Dark Citadel (21 page)

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Authors: Cherise Sinclair

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Contemporary, #BDSM Erotic Contemporary

BOOK: Dark Citadel
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After a minute, he restarted and ruthlessly teased her until her clit was on the excruciating edge of climax and her need was so great that the world narrowed to each touch of his mouth, his fingers.

Masters of the Shadowlands: Dark Citadel


He lifted his head and removed his fingers from inside her.

“Oh, no, please…” Her legs shook as she sobbed for release, her voice rising uncontrollably. “Please, Master. Oh, please, please, please.”

Chuckling, he pushed himself up and, a second later, plunged his cock deep inside her, impaling her so hard that she screamed at the exquisite feeling. Her tissues were so swollen, so sensitive, that each slide of his shaft increased the storm of sensation assailing her. His thick cock pressed against the vibrating thing in her bottom, and her body shuddered.

The feelings grew overwhelming, and she stiffened, every muscle tightening as she hung on the precipice. Even her breathing stopped.

“Come now, Kari. Come,” he ordered in a deep voice. His hard fingers pinched her jutting clit, and her world went white. She screamed, screamed again as he thrust in and out of her, her mind in splinters and her vagina convulsing around him.

An eternity later, she blinked up at him, her body still giving little shudders. His corded arms planted beside her shoulders, and his eyes dark with passion, he waited, unmoving.

Her legs were still in the air, her arms over her head. “Let me free,” she demanded, her voice husky.

His lips curved in a smile. “Little sub, you’re going to regret being so bossy,” he murmured. Ignoring her demand, he pinned her hips with one hard hand so he could pound into her even deeper and harder. The steady rhythm took her past her climax and started building another. As arousal flared in her, she tried to lift her hips to meet his, but his hand held her just where he wanted her. His thumb slid in circles over her clit.

She whimpered at the building need, at the sensations shooting through her.

He was merciless, his cock massive. Her hips jerked uncontrollably within his grip; her trembling legs made the chains chime. Each plunge of his shaft, each sweep of his thumb over her sensitive clit sent her further out of control.

“Sir?” Unable to think, only to feel. “I can’t—”

“Come again, Kari. Come now.” His thumb pressed down as he thrust deeply into her, and she exploded, feeling her blood boiling from her pelvis to her fingertips. Short screams escaped her as she shook like a breaking doll in his grip.

His fingers tightened, and his cock drove deep, reaching far up inside her. He groaned as his release jerked inside her, making her buck and shiver.

She roused a minute later. He pulled out, leaving her hollow, and then removed the thing inside her. When he stood and moved away, she shot awake. “Master!”

“Easy, sweetheart, I’m right here.” He returned from across the clearing. His hands were gentle as he released her restraints, lowered her legs. She groaned as her joints and muscles protested.


Cherise Sinclair

Lying down beside her on the soft grass, he pulled her into his arms, the embrace so comforting, so welcome, that her breath shuddered. She’d dropped every barrier she had under his hands, his body. He’d seen her at her most vulnerable, and when he held her like this, she felt closer to him than she had to anyone before.

He tucked her head into the hollow of his shoulder. One arm kept her close while his hand stroked her hair, her arm, her side, and the tenderness of his touch, the care he took with her, made her heart swell.

After a minute, she remembered where they were. She was naked; her legs had been in the air. Everyone in the whole county had probably heard her screaming her release.
Oh, God

“Now what was that thought?” he asked. In the wavering light from the fountain, she could see his dark eyes crinkling in a smile.

“I was…loud.”

He laughed, deep and satisfied. “You certainly were. You know, you sound different when you get off.” He kissed the top of her head.

“How so?”

“You normally have a soft voice. Careful and polite.” His finger circled her breast, teased the nipple until it budded. “But when you climax, your voice is raw. Carnal.

Nothing held back.” His pleasure was obvious.

She groaned and hid her face against his chest.
She could never face any of those
people again

He rubbed his chin on the top of her head and chuckled.

As she breathed in, his scent surrounded her, mixed with the fragrance of oil on her body and their lovemaking. Sighing, she hitched an arm over his chest and pulled him closer. “I wish we could just lie here and never leave,” she murmured.

She knew the words were a mistake the minute they left her mouth.

