Dark Boundaries (17 page)

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Authors: Michelle Horst

Tags: #The Boundaries 1

BOOK: Dark Boundaries
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Chapter Forty Two



As I come to, I find my world spinning.
I feel a hand on my side and pain shoots through my ribs as I’m pushed. And the world starts to spin faster as my body goes round and round.

I’m hanging from something and can’t reach the floor to stop my body from swinging.

“I always wanted to take up kickboxing. You know, like
Van Damme
in that movie
. It’s one of my favorites.” Ice flows through my veins at the sound of Warren’s voice.

It all comes back to me how Warren came into the hospital room, as if he was some long lost relative. I tried to call for help but he covered my mouth and whispered the words that made me leave willingly with him. “If you don’t come peacefully I will go and kill that redhead, or the blackhead, which do you prefer? Oh wait, maybe I should kill your master?”

His fist slams into my side, as if I’m a punching bag. White-hot pain sears through my already bruised body.

“Warren, stop playing with the slut and fuck her already. I have a meeting to make,” I hear Bill’s voice, but I can’t focus enough to see where he is, or how many men there are.

“I’m going to fuck you so good you’re gonna beg me to be your master,” Warren sneers. He grabs my hair and yanks my face closer to his. “You’d like that, won’t you slut?”

I don’t answer him. I know it doesn’t matter what I say. He’s going to do what he wants to me until he grows bored and kills me.

“Bend her over the table,” Bill says, sounding annoyed. “I want to have a perfect view of her ass as you break her in.”

Fear and dread ripples through me. Oh no! I can’t believe this is how my life is going to end. Just as everything started to go right, it all comes crumbling down around me again.

Warren unhooks me and lets me fall to the hard ground. I watch him pull his foot back and then he sinks it into my stomach. I let out a silent scream as I gasp for air. I’m still recovering from the kick when he grabs my bound hands and starts to drag me somewhere. I don’t know where we are. As he yanks me forward, Bill comes into view. He’s sitting on a chair watching this all go down with that smug look on his face. The building is otherwise empty, and it makes Warren’s footsteps echo against the walls.

“You know, I thought it was funny that Garrett and that other douche just disappeared after the auction. Hey, Pop…” Warren stops to have a conversation with his dad. I try frantically to twist my body around so I can get to my feet. All my trouble earns me another kick to my side. He glares at me before looking to his dad, his face showing how eager he is to please the man. He goes on talking as if I didn’t just interrupt him. “That really pissed you off. But see, I did Pop proud. I told you I’d find them. I got the slut and soon we’ll have Garrett pay for what’s left of her. I wonder if he’ll think she’s worth anything when we’re done with her.” They’re discussing me as if I’m nothing. I’m nothing but merchandise again.

“What better way to catch a big fish than to use the little worm. If I’d know how much money that man had I would’ve milked him sooner. That fucker and his brother played me for a fool and no one makes a fool of Bill Hardy.” Bill’s voice is grim, sending shivers of fear skating over my skin.

The skin on my lower back burns as Warren yanks me across the dirty floor. My eyes dart around, looking for a weapon. I’m not going down without a fight. Warren suddenly jerks me up, jarring my shoulders, and throws me over a flat steel surface. My hips slam into the sharp side, the impact hurting me even more and making my legs quiver. Tears burn in my eyes but I swallow them down. I don’t want to give these sadistic fucks the pleasure of seeing me cry.

“I’m gonna gut you, like those whores were gutted.” I don’t know which ones he’s talking about. “Like ole’ Jack did in London.” He grabs hold of my hair and wrenches my head back, lifting my torso from the slab. He reaches around me, pressing his chest and hard on against my back and butt. A wave of repulsion makes me feel sick. “I’m gonna slice you from here,” he pokes at my left breast and then starts to draw a line across my stomach to my right hip, “to here and then I’m gonna watch your guts fall on the floor.”

I close my eyes and a wave of nausea hits. I always knew Warren was the worst of the lot. Garrett protected me and I threw it all back in his face. I hope I get to tell him how sorry I am. I hope I make it through this.

Warren kicks at my legs, forcing them apart. He slams my face back against the slab. He grips my hair tighter, pulling some strands out. He pushes my cheek hard into the steel surface as he holds me in place.

“Can you see, pop?” Warren asks the monster responsible for all the wretchedness in my life.

