Dark Boundaries (16 page)

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Authors: Michelle Horst

Tags: #The Boundaries 1

BOOK: Dark Boundaries
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I want to beg him to go faster but all I can manage is a moan. I dig my nails into his shoulders and every time I try to move, he tightens his hold on my hips, until his fingers are digging into my skin. I love the slight bite of pain and I get lost in him.

He bites my nipple and another steak of pleasure pulses through me. “You like that, Kris?” He takes hold of my jaw and brings my face down to his. “Do you like it when I’m rough?”

“Yes,” I breathe not caring whether it’s right or wrong. “Fuck me like you use to, Garrett. Take my body. It’s always been yours.”

It’s like my words flips a switch in him. He flips me over, grabs my hands and pin them high above my head, stretching me out under him. He kisses me hard, and then bites my bottom lip as he thrusts hard into me. I cry out from the overwhelming pleasure. He lifts my one leg over his hip and then I feel his hand come down hard on my thigh. He thrusts in harder than before and I lift my legs over his lower back to take him as deep as I can.

His hand comes down on my ass and then he pulls out. The next slap is against my already throbbing core and a cry of pleasure splits through me. He thrusts hard into me a couple of times and just as it feels like I’m going to explode, he pulls out and a slap ignites the fire in me even more than I thought possible. He keeps the pace up until I shake my head. I can’t take any more of the torturous pace.

“Garrett,” I scream when he doesn’t listen. He lets go of my wrists and kneels back. His fingers dig into my ass and he lifts my hips off the bed and then he yanks me against him. He fills me hard and then starts an even harder pace. I hear his labored breaths and sweat beads on his forehead. It takes only four strokes and I finally fall apart around him. A scream rips from my throat as ecstasy consumes every inch of me in a powerful orgasm.







Chapter Thirty Nine



Her whole body bows off the bed as she tenses around me. She’s stretched out before me, a fucking stunning image that I’ll never forget. I pump a few more times, each time feeling her muscles milk me and then I release into her with a growl.

Her eyes fly open and I see the fear seep into them. I’m still deep in her when she tries to sit up.

“Where are you going?” I ask when it’s clear she’s trying to pull away.

“To shower.” Her answer is timid and tears at my insides.

I lie down on top of her and cage her in with my body. “You’re not going anywhere. I want to fall asleep with my cock deep inside you.”

“You do?” The fear is quickly replaced with a gorgeous smile. I swear I’ll spend the rest of my days trying to make her happy.

Instead of wasting any more time with words, I kiss her. I start to move inside her again, and this time I keep my eyes locked on her while I make love to her.

Her face is nestled in my neck, her breathing soft. One of my arms is tucked under her, acting as a pillow and the other cages her to me as my fingers twist into her hair. I fall asleep with her body tucked under half of mine.

When I wake up we’re still in the same position. Her body stirs as she starts to wake up and her hips shift under me. Her sleepy eyes open and then a slow smile spreads over her face.

“Someone is happy this morning,” she murmurs. Her fingers trace over my back and ass, and then she slips her hand between us and takes hold of my cock. She moves her hand slowly and it feels so good. I start to move with her, pumping into her hand and against her warm body. Our eyes stay locked and I show her exactly what she does to me. As I groan with pleasure her lips part and her eyes grow cloudy with desire.

I pull myself free from her hand before I come like a horny teenager. I turn her onto her stomach and lift her ass into the air until she’s kneeling in front of me. I kneel behind her and for a moment I take in the beautiful sight of her so exposed to me. And then I take her hard until her screams fill the apartment.

A month has gone by in a whirlwind of ecstasy in which I get to know what she likes and what drives her wild. We take lazy walks in the park and watch movies until we fall asleep wrapped up in each other. It’s perfect, exactly what I wanted.

My phone starts to ring and I see Justin’s name flashing on the screen. “Hey, what’s up?”

“You weren’t answering your phone last night,” he scolds me without greeting. I smile like an idiot. I was deep in Kris last night. “It’s Brad,” the tone of Justin’s voice gets my full attention. “He’s dead. Warren phoned me from Brad’s phone to tell me how he took pleasure in killing our guy.”

Icy chills spread through me and my eyes instantly search for Kris. When I don’t see her downstairs I run up to the room. She’s on the bed reading and looks up at me with a smile.

“Did you fucking hear me?” Justin shouts. “Warren knows!”

“I heard you.” The smile falls from Kris’s face and she scoots to the edge of the bed, her eyes questioning me. “I’ll deal with it. Don’t worry.”





Chapter Forty



I knew it was too good to be true. They should’ve left Warren alone but no, why listen to me?

Garrett just told me that Warren killed their private investigator and I’m slightly freaked out right now.

He crouches in front of me and places a hand on my knee. “I’ll fix this. I won’t let him close to you.”

“How, Garrett? How are you going to fix it? You can’t fix everything!”

He stands to his full length and grips his hands behind his neck. He’s deep in thought when he whispers, “The same way I took care of Eric.”

He took care of Eric? All my muscles tense as I ask, “How did you take care of Eric?”

He drops his hands to his sides and the look in his eyes tells me I’m not going to like what I hear. “He killed Cathy, I had to.” I start to shake my head in denial. He lunges forward and grabs hold of my shoulders, yanking me up. “Kris, you know I did the right thing. He would’ve come after you or the other girls. He was a monster. I had to kill him to protect all of us.”

I still held out a flicker of hope that I was wrong, but then he said it. “You killed a man!” I cry out.

Anger flashes over his handsome face. “For you! For everyone. He beat you, Kris. Did you forget that? He would’ve come for you, raped and killed you. That’s the type of monster he was.”

“And you?” How could I have fallen for him? He’s a killer! Fear and disappointment soaks deep into my bones. “What type of monster are you? And what does that say about me. I must be totally fucked in the head. I’ve been fucking my kidnapper. Who does that?”

