Dark Masterpiece (Serendipity Series 3) (21 page)

Read Dark Masterpiece (Serendipity Series 3) Online

Authors: Brieanna Robertson

Tags: #General, #Romance, #Fiction, #Gothic

BOOK: Dark Masterpiece (Serendipity Series 3)
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She frowned. “Like what? Clean your enormous
house and cook you dinner?”

He smiled. “No… Since day one you have seen
me, seen through every barrier, every harsh word or action. Your
friendship…it means so much to me.”

“I don’t know what I did, really,” she

He turned to look at her just as she
finished braiding his hair. “You made me open up,” he said. “You
forced me to face what I was hiding from. You have shown me warmth
and compassion and understanding when I offered you nothing but
cold resentment. Evie,” he took her hands in his, “you did nothing
more than be yourself, which ended up being the best gift I could
ever receive.” He shook his head. “You and Seth… You are both so
special to me.” For some reason, his heart felt heavy in his chest,
and his chest felt constricted and pained. It was as if his heart
was trying to tell him something, but he was unsure of the message.
It had been bothering him all night. Since dinner actually… For
some reason he couldn’t quite place his finger on, all he wanted to
do was have Evie as close to him as possible. It was strange and
out of character, and Seth’s blasted words kept ringing over and
over again in his mind.

Evie averted her gaze and
smiled, but it looked forced. “You are very special to me too,
Traevyn,” she murmured. “A very special friend

Her voice caught on the
, but
he didn’t ask her about it. He smiled and pressed a gentle kiss to
her cheek.

Evie’s eyes fluttered closed and, without
thinking, she leaned in and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Traevyn’s eyes widened, but he pulled her
into his arms and held her. Warmth filled him, that delicious
warmth that he cherished. The warmth that always chased the shadows
from his heart. He breathed in the smell of her, a feminine, clean
smell that attacked his senses in a dramatic, yet very subtle way.
He pulled away and gazed down into her hazel eyes with a sigh. He
had his palm against the side of her face, rubbing his thumb across
the soft satin of her skin. He let his eyes roam over her before
they fell on her lips, supple, full and soft-looking. He could
barely remember what they had felt like when she’d kissed him in
the car. It had been so fleeting. He imagined they were perfect.
Perfect and warm and gentle, just like everything else about Evie…
Well, except maybe her fiery temper.

Traevyn realized with some confusion just
exactly what he was thinking and he dropped his hand. He cleared
his throat. “Get some sleep, Evie,” he whispered.

She nodded and pulled away, but seemed
reluctant to do so. “I’ll see you in the morning.” She laid down
and pulled the cover over her.

Traevyn turned out the light and climbed
under the covers, all too aware of Evie’s head lying perpendicular
and very close to his. The smell of her hair attacked him once
again, and he closed his eyes. He clenched his jaw as feelings he
had thought dead to him came flooding back in a torrent. Desire… It
had been so long since he had desired anyone, but the feeling was
unmistakable. Where had it come from? Why so suddenly? Had it been
lurking close to the surface for some time just waiting to pounce?
Something inside him already knew the answer was yes.

He turned on his side, trying to get away
from her alluring fragrance, but was met by Seth who was on his
side facing Traevyn. His mouth gaped open and he was snoring like a
troll, or some other hideous beast. He quickly turned back over
onto his back and let out a frustrated sigh. He was trapped. His
body felt painfully tight and he closed his eyes, trying to relax.
It didn’t work. He glanced up at Evie again. She was facing the
couch so she didn’t see him. He slowly reached his fingers out to
capture a strand of her soft hair. He rubbed it between his
fingers, feeling the texture, then brought it to his lips. He
frowned, feeling foolish, and covered his face with his hands.

He needed to go to sleep. Maybe he would be
able to think clearer in the morning.


Chapter Sixteen


The first thing Traevyn was aware of as he
awoke was that things were not where they should be. He felt a
strange pressure across his throat and a body was against his back.
His eyes fluttered open and he frowned, trying to blink away the
sleep and focus. Dark hair obscured his vision. Dark, perfumed hair
that had taunted him all night. He brushed it back and realized
that Evie was lying on her stomach with one arm flung across his
neck. He smiled and lifted her arm, gently setting it aside. Next,
he investigated the pressure against his back and almost laughed
aloud as he realized that Seth was curled up against him with his
arm wrapped around his waist. He deftly moved away from Seth and
slipped out of bed, chuckling softly under his breath.

