Dark Carnival (8 page)

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Authors: Ray Bradbury

BOOK: Dark Carnival
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The Smiling People

IT was the sensation of silence that was the most notable aspect of the house. As Mr. Greppin came through the front door the oiled silence of the door opening and swinging close behind him was like an opening and shutting dream, a thing accomplished on rubber pads, bathed in lubricant, slow and unmaterialistic. The double carpet in the hall, which he himself had so recently laid, gave off no sound from his movements. And when the wind shook the house late of nights there was not a rattle of eave or tremor of loose sash. He had, himself, checked the storm windows. The screen doors were securely hooked with bright new, firm hooks, and the furnace did not knock but sent a silent whisper of warm wind up the throats of the heating system that sighed ever so quietly, moving the cuffs of his trousers as he stood, now, warming himself from the bitter afternoon.

    Weighing the silence with the remarkable instruments of pitch and balance in his small ears, he nodded with satisfaction that the silence was so unified and finished. Because there
been nights when rats had walked between wall-layers and it had taken baited traps and poisoned food before the walls were mute. Even the grandfather clock had been stilled, its brass pendulum hung frozen and gleaming in its long cedar, glass-fronted coffin.

were waiting for him in the dining-room.

    He listened. They made no sound. Good. Excellent, in fact. They had learned, then, to be silent. You had to teach people, but it was worth while — there was not a stir of knife or fork from the dining-table. He worked off his thick grey gloves, hung up his cold armour of overcoat and stood there with an expression of urgency and indecisiveness. . . thinking of what had to be done.

    Mr. Greppin proceeded with familiar certainty and economy of motion into the dining-room, where the four individuals seated at the waiting table did not move or speak a word. The only sound was the merest allowable pad of his shoes on the deep carpet.

    His eyes, as usual, instinctively fastened upon the lady heading the table. Passing, he waved a finger near her cheek. She did not blink.

    Aunt Rose sat firmly at the head of the table, and if a mote of dust floated lightly down out of the ceiling spaces, did her eye trace its orbit? Did the eye revolve in its shellacked socket, with glassy cold precision? And if the dust mote happened upon the shell of her wet eye did the eye batten? Did the muscles clinch, the lashes close?


    Aunt Rose's hand lay on the table like cutlery, rare and fine and old; tarnished. Her bosom was hidden in a salad of fluffy linen. The breasts had not been exhumed for years; either for love or child-sucking. They were mummies wrapped in cerements and put away for all time. Beneath the table her stick legs in high button shoes went up into a sexless pipe of dress. You felt that the legs terminated at the skirt line and from there on she was a department store dummy, all wax and nothingness. You felt that her husband, years ago, must have handled her in just such a way as one handled window mannequins, and she responded with the same chill waxen movements, with as much enthusiasm and response as a mannequin; and the husband, beaten off with no blows and no words, had turned over under the bedding and lain trembling with a feeding passion for many nights and then, finally, silently, taken to evening walks and little places across town, beyond the ravine, where a pink curtained window glowed with fresher electricity and a young lady answered when he tapped the bell.

    So here was Aunt Rose, staring straight at Mr. Greppin, and — he choked out a laugh and clapped hands derisively shut — there were the first hints of a dust moustache gathering across her upper lip!

    'Good evening, Aunt Rose,' he said, bowing. 'Good evening, Uncle Dimity,' he said, graciously. 'No, not a
,' he held up his hand. 'Not a word from any of you.' He bowed again. 'Ah, good evening, cousin Lila, and you, cousin Lester.'

    Lila sat upon the left, her hair like golden shavings from a tube of lathed brass. Lester, opposite her, told all directions with
hair. They were both young, he fourteen, she sixteen. Uncle Dimity, their father (but 'father' was a nasty word!) sat next to Lila, placed in this secondary niche long long ago because Aunt Rose said the window draught might get his neck if he sat at the head of the table. Ah, Aunt Rose!

    Mr. Greppin drew the chair under his tight-clothed little rump and put a casual elbow to the linen.

    'I've something to say,' he said. 'It's very important. This has gone on for weeks now. It can't go any further. I'm in love. Oh, but I told you that long ago. On the day I made you all smile. Remember?'