His muscles stiffened, and his arm around her loosened. She closed her eyes as grief hollowed her chest. Withdrawing again? How could he keep doing this to her?

“Kari.” He sat up, pulling her with him. His hand cupped her chin. Even in the dim light, she could see his face had that…that
cold look again. “Don’t get attached to me. It can’t—”

The lovemaking and then his tender attention had lowered the shield she’d put over her heart, and now his coldness stabbed into her chest. The anger she’d bottled up surged out of control. She slapped his hand away from her face. “Can’t, don’t, mustn’t.”

A muscle in his jaw tightened.

She shoved to her feet and glared down at him.

“You big jerk. You tell me there should be honesty between a Dom and his sub. It goes both ways, you know.” Her voice rose to a shout; she couldn’t control it any more than she could her temper. “There’s more between us than just sex, and you
it. But you’re afraid of me. You’re afraid to live.”

Masters of the Shadowlands: Dark Citadel


She unbuckled her ankle cuffs and dropped them onto the ground. He sat silently, watching her with unreadable eyes, his jaw tight. Rage swelled inside her until she choked with it. She fumbled with the wrist cuffs. They came off finally, and she threw them at him, watched them bounce off his unmoving chest.

“Damn you.” She choked on the words, pain growing inside her. “I d-deserve more than this. I’m going to find someone who will appreciate me.”


Furious, she sliced at him one last time. “You know, you’re not mourning her anymore; you’re just too scared to move on.”

Hand over her mouth, trying to keep the sobs inside, she ran from the clearing.

Ran until she discovered a fence at the far end of the Gardens. Wrapping her arms around herself, she slumped against the rough wood. Tears slid down her face onto her bare breasts as the angry fire inside of her faded, then died, leaving only ashes behind.

She wanted to go home, home where her life was safe and normal, where Prince loved her.

Finally she took a shuddering breath and shook her head at whining like a child not getting something.

God, how pitiful. She pushed off the fence. Walking through the mist-filled Gardens, she caught glimpses of others, flashes of bare skin, eyes watching her. The whole place had probably heard her yelling. She didn’t care. Didn’t care about this place, this lifestyle, or about him either. Especially not about him. He was so stupid, so dumb, so cowardly, and she…

Wanted him. Damn him. How had she gotten so…attached…as he called it, despite all his warnings?

But she had. And he didn’t return the sentiment.
. She wanted to spit at the bitter taste in her mouth. Spit at him. She’d find someone who did want her. There must be other clubs in Tampa.

But the thought of someone else touching her made her—

“Kari.” Dan’s deep voice came from across the secluded glade. He stepped out of the shadows, the moonlight carving shadows across his muscular chest. “You’re right, sweetheart. I didn’t—”

Growling like an animal, someone slammed into him, knocking him against a tree.

Kari heard the
of his head against the trunk. He dropped, stunned.

She started to run to him, then stopped. The attacker was tall. Blond hair glinted in the moonlight. “Buck?” Kari whispered.

“You leave her alone, you bastard,” Buck yelled. Straddling Dan, he punched him in the face.

“No!” Kari yelled, running across the clearing. She kicked Buck in the back of his head, her bare foot bouncing off his skull.

He turned. “Kari, honey. I heard you yelling. I’ll—”


Cherise Sinclair

Dan hit him hard, knocking him completely over. And then Dan was on his feet, legs spread, waiting for Buck to stand.

“You hurt her,” Buck spat out, his face contorted with hatred. He pushed himself to a kneeling position, fog swirling around his thighs and hands. “I’ll take better care of her than you ever could.”

Dan’s face tightened. “Just leave, you idiot, while you can.”

Buck jumped up, holding a heavy branch from the ground. He swung, clubbing Dan’s upper arm.

Dan jerked back. Blood oozed, black in the dim light becoming a trickle running down his arm. “Hell, you’re persistent.” Dan crouched and moved sideways, staying just out of reach.

“Buck, stop,” Kari yelled. He ignored her. “Red, red, red!” she screamed at the top of her voice.
Oh, God, somebody. Please come

Buck jumped at the sound, then turned his head. Dan slapped the club aside and slammed a fist into his face, then punched him in the stomach, folding him over.