He stretched and made his way into the
kitchen where Talis was already dressed and making a cup of

“Good morning, darling,” Talis teased with a

Traevyn yawned. “Why didn’t you wake me up
sooner?” he asked, leaning against the kitchen counter.

“You just looked so comfortable spooning with

Traevyn shook his head. “He would never
believe us if we told him.”

“I should have snapped a picture,” Talis
chuckled as he leaned against the counter next to his brother. “So,
what changed?” he queried.

Traevyn frowned. “What do you mean?”

“You’re different. You smile, you laugh.
There’s light in your eyes for the first time since Leanna died and
Amy left. What happened?”

Traevyn looked down and sighed. “Evie

Talis gave him a questioning look and took a
sip of his coffee.

“Talis, no one has ever seen me like she has.
I tried to push her as far away from me as possible and she just
saw right through it. She saw through everything right into the
core of me. She is the most understanding, loving person I have
ever known.”

“You seem very close,” he observed with a

Traevyn sighed. “She’s a good person with
such a big heart. I think Evie would befriend the entire

Talis slid his gaze over to his brother,
obviously realizing he had avoided the statement. He smirked. “You
know, Traevyn. I’m very proud of the strides you have made. You let
someone close to you, a stranger. That’s very commendable.
Especially when Julian and I thought you would never glance at
someone other than your family ever again.”

Traevyn smiled at his brother’s words.

“Just don’t be afraid to open up fully.”

He frowned in confusion. “I don’t

Talis turned to face him. “You have had to
endure more in your lifetime than anyone should have to. Amy was
your first love. She hurt you in unspeakable ways.”

Traevyn swallowed and looked away as familiar
pain washed over him.

“Being hesitant is understandable,” Talis
continued. “But you’re a different person with Evie around. It’s a
noticeable change. You can’t tell me you don’t feel it.”

“Of course I do,” Traevyn almost snapped.
Not out of anger, but out of frustration at not being able to
decipher anything he was feeling lately. He sighed. “Evie is a ray
of light, bringing warmth and hope to all around her. She is young
and vibrant and—”

“You’re an old, jaded man?” Talis grinned.
“Traevyn, come on. Don’t be an idiot.” He patted his brother on the
shoulder and headed back down the hallway toward his bedroom.

Traevyn frowned. There were
those words again.
Don’t be an
Seth. Talis. He felt like everyone
on the planet knew something he didn’t. He let out an irritated
sound and headed toward his suitcase. After finding something to
wear he went to take a long shower. Afterwards, he went to wake
Evie, who was still sleeping soundly.

He knelt in front of her and watched her for
a second, a small smile touching his lips. She looked so angelic
and peaceful. He reached out to brush a strand of hair out of her
face. “Evie,” he murmured. “Evie, wake up.”

Her brows drew together in a disapproving
frown, and she tried to turn away from the sound of his voice and
go back to sleep.

He smiled and ran his hand along her
shoulder. “Evie,” he persisted.

“Dude, that won’t work,” Seth yawned
suddenly. He sat up and motioned Traevyn out of the way. He grabbed
a pillow. “Evie!” he shouted. “Rise and shine!” He flung the pillow
down onto her head with a dull, thwacking sound.

Traevyn winced.

Evie sat bolt upright, her hair disheveled
and falling in her face. She blinked rapidly, then scowled with
ferocity. She picked up her pillow and hurled it back at her
brother before turning her fiery glare to Traevyn.

He held his hands up. “Innocent,” he

She grumbled something under her breath and
shuffled into the bathroom. Seth looked at Traevyn and gave a
triumphant grin. Traevyn chuckled.


* * * *


Seth winced as he pulled a pine needle out
of his butt. Then he rubbed at his elbow. “That really kinda hurt,”
he muttered.

