Dark Obsession (8 page)

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Authors: Fredrica Alleyn

BOOK: Dark Obsession
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Eventually the day’s activities and a long evening of heavy drinking took their toll and Marina, who was listening
rapt interest to Sir Matthew’s description of his latest equestrian acquisition, despite having no interest whatsoever in her husband’s horses and having long since given up riding, gave a tiny polite yawn behind her hand.

Immediately Sir Matthew looked at his watch. ‘Good Lord, is that the time? I must be on my way. Thank you both for a delightful evening. It’s been a long time since I’ve had such agreeable company.’ He took Lady Corbett-Wynne’s hand in his, letting his fingers caress her palm.

She shivered, but didn’t remove her hand, merely smiling politely. ‘We enjoyed it too,’ she said warmly. ‘I’m afraid we don’t entertain as often as we should, but perhaps once the Hall has been redecorated that will change.’

‘Didn’t know it had anything to do with the wallpaper,’ grumbled her husband. ‘Thought you disliked all my friends.’

Sir Matthew looked sympathetically at his hostess, at the same time wondering what would be the best way to make his next move.

‘You must come over and see my Dalmatian’s litter of pups,’ he said with a smile. ‘Two of the dogs are already taken, but I’m sure I could find one that you’d like out of the rest.’

‘Step-mama loathes dogs,’ said Crispian.

‘Nonsense,’ responded Marina, her palm still warm from the soft pressure of Sir Matthew’s fingers. ‘I think a little spotty dog would be enchanting.’

Her husband laughed. ‘A little spotty dog! God, you can tell she doesn’t know a damned thing about animals, can’t you!’

‘She knows Dalmatians have spots,’ said Sir Matthew calmly. ‘Just ring me, Lady Corbett-Wynne. I’m usually free in the afternoons.’

‘I will,’ she said softly, ‘and please call me Marina.’

He nodded, and knew that providing he was careful he was well on his way to a satisfying seduction.

Crispian ran a finger down Annabel’s bare spine, ending at the top of her zip. ‘Fancy a walk?’ I could do with some air before going to bed.’

Annabel nodded, said her goodnights and then followed him along a passageway and out through a side door into the grounds. She breathed in the cool evening air with satisfaction, but then shivered slightly. The contrast with the library, where a log fire had burned in the grate, was marked and her evening dress wasn’t meant to keep her warm.

‘Here, wear this,’ said Crispian, and he draped his evening jacket over her shoulders. She pulled it tightly round her and they walked along the gravel path towards the stable block.

‘Did you enjoy the evening?’ he asked, merriment clear in his voice.

‘It was certainly interesting,’ conceded Annabel. ‘I wasn’t sure at one point whose hand was on my knee.’

‘Almost certainly Pa’s. Sir Matthew doesn’t look like a groper; he’s got a far more subtle approach. Good-looking, the women seem to think.’

‘Quite attractive,’ agreed Annabel, her heart pounding at the thought of what he might be like in bed, with his hands on her breasts and his mouth covering hers.

They came to the corner of the stable block and here Crispian turned so that Annabel found herself with her back against the wall while he stood in front of her, his hands resting on the wall above her shoulders.

‘You looked bloody attractive tonight,’ he said huskily, bending his head towards her.

Although it was Sir Matthew who’d stirred her into sexual awareness, Annabel found Crispian very attractive, and when his mouth softly touched her lips she found that she responded instantly.

Slowly he eased his jacket off her and ran his hands down her back, pressing her closer to him until her hips were thrust against his upper thighs. He moved his hands
her naked shoulders, down her arms and then over her hips and all the time he continued kissing her slowly and sensually, moving his mouth to the delicate skin beneath her ears and at the base of her throat.

‘Let’s go into one of the empty stables,’ he said at last as he broke free for a moment.

Annabel went willingly, suddenly needing more than just kisses and light caresses. She wanted more intimate contact, wanted to feel pressure on her breasts and above all some kind of stimulation between her thighs where she was damp and aching.

The stable smelt of leather saddles and fresh straw but Annabel didn’t care. Crispian took a rug off a peg and spread it over the straw before laying her down on her back. He then eased her stockings off her legs, pushed the full skirt of her evening dress upwards and crouched between her legs, lowering his head to her most intimate parts.