    The eyes of the four seated people did not blink, the hands did not move.

    Greppin became introspective. The day he had made them smile. Two weeks ago it was. He had come home, walked in, looked at them and said, 'I'm to be married!'

    They had all whirled with expressions as if someone had just smashed the window.

    'You're to be
' cried Aunt Rose.

    'To Alice Jane Bellerd!' he had said, stiffening somewhat.

    'Congratulations,' said Uncle Dimity. 'I
,' he added, looking at his wife. He cleared his throat. 'But isn't it a little early, son?' He looked at his wife again. 'Yes. Yes, I think it
a little early. I wouldn't advise it yet, not just yet, no.'

    'The house is in a terrible way,' said Aunt Rose. 'We won't have it fixed for a year yet.'

    'That's what you said last year and the year before,' said Mr. Greppin. 'And anyway,' he said, bluntly, 'this is

    Aunt Rose's jaw had clamped at that. 'After all these years, for us to be bodily thrown out, why I — '

    'You won't be thrown out, don't be idiotic!' said Greppin, furiously.

    'Now, Rose — ' said Uncle Dimity in a pale tone.

    Aunt Rose dropped her hands. 'After all I've done — '

    In that instant Greppin had known they would
to go, all of them. First he would make them silent, then he would make them smile, then, later, he would move them out like luggage. He couldn't bring Alice Jane into a house full of grims such as these, where Aunt Rose followed wherever you went even when she wasn't following you, and the children performed indignities upon you at a glance from their maternal parent, and the father, no better than a third child, carefully rearranged his advice to you on being a bachelor. Greppin stared at them. It was their fault that his loving and living was all wrong. If he did something about them — then his warm, luminous dreams of soft bodies glowing with an anxious perspiration of love might become tangible and near. Then he would have the house for himself and — and Alice Jane. Yes, Alice Jane.

    Aunt, Uncle and cousins would have to go. Quickly. If he told them to go, as he had often done, twenty years might pass as Aunt Rose gathered sun-bleached sachets and Edison phonographs. Long before then, Alice Jane herself would be moved and gone.

    Greppin looked at them as he picked up the carving-knife.


    Greppin's head snapped with tiredness. He flicked his eyes open. Eh? Oh, he had been drowsing, thinking.

had occurred two weeks ago. Two weeks ago this very night that conversation about marriage, moving, Alice Jane, had come about. Two weeks ago it had been. Two weeks ago he had made them smile.

    Now, recovering from his reverie, he smiled around at the silent and motionless figures. They smiled back in a peculiarly pleasing fashion.

    'I hate you. You are an old bitch,' he said to Aunt Rose, directly. 'Two weeks ago I wouldn't have dared to say that. Tonight, ah, well — ' He lazed his voice, turning. 'Uncle Dimity, let
a little advice, old man — '

    He talked small talk, picked up a spoon, pretended to eat peaches from an empty dish. He had already eaten downtown in a restaurant, pork, potatoes, pie, coffee. But now he made dessert-eating motions because he enjoyed this little act. He made as if he were chewing.

    'So — tonight you're finally, once and for all, moving out. I've waited two weeks, thinking it all over. In a way, I guess I've kept you here this long because I wanted to keep an eye on you. Once you're gone, I can't be sure — ' And here his eyes gleamed with fear. 'You might come prowling around, making noises at night, and I couldn't stand that. I can't ever have noises in this house, not even when Alice moves in. . .'

    The double carpet was thick and soundless underfoot, reassuring.

    'Alice wants to move in day after tomorrow. We're getting married.'

    Aunt Rose winked evilly, doubtfully at him.

    'Ah!' he cried, leaping up. Then, staring, he sank down, mouth convulsing. He released the tension in him, laughing. 'Oh, I see. It was a fly.' He watched the fly crawl with slow precision on the ivory cheek of Aunt Rose and dart away. Why did it have to pick that instant to make her eye appear to blink, to doubt? 'Do you doubt I ever will marry, Aunt Rose? Do you think me incapable of marriage, of love and love's duties? Do you think me immature, unable to cope with a woman and her methods? Do you think me a child, only day dreaming? Well!' He calmed himself with an effort, shaking his head. 'Man, man,' he argued to himself, 'it was only a fly. And does a fly make doubt of love, or did you make it into a fly and a wink? Damn it!' He pointed at the four of them. 'I'm going to fix the furnace hotter. In an hour I'll be moving you out of the house once and for all. You comprehend? Good. I see you do.'

