Dark Menace MC: Stone (16 page)

Read Dark Menace MC: Stone Online

Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #erotic, #motorcycles, #erotic romance, #tattoo, #bad boys, #menace, #biker romance, #collateral, #dark menace mc

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Ty stared at me for a long time before
saying, “That’s what I mean by it not being personal. When a man
wants to get off he grabs the first sweetbutt in sight and she gets
down on her knees. No fucking kissing or cuddling shit. Doesn’t
matter if the sweetbutt gets off or not. Bam, it’s over. But if a
brother doesn’t have a steady woman, he’ll usually take a sweetbutt
to his room and they’ll spend time together.”

Like Stone and Rita obviously had.

“I don’t think I could accept that. If I
cared for someone and they cared for me, I would expect fidelity.
He should be able to hold off getting off until we’re

He laughed. “A statement from the heart, but
that’s club life, honey, you either accept it or you don’t.”

“Is that philosophy what gets you through
knowing what Trudy is doing with other men?” The truth was in Ty’s
eyes, and I wondered if he’d say yes to back up the club, or if
he’d be honest and admit that it was killing him inside. I know it
would have killed me. When it became clear that he wasn’t going to
answer me I gave him a knowing smile. “I guess I’d better go get
ready for tonight.”

“No, not tonight, honey. Take a breather. We
won’t be that busy.”


“Boss’s orders.”

No sooner said when my cell began to vibrate
in my back pocket. I reached for it, glancing down to see Maddie’s
number flashing. I stared at it for a second, barely able to
breathe. Knowing her circumstances, several fears flashed through
my mind. Either she was being held somewhere where she was able to
sneak a call, or I would hear Wildman’s voice at the other end.


My gaze returned to Ty. I forced a small
smile, deciding to answer the call before the person on the other
end hung up. “Maddie?” I whispered hesitantly, praying that it
would be her. My heart fell and I closed my eyes when the sound of
a demonic laugh assaulted my ear.

“It’s your step-daddy, little girl.”

“You were never that,” I responded, hating
the trembling in my voice. I met Ty’s gaze and saw that his brows
were drawn together in a fierce frown.

Wildman’s laugh sent a chill down my spine.
“What about all those fuckin’ nights I tucked you into bed?”

I shuddered, thanking God that my mother had
always made sure she was present, and that I’d only been forced to
tolerate a brush of his hand, a kiss on the check too close to my
lips. In the beginning I’d thought it was affection, too young to
know any better. As I’d grown older and my body had begun to
change, I’d realized that those moments had meant more to him. I
could still recall the stink of alcohol and cigarettes on his
breath the first time that he’d forced a kiss on my mouth.

I shuddered at the memory. Ty reached out,
indicating that I turn the phone over to him, but I shook my head
and stepped further out of his reach.

“Got your little sister here,” Wildman went
on. “She likes me tucking her into bed.”

“Rachel!” I heard Maddie’s scream in the
background. “Help—”

“Shut the fuck up, bitch!” Wildman screamed
back at her.

“Don’t hurt her, Wildman,
” I
begged him.

“The only thing I fuckin’ promise not to do
is kill her,” he said in a voice that was gravelly with too many
years of chain smoking and drinking the hard stuff. “As long as you
get your ass back to me. You willing to do that?”

Only I knew that I was going to
say yes. I opened my mouth, but before I could answer him Stone
entered the room, and by the look on his face he wasn’t happy. I
swung my gaze back to Ty, realizing that he must have called him.
He met my eyes straight on, not an ounce of regret in them. I
couldn’t be mad at him because, after all, he owed his loyalty to
Stone. I held my hand up as Stone drew closer, but he completely
ignored it.

He didn’t say a word. He didn’t need to. He
held his hand out and I dropped my phone into his palm. Then he
surprised me by wrapping his hand around my neck and pulling me to
him tightly. If I hadn’t known better I’d have sworn the man was
comforting me, and I sucked it in, needing it so much. I felt so
helpless and scared for Maddie. The tautness in Stone’s body told
me what he was feeling, yet the hand holding me against him was

“You fuckin’ want to talk, you talk to me,”
he snarled into the phone. “Leave my woman out of it.”

