “You mean your man has taught you the art of delayed gratification.”

Lacey shook her head but couldn’t deny it. “A lady should have
secrets.” She winked, linking her arm with Keeley’s. “Let’s go get breakfast.”




Tar could hardly believe what he was hearing. The girl was an operative? About the same age as Keeley but looked a little older. He angled a look at Mitch. “Just how many girls do they have working on this?”

Mitch shrugged. “Need to know basis.”

“Fuck that,” Tar growled. “What the hell have you gotten Keeley in to?”

“Nothing she didn’t want involved in,” Leith pointed out, earning him a nasty-ass glare from Tar.

Tar’s fists flexed. He should lay the cocksucker out. “Below the belt,” he warned, daring the smart-mouthed little shit to say another word regarding his woman.

Leith wisely shut his mouth about Keeley and focused on Sheridan in the next room. “Mitch, she’s scared to death of Braxton. Is there anyone else we can pair her with?”

“I’m doing my best here, man. Thing with Braxton is,” he held his hands up in a surrender pose, “he knows who he likes, and we can’t have him sniffing around our asses. You feel me?”

On a heavily growled out sigh, he answered, “Roger that.”

Tar pinched the bridge of his nose. This spelled F-U-B-A-R. “Let me get this straight, Keeley’s locked into this shit until either the motherfucker cracks, or the cartel itself is brought to justice?”

Mitch couldn’t make eye contact with his friend. Tar just nailed it. He didn’t agree with it but his hands were tied. However, he wasn’t a pussy, so he turned to face him. “‘Fraid that’s the order.”

Tar pushed back on the chair, hard enough to make the metal legs screech in a horrific sound across the linoleum floor, as he stood ready to take on the fucking world to protect Keeley. “I’ll handle it.” Without another word, he marched his ass straight out, cell phone in hand to call the one person he despised—Chase.

“Hello,” his brother answered.

“We need to talk,” Tar seethed.


“Yeah. Can we meet?”

“Sure. How about Golden Gate Park?”

“See you in ‘bout forty-five minutes.” Tar didn’t let him reply and hung up. He might loathe his own brother but the asshole was high enough on the food chain to actually do something about this fucked-up situation. And Keeley was worth a thousand trips to Hell. Never mind the fact he was about to sell his soul. He needed her safe. As for his mental and emotional well-being—fuck it. He’d deal with the aftermath. At least he hoped like hell he could. For his sake and Keeley’s.



E strode into the restaurant like he owned the whole damn world. There was no mistaking the man’s self-confidence. He lounged in the chair next to Lacey, and Keeley couldn’t help but notice the air of dominance surrounding him. Nor could anyone mistake his claim to the beauty sitting at his side. That love, what they shared was in every minute movement they made. Magnets. She stared in awe wondering if Tar and her even had a smidgen of it. Keeley found herself praying they did. E reached over to snatch a biscuit off her plate. “So nice of you to share with me.” He grinned before popping the flakey goodness into his mouth.

Keeley shook her head. “You don’t know how to ask?”

He shrugged, earning him a smack from Lacey. “What am I going to do with you?”

His eyebrows wagged in a lascivious way at his wife. “Oh sweetness,
let me show you.”

Lacey turned a brilliant red. “Geeze Even, I swear you have a one-track mind.”

“I do when it comes to you,” he answered, unashamed and unapologetic.

Keeley stood. “My cue to give you two some privacy.”

Her sister’s breathy giggles could be heard all the way to the restroom. A tinge of jealousy filled her. Keeley wanted that with Tar. They had always been surrounded by danger and/or drama. So much so she doubted that easy rapport was even remotely attainable.

“You’ll never be enough, Keeley. You’re not worthy of such love,” the seductive voice weaved around inside her mind latching onto every doubt, fear, and insecurity she had. Guilt slammed into her like a freight train barreling out of control. She’d done too much. She was too far gone.

Keeley splashed some water on her face and gazed at her reflection. “Oh no, you don’t,” she told herself. “You are confessing it all to Tar. Not for you, but for him.” She marched out of that the restroom determined to tell the man she loved the truth and nothing but the truth.

The demon sneered. Damn truth was his fucking nemesis. Time to see just how receptive Tar was to his seduction.




Keeley didn’t make it far from the restaurant before her phone pinged with a text.

Mitch: Braxton requested you. Meet me at E’s club.

Keeley: Be there asap.

She couldn’t help but wonder what changed. Though normally an entourage was with her, she saw no reason not to trust Mitch. Keeley figured E was contacted, so there wasn’t any reason to text Tar or Lacey. Her heartbeat raced in double-time when she noticed Ms. Jones around the corner. Coincidence? The question was answered for her when approached by the only woman who made Keeley’s skin crawl. She actually looked down at her arms convinced they would be covered in spiders. Hell, she hated spiders more than anything, making the visual more visceral. Determined the evil woman standing in front of her didn’t see her squirm, Keeley spoke nonchalantly, “How’s it going?”

“You’ve been informed of the appointment?”

Now, how the hell did she know? Not wanting to show her hand, Keeley countered, “What are you referring to?” The huff of annoyance told her she got under the bitch’s skin. Ha!

“You truly are daft.” Ms. Jones flung her hair over her shoulder, and Keeley fought the urge to pull it from her damn head. “Tonight. You are prepared?”

“For what?” Keeley swallowed down her fury, willing it to stay put as she rephrased, “Will there be something else? Or someone else?” Sure, she was aware that her and Leith would be at the underground later on. Braxton was never too rough with her at E’s dungeon, therefore she didn’t worry about not being able to keep that engagement. If it’d been in reverse, she would have had to work a different angle. The sooner Keeley either brought the bastard to justice or told Tar the truth, the better for everyone. She barely could tether Braxton’s desire to force her into sex, and each meeting with him pushed her onto thinner ice. Deception was an art form, and Keeley worried her ability to create plummeted to the earth at Mach 6.

Again, there was a holier-than-thou air when Ms. Jones replied, “Not a thing.”

She pivoted to walk away and Keeley couldn’t shake the sixth sense that there was more to it. Furthermore, in her wake, Ms. Jones left some sort of threat dangling.

Question was, would Keeley take the carrot?

She watched the woman, who caused all sorts of odd reactions in her, leave and wondered just what the hell that was about. No way did that crazy bitch make a point of finding Keeley for such an inconsequential conversation. She was missing a clue, replaying not just the sound bites but the cinematography that’d transpired a few short minutes ago. For the life of her, Keeley couldn’t find the missing link and drew the conclusion she imagined it.

Braxton stood under an awning that proved to be significant cover. Ms. Jones did a fantastic job of planting the seed. He planned on watering it at the legitimate sex club. The little lovely with the perfect ass would soon belong solely to him. Her master would be dealt with that evening, and he’d make sure they were tossed out of E Strand’s club within the next couple of hours. No one stood in his way. Ever. And the fact was, he wanted that girl spread wide and begging for mercy when he fucked her every which way known to man, before the ultimate high of taking her life. Braxton whistled as he walked down the street. They all screamed and pleaded for compassion when he took what they weren’t willing to give. And
was actually what made them disposable. Yes, he still needed to take care of the slut from the night before. Ms. Jones better come through. He might not prefer women closer to his age but would make an allowance for her.

A very violent exception indeed.


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