Bringing his hands up, he caught Buck’s jaw and tossed him backward. The man hit the ground hard.

Relief flooded Kari.
Thank you, thank you, thank you
. She released the breath she’d been holding.

Master Nolan burst into the clearing, skidded to a stop. His glance flickered over Kari, Dan, and then Buck. He shook his head. “Didn’t know you were into ménages,”

he said in a dry voice.

Dan snorted. Frowning down at his arm, he shook his head in disgust. “I’m getting slow.”

Kari had moved to help him when Master Z appeared. He put an arm around her and pulled her against his side. “Are you hurt, little one?”

“I’m all right.” She attempted a laugh. “I even got a kick in.”


As Master Nolan tied something around the gash on Dan’s arm—a silk cloth he probably used for restraints—Kari took a step forward, wanting to make sure Sir was all right. She stopped herself. He didn’t want her. She had to remember that.

Dan rubbed his jaw, glanced at the makeshift bandage. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” Nolan nudged Buck with his foot and got a groan. “I’ll even take the garbage out.”

Master Dan motioned to Kari. “Let’s get you out of here before anything else happens. I’ll find someone to take you home.”

She considered arguing. Could they maybe talk this out? Then she shrugged.

What was the point?

Masters of the Shadowlands: Dark Citadel


He put his hand against her lower back, the warmth against her bare skin reminding her she was naked. “Let’s go.”

Master Z and Nolan came behind them, half dragging the stunned Buck.

Just before they reached the door of the mansion, Master Z called, “Kari, I want to speak to you. Dan, please help Nolan with this idiot.”

Master Z stepped to one side so Dan could take Buck’s other arm. As the men moved away, Kari joined Z in the shadows.

Z studied her face. “Did the violence leave you shaken?”

“Not really. Not now.” She looked at her hands. Not even a tremble. “I’ve seen fighting. I teach high school, and I swear there’s a brawl or two every lunch period.”

He chuckled. “No wonder you kept your head so well.” He turned his head to watch the men. Another DM ran out to help with Buck. “Do you still want Dan?”

The unexpected question shocked her, and a wave of longing welled up in her, tied her tongue.

“Well, that emotion is clear enough; you definitely want him.” Smiling, he rubbed his knuckles over her cheek. “He wants you too, Kari, much as he’d like to deny it. And between your walking away and then Buck wanting you back, his defenses have been shaken. But if he goes home now, he’ll shore them back up.”

“What can I do?” she asked, frowning at Sir’s broad back as he handed Buck over to the other men.

“Kitten, if you run, he’ll chase you. He won’t be able to help himself after fighting another man for you. Once he catches you…” Z sighed and shook his head. “I can’t predict how he’ll react at that point.”

He’d catch her. Probably be pretty angry too. She bit her lip. “He’d never hurt me.

Not in anger.”

“You know him well then.” Z tilted his head and waited.

He might hurt her heart, though. Again. The jerk. “I’ll do it. Who knows, maybe Master Nolan will catch me first.”

He barked a laugh. “You’ve got a mean streak, little one. Go now while you have a head start.”


Cherise Sinclair

Chapter Seventeen

Having disposed of the asshole, Dan walked back out into the Gardens. He felt strange. Lighter. Probably from pounding on Buck. A fight was a damn good way to unload emotion. He’d enjoyed the hell out of planting his fist in the guy’s gut. God knew he’d needed to punch someone and—his step stalled—and Marion wasn’t around to yell at. Much of that anger he’d expended had been at her.

But he wasn’t angry anymore. How could he be? She’d paid horribly for her mistake. Oddly enough, his guilt had disappeared with the anger. Someday, he’d have to thank Kari.

But right now, he wanted to take her home. He might feel better, but he still had no intention of getting involved or… He frowned. Z stood alone in the shadows of the trees. “Where’s Kari?”

“Went back in.” Z jerked his head at the Gardens.

“What the hell do you mean she went in? You let her go back in the Gardens?”

Z shrugged. “She wanted to play some more. Said maybe Nolan would find her before you.”

“Did she now?” Nolan walked up behind Dan. “Guess I’ll have to—”

Dan growled. “You take one fucking step farther, and I’ll take you apart.”

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