Evie laughed. “That’s what you get for not
letting Draco teach you. You wiped out because of your own

Seth scowled and stood up, retrieving his
board from where it had skidded into a bush.

They had headed up to the Grand Canyon that
morning, which Evie had found absolutely breathtaking. Traevyn had
walked the trail with her while Seth and Ash had taunted a squirrel
with potato chips and Talis had gone to the lookout area by the
gift shop.

Evie was dizzy standing on the edge, staring
down into the chasm that seemed never ending. She almost felt as if
she was staring straight into the middle of the Earth. Traevyn had
taken her hand protectively, like it was instinctual, and she had
welcomed his touch, as well as his care.

“You really need to see it at sunrise,” he
had said. “The colors are so beautiful. We’ll come back sometime,
just the two of us.”

Evie didn’t know if he actually realized
what he’d said, but she wasn’t going to ask him about it. She just
liked the invitation.

After they had spent sufficient time
marveling at one of the seven wonders of the world, they had all
headed back to Flagstaff where they’d met up with Talis’s friends,
Draco and Leila. Apparently, they both traveled the renaissance
fairs with Talis and Ash. Draco was a leatherworker and a musician.
He was tattooed, pierced and Gothic, which made Seth like him
almost instantaneously. Leila was a dance instructor who did belly
dancing at the fairs. She was petite, blonde and easy-going.

Evie learned a lot about renaissance fairs
while they drove up to the mountains and she found the entire
lifestyle fascinating. All summer they got to travel like modern
day gypsies. It seemed very exciting and free to her.

Once in the mountains, Draco had given them
a brief demonstration of how pine needle boarding was done. He made
it look so easy that Seth had just plowed ahead and ended up on his
back before he knew it, sliding down the mountain.

Traevyn adamantly refused to get anywhere
near one of the wheel-less skateboards, and he stood casually by,
content to watch everyone else make idiots out of themselves.

“Are you going to try, Evie?” Ash asked her
with a wide grin.

She giggled. “I’m not sure yet. I’m going to
have to have Draco give me a lesson.”

He smiled. “I can teach you. I’ve done this
with Draco loads of times. Here, come stand on this and try to get
your balance.”

Traevyn watched as Ash grasped Evie’s hand
to keep her upright while she got a feel for the board. He said
something that made her laugh and Traevyn frowned. He folded his
arms and started to walk through the trees, down the slope and away
from the group. He sighed when he came to a stop a good distance
away. He leaned against a tree and looked back up at everyone.
Talis and Leila were talking while Draco tried to show Seth how to
properly operate the board. Evie was starting to head her way down
slowly, listening carefully to Ash’s instructions and giggling the
entire time. As she gained more confidence, she picked up

“Great job, Evie!” Ash called. “You’re a
natural at this!”

Evie grinned and came to a stop close to
where Traevyn was standing. She threw her arms up in the air. “Woo
hoo!” she shouted. She laughed. “I’m gonna go again!”

Traevyn watched her run back up to Ash, who
gave her a high five and laughed. He sighed again and turned his
back on the scene, wondering why seeing her laughing and playing
with another man made his heart twinge. He rubbed at his temples,
feeling so confused. It was like his heart was trying to tell his
mind something that his mind was trying very hard to deny.

“Woo hoo! Go, Evie!” Ash’s voice shouted,
followed by Seth and Talis’s laughter.

“Watch out, Traevyn!” Evie called down to
him. “I’m gonna getcha!”

Traevyn turned lazily at the sound of Evie’s
voice, a small smirk on his lips. She maneuvered the board with
finesse down the slope, picking up speed. She grinned, then
suddenly lunged forward as the edge of her board hit a protruding
rock and came to a complete stop. Her eyes widened as she was
propelled through the air.

Traevyn really didn’t have time to react.
All he saw was her body catch air as she hurtled toward him. He
held his arms out to catch her just as she plowed into him,
knocking them both to the ground. Traevyn landed hard on his back,
holding Evie on top of him. He grunted as pain worked through his
body. He blinked a few times as the dust they had kicked up settled
and the pain reduced in intensity. He looked at Evie. “Are you all
right?” he croaked.

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