I’d heard Stone call me that before, but this
was the first time that it had made me feel warm inside. I knew
that it was just a formality while I was there, but at that moment
I felt protected by him, and when he fucked me I felt like I
belonged to him. I had to get that shit out of my head.

“You got my number.” He disconnected and
pocketed my phone.

From my position against his chest, I glanced
up enough to see how clenched his jaw was, and the muscle that
twitched there. Not thinking about what I was doing, I reached up
to smooth the anger away, but halfway there found my wrist being
grabbed. I caught my breath at how fast Stone moved, and pulled
back slightly. His gaze dropped to mine.

“I want her back, Stone.”

“Workin’ on it, babe. Gotta get back to

Damn, his brief, hard kiss had ignited a
flash fire inside of me, making me want him instantly.

He pulled away with a growl. “Wait for me in
our room. I want to fuck you again.”

With wide eyes and jaw hanging, I watched his
tight backside disappear.

Chapter 15






Walking away from Rachel when all I wanted to
do was take her back to my room and screw the hell out of her was
fucking hard.
was fucking hard. I couldn’t, for the life
of me, figure out what made her so fucking special, or different.
The only thing that I knew was that I needed to get her out of my
system, and fucking her seemed like a good way to do it.

“Alright, let’s finish this shit up,” I said
upon entering the office, heading back to my chair. Someone,
probably Max, had refilled my glass, and I threw the contents back
as soon as I reached it and sat down.

Fucking Wildman. Ending him was going to be
cause for celebration. My thoughts were to bring Lynch and Hawk in
on it, since he was a fucking thorn in their side, too. Until
recently he’d been an issue more for Lynch and Wild Marauders than
anyone else, but I knew that Hawk and the Phantom Riders now had
their own gripe with Wildman.

I released a heavy breath. “How do you
brothers feel about getting Wild Marauders and Phantom Riders in on

“The more the fuckin’ merrier!” Bulldog
barked. A few murmurs of agreement moved around the room.

“We’re only gonna get one shot,” Ripper said,
drawing everyone’s attention. “First the girl, then we end the
fucker and his cutthroats.”

“As long as we’re clear the girl is
priority,” Max reminded them.

“I don’t see why, she’s no one to us.”

I glared at Pit Bull, but Shooter beat me to
a response. “We don’t fuckin’ leave innocent women to the likes of
Wildman,” he snarled.

“Yeah, come on, man,” Pit Bull’s twin said in
a disgusted tone. “How would you feel if that was your old lady’s
sister? Smartin’ the fuck up, bro.”

I should have corrected Pit Bull’s assumption
that Rachel was my old lady. I’d claimed her for myself, but not as
my old lady. I let his comment slide because it wasn’t that

“Let’s take a vote. A show of hands if you
want the Marauders and Riders in on the take down.” All hands went
up. “Good, I’ll call Lynch and Hawk after church and set it

“We take down the Red Devils, what about the
Predators?” Animal wanted to know.

“They’re all Red Devils now, brother.”

“Max is right, we all know that the Predators
are weak pussies, but there might be a few with more backbone than
the others. If they’re willing to prove themselves to us we can do
a patch-over later.” I liked the idea of building up our numbers,
as long as it was with good men.

“That is if anyone survives,” laughed

I nodded, because what he said was true. “I
want to get Rebel out of there, too. He’s seen and been part of a
lot of fucked-up shit, bound to mess with a man’s head after a
while. He needs a fuckin’ break.” Everyone agreed with that. Rebel
had infiltrated the Red Devils four months before and some of the
shit that he’d relayed back to us was bad enough to make any
hard-core biker have nightmares.

“We have to move fast.” I glanced at Animal,
and then Shooter. “We need to find out where Wildman is holding
Maddie. They don’t use the bar outside the trailer park as a
clubhouse anymore, so you two get on that. Get in touch with

Both nodded. “They still in
County?” Shooter

“Since they still have the bar and trailer
park, I’m guessing yes.” I glanced at Ripper. “Make sure the van is
packing extra weapons and night-vision goggles.”

“We gonna be makin’ a big-ass pot of Mexican
stew,” Boomer smiled, showing that he was missing some teeth.

“No, asshole,” Max snapped. “
works good if you have a couple of bodies to
dispose of. The war we’re heading into is going to be a fuckin’
massacre, too many bodies and not enough time to dissolve them in
any chemical concoction.”