She was wearing tiny silk bikini briefs and when Crispian let his tongue glide over the material she nearly spasmed on the spot at the delicate pressure. He allowed his tongue to play around the edges of the bikini, gliding into the creases of her thighs and then across the small strip of silk again before tugging at the edges with his hands and finally pulling them down her legs and over her feet.

Annabel sighed with satisfaction as she felt his arms pushing her knees apart and his hands gripping her thighs, but suddenly she opened her eyes in astonishment as another pair of hands slid circles of rope over her ankles and then she was being spread-eagled even wider as her feet were pulled outwards.

Struggling to sit up she saw Tania expertly fastening the ropes to two conveniently situated wooden poles. ‘Don’t worry,’ said the auburn-haired girl, her eyes glittering. ‘No one will come along and spoil your fun. We often use this
and there’s never been an interruption, has there, Crispian?’

‘Let me go!’ exclaimed Annabel, hitting out at Crispian, but he only caught her hands and pushed them backwards. ‘Tie her hands as well, Tania. I need to concentrate.’

‘You can’t do this!’ protested Annabel.

‘Of course we can, and it’s fun. Just you wait and see,’ Tania reassured her, pulling some more rope round the slim wrists and fastening the other ends round two metal rings in the stable wall. ‘There, you look lovely. We should have taken her dress off first though, Crispian.’

‘Just cut the straps,’ said her stepbrother.

Annabel tried to protest, to tell them that the dress was expensive and she didn’t want it ruined, but then Crispian’s head moved back between her naked thighs and she felt his fingers opening her up so that his tongue could move up and down the cleft between her sex lips and she started to tremble.

While he was working, Tania was cutting the thin straps of Annabel’s dress and then she peeled the bodice back off her breasts. ‘Nice,’ she said approvingly. ‘Not very large, but firm. What do you think, Crispian?’

He swirled his tongue around Annabel’s rapidly swelling clitoris for a moment and then lifted his head to examine her exposed breasts. ‘Very nice,’ he agreed. ‘Use the suction cups on them.’

Annabel began to struggle against the ropes, but he slid a hand up beneath her dress, massaging her abdomen and carefully filling her with an incredibly warm, melting sensation that overwhelmed her fear and focused her thoughts back to the delicious feelings he was arousing in her.

Tania placed two clear plastic cups over Annabel’s breasts and then pressed on the attached bulbs. Immediately a strange sucking feeling coursed through her breasts as the blood flow increased and Tania was able to watch
the other girl’s soft mounds swelled and her nipples grew pointed and tight.

Knowing what was happening above him, Crispian now fastened his lips firmly round Annabel’s clitoris and began to suck slowly on that, so that it felt as though his mouth and the cups were working in unison. She gasped with excitement and felt her belly tighten.

Her thighs trembled violently and she felt them pressing against Crispian’s cheeks as her climax approached. Alerted by this, Crispian slowly eased the amount of pressure against the tiny mass of nerve endings giving her such delight and very slowly her body ceased its climb towards orgasm.

She whimpered in frustration, but there was nothing she could do because of the way they’d tied her up.

‘You nearly came then, didn’t you?’ he asked.

‘Yes,’ she said breathlessly. ‘Why did you stop?’

‘We’ve got a guessing game we like to play,’ said Tania, easing one of the suction cups off Annabel’s left breast and running her fingers slowly round the swollen globe. ‘When you’ve finished it, then you get your climax.’

The finger moved lightly, softly, circling the tight flesh before moving over the surface and teasing the already painfully hard nipple. ‘The cup worked well on you,’ commented Tania. ‘I think I’ll put it back on for a while.’

Annabel moaned, half with pleasure and half with despair because the sucking sensation of the cups was making her whole body turn to jelly and she longed for firmer stimulation. A hand closed tightly over her breasts, squeezing the nipple in a firm but arousing movement that she loved.

‘Did you want to say something?’ Tania enquired as she started to replace the cup.

‘No,’ muttered Annabel.

Tania laughed and bending down she let her mouth close around the bright-red protrusion, sucking on it just
her stepbrother had sucked on Annabel’s clitoris. ‘There, that’s nice, isn’t it?’

Annabel sighed. It was perfect, exactly what she’d needed, and her whole body started to quake. ‘Oh dear, too much I think,’ murmured Tania, removing her mouth and sliding the cup back in place. ‘I mustn’t spoil the game.’

Crispian lifted Annabel’s buttocks off the straw a little so that he could flick the point of his tongue across the delicate area of skin between her front and back passages. She caught her breath in surprise and then let the incredible feelings wash over her. After a few moments he lowered her onto the straw again and then his tongue slipped into her sex, and he curled it upwards until the tip lightly brushed the area near her G-spot.

Annabel felt her legs begin shaking violently again and at once he stopped, squeezing her buttocks with his hands for a moment as he sat upright to talk to her.

‘Annabel, I’m going to trace the outline of some letters on you with my tongue. You have to work out what the letter is. I shall do six, and when you’ve got them all right then you can have your climax, all right?’

‘Trace it where?’ she whispered.

‘Why here of course!’ His tongue slid up and down her damp channel and at the same time his hand moved onto her lower abdomen, gently massaging palm downwards towards her sex. Due to her mounting excitement Annabel’s clitoris had retreated behind its protective hood and he knew that this movement always brought it out again. Sure enough after a few moments it reappeared and he touched the base of its stem tenderly with his tongue causing the bound girl to quiver and groan.

‘Do it harder!’ Annabel begged him. ‘Flick more firmly.’

‘Not yet; wait until the game’s over. Now, tell me what this letter is.’

As his tongue began to trace the outline of a letter of the alphabet on her frantic, pulsating flesh, Tania removed
the suction cups and then picked up some pieces of straw. These she drew all over the highly sensitised breasts, sometimes letting the tip of a piece of straw into the tiny indentation at the top of the nipples. Each time she did this a streak of excitement darted through Annabel’s whole body, distracting her from what Crispian was doing.

She found it almost impossible to work out the pattern his tongue was making because the experience was so arousing that all she could think about was sheer mounting pleasure and the terrible pressure that was building deep in her belly.

‘Come on, what is it?’ asked Crispian after a time.

‘A?’ asked Annabel, who had no idea at all.

‘Wrong. Now you pay a forfeit.’

‘You never said anything about a forfeit!’ she exclaimed.

‘Must have forgotten. Tania, what shall it be?’

‘The clitoris ring,’ said Tania.

Crispian laughed excitedly. ‘Brilliant. Have you got it?’

‘Of course,’ murmured Tania, leaving Annabel’s breasts and moving down to her stepbrother. She handed him a minute copper ring and kissed the nape of his neck before running her hands over the front of his trousers. ‘My, you’re almost as excited as Annabel!’ she said lightly.

‘She’s so gorgeous,’ he muttered. ‘And just think, she’s here for three weeks.’

Annabel felt like screaming at them both. Her whole body was frantic with desire. They were arousing her, giving her pleasure and playing with her like a pampered pet, but refusing her the one thing she so desperately needed and there was nothing she could do about it. As for ever joining them again during her three weeks, she decided they were mad if they honestly thought she’d agree after this.

‘Open her up,’ said Crispian. Tania’s cool hands parted Annabel’s outer sex lips again and then Crispian’s hand returned to her now swollen stomach and he repeated the
movement he’d used earlier. As soon as her clitoris showed itself he licked the copper ring and then eased it over the engorged mass of nerve endings so that it was firmly captured, unable to retract any more and a perfect target for any stimulation he or Tania chose to offer it.

‘This time I’ll just use a piece of straw,’ said Tania. Annabel felt a delicate prickling sensation as the other girl drew a thin piece of straw over the clitoris, moving it very slowly upwards, and then she licked her finger and pressed lightly downwards against the tip of the nub.

Annabel writhed and bucked, trying to escape the strange, insidious pleasure that deepened with every passing second even though Tania didn’t increase the pressure or move her finger in any way.

‘Careful,’ cautioned Crispian. ‘She’s about to come.’

‘Let me!’ screamed Annabel, no longer caring who heard. ‘Do it once more. That’s all it needs, one more touch.’

‘Sorry, still six letters to go,’ Tania said coolly.

This time Annabel concentrated fiercely, ignoring Tania’s hands that were massaging what felt like oil into her over-stimulated breasts and causing hot sensations to envelop her upper body. ‘D!’ she screamed.

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