“Yes, just like that,” Bill chuckles. “Warm that ass a bit. Make it glow red.”

Garrett has spanked me before but it’s nothing compared to the pain I experience when Warren’s hand comes down on my butt. My whole body lurches forward, slamming into the sharp side of the slab, from the strength he’s putting behind each of the smacks. The sharp sound echoes around the empty building. Before the sound can die away the next one rings out into the air.

I bite my bottom lip to keep from crying out. I try hard to drift away from it all, but each hard smack rips me back to my horrible present. No one knows where I am! No one will come to help me!

“Open that ass up for me.” Bill’s voice is filled with lust. It’s the most disgusting sound. I hear a zipper, but it’s not from Warren, and I immediately know it’s the sound of Bill getting rid of his pants. I try to lift my head to see what’s happening but Warren just shoves me back. I feel his other hand groping at my stinging butt. A finger slips down my crack and then he forces me open. “Finger fuck that ass,” Bill says with a gruff voice.

I feel a finger at my puckered entrance and it’s like waving a red flag in front of me. I start to thrash backwards, trying to free my body.

Warren slams my face back down onto the steel surface, then lifts my head and bangs it repeatedly onto the slab, until pain and dizziness becomes my world. The taste of blood fills my mouth and trickles down my throat.

He shoves a finger into my ass and the burning sensation is overwhelming. There’s no reprieve as another finger is shoved in.

“Fist her, son,” I hear Bill’s panting words. Warren slams his fist against me, shoving his fingers as far as they’ll go without ripping me in two. “Yes, like that,” Bill moans.

When I think it can’t get worse, I hear the scrape of the chair on the floor. “Harder, son,” Bill instructs and Warren is eager to please him as he lets go of my hair and puts all his strength into fisting me. I’m drowning in a whirlpool of pain, when I feel the slap as Bill joins in. “Yes, fuck … like that,” Bill groans and then I feel warmth squirt over my back.

Warren’s hand disappears and I get a moment of relief before I hear him unzip his pants. “I’m going to fuck that ass so hard,” Warren says, out of breath.

I know it will only hurt more. I try to find something else to concentrate on and my mind goes to Garrett. He was never so rough. It takes being brutalized to understand how gentle Garrett really was with me.

I can’t take the degrading pain anymore and let the first tear slip.

There’s a loud bang. My whole body jerks from the noise. “Fuck, Pop!” Warren screams. “You fucking shot my pop!”

“I’m here to pay for her,” someone growls. I must be hallucinating. It sounds like Garrett. Only, I’ve never heard his voice drip with such venom.

“What the fuck, man!” Warren’s voice is pitchy, I can hear the fear.

“If there is a lesson you have to learn in life,” Garrett’s heavenly voice fills my ears, “it’s not to touch another man’s woman, car or … fuck, you just don’t touch anything that belongs to me. You could get yourself killed for being so stupid.”

Warren yanks his hand away from me. “She’s just a slave-” Another loud bang makes my whole body jump and Warren’s words end with a high pitch scream.

“That’s your third mistake today,” Garrett’s voice is icy.

“What was the first?” Only Warren is stupid enough to ask a question like that.

Gravity wins, pulling my limp body to the floor. I fall with a dull thud. As my head falls to the side I see Garrett. The tears come faster knowing he’s here. His eyes flash to me. They widen slightly and then he shakes his head.

He glares at Warren. “Your first mistake was taking what’s mine. Your second mistake was touching what’s mine. Your third mistake was calling the woman I love a slave.” He raises the gun and points it directly at Warren’s chest. “I’m all out of teaching you shit you should’ve known.”

“N-” Warren’s plea is cut short by the loud bang of the gun. His body jerks back and his head hits the floor with a dull thud. He tries to get up but ends up falling back to the floor. Blood gurgles from his mouth and I drink in every second. It’s a beautiful sight to see a monster die.





Chapter Forty Three



She’s naked and broken on the floor. It only took me thirty minutes to get here, but it was thirty minutes too late. I promised to protect her and I failed.

I make sure to watch all life drain from Warren’s face. Up until now I was running on pure hatred. Now that the source of my hate is dead, all that’s left is the aching concern I have for Kristine.

I rush to her side and drop down to my knees. “Hey, gorgeous.” My throat clogs up as I take in the sight of her. I try to smile, to be brave for her. The left side of her face is swollen with bruises. The bruising on her side and stomach has darkened to a nasty color. I’m too scared to touch her, but I know we have to get out of here.