“The location of their clubhouse will
determine how we dispose of the bodies,” I said in a serious tone.
“And as soon as we locate that, we’re moving out. So let’s get to
it. Some of you have shit to do.”

“You still want BJ and me at the Tittie
Kittie tonight?” Reggie asked before I had the chance to call an
end of the meeting.

Shit. I’d forgotten all about that. I nodded.
“Yeah, they’re expecting our protection, and we keep our

The Tittie Kittie was just one of the strip
clubs owned by Covacks’ enterprises, whose CEO brought us in a ton
of money, so we couldn’t afford to let our responsibilities slide.
He had six clubs that we protected, not to mention the weekly runs
we went on for the illegal shit he dealt in. He also owned the land
and building where the fights took place in Last Hope. They were
deadly and illegal as fuck, but brought in fast and easy money. No
one knew much about Covacks, or why he’d changed the spelling of
his Hungarian name, except that he was powerful and that whatever
he touched turned to fucking gold.

“We’re on lockdown until further notice. Get
your families here by dark tonight. Church is over except for Max
and Reggie.” I wanted my VP and Sergeant at Arms to hang around for
the call I was about to make. As the brothers got up to leave, I
reached for the conference phone.

I was hitting the pre-programmed numbers for
Lynch and Hawk when the last brother out of the room shut the door.
“If Lynch and Hawk are in we need to work shit out. It will take
both clubs some time to get here.”

Hawk picked up first. “Yeah?” For a
non-smoker the man had a deep, mean-as-hell voice on him.

“Hold on a sec,” I said.

“What’s up?” Lynch barked into the phone. I
could tell he was pissed off about something.

“Got you and Hawk on speaker phone so I don’t
have to fuckin’ repeat myself. We’re planning a raid on Wildman at
his new clubhouse in
County, got a couple of brothers looking into
the location now. They have one of our women.” I saw the look Max
gave me and shrugged my shoulders. No need to go into some long
explanation as to the situation with Rachel and Maddie. “Plan to
end the fucker and as many of his crew as we can. You two want in
on it?”

“Do you need us?” Lynch questioned.

The Wild Marauders owed us, but I didn’t want
to call in a favor when I didn’t need it. “Naw, just thought that
since he’s been a pain in all our asses you might want to be

“He still messing up your runs for

I’d expected return conversation from Lynch.
Hawk, on the other hand, only spoke when he had something to say.
He was a serious-as-fuck, moody bastard, but a good man to have in
your corner when you were facing trouble. An ex-special ops, the
man was a hulk, lethal without half-trying. He often fought in Last
Hope, and I hadn’t seen him lose yet. His opponents usually left
broken and unconscious.

“Think he’s been busy patching-over the
Predators and setting up his new location. Hasn’t intercepted the
last two runs.” Thank fuck.

“I’m in,” Hawk said abruptly.

I’d known that he would be, getting rid of
Wildman and the Red Devils would benefit all of us.

Right behind him Lynch said, “Yeah, count me
in, too. The fuckers caused me enough grief in the past, and now it
looks like he plans on keeping some of his crew here to snoop
around. He’s a sneaky bastard.”

I frowned. “Thought you destroyed his

Lynch laughed. “We did, but we’re talking
about Wildman here. He’s not normal, man. Never does what you’d

“You still with us, Hawk?” The man was too
fucking quiet.

“Yeah, when?”

“Soon as we find out where he’s keeping the
woman. Not gonna give him enough time to prepare for shit. You
brothers better make your plans and get here asap.” It would take
them both four to five hours to make the trip. They both came from
different counties in Maine. Shit, Lynch had broken the fuckin’
record and made the ride in three hours when he’d come here to
rescue his old lady.

“Fuck. If we don’t take out Wildman with the
man-power we got lined up, we’re a bunch of pussies,” Max joked
once the three of us hung up.

I glared at him. “The reason Wildman’s been
so fuckin’ lucky is he’ll do anything illegal for the right money.
What the fuckers don’t realize until it’s too late is that he’ll
use those jobs to blackmail them into doing his bidding. That’s why
he has eyes everywhere. Not out of loyalty, but fear.”

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