Garrett steps forward until his body is flush with mine. He takes my face in his hands, his eyes burn into mine. “Don’t say that, Kris. Don’t look at me like that.”

“Like what?” I hiss. “Like you’re a killer and it scares the shit out of me?” I shove hard against his chest and run for the door.

“Kris, come back!” I hear him behind me and take the stairs as fast as I can. “Stop!” He shouts. I feel him breathing on my heels and I panic. I lose my footing and a scream rips from my throat as I start to fall. “Fuck!” I hear Garrett, and then I slam down and roll down the last stairs.

Pain lances through my shoulder. When the side of my head slams into something, it feels as if it’s going to crack open. I land at the bottom of the stairs in an aching heap. Dizziness blurs everything around me.

“Kris!” I hear Garrett, but he sounds far away. “Fuck, you’re bleeding. Hospital, I need to get you to a hospital!”

One minute I’m on the floor in pain and the next I’m floating, still in pain. Everything aches. It feels as if I’m moving and then I hear Garrett’s voice right above me. “Stan! Get a cab.”

“Oh dear,” the doorman squeaks. I hear lots of people. Colors blur and the world distorts until everything is black.



Chapter Forty One



My fucking heart! I can’t believe she ran from me. I thought she knew what happened to Eric.

My eyes are burning but I can’t take them off her. She looks so small and vulnerable in the hospital bed. The doctor said she should be fine. They’re keeping her for observation. The doctor gave me the evil eye, as if he knows what happened and that it’s my fault Kris is lying here.

A nurse comes in to check on Kris. I sit forward in the chair, watching her move around the bed.

“She should wake up any minute now,” the nurse says. I squint and read her name tag, Britney.

“Thank you, Britney.” I take in Kris’s pale complexion. “You’re sure she’s going to be okay?”

Britney smiles brightly at me. “She’s gonna be just fine.” She stands around for a few more minutes, doing absolutely nothing before she finally leaves.

It takes another two hours of complete torment before Kris starts to regain consciousness. I get up and go sit next to her on the bed. I take her hand and hold it tight.


She lets out a pain filled groan that makes me lean over her. I pull strands of her hair free from the plaster covering the gash. She needed four stitches! I pray it doesn’t leave a scar.

Her eyes flicker open and slowly the confusion in them fades. “What happened?” she asks her voice croaky from being out of it.

“You fell,” I whisper and lean closer still. “You scared the shit out of me.”

Her eyes slowly start to drown in horror and pain. “You killed Eric.” She pulls her hand from mine. “Leave, Garrett. I don’t want you near me. I’ll figure out a way to pay you the money back.”

I was hoping she would’ve calmed down by the time she woke up, but I’m out of luck. I feel my chest tightening. I can’t bring myself to leave. I need her.

“I love you,” the words fall from my mouth before my mind even realizes what it is I’m feeling for her.

“You don’t.” She turns her face away from me. “You love the idea of having me. You’re the same as them. You destroy everything you touch.”

I can’t stand to see the disappointment on her face. I get up and leave to go get some coffee. She just needs time. She’ll come around and understand why I had to kill Eric.

I decide to go home and change my clothes. I have her blood on my shirt. I take a quick shower and grab a few items for her. I also grab my phone on the way out. I left it when I rushed to get her to hospital.

I have a few messages. I open them as I walk to the elevator. One is from Mom to let me know everything is okay at Kris’s bookstore. The next is from an unknown number.

‘You fucked with the wrong person.’

My heart jolts. It was sent almost an hour ago. I quickly check the others.

‘Now I’m gonna fuck with you.’

‘Or should I say I’m gonna fuck with your slave.’

There are no new ones. The last one was sent twenty minutes ago. I slam the button and impatiently wait for the elevator to open. I need to get to Kris and make sure she’s okay.

I keep telling myself she’s safe at the hospital, besides, how will Warren know where she is?

“Simon, the hospital and fast!” I jump in the back of the car and read the messages again. The ride to the hospital takes forever. “Pull up the front, Simon. Don’t bother parking. I’m in a hurry.” He listens and as soon as he stops the car I get out and run. She’s on the third floor. I don’t have patience for elevators and take the stairs.

When I get to Kris’s room, that nurse, what’s-her-name, is in there fixing the bedding. “Is she in the bathroom?” I ask. I feel panic flare hot through me.

The nurse smiles widely at me. “Oh, hi there,” she says way too sweetly. I walk to the bathroom and open the door. I don’t care what Kris is doing in there. “Oh no, she left a few minutes after you.”

Shock vibrates through me. “What do you mean, she left? Did she leave alone? Was someone with her?”

There’s a flash of annoyance across the nurse’s face. “What’s up with you men today? She left with a man.” The nurse gives the bedding one last irritated yank and then walks to the door.

“What do you mean she left with a man?” I ask, highly irritated with her.

“I don’t know. She said she was going home, signed herself out and then the man left with her.” As the nurse leaves the room I hear her mumble, “What does she have that I don’t.”

I can’t believe Kris would just leave and with who?  I’m about to go after the nurse for more information when my phone beeps. My stomach hollows out when I see it’s a message from the unknown number.

‘How much will you pay for her, Richie Rich?’
No, she wouldn’t leave with Warren. She’d fight him!

My phone beeps again. I open it quickly and almost go to my knees. It’s a picture of Kris, hanging from a hook. It looks like she’s unconscious, and she’s naked. That animal has my girl. I’m going to fucking kill him.

I press reply.
‘I’ll pay whatever you want. Where and when?’

The dumbass texts me an address demanding five million dollars. I go home to get my gun and tell Simon I won’t need him for the rest of the day. It’s time to settle this once and for all.




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