Her grey eyes are huge with fear. She tries to lift an arm, to reach out to me but it falls limply back to the ground. She doesn’t scream or rage over what happened. She only whimpers, her eyes never leaving my face.

“I’m going to take you home now. It’s all over.” I push through the overwhelming feeling to pound Warren’s dead body to a pulp. When I got here I sneaked in. I wanted to use the element of surprise, knowing that I might be out numbered.

I knew to expect anything, to prepare myself, but still I was shocked by the scene I walked in on. Seeing Bill empty himself on her, seeing Warren get ready to rape her, it was the end of me. I shot Bill without thinking twice. I didn’t want to give him the chance to talk with his dick hanging from his pants. Warren was another story. I wanted him to feel the fear he’d made Kristine feel before I killed him.

I made them pay with their lives for touching what’s mine.

I gently reach for her and lift her to my chest. A pain filled groan from her makes me freeze for a second. The sooner I get her home and taken care off, the sooner she’ll feel better.

“I’m getting you out of here, Kris. It’s going to be okay. I’ve got you now.”

She whimpers softly and lets her head fall to my chest. I move quickly, now in a hurry to get her home. I take a blanket out of the trunk and wrap her in it. I can’t let go of her while I wait for Justin to come. I phoned him right after I left to come get Kris, asking him to come back me up and bring lots of gasoline. That was forty minutes ago. I hate sitting here with her. I want to get her back to my place so I can clean her and see where she’s hurt.

Finally, Justin’s car pulls up next to mine. “I’ll be right back, Kris. I’m going to take care of things.” She nods and curls her body as small as she can on the seat, her face almost disappearing under the blanket. Those fuckers can be so glad they’re dead. I’m going to enjoy torching them, knowing they will never hurt anyone again.

I get out of the car and see that Riza came along. She runs to Kris’s side of the car and I watch her squeeze in next to her friend. At least she can comfort Kris while I take care of the problem.

“Thanks for coming out here,” I say, and the exhaustion seeps through my voice. I’m so tired of all this shit.

“Do we still need to take care of them?” Justin asks. He came prepared to kill them. We feel the same about these bastards. We just want them out of our lives.

“Already took care of them. We just need to torch all the evidence.”

He pats me on the back. “Let’s do this. I brought three cans, I hope that’s enough. Where do you want to torch the place?”

I start to walk to the entrance. “Their bodies and where they kept her. I don’t want any evidence that Kris was ever here.”

We spend a good few minutes soaking the place up and when I light it, I feel a tiny bit better. I’m worried about Kris and how this is going to affect her.

“Let’s get out of here,” I call to Justin and Riza.

“I want to stay with her,” Riza argues.

I shake my head. This is not open for discussion. I want Kris to need me. If Riza comforts her she won’t need me. “You can come by tomorrow. I’m going to get her cleaned up and put her in bed.”

“Come, Riza,” Justin commands. He knows I need this time with Kris and I’m thankful for my brother always having my back.

I wave goodbye and take the road back home. The drive back to the apartment is quiet. She looks like she’s sleeping but every now and then her body shudders. I park in the basement so we won’t run into anyone. I pick her up and cradle her close as I walk to the elevators.

Only when I close the apartment’s door and lock it, do I feel relieved. I take her straight to the shower.

“Can you sit for me?’ I ask as I place her on the counter.

She nods but slumps to the side when I let go of her. I peel the blanket away from her and carry her into the shower. I pin her to the tiles with my body and open the faucets. Cold water sprays over us. “It will warm now.”

As soon as the water is warm I soap up my hands and start to wash her body. She hangs onto me, her grip weak. As I spread a lather of soap over every inch of her body, I feel my throat clog up again. I hate that they touched her and I try with my own soft touches to wipe theirs from her.

After the shower I get her to put on some comfy clothes and wrap a towel around my waist. I tuck her in bed. “I’m going to get you something to drink and eat.” I start to get up but she reaches out to stop me.

“I’m not hungry.” Her eyes plead with mine. “Can you just hold me? Just for a little while?”

I first put on some slacks and then get in behind her. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight. We don’t talk but we don’t sleep either. We just lie together trying to deal with all that happened. I’m just glad she’s letting me hold her.


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