    Outside, it began to rain, a cold nuzzling downpour that drenched the house. A look of irritation came to Greppin's face. The rain sound was one thing he couldn't stop, the one thing that couldn't be helped. No way to buy new hinges or lubricants or hooks for that. You might tent the housetop with lengths of cloth to soften the sound, mightn't you? That'd be going a bit far. No. No way of preventing the rain sounds.

    He wanted silence now, where he had never wanted it in his life so much. Each sound was a fear. So each sound had to be muffled, gotten to and eliminated.

    The drum of rain was like the knuckles of an impatient man on a surface. He lapsed again into remembering.

    He recalled the rest of it. The rest of that hour on that day two weeks ago when he had made them smile. . .


    He had taken up the carving-knife, prepared to cut the bird upon the table. As usual, the family had been gathered, all wearing their solemn, puritanical masks. If the children smiled the smiles were stepped on like nasty bugs by Aunt Rose.

    Aunt Rose criticized the angle of Greppin's elbows as he cut the bird. The knife, she made him understand also, was not sharp enough. Oh yes, the sharpness of the knife. At this point in his memory he stopped, roll-tilted his eyes, and laughed. Dutifully, then, he had crisped the knife on the sharpening rod, and again set upon the fowl. He had severed away much of it in some minutes before he slowly looked up at their solemn, critical faces, like puddings with agate eyes, and after staring at them a moment, as if discovered with a naked woman instead of a naked-limbed partridge, he lifted the knife and yelled hoarsely, 'Why in God's name can't you,
of you, ever smile? I'll
you smile!'

    He raised the knife a number of times like a magician's wand.

    And, in a short interval — behold!
of them smiled!


    He broke that memory in half, crumpled it, balled it, tossed it down. Rising briskly, he went to the hall, down the hall to the kitchen, and from there down the dim stairs into the cellar where he opened the furnace door and built the fire steadily and expertly into wonderful flame.

    Walking upstairs again he looked about. He'd have cleaners come and clean the empty house, re-decorators pull down the dull drapes and hoist new shimmery banners up. New thick Oriental rugs purchased for the floors would subtly ensure the silence he desired and would need at least for the next month, if not for the entire year.

    He put his hands to his ears. What if Alice Jane made noise moving about the house? Some noise, somehow, some place!

    Then, he laughed. It was quite a joke. That problem was already solved. He need fear no noise from Alice. It was all absurdly simple. He would have all the pleasure of Alice Jane and none of the dream-destroying distractions and uncomfortables.

    There was one other addition needed to the quality of silence. Upon the tops of the doors that the wind sucked shut with a bang at frequent intervals he would install modern air-compression brakes, those kind they have on library doors that hiss gently as their levers seal.

    He passed through the dining-room. The figures had not moved from their tableau. Their hands remained affixed in familiar positions, and their indifference to him was not impoliteness.

    He climbed the hall stairs to change his clothing, preparatory to the task of moving the family. Taking the links from his fine cuffs he swung his head to one side.


    First, he paid it no mind. Then, slowly, his face lifting to the ceiling, the colour drained from his cheeks.

    At the very apex of the house the music sounded, note by note, tone following tone, and it terrified him.

    Each tone came like a plucking of one single harp thread. In the complete silence the small sound of it was made larger until it grew out of proportion to itself, gone mad with all this soundlessness to stretch about in.

    The door opened in an explosion from his hands, the next thing his feet were trying the stairs to the third level of the house, the banister twisted in a long polished snake under his tightening, relaxing, sliding, reaching-up, pulling hands! The steps went under to be replaced by longer, higher, darker steps. He had started the game at the bottom with a slow stumbling. Now he was running with full impetus and if a wall had suddenly confronted him he'd not have stopped for it until he saw blood on it and fingernail scratches where he tried